Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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/***** Header Files *****/
#include "LHMatch.h"
/***** Compilation Settings *****/
/* DBG: Debug build. Check assertions, etc. */
//#define DBG
/* STATS: Report graph statistics and performance counters after each run. */
//#define STATS
/* DUMP: Dump the graph at the beginning and end of each run. */
//#define DUMP
/* WORST_GREEDY: The BFS algorithm starts off by computing a greedy
* matching. Usually, we want to find the best greedy matching that we can
* so that the algorithm will run quickly. For testing purposes, we can define
* this flag and the worst initial greedy matching will be found instead. */
//#define WORST_GREEDY
/***** Constants *****/
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0L
#define MAX_INT ((int)((~((unsigned int)0))>>1))
#define MAGIC1 0x50165315
#define MAGIC2 0x50165315
/***** Macros *****/
#ifdef DBG
#define DPRINT(x) if(gDebugPrint) x
#define DPRINT(x)
#undef assert
#define assert(x)
#define IS_LHS_VTX(v) ((v)->id < g->numLHSVtx)
#define INTMIN(a,b) ((a<b)?(a):(b))
#define INTMAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
/***** Vertex Structure *****/
struct Vertex;
struct Vertex {
/***** Input *****/
/* The following members are input by the user of the library. */
/* degree: How many vertices are adjacent to this vertex.
* Equivalently, the length of the adjacency list. */
int degree;
/* adjList: A list of vertex pointers indicating the vertices
* that are adjacent to this vertex. */
struct Vertex **adjList;
/* adjListSize: The allocated size of the adjacency list. */
int adjListSize;
/* id: Used to identify a vertex, for debug purposes only. */
int id;
/***** Input / Output *****/
/* The following members are used for both input and output. */
/* matchedWith: This member is only used for left-hand vertices
* and is ignored for right-hand vertices. This member may optionally
* be passed as input from the user of the library to specify an initial
* assignment. If this vertex is not initially assigned, this member
* should be NULL. */
struct Vertex *matchedWith;
/***** Output *****/
/* The following members are used for output only. */
/* numMatched: This member is only used for right-hand vertices
* and is ignored for left-hand vertices. */
int numMatched;
/***** Internal *****/
/* The following members are used internally by the algorithms and
* should not be examined by users of the library. */
/* parent: Used by both the BFS algorithm to represent the
* breadth-first search tree. */
struct Vertex *parent;
/* fLink, bLink: Used by both the BFS algorithm to insert this
* vertex into a bucket, which is stored as a doubly-linked list. */
struct Vertex *fLink, *bLink;
typedef struct Vertex Vertex;
/***** Stats Structure *****/
typedef struct {
int TotalAugs;
int TotalBFSTrees;
int TotalAugBFSTreeSize;
int TotalAugpathLen;
int TotalRestarts;
} Stats;
/***** Graph Structure *****/
typedef struct {
/* magic1: A magic number to identify our graph structure. */
int magic1;
/* numLHSVtx: The number of vertices on the left-hand side of the graph. */
int numLHSVtx;
/* numRHSVtx: The number of vertices on the right-hand side of the graph. */
int numRHSVtx;
/* lVtx: The array of left-hand vertices in the graph. */
Vertex *lVtx;
/* rVtx: The array of right-hand vertices in the graph. */
Vertex *rVtx;
/* maxRHSLoad: The maximum load of the right-hand vertices */
int maxRHSLoad;
/* minRHSLoad: The minimum load of the right-hand vertices */
int minRHSLoad;
/* Buckets: Used to organize vertices by degree / load */
Vertex **Buckets;
/* Queue: For breadth-first search */
Vertex **Queue;
int Qsize;
/* Counters for monitoring performance */
#ifdef STATS
Stats stats;
/* magic2: A second magic number to identify our graph structure. */
int magic2;
} Graph;
/***** Function Prototypes *****/
int LHAlgOnline(Graph *g);
int LHAlgBFS(Graph *g);
void AddVtxToBucket(Graph *g, Vertex *v, int b);
void RemoveVtxFromBucket(Graph *g, Vertex *v, int b);
void DestroyBuckets(Graph *g);
int OrderedGreedyAssignment(Graph *g);
int InitializeRHSBuckets(Graph *g);
int InitializeQueue(Graph *g);
void DestroyQueue(Graph *g);
void ClearAlgState(Graph *g);
void DumpGraph(Graph *g);
void DumpLoad(Graph *g);
/***** Globals *****/
#ifdef DBG
extern int gDebugPrint;