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655 lines
21 KiB
655 lines
21 KiB
Option Explicit
'* Define Constants
'Debugging Constants
CONST USERNAME="administrator"
DIM strTestHost
DIM intTestRuns
'Parse Command Line
If Wscript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("Invalid Syntax:")
Wscript.Echo("vssbvt.vbs <HostName> <#iterations>")
End If
WScript.Echo "Starting tests...."
strTestHost = Wscript.Arguments(0)
intTestRuns = 1
if Wscript.Arguments.Count > 1 then
intTestRuns = Wscript.Arguments(1)
end if
WScript.Echo "Connecting to WMI CIMV2 namespace on " & strTestHost
Call ConnectWMI(strTestHost, objWMI)
DIM iCount
For iCount = 1 To intTestRuns
WScript.Echo "Running Smoke Tests..." & iCount
WScript.Echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
If blnSmoke(objWMI, intTestRuns) = FALSE Then
End If
WScript.Echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
'* Function ConnectWMI()
'* Description: Connects to the target node WMI Namespace
'* Parameters: IN ByRef strMachine The machine name
'* OUT ByRef objController The wmi service object
'* Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function ConnectWMI(ByRef strMachine, ByRef objWMI)
ConnectWMI = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
' Connect To WMI
Set objWMI = new cWMI
If objWMI.ConnectToNamespace("root\CIMV2", strMachine, "", "") = FALSE Then
Wscript.echo("BVT FAIL: Error Connecting to WMI Namespace")
ConnectWMI = FALSE
Exit Function
End If
End Function
'// Function blnSelectVolumes
'// Description: Select the first two volumes with >100MB freespace
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI The WMI Connection Object
'// [OUT] ByRef objVolume A Volume to shadow
'// [OUT] ByRef objDiffVolume A Volume to store the diff area
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnSmoke(ByRef objWMI, ByVal intTestCases)
blnSmoke = FALSE
DIM objVolume, objDiffVolume, objShadow
DIM objDiffVolumeToCheck
On Error Resume Next
End If
' Delete all shadows to get to a known starting point
If blnShadowDeleteAll(objWMI) = FALSE Then
blnSmoke = FALSE
Exit Function
End If
Wscript.Echo("All Shadow instances deleted")
' Delete all diff areas to get to a known starting point
If blnStorageDeleteAll(objWMI) = FALSE Then
blnSmoke = FALSE
Exit Function
End If
Wscript.Echo("All ShadowStorage instances deleted")
' Select a volume to shadow and a volume for diff area storage
If blnVolumeSelect2(objWMI, objVolume, objDiffVolume) = TRUE Then
Wscript.Echo("Shadow volume: " & objVolume.DeviceID)
Wscript.Echo("Diff area volume: " & objDiffVolume.DeviceID)
' Create a new diff are storage instance with the selected volumes
if blnStorageCreate(objWMI, objVolume, objDiffVolume) = TRUE Then
Wscript.Echo("ShadowStorage created")
' Create a new shadow instance for the selected volume
if blnShadowCreate(objWMI, objVolume, objShadow) = TRUE Then
Wscript.Echo("ShadowCopy created: ID=" & objShadow.ID)
' Traverse associations and check integrity of schema along the way
if blnSmokeAssocTraverse(objWMI, objShadow, objVolume, objDiffVolume) = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Smoke: association check failed")
Exit Function
End If
' Change the size of the storage area
if blnStorageChangeSize(objVolume, objDiffVolume) = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Smoke: diff area storage size change failed")
Exit Function
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowStorage size modified")
' Clean up; delete the shadow and storage instances
if blnShadowDeleteAll(objWMI) = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Smoke: cleanup deletion of shadows failed")
Exit Function
End If
Wscript.Echo("All Shadow instances deleted")
if blnStorageDeleteAll(objWMI) = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Smoke: cleanup deletion of diff area storage failed")
Exit Function
End If
Wscript.Echo("All ShadowStorage instances deleted")
blnSmoke = TRUE
End If
End If
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
DIM objLastError
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Smoke: Unexpected Error " & err.number & " " & err.description)
Set objLastError = CreateObject("wbemscripting.swbemlasterror")
Wscript.Echo("Provider: " & objLastError.ProviderName)
Wscript.Echo("Operation: " & objLastError.Operation)
Wscript.Echo("Description: " & objLastError.Description)
Wscript.Echo("StatusCode: 0x" & Hex(objLastError.StatusCode))
blnSmoke = FALSE
End If
If blnSmoke = TRUE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT PASS: Smoke")
End If
If blnSmoke = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("FAIL PASS: Smoke")
End If
End Function
'// Function blnSmokeTraverseAssoc
'// Description: Traverse associations between ShadowCopy, Volume and Provider
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI WMI connection
'// [IN] ByRef objShadow A ShadowCopy
'// [IN] ByRef objVolume A Volume
'// [IN] ByRef objDiffVolume A Volume storing the diff area
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnSmokeAssocTraverse(ByRef objWMI, ByRef objShadow, ByRef objVolume, ByRef objDiffVolume)
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
DIM objSet, obj
DIM intCount
DIM blnFound
DIM objProvider, objVol
' Check Win32_ShadowOn traversal
intCount = 0
blnFound = FALSE
Set objSet = objShadow.Associators_("Win32_ShadowOn")
For Each obj in objSet
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount > 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: shadowcopy associated with too many volume endpoints")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
If obj.DeviceID = objDiffVolume.DeviceID Then
blnFound = TRUE
End If
if blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: No volume endpoint found traversing Win32_ShadowOn")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowOn association verified")
' Check Win32_ShadowBy traversal
intCount = 0
blnFound = FALSE
Set objProvider = objWMI.objWMI.Get("Win32_ShadowProvider.ID='" & objShadow.ProviderID & "'")
Set objSet = objProvider.Associators_("Win32_ShadowBy")
For Each obj in objSet
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount > 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Too many shadowcopies found")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
If obj.ID = objShadow.ID Then
blnFound = TRUE
End If
if blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: No shadowcopy endpoint found traversing Win32_ShadowBy")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowBy association verified")
' Check Win32_ShadowFor traversal
blnFound = FALSE
intCount = 0
Set objVol = objWMI.objWMI.Get("Win32_Volume.DeviceID='" & objShadow.VolumeName & "'")
Set objSet = objVol.Associators_("Win32_ShadowFor")
For Each obj in objSet
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount > 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Too many shadowcopies found")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
If obj.ID = objShadow.ID Then
blnFound = TRUE
End If
if blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: No shadowcopy endpoint found traversing Win32_ShadowFor")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowFor association verified")
' Check Win32_ShadowVolumeSupport traversal
blnFound = FALSE
intCount = 0
Set objSet = objVolume.Associators_("Win32_ShadowVolumeSupport")
For Each obj in objSet
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount > 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Too many providers found")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
If obj.ID = objProvider.ID Then
blnFound = TRUE
End If
if blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: No provider endpoint found traversing Win32_ShadowVolumeSupport")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowVolumeSupport association verified")
' Check Win32_ShadowDiffVolumeSupport traversal
blnFound = FALSE
intCount = 0
Set objSet = objDiffVolume.Associators_("Win32_ShadowDiffVolumeSupport")
For Each obj in objSet
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount > 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Too many providers found")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
If obj.ID = objProvider.ID Then
blnFound = TRUE
End If
if blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: No provider endpoint found traversing Win32_ShadowDiffVolumeSupport")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowDiffVolumeSupport association verified")
' Check Win32_ShadowStorage traversal
blnFound = FALSE
intCount = 0
Set objSet = objVolume.Associators_("Win32_ShadowStorage",,"DiffVolume")
For Each obj in objSet
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount > 1 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: Too many volumes found")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
If obj.DeviceID = objDiffVolume.DeviceID Then
blnFound = TRUE
End If
if blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: No volume endpoint found traversing Win32_ShadowStorage")
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
Wscript.Echo("ShadowStorage association verified")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnSmokeTraverseAssoc: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnSmokeAssocTraverse = FALSE
End If
End Function
'// Function blnVolumeSelect2
'// Description: Select the first two volumes with >100MB freespace
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI The WMI Connection Object
'// [OUT] ByRef objVolume A Volume to shadow
'// [OUT] ByRef objDiffVolume A Volume to store the diff area
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnVolumeSelect2(ByRef objWMI, ByRef objVolume, ByRef objDiffVolume)
blnVolumeSelect2 = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
Dim intLoop, intFound
Dim objVolumes, objVol
Dim blnFound
intFound = 0
Set objVolumes = objWMI.objWMI.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Volume where FreeSpace > 105000000 AND FileSystem='NTFS'")
blnFound = FALSE
For Each objVol in objVolumes
intFound = intFound + 1
if intFound = 1 Then
Set objDiffVolume = objVol
End If
if intFound = 2 Then
Set objVolume = objVol
blnFound = TRUE
Exit For
End If
If blnFound = FALSE Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnVolumeSelect2: Failed to find two volumes with >100MB free space")
blnVolumeSelect2 = FALSE
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnVolumeSelect2: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnVolumeSelect2 = FALSE
End If
End Function
'// Function blnShadowCreate
'// Description: Create a Win32_Shadow instance with default context.
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI The WMI Connection Object
'// [IN] ByRef objVolume A Volume to shadow
'// [OUT] ByRef objShadow The created shadow object
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnShadowCreate(ByRef objWMI, ByRef objVolume, ByRef objShadow)
blnShadowCreate = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
DIM classShadow
DIM strShadowID
DIM intResult
DIM strMessage
Set classShadow = objWMI.objWMI.Get("Win32_ShadowCopy")
intResult = classShadow.Create(objVolume.DeviceID, , strShadowID)
If intResult <> 0 Then
strMessage = MapErrorCode("Win32_ShadowCopy", "Create", intResult)
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnShadowCreate: Create method failed 0x" & Hex(intResult) & " : " & strMessage)
blnShadowCreate = FALSE
End If
Set objShadow = objWMI.objWMI.Get("Win32_ShadowCopy.ID='" & strShadowID & "'")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnShadowCreate: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnShadowCreate = FALSE
End If
End Function
'// Function blnStorageCreate
'// Description: Create a Win32_ShadowStorage object with default MaxSize
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI The WMI Connection Object
'// [IN] ByRef objVolume A Volume to shadow
'// [IN] ByRef objDiffVolume A Volume to store the diff area
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnStorageCreate(ByRef objWMI, ByRef objVolume, ByRef objDiffVolume)
blnStorageCreate = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
DIM classStorage
DIM intResult
DIM strMessage
Set classStorage = objWMI.objWMI.Get("Win32_ShadowStorage")
intResult = classStorage.Create(objVolume.DeviceID, objDiffVolume.DeviceID)
If intResult <> 0 Then
strMessage = MapErrorCode("Win32_ShadowStorage", "Create", intResult)
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnStorageCreate: Create method failed 0x" & Hex(intResult) & " : " & strMessage)
blnStorageCreate = FALSE
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnStorageCreate: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnStorageCreate = FALSE
End If
End Function
'// Function blnStorageChangeSize
'// Description: Change the size of a Win32_ShadowStorage
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objVolume a volume
'// [IN] ByRef objDiffVolume a diff area volume
'// [IN] ByVal intMaxSpace the new size
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnStorageChangeSize(ByRef objVolume, ByRef objDiffVolume)
blnStorageChangeSize = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
DIM objStorageSet, objStorage
DIM intResult
Set objStorageSet = objVolume.References_("Win32_ShadowStorage", "Volume")
For Each objStorage in objStorageSet
objStorage.MaxSpace = Int(objDiffVolume.Capacity / 2)
Exit For
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnStorageChangeSize: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnStorageChangeSize = FALSE
End If
End Function
'// Function blnStorageDeleteAll
'// Description: Deletes all Win32_ShadowStorage instances
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI The WMI Connection Object
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnStorageDeleteAll(ByRef objWMI)
blnStorageDeleteAll = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
Dim objStorageSet, objStorage
Set objStorageSet = objWMI.objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_ShadowStorage")
For Each objStorage in objStorageSet
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnStorageDeleteAll: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnStorageDeleteAll = FALSE
End If
End Function
'// Function blnShadowDeleteAll
'// Description: Deletes all Win32_ShadowCopy instances
'// Parameters: [IN] ByRef objWMI The WMI Connection Object
'// Output: TRUE if the operation was successful. FALSE if not.
Function blnShadowDeleteAll(ByRef objWMI)
blnShadowDeleteAll = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
Dim objShadows, objShadow
Set objShadows = objWMI.objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_ShadowCopy")
For Each objShadow in objShadows
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo("BVT FAIL: blnShadowDeleteAll: Unexpected Error 0x" & Hex(err.number) & " " & err.description)
blnShadowDeleteAll = FALSE
End If
End Function
Class cWMI 'A WMI Connection
Public objWMI
'Add a controller to the list
Public Function ConnectToNamespace(ByVal strNamespace, ByVal strMachine, ByVal strUsername, ByVal strPassword)
ConnectToNamespace = TRUE
On Error Resume Next
End If
Dim objLocator
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objWMI = objLocator.ConnectServer(strMachine, strNamespace, strUserName, strPassword)
objWMI.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Wscript.echo(Err.number & " " & hex(Err.number))
ConnectToNamespace = FALSE
End If
End Function
End Class
Function MapErrorCode(ByRef strClass, ByRef strMethod, ByRef intCode)
set objClass = GetObject("winmgmts:").Get(strClass, &h20000)
set objMethod = objClass.methods_(strMethod)
values = objMethod.qualifiers_("values")
if ubound(values) < intCode then
wscript.echo " FAILURE - no error message found for " & intCode & " : " & strClass & "." & strMethod
f.writeline ("FAILURE - no error message found for " & intCode & " : " & strClass & "." & strMethod)
MapErrorCode = ""
MapErrorCode = values(intCode)
end if
End Function