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; Module Name: lines.asm
; ASM version of the line DDA calculator.
; Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Microsoft Corporation
.model small,c
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT
assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
include stdcall.inc ;calling convention cmacros
include i386\strucs.inc
include i386\lines.inc
public gaflRoundTable
gaflRoundTable label dword
dd FL_H_ROUND_DOWN ; V flip
dd FL_V_ROUND_DOWN ; D & V flip
dd FL_V_ROUND_DOWN ; slope one
dd 0baadf00dh
dd FL_H_ROUND_DOWN ; slope one & V flip
dd 0baadf00dh
; testb ebx, <mask>
; Substitutes a byte compare if the mask is entirely in the lo-byte or
; hi-byte (thus saving 3 bytes of code space).
TESTB macro targ,mask,thirdarg
local mask2,delta
ifnb <thirdarg>
.err TESTB mask must be enclosed in brackets!
delta = 0
mask2 = mask
if mask2 AND 0ffff0000h
test targ,mask ; If bit set in hi-word,
exitm ; test entire dword
if mask2 AND 0ff00h
if mask2 AND 0ffh ; If bit set in lo-byte and
test targ,mask ; hi-byte, test entire dword
mask2 = mask2 SHR 8
delta = 1
ifidni <targ>,<EBX>
if delta
test bh,mask2
test bl,mask2
.err Too bad TESTB doesn't support targets other than ebx!
; bLines(ppdev, pptfxFirst, pptfxBuf, prun, cptfx, pls,
; prclClip, apfn[], flStart)
; Handles lines with trivial or simple clipping.
cProc bLines,36,< \
uses esi edi ebx, \
ppdev: ptr, \
pptfxFirst: ptr, \
pptfxBuf: ptr, \
prun: ptr, \
cptfx: dword, \
pls: ptr, \
prclClip: ptr, \
apfn: ptr, \
flStart: dword >
local pptfxBufEnd: ptr ; Last point in pptfxBuf
local M0: dword ; Normalized x0 in device coords
local dM: dword ; Delta-x in device coords
local N0: dword ; Normalized y0 in device coords
local dN: dword ; Delta-y in device coords
local fl: dword ; Flags for current line
local x: dword ; Normalized start pixel x-coord
local y: dword ; Normalized start pixel y-coord
local eqGamma_lo: dword ; Upper 32 bits of Gamma
local eqGamma_hi: dword ; Lower 32 bits of Gamma
local x0: dword ; Start pixel x-offset
local y0: dword ; Start pixel y-offset
local ulSlopeOneAdjustment: dword ; Special offset if line of slope 1
local cStylePels: dword ; # of pixels in line (before clip)
local xStart: dword ; Start pixel x-offset before clip
local pfn: ptr ; Pointer to strip drawing function
local cPels: dword ; # pixels to be drawn (after clip)
local i: dword ; # pixels in strip
local r: dword ; Remainder (or "error") term
local d_I: dword ; Delta-I
local d_R: dword ; Delta-R
local plStripEnd: ptr ; Last strip in buffer
local ptlStart[size POINTL]: byte ; Unnormalized start coord
local dN_Original: dword ; dN before half-flip
local xClipLeft: dword ; Left side of clip rectangle
local xClipRight: dword ; Right side of clip rectangle
local strip[size STRIPS]: byte ; Our strip buffer
mov ecx, cptfx
mov edx, pptfxBuf
lea eax, [edx + ecx * (size POINTL) - (size POINTL)]
mov pptfxBufEnd, eax ; pptfxBufEnd is inclusive of end point
mov eax, [edx].ptl_x ; Load up end point (M1, N1)
mov edi, [edx].ptl_y
mov edx, pptfxFirst ; Load up start point (M0, N0)
mov esi, [edx].ptl_x
mov ecx, [edx].ptl_y
mov ebx, flStart
; Flip to the first octant. ;
; Register state: esi = M0
; ecx = N0
; eax = dM (M1)
; edi = dN (N1)
; ebx = fl
; Make sure we go left to right:
cmp esi, eax
jle short is_left_to_right ; skip if M0 <= M1
xchg esi, eax ; swap M0, M1
xchg ecx, edi ; swap N0, N1
or ebx, FL_FLIP_H
; Compute the deltas, remembering that the DDI says we should get
; deltas less than 2^31. If we get more, we ensure we don't crash
; later on by simply skipping the line:
sub eax, esi ; eax = dM
jo next_line ; dM must be less than 2^31
sub edi, ecx ; edi = dN
jo next_line ; dN must be less than 2^31
jge short is_top_to_bottom ; skip if dN >= 0
neg ecx ; N0 = -N0
neg edi ; N1 = -N1
or ebx, FL_FLIP_V
cmp edi, eax
jb short done_flips ; skip if dN < dM
jne short slope_more_than_one
; We must special case slopes of one:
jmp short done_flips
xchg eax, edi ; swap dM, dN
xchg esi, ecx ; swap M0, N0
or ebx, FL_FLIP_D
mov edx, ebx
and edx, FL_ROUND_MASK
.errnz FL_ROUND_SHIFT - 2
or ebx, [gaflRoundTable + edx] ; get our rounding flags
mov dM, eax ; save some info
mov dN, edi
mov fl, ebx
mov edx, esi ; x = LFLOOR(M0)
sar edx, FLOG2
mov x, edx
mov edx, ecx ; y = LFLOOR(N0)
sar edx, FLOG2
mov y, edx
; Compute the fractional remainder term ;
public compute_fractional
and esi, F - 1 ; M0 = FXFRAC(M0)
and ecx, F - 1 ; N0 = FXFRAC(N0)
mov M0, esi ; save M0, N0 for later
mov N0, ecx
lea edx, [ecx + F/2]
mul edx ; [edx:eax] = dM * (N0 + F/2)
xchg eax, edi
mov ecx, edx ; [ecx:edi] = dM * (N0 + F/2)
; (we just nuked N0)
mul esi ; [edx:eax] = dN * M0
; Now gamma = dM * (N0 + F/2) - dN * M0 - bRoundDown
.errnz FL_V_ROUND_DOWN - 8000h
ror bh, 8
sbb edi, eax
sbb ecx, edx
shrd edi, ecx, FLOG2
sar ecx, FLOG2 ; gamma = [ecx:edi] >>= 4
mov eqGamma_hi, ecx
mov eqGamma_lo, edi
mov eax, N0
; Register state:
; eax = N0
; ebx = fl
; ecx = eqGamma_hi
; edx = garbage
; esi = M0
; edi = eqGamma_lo
testb ebx, FL_FLIP_H
jnz line_runs_right_to_left
; Figure out which pixels are at the ends of a left-to-right line. ;
; --------> ;
public line_runs_left_to_right
or esi, esi
jz short LtoR_check_slope_one
; skip ahead if M0 == 0
; (in that case, x0 = 0 which is to be
; kept in esi, and is already
; conventiently zero)
or eax, eax
jnz short LtoR_N0_not_zero
.errnz FL_H_ROUND_DOWN - 80h
ror bl, 8
sbb esi, -F/2
shr esi, FLOG2
jmp short LtoR_check_slope_one
; esi = x0 = rounded M0
sub eax, F/2
sbb edx, edx
xor eax, edx
sub eax, edx
cmp esi, eax
sbb esi, esi
inc esi ; esi = x0 = (abs(N0 - F/2) <= M0)
public LtoR_check_slope_one
mov ulSlopeOneAdjustment, 0
mov eax, ebx
jne short LtoR_compute_y0_from_x0
; We have to special case lines that are exactly of slope 1 or -1:
; if (M1 > 0) AMD (N1 == M1 + 8)
mov eax, N0
add eax, dN
and eax, F - 1 ; eax = N1
mov edx, M0
add edx, dM
and edx, F - 1 ; edx = M1
jz short LtoR_slope_one_check_start_point
add edx, F/2 ; M1 + 8
cmp edx, eax ; cmp N1, M1 + 8
jne short LtoR_slope_one_check_start_point
mov ulSlopeOneAdjustment, -1
; if (M0 > 0) AMD (N0 == M0 + 8)
mov eax, M0
or eax, eax
jz short LtoR_compute_y0_from_x0
add eax, F/2
cmp eax, N0 ; cmp M0 + 8, N0
jne short LtoR_compute_y0_from_x0
xor esi, esi ; x0 = 0
; ecx = eqGamma_hi
; esi = x0
; edi = eqGamma_lo
mov eax, dN
mov edx, dM
mov x0, esi
mov y0, 0
cmp ecx, 0
jl short LtoR_compute_x1
neg esi
and esi, eax
sub edx, esi
cmp edi, edx
mov edx, dM
jb short LtoR_compute_x1 ; Bug fix: Must be unsigned!
mov y0, 1 ; y0 = floor((dN * x0 + eqGamma) / dM)
; Register state:
; eax = dN
; ebx = fl
; ecx = garbage
; edx = dM
; esi = garbage
; edi = garbage
mov esi, M0
add esi, edx
mov ecx, esi
shr esi, FLOG2
dec esi ; x1 = ((M0 + dM) >> 4) - 1
add esi, ulSlopeOneAdjustment
and ecx, F-1 ; M1 = (M0 + dM) & 15
jz done_first_pel_last_pel
add eax, N0
and eax, F-1 ; N1 = (N0 + dN) & 15
jnz short LtoR_N1_not_zero
.errnz FL_H_ROUND_DOWN - 80h
ror bl, 8
sbb ecx, -F/2
shr ecx, FLOG2 ; ecx = LROUND(M1, fl & FL_ROUND_DOWN)
add esi, ecx
jmp done_first_pel_last_pel
sub eax, F/2
sbb edx, edx
xor eax, edx
sub eax, edx
cmp eax, ecx
jg done_first_pel_last_pel
inc esi
jmp done_first_pel_last_pel
; Figure out which pixels are at the ends of a right-to-left line. ;
; <-------- ;
; Compute x0:
public line_runs_right_to_left
mov x0, 1 ; x0 = 1
or eax, eax
jnz short RtoL_N0_not_zero
xor edx, edx ; ulDelta = 0
.errnz FL_H_ROUND_DOWN - 80h
ror bl, 8
sbb esi, -F/2
shr esi, FLOG2 ; esi = LROUND(M0, fl & FL_H_ROUND_DOWN)
jz short RtoL_check_slope_one
mov x0, 2
mov edx, dN
jmp short RtoL_check_slope_one
sub eax, F/2
sbb edx, edx
xor eax, edx
sub eax, edx
add eax, esi ; eax = ABS(N0 - F/2) + M0
xor edx, edx ; ulDelta = 0
cmp eax, F
jle short RtoL_check_slope_one
mov x0, 2 ; x0 = 2
mov edx, dN ; ulDelta = dN
public RtoL_check_slope_one
mov ulSlopeOneAdjustment, 0
mov eax, ebx
jne short RtoL_compute_y0_from_x0
; We have to special case lines that are exactly of slope 1 or -1:
; if ((N1 > 0) && (M1 == N1 + 8))
mov eax, N0
add eax, dN
and eax, F - 1 ; eax = N1
jz short RtoL_slope_one_check_start_point
mov esi, M0
add esi, dM
and esi, F - 1 ; esi = M1
add eax, F/2 ; N1 + 8
cmp esi, eax ; cmp M1, N1 + 8
jne short RtoL_slope_one_check_start_point
mov ulSlopeOneAdjustment, 1
; if ((N0 > 0) && (M0 == N0 + 8))
mov eax,N0 ; eax = N0
or eax,eax ; check for N0 == 0
jz short RtoL_compute_y0_from_x0
mov esi, M0 ; esi = M0
add eax, F/2 ; N0 + 8
cmp eax, esi ; cmp M0 , N0 + 8
jne short RtoL_compute_y0_from_x0
mov x0, 2 ; x0 = 2
mov edx, dN ; ulDelta = dN
; eax = garbage
; ebx = fl
; ecx = eqGamma_hi
; edx = ulDelta
; esi = garbage
; edi = eqGamma_lo
mov eax, dN ; eax = dN
mov y0, 0 ; y0 = 0
add edi, edx
adc ecx, 0 ; eqGamma += ulDelta
; NOTE: Setting flags here!
mov edx, dM ; edx = dM
jl short RtoL_compute_x1 ; NOTE: Looking at the flags here!
jg short RtoL_y0_is_2
lea ecx, [edx + edx]
sub ecx, eax ; ecx = 2 * dM - dN
cmp edi, ecx
jae short RtoL_y0_is_2 ; Bug fix: Must be unsigned!
sub ecx, edx ; ecx = dM - dN
cmp edi, ecx
jb short RtoL_compute_x1 ; Bug fix: Must be unsigned!
mov y0, 1
jmp short RtoL_compute_x1
mov y0, 2
; Register state:
; eax = dN
; ebx = fl
; ecx = garbage
; edx = dM
; esi = garbage
; edi = garbage
mov esi, M0
add esi, edx
mov ecx, esi
shr esi, FLOG2 ; x1 = (M0 + dM) >> 4
add esi, ulSlopeOneAdjustment
and ecx, F-1 ; M1 = (M0 + dM) & 15
add eax, N0
and eax, F-1 ; N1 = (N0 + dN) & 15
jnz short RtoL_N1_not_zero
.errnz FL_H_ROUND_DOWN - 80h
ror bl, 8
sbb ecx, -F/2
shr ecx, FLOG2 ; ecx = LROUND(M1, fl & FL_ROUND_DOWN)
add esi, ecx
jmp done_first_pel_last_pel
sub eax, F/2
sbb edx, edx
xor eax, edx
sub eax, edx
add eax, ecx ; eax = ABS(N1 - F/2) + M1
cmp eax, F+1
sbb esi, -1
; Register state:
; eax = garbage
; ebx = fl
; ecx = garbage
; edx = garbage
; esi = x1
; edi = garbage
mov ecx, x0
lea edx, [esi + 1]
sub edx, ecx ; edx = x1 - x0 + 1
jle next_line
mov cStylePels, edx
mov xStart, ecx
; See if clipping or styling needs to be done. ;
testb ebx, FL_CLIP
jnz do_some_clipping
; Register state:
; eax = garbage
; ebx = fl
; ecx = x0
; edx = garbage
; esi = x1
; edi = garbage
mov eax, y0
sub esi, ecx
inc esi ; esi = cPels = x1 - x0 + 1
mov cPels, esi
add ecx, x ; ecx = ptlStart.ptl_x
add eax, y ; eax = ptlStart.ptl_y
testb ebx, FL_FLIP_D
jz short do_v_unflip
xchg ecx, eax
testb ebx, FL_FLIP_V
jz short done_unflips
neg eax
testb ebx, FL_STYLED
jnz do_some_styling
lea edx, [strip.ST_alStrips + (STRIP_MAX * 4)]
mov plStripEnd, edx
; Setup to do DDA. ;
; Register state:
; eax = ptlStart.ptl_y
; ebx = fl
; ecx = ptlStart.ptl_x
; edx = garbage
; esi = garbage
; edi = garbage
mov strip.ST_ptlStart.ptl_x, ecx
mov strip.ST_ptlStart.ptl_y, eax
mov eax, dM
mov ecx, dN
mov esi, eqGamma_lo
mov edi, eqGamma_hi
; Register state:
; eax = dM
; ebx = fl
; ecx = dN
; edx = garbage
; esi = eqGamma_lo
; edi = eqGamma_hi
lea edx, [ecx + ecx] ; if (2 * dN > dM)
cmp edx, eax
mov edx, y0 ; Load y0 again
jbe short after_half_flip
jnz short after_half_flip
or ebx, FL_FLIP_HALF
mov fl, ebx
; Do a half flip!
not esi
not edi
add esi, eax
adc edi, 0 ; eqGamma = -eqGamma - 1 + dM
neg ecx
add ecx, eax ; dN = dM - dN
neg edx
add edx, x0 ; y0 = x0 - y0
mov strip.ST_flFlips, ebx
mov eax, dM
; Register state:
; eax = dM
; ebx = fl
; ecx = dN
; edx = y0
; esi = eqGamma_lo
; edi = eqGamma_hi
or ecx, ecx
jz short zero_slope
inc edx
mul edx
stc ; set the carry to accomplish -1
sbb eax, esi
sbb edx, edi ; (y0 + 1) * dM - eqGamma - 1
div ecx
mov esi, eax ; esi = i
mov edi, edx ; edi = r
xor edx, edx
mov eax, dM
div ecx ; edx = d_R, eax = d_I
mov d_I, eax
sub esi, x0
inc esi
; Register state:
; eax = d_I
; ebx = fl
; ecx = dN
; edx = d_R
; esi = i
; edi = r
; We're going to decide if we can call the short-vector routines. They
; can only take strips that have a maximum length of 15 pixels each.
; We happen to know that the longest strip in our line could be is d_I + 1.
and ebx, FL_STRIP_MASK
mov eax, apfn
lea eax, [eax + ebx * 4]
sbb ebx, ebx ; ffffffffh when < 15, 0 when >= 15
; Look four entries further into table
mov eax, [eax + ebx]
mov pfn, eax
lea eax, [strip.ST_alStrips]
mov ebx, cPels
; Do our main DDA loop. ;
; Register state:
; eax = plStrip
; ebx = cPels
; ecx = dN
; edx = d_R
; esi = i
; edi = r
sub ebx, esi
jle final_strip
mov [eax], esi
add eax, 4
cmp plStripEnd, eax
jbe short output_strips
mov esi, d_I
add edi, edx
cmp edi, ecx
jb short dda_loop
sub edi, ecx
inc esi
jmp short dda_loop
mov esi, 7fffffffh ; Make run maximum length (cPels
; actually decideds how long the line
; is)
mov d_I, 7fffffffh ; Make delta maximum length so that
; we don't try to do short vectors
mov eax, cPels ; We need this when we decide if to do
dec eax ; short strip routines.
jmp short done_dda_stuff
; Empty strips buffer. ;
mov d_R, edx
mov cPels, ebx
mov i, esi
mov r, edi
mov dN, ecx
lea edx, [strip.ST_alStrips]
sub eax, edx
shr eax, 2
mov strip.ST_cStrips, eax
mov eax, ppdev
lea edx, [strip]
mov ecx, pls
ptrCall <dword ptr pfn>, \
<eax, edx, ecx>
mov esi, i
mov edi, r
mov ebx, cPels
mov edx, d_R
mov ecx, dN
lea eax, [strip.ST_alStrips]
jmp done_output_strips
; Empty strips buffer and go on to next line. ;
add ebx, esi
mov [eax], ebx
add eax, 4
lea edx, [strip.ST_alStrips]
sub eax, edx
shr eax, 2
mov strip.ST_cStrips, eax
mov eax, ppdev
lea edx, [strip]
mov ecx, pls
ptrCall <dword ptr pfn>, \
<eax, edx, ecx>
mov ebx, flStart
testb ebx, FL_COMPLEX_CLIP
jnz short see_if_done_complex_clipping
mov edx, pptfxBuf
cmp edx, pptfxBufEnd
je short all_done
mov esi, [edx].ptl_x
mov ecx, [edx].ptl_y
add edx, size POINTL
mov pptfxBuf, edx
mov eax, [edx].ptl_x
mov edi, [edx].ptl_y
jmp the_main_loop
mov eax, 1
cRet bLines
mov ebx, fl
dec cptfx
jz short all_done
jmp continue_complex_clipping
; do_some_styling
; Inputs:
; eax = ptlStart.ptl_y
; ebx = fl
; ecx = ptlStart.ptl_x
; Preserves:
; eax, ebx, ecx
; Output:
; Exits to done_styling.
mov ptlStart.ptl_x, ecx
mov esi, pls
mov edi, [esi].LS_spNext ; spThis
mov edx, edi
add edx, cStylePels ; spNext
; For styles, we don't bother to keep the style position normalized.
; (we do ensure that it's positive, though). If a figure is over 2
; billion pels long, we'll be a pel off in our style state (oops!).
and edx, 7fffffffh
mov [esi].LS_spNext, edx
mov ptlStart.ptl_y, eax
; Do arbitrary styles:
testb ebx, FL_FLIP_H
jz short arbitrary_left_to_right
sub edx, x0
add edx, xStart
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
div [esi].LS_spTotal
neg edx
jge short continue_right_to_left
add edx, [esi].LS_spTotal
not eax
mov edi, dword ptr [esi].LS_jStartMask
not edi
mov ecx, [esi].LS_aspRtoL
jmp short compute_arbitrary_stuff
add edi, x0
sub edi, xStart
mov eax, edi
xor edx, edx
div [esi].LS_spTotal
mov edi, dword ptr [esi].LS_jStartMask
mov ecx, [esi].LS_aspLtoR
; eax = sp / spTotal
; ebx = fl
; ecx = pspStart
; edx = sp % spTotal
; esi = pla
; edi = jStyleMask
and eax, [esi].LS_cStyle ; if odd length style and second run
and al, 1 ; through style array, flip the
jz short odd_style_array_done ; meaning of the elements
not edi
mov [esi].LS_pspStart, ecx
mov eax, [esi].LS_cStyle
lea eax, [ecx + eax * 4 - 4]
mov [esi].LS_pspEnd, eax
sub edx, [ecx]
jl short found_psp
add ecx, 4
jmp short find_psp
mov [esi].LS_psp, ecx
neg edx
mov [esi].LS_spRemaining, edx
sub ecx, [esi].LS_pspStart
test ecx, 4 ; size STYLEPOS
jz short done_arbitrary
not edi
mov dword ptr [esi].LS_jStyleMask, edi
mov eax, ptlStart.ptl_y
mov ecx, ptlStart.ptl_x
jmp done_styling
; do_some_clipping
; Inputs:
; eax = garbage
; ebx = fl
; ecx = x0
; edx = garbage
; esi = x1
; edi = garbage
; Decides whether to do simple or complex clipping.
align 4
public do_some_clipping
testb ebx, FL_COMPLEX_CLIP
jnz initialize_complex_clipping
; simple_clipping
; Inputs:
; ebx = fl
; ecx = x0
; esi = x1
; Output:
; ebx = fl
; ecx = new x0 (stack variable updated too)
; esi = new x1
; y0 stack variable updated
; Uses:
; All registers
; Exits:
; to done_clipping
; This routine handles clipping the line to the clip rectangle (it's
; faster to handle this case in the driver than to call the engine to
; clip for us).
; Fractional end-point lines complicate our lives a bit when doing
; clipping:
; 1) For styling, we must know the unclipped line's length in pels, so
; that we can correctly update the styling state when the line is
; clipped. For this reason, I do clipping after doing the hard work
; of figuring out which pixels are at the ends of the line (this is
; wasted work if the line is not styled and is completely clipped,
; but I think it's simpler this way). Another reason is that we'll
; have calculated eqGamma already, which we use for the intercept
; calculations.
; With the assumption that most lines will not be completely clipped
; away, this strategy isn't too painful.
; 2) x0, y0 are not necessarily zero, where (x0, y0) is the start pel of
; the line.
; 3) We know x0, y0 and x1, but not y1. We haven't needed to calculate
; y1 until now. We'll need the actual value, and not an upper bound
; like y1 = LFLOOR(dM) + 2 because we have to be careful when
; calculating x(y) that y0 <= y <= y1, otherwise we can cause an
; overflow on the divide (which, needless to say, is bad).
public simple_clipping
mov edi, prclClip ; get pointer to normalized clip rect
and ebx, FL_RECTLCLIP_MASK ; (it's lower-right exclusive)
.errnz (size RECTL) - 16 ; FL_RECTLCLIP_SHIFT) is our index
lea edi, [edi + ebx*4] ; into the array of rectangles
mov edx, [edi].xRight ; load the rect coordinates
mov eax, [edi].xLeft
mov ebx, [edi].yBottom
mov edi, [edi].yTop
; Translate to our origin and so some quick completely clipped tests:
sub edx, x
cmp ecx, edx
jge totally_clipped ; totally clipped if x0 >= xRight
sub eax, x
cmp esi, eax
jl totally_clipped ; totally clipped if x1 < xLeft
sub ebx, y
cmp y0, ebx
jge totally_clipped ; totally clipped if y0 >= yBottom
sub edi, y
; Save some state:
mov xClipRight, edx
mov xClipLeft, eax
cmp esi, edx ; if (x1 >= xRight) x1 = xRight - 1
jl short calculate_y1
lea esi, [edx - 1]
mov eax, esi ; y1 = (x1 * dN + eqGamma) / dM
mul dN
add eax, eqGamma_lo
adc edx, eqGamma_hi
div dM
cmp edi, eax ; if (yTop > y1) clipped
jg short totally_clipped
cmp ebx, eax ; if (yBottom > y1) know x1
jg short x1_computed
mov eax, ebx ; x1 = (yBottom * dM + eqBeta) / dN
mul dM
sbb eax, eqGamma_lo
sbb edx, eqGamma_hi
div dN
mov esi, eax
; At this point, we've taken care of calculating the intercepts with the
; right and bottom edges. Now we work on the left and top edges:
mov edx, y0
mov eax, xClipLeft ; don't have to compute y intercept
cmp eax, ecx ; at left edge if line starts to
jle short top_intercept ; right of left edge
mov ecx, eax ; x0 = xLeft
mul dN ; y0 = (xLeft * dN + eqGamma) / dM
add eax, eqGamma_lo
adc edx, eqGamma_hi
div dM
cmp ebx, eax ; if (yBottom <= y0) clipped
jle short totally_clipped
mov edx, eax
mov y0, eax
mov ebx, fl ; get ready to leave
mov x0, ecx
cmp edi, edx ; if (yTop <= y0) done clipping
jle done_clipping
mov eax, edi ; x0 = (yTop * dM + eqBeta) / dN + 1
mul dM
sbb eax, eqGamma_lo
sbb edx, eqGamma_hi
div dN
lea ecx, [eax + 1]
cmp xClipRight, ecx ; if (xRight <= x0) clipped
jle short totally_clipped
mov y0, edi ; y0 = yTop
mov x0, ecx
jmp done_clipping ; all done!
; The line is completely clipped. See if we have to update our style state:
mov ebx, fl
testb ebx, FL_STYLED
jz next_line
; Adjust our style state:
mov esi, pls
mov eax, [esi].LS_spNext
add eax, cStylePels
mov [esi].LS_spNext, eax
cmp eax, [esi].LS_spTotal2
jb next_line
; Have to normalize first:
xor edx, edx
div [esi].LS_spTotal2
mov [esi].LS_spNext, edx
jmp next_line
mov eax, dN ; save a copy of original dN
mov dN_Original, eax
; continue_complex_clipping
; Inputs:
; ebx = fl
; Output:
; ebx = fl
; ecx = x0
; esi = x1
; Uses:
; All registers.
; Exits:
; to done_clipping
; This routine handles the necessary initialization for the next
; run in the CLIPLINE structure.
; NOTE: This routine is jumped to from two places!
public continue_complex_clipping
mov edi, prun
mov ecx, xStart
testb ebx, FL_FLIP_H
jz short complex_left_to_right
; Figure out x0 and x1 for right-to-left lines:
add ecx, cStylePels
dec ecx
mov esi, ecx ; esi = ecx = xStart + cStylePels - 1
sub ecx, [edi].RUN_iStop ; New x0
sub esi, [edi].RUN_iStart ; New x1
jmp short complex_reset_variables
; Figure out x0 and x1 for left-to-right lines:
mov esi, ecx ; esi = ecx = xStart
add ecx, [edi].RUN_iStart ; New x0
add esi, [edi].RUN_iStop ; New x1
mov x0, ecx
; The half flip mucks with some of our variables, and we have to reset
; them every pass. We would have to reset eqGamma too, but it never
; got saved to memory in its modified form.
add edi, size RUN
mov prun, edi ; Increment run pointer for next time
mov edi, pls
mov eax, [edi].LS_spComplex
mov [edi].LS_spNext, eax ; pls->spNext = pls->spComplex
mov eax, dN_Original ; dN = dN_Original
mov dN, eax
mul ecx
add eax, eqGamma_lo
adc edx, eqGamma_hi ; [edx:eax] = dN*x0 + eqGamma
div dM
mov y0, eax
jmp done_clipping
endProc bLines