Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
6.0 KiB

$end =the end of file
AcfImpHdlTypeSpec =implicit handle type specification
ActualDeclarationSpecifiers =a type specification
AdditiveExpr =an expression
AndExpr =an expression
ArgExprList =arguments of function
ArrayBoundsPair =an array bound specification
ArrayDecl =an array declarator
AssignmentExpr =an expression
AssignOps =assignment operators
AttrVar =an attribute expression
AttrVarList =a list of attribute expressions
Attributes =an attribute
AttrSet =an attribute
BaseInterfaceList =a list of base interfaces
CastExpr =an expression
ConditionalExpr =an expression
ConstantExpr =a constant expression
ConstantExprs =a constant expression
DOTDOT =\"..\"
Declaration =a type specification
DeclarationSpecifiers =a type specification
DeclarationSpecifiersPostFix =a type specification
Declarator =a declarator
Declarator2 =a declarator
DefaultCase =a union default case
EOI =the end of file
EndPtSpec =an end point specification
EndPtSpecs =end point specifications
Enumerator =an enum label
EnumeratorList =an enumerator list
AddOp =+ or -
EqualityExpr =an expression
ExclusiveOrExpr =an expression
Expr =an expression
FieldAttribute =a field attribute
FieldAttributes =a field attribute
FieldAttrSet =a field attribute
GTEQ =>=
Guid =a uuid specification
GuidNumber =a uuid specification
GuidRep =a uuid specification
IDENTIFIER =an identifier
IdentifierList =a list of identifiers
Import =an import construct
ImportList =a list of import files
ImportName =an import file name
InclusiveOrExpr =an expression
InitDeclarator =a declarator
InitDeclaratorList =a declarator
Initializer =an initializer
InitializerList =an initializer
Interface =an interface declaration
InterfaceAttributes =an idl interface attribute
InterfaceAttrSet =an idl interface attribute
InterfaceBody =a type declaration
InterfaceComp =a type declaration
InterfaceComponent =a type declaration
InterfaceName =an interface name
IntModifier =modifiers for type \"int\"
IntModifiers =modifiers for type \"int\"
IntSize =an int size specification
KWBITSET =the keyword \"bitset\"
KWCASE =the keyword \"case\"
KWCHAR =the keyword \"char\"
KWDEFAULT =the keyword \"default\"
KWDOUBLE =the keyword \"double\"
KWINT =the keyword \"int\"
KWINTERFACE =the keyword \"interface\"
KWLONG =the keyword \"long\"
KWSHAPE =the keyword \"shape\"
LogicalAndExpr =an expression
LTEQ =<=
MemberDeclaration =a field declaration
MemberDeclarator =a field declarator
MemberDeclaratorList =a field declarator
Modifier =a type modifier
MultExpr =an expression
MultOp =* or /
NidlDefaultCase =an encapsulated union default case
NidlMemberDeclaration =a field declaration
NidlUnionBody =an encapsulated union case construct
NidlUnionCase =an encapsulated union case construct
NidlUnionCaseLabel =an encapsulated union case label
NidlUnionSwitch =an encapsulated union switch specification
ObjectName =a COM object name
OneAttribute =an idl attribute
OneInterface =an interface declaration
OperationAttribute =an operation attribute
OperationAttributeList =an operation attribute
OpOrSwTypeAttrSet =operation or union switch type attribute
OptionalAttrList =an attribute
OptionalBaseIF =a base interface name
OptionalComma =a comma
OptionalConst =the \"const\" keyword
OptionalDeclarator =a declarator
OptionalInitDeclaratorList =a declarator list
OptionalModifierList =a type modifier
OptionalTag =an identifier
OptionalTypeQualifiers =a type qualifier
OptPackIndex =a packing level (1,2,4, or 8)
OptShape =the keyword \"shape\"
OROR =||
PackIndex =a packing level (1,2,4, or 8)
ParamAttribute =a parameter attribute
ParamAttributeList =a parameter attribute
ParamAttrSet =a list of paramter attributes
ParameterDeclaration =a parameter declaration
ParameterTypeDeclaration =a parameter type specification ( did you forget to define or specify the type of the parameter ? )
ParameterTypeList =a parameter type specification
ParamsDecl2 =a parameter declaration
PhantomInterface =an interface specification
PhantomPushSymtab =when entering a new scope
Pointer2 =a pointer or a declarator
PtrAttr =a pointer attribute
PushOrPop =\"push\" or \"pop\"
RelationalExpr =an expression
RpcProg =idl interface attributes
segbase =a keyword \"segname\" / \"segment\" / \"self\"
ShiftExpr =an expression
SignSpecs =a + or -
SimpleTypeSpec =a type specification
StorageClassSpecifier =a storage specifer
STRING =a string literal
StructDeclarationList =declaration of structure fields
SwitchTypeSpec =a integer, char, or boolean type specification or enum name
Tag =an identifier
TypeAttribute =a type attribute
TypeAttributeList =a list of type attributes
TypeAttributes =a type attribute
TypeAttrSet =a type attribute
TypeDeclarationSpecifiers =a type specification
TypedefDeclarator =a typedef name
TypedefDeclaratorList =a typedef name
TYPENAME =a type name
TypeQualifier =a type qualifier
TypeSpecifier =a type specification
UnaryExpr =a unary expression
UnionBody =the fields of a union
UnionCase =a union case construct
UnionName =a union name
UnionTypeSwitchAttr =a switch_type specification
VERSIONTOKEN =version specifications
XmitType =a transmit_type specification