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* LHMatch BFS
* Authors: Nicholas Harvey and Laszlo Lovasz
* Developed: Nov 2000 - June 2001
* Algorithm Description:
* The theoretical description of this algorithm is fairly complicated and
* will not be given here.
* Runtime:
* Assume that the input graph is G=(U \union V, E) where U is the set of
* left-hand vertices and V is the set of right-hand vertices. Then the
* worst-case runtime of this algorithm is O(|V|^1.5 * |E|), but in practice
* the algorithm is quite fast.
* Implementation details which improve performance:
* - Right-hand vertices are stored in buckets containing doubly-linked lists
* for quick iteration and update.
* - After a full pass of the graph, only the Queue contents are unmarked.
* - Search from Low-load Vertices for High-load Vertices
* - Check the degree of RHS vertices when enqueuing them
* - After augmenting, continue searching among unmarked vertices.
* - When computing the greedy matching, consider LHS vertices in order of
* increasing degree.
* - Force inline of key functions in inner loop
* - Update gMaxRHSLoad after each iteration.
/***** Header Files *****/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "LHMatchInt.h"
/***** InitializeBFS *****/
/* Inititalize BFS: Clear parent pointers, allocate queue */
static int InitializeBFS(Graph *g) {
int i;
/* Clear the parent pointers */
for(i=0;i<g->numLHSVtx;i++) g->lVtx[i].parent=NULL;
for(i=0;i<g->numRHSVtx;i++) g->rVtx[i].parent=NULL;
return InitializeQueue(g);
/***** AddVtxToTree *****/
/* Add vertex v to the queue and to the BFS tree with parent p */
static __forceinline void AddVtxToTree(Graph *g, Vertex *v, Vertex *p) {
DPRINT( printf("Adding %d to queue with parent %d\n",v->id,p->id); )
v->parent = p;
g->Queue[g->Qsize++] = v;
/***** UpdateNegPath *****/
/* Found an neg-cost alternating path. Switch the matching edges
* along it, causing the number of matching edges at the endpoints
* to change. We update the endpoints' positions in the ordering. */
static void UpdateNegPath(Graph *g, Vertex *u, Vertex *v) {
Vertex *p,*w;
DPRINT( printf("Low Endpoint: %d. Increase load to %d\n",
u->id, u->numMatched+1 ); )
DPRINT( printf("High Endpoint: %d. Decrease load to %d\n",
v->id, v->numMatched-1 ); )
assert( u->numMatched <= v->numMatched-2 );
/* Switch along the path */
do {
assert( !IS_LHS_VTX(w) );
assert( IS_LHS_VTX(p) );
#ifdef STATS
} while(w!=u);
/* Move vertex u into the next highest bucket */
/* Move vertex v into the next lowest bucket */
/***** PrintStats *****/
static void PrintStats(Graph* g) {
#ifdef STATS
int i,m=0,vzd=0,mrv=0,trmd=0,cost=0;
for(i=0;i<g->numLHSVtx;i++) {
if(g->lVtx[i].degree==0) vzd++;
for(i=0;i<g->numRHSVtx;i++) {
if(g->rVtx[i].numMatched>0) mrv++;
printf("##### GRAPH STATISTICS #####\n");
printf("|LHS|=%d, |RHS|=%d\n",g->numLHSVtx,g->numRHSVtx);
printf("Total # vertices: %d, Total # edges: %d\n",
g->numLHSVtx+g->numRHSVtx, m);
printf("# LHS vertices with degree 0: %d\n",vzd);
printf("Total M-degree of RHS vertices (should = |LHS|): %d\n",trmd);
printf("Total matching cost: %d\n",cost);
printf("# RHS vertices with M-degree > 0 (Max Matching): %d\n",mrv);
printf("\n##### ALGORITHM STATISTICS #####\n");
printf("Total # Augmentations: %d\n", g->stats.TotalAugs);
printf("Avg length of augmenting path: %.2lf\n",
? ((double)g->stats.TotalAugpathLen)/(double)g->stats.TotalAugs
: 0. );
printf("Total number of BFS trees grown: %d\n", g->stats.TotalBFSTrees);
printf("Avg Size of Augmenting BFS Tree: %.2lf\n",
? ((double)g->stats.TotalAugBFSTreeSize)/(double)g->stats.TotalAugs
: 0. );
printf("Total number of restarts (passes over RHS): %d\n",
/***** DoBFS *****/
/* Add u to the queue and start a BFS from vertex u.
* If an augmenting path was found return m, the end of the augmenting path.
* If no path was found, return NULL. */
static __forceinline Vertex* DoBFS( Graph *g, Vertex *u ) {
Vertex *v, *n, *m;
int q, j;
/* Start a BFS from u: add u to the queue */
DPRINT( printf("Using as root\n"); )
q = g->Qsize;
#ifdef STATS
/* Process the vertices in the queue */
for(; q<g->Qsize; q++ ) {
v = g->Queue[q];
DPRINT( printf("Dequeued %d\n",v->id); )
if(IS_LHS_VTX(v)) {
/* The LHS vertices are only in the queue so that we
* can keep track of which vertices have been marked. */
/* Examine each of v's neighbours */
for( j=0; j<v->degree; j++ ) {
/* Examine neighbour n */
n = v->adjList[j];
if(n->matchedWith==v) {
continue; /* Can't add flow to v along this edge */
if(n->parent!=NULL) {
continue; /* We've already visited n */
/* n is okay, let's look at its matched neighbour */
AddVtxToTree( g, n, v );
m = n->matchedWith;
if(m->parent!=NULL) {
continue; /* We've already visited m */
AddVtxToTree( g, m, n );
if( m->numMatched >= u->numMatched+2 ) {
return m; /* Found an augmenting path */
return NULL;
/***** DoFullScan *****/
/* Iterate over all RHS vertices from low-load to high-load.
* At each vertex, do a breadth-first search for a cost-reducing
* path. If one is found, switch along the path to improve the cost.
* If any augmentations were made, returns TRUE.
* If no augmentations were made, returns FALSE. */
char __forceinline DoFullScan( Graph *g ) {
Vertex *u, *nextU, *m;
int b;
char fAugmentedSinceStart=FALSE;
#ifdef STATS
int qSizeAtBFSStart;
/* Iterate over all buckets of vertices */
for( b=0; b<=g->maxRHSLoad-2; b++ ) {
/* Examine the RHS vertices in this bucket */
for( u=g->Buckets[b]; u; u=nextU ) {
DPRINT( printf("Consider BFS Root %d (Load %d): ",u->id, b); )
/* If this vertex has been visited, skip it */
if(u->parent!=NULL) {
DPRINT( printf("Skipping (Marked)\n"); )
#ifdef STATS
qSizeAtBFSStart = g->Qsize;
/* Do a breadth-first search from u for a cost-reducing path. */
m = DoBFS(g,u);
if( NULL!=m ) {
/* A cost-reducing path from u to m exists. Switch along the path. */
DPRINT( printf("Found augmenting path!\n"); )
#ifdef STATS
fAugmentedSinceStart = TRUE;
/* Update maxRHSLoad */
while(!g->Buckets[g->maxRHSLoad]) g->maxRHSLoad--;
return fAugmentedSinceStart;
/***** MainLoop *****/
/* Repeatedly do full-scans of the graph until no more improvements are made. */
void MainLoop( Graph *g ) {
char fMadeImprovement;
int j;
do {
DPRINT( printf("** Restarting from first bucket **\n"); )
#ifdef STATS
/* Reinitialize the queue */
for(j=0;j<g->Qsize;j++) g->Queue[j]->parent=NULL;
fMadeImprovement = DoFullScan(g);
} while( fMadeImprovement );
/***** LHAlgBFS *****/
/* Main function that implements the LHBFS algorithm for computing
* LH Matchings. */
int LHAlgBFS(Graph *g) {
int err;
DPRINT( printf("--- LHMatch BFS Started ---\n"); )
#ifdef STATS
memset( &g->stats, 0, sizeof(Stats) );
/* Compute an initial greedy assignment, which may or may not
* have minimum cost. */
err = OrderedGreedyAssignment(g);
if( LH_SUCCESS!=err ) {
return err;
#ifdef DUMP
/* Initialize structures needed for BFS: parent pointers and
* queue. */
err = InitializeBFS(g);
if( LH_SUCCESS!=err ) {
return err;
/* Insert all RHS vertices into buckets. The purpose of this is
* to sort RHS vertices by matched-degree. */
err = InitializeRHSBuckets(g);
if( LH_SUCCESS!=err ) {
return err;
/* Main loop: repeatedly search the graph for ways to improve the
* current assignment */
/* The assignment is now an LH Matching (i.e. optimal cost) */
/* Cleanup */
#ifdef DUMP
DPRINT( printf("--- LHMatch BFS Finished ---\n"); )
return LH_SUCCESS;