Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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interface ISeclogon
typedef struct _SECL_STRING {
[range(0, 1024)] // Don't allow blobs of >1K (chars) size (prevents caller from allocating too much memory)
unsigned short ccLength;
[range(0, 1025)] // Don't allow blobs of >1K (chars) size (prevents caller from allocating too much memory)
unsigned short ccSize;
[size_is(ccSize), length_is(ccLength)]
wchar_t *pwsz;
typedef struct _SECL_BLOB {
[range(0, 10*1024)] // Don't allow blobs of >10K size (prevents caller from allocating too much memory)
unsigned long cb;
unsigned char *pb;
typedef struct _SECL_SLI {
SECL_STRING ssUsername;
SECL_STRING ssPassword;
SECL_STRING ssApplicationName;
SECL_STRING ssCommandLine;
SECL_STRING ssCurrentDirectory;
SECL_STRING ssDesktop;
SECL_BLOB sbEnvironment;
unsigned long ulProcessId;
unsigned long ulLogonIdLowPart;
signed long lLogonIdHighPart;
unsigned long ulLogonFlags;
unsigned long ulCreationFlags;
// Private, used by seclogon:
unsigned long ulSeclogonFlags;
unsigned __int64 hWinsta; // Handle to the client's windowstation
unsigned __int64 hDesk; // Handle to the client's desktop
unsigned __int64 hToken; // non-NULL for CreateProcessWithToken
typedef struct _SECL_SLRI {
unsigned __int64 hProcess;
unsigned __int64 hThread;
unsigned long ulProcessId;
unsigned long ulThreadId;
unsigned long ulErrorCode;
void SeclCreateProcessWithLogonW
([in] handle_t hRPCBinding,
[in, ref] SECL_SLI *psli,
[out, ref] SECL_SLRI *pslri);
cpp_quote("#define wszSeclogonSharedProcEndpointName L\"SECLOGON\"")
cpp_quote("#define wszSvcName L\"seclogon\"")
cpp_quote("#define SECLOGON_CALLER_SPECIFIED_DESKTOP 0x00000001")
// Disable some warnings for the benefit of the midl compiler:
cpp_quote("#pragma warning(disable:4211) // nonstandard extension used : redefined extern to static")
cpp_quote("#pragma warning(disable:4232) // nonstandard extension used : 'x' : address of dllimport 'y' is not static, identity not guaranteed")
cpp_quote("#pragma warning(disable:4310) // cast truncates constant value")