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303 lines
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303 lines
8.0 KiB
@echo off
REM init
set xe_err=
set xe_dll=
set xe_pdb=
set xe_os_str=
set xe_req_id=
set xe_prs_uns_path=
set xe_prs_s_path=
set xe_platform=
set xe_target=scrdenrl
set xe_prs_web=http://prslab/cs2001/createjob.asp
set xe_prs_uns_prefix=\\prslab\unsigned2
REM set xe_prs_uns_prefix=c:\t-unsign
set xe_prs_s_prefix=\\prslab\signed2
REM set xe_prs_s_prefix=c:\t-sign
set xe_os_str=32-bit Windows
REM wait 1 minutes
set xe_wait=60
REM make sure no PRS release location change
if not exist %xe_prs_uns_prefix% (
set xe_err=%xe_prs_uns_prefix% doesn't exist. Please contact %xe_target%.dll dev owner.
goto error
if not exist %xe_prs_s_prefix% (
set xe_err=%xe_prs_s_prefix% doesn't exist. Please contact %xe_target%.dll dev owner.
goto error
REM make sure %xe_target%.dll and %xe_target%.pdb files exist
if "%1"=="" (
set xe_err=%xe_target%.dll file is missed
goto error
if "%2"=="" (
set xe_err=%xe_target%.pdb file is missed
goto error
set xe_dll_path=%1
set xe_pdb_path=%2
if not "%3" == "" (
call :GetNextArg %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
REM should never be here
goto :EOF
if "%xe_platform%"=="" (
if "%BUILD_DEFAULT_TARGETS%"=="-x86" (
set xe_platform=i386
goto init_sd
if "%BUILD_DEFAULT_TARGETS%"=="-ia64" (
set xe_platform=ia64
goto init_sd
REM can't determine
set xe_err=can't determine the platform. please make sure you run %0 from a razzle window with a proper platform.
goto error
if not "%xe_platform%"=="" (
if /i "i386"=="%xe_platform%" goto init_sd
if /i "ia64"=="%xe_platform%" goto init_sd
REM not supported
set xe_err=%xe_platform% platform is not supported.
goto error
REM determine more variables
set xe_rel_path=%sdxroot%\ds\security\cryptoapi\pki\activex\release\%xe_target%
set xe_dll=%xe_dll_path%\%xe_target%.dll
set xe_pdb=%xe_pdb_path%\%xe_target%.pdb
REM make sure current machine has DS enlistment
if not exist %xe_rel_path% (
set xe_err=%xe_target% release enlistment %sdxroot%\%xe_rel_path% not found on this machine. Please make sure you have run %0 from a razzle window or make sure you have DS enlistment on the machine.
goto error
if not exist %xe_dll% (
set xe_err=%xe_dll% doesn't exist
goto error
if not exist %xe_pdb% (
set xe_err=%xe_pdb% doesn't exist
goto error
REM scan virus here
echo scanning virus...
REM inocucmd.exe is only local command in xenroll
cd /d ..\xenroll
inocucmd.exe %xe_dll%
echo Finished virus checking on %xe_dll%
set /p xe_goon=Is virus checking OK?(y/n):
if /i not "%xe_goon%"=="y" (
set xe_err=VIRUS may have been detected. Please make sure your dll or symbols are OK
goto error
cd /d %xe_rel_path%
REM display signing instruction
if /i "%xe_platform%"=="ia64" set xe_os_str=Whistler 64-bit Windows
echo You have to sign %xe_target%.dll by going to %xe_prs_web%
echo Here is the steps:
echo 1. Click [Create Request] button
echo 2. Fill in or select the following:
echo Job Description: %xe_target%.dll signing for %xe_platform%
echo Certificate Type: Microsoft External Code Distribution
echo Virus Checker: Cheyenne (Innoculan)
echo Virus Checker Eng Ver: 4.0
echo Macro Virus Check?: Yes
echo Encryption: Not High Crypto
echo Operating System: %xe_os_str%
echo Product Version: Whistler
echo Language: English
echo 2. Provide at least two MS employee email aliases who can
echo sign off the request
echo 3. Please select TRUE for Year 2000 Compliant question
echo 4. You may consider to enter %xe_dll%
echo in Notes to indicate where you get your %xe_target%.dll
echo 5. Click [Create Request] at the bottom of the page
echo 6. Look at the PRS web page for a path to %xe_prs_uns_prefix%\^<userid#####^>
echo It is about to invoke IE at %xe_prs_web%
start %xe_prs_web%
set /p xe_req_id= 7. After step 6, enter PRS job ^<userid#####^>:
if "%xe_req_id%"=="" (
set xe_err=^<userid#####^> cannot be empty
goto error
set xe_prs_uns_path=%xe_prs_uns_prefix%\%xe_req_id%
if not exist %xe_prs_uns_path% (
echo Error: %xe_prs_uns_path% not found
echo Make sure you entered the correct ^<userid#####^> above.
echo For example, xtan62520.
set xe_req_id=
goto enter_userid
REM get unsigned share
set xe_prs_s_path=%xe_prs_s_prefix%\%xe_req_id%
REM make sure creat empty list.txt file
if exist %xe_prs_uns_path%\list.txt del /f /q %xe_prs_uns_path%\list.txt
REM have to set > to a variable
echo copying your unsigned %xe_dll% files
echo to %xe_prs_uns_path%\%xe_target%.dll...
copy /v /y %xe_dll% %xe_prs_uns_path%\%xe_target%.dll
REM generate list.txt file for signing
echo %xe_target%.dll,Microsoft Smart Card Enrollment Control, >>%xe_prs_uns_path%\list.txt
echo 8. Click [Generate File List] button
echo Verify that your files show up.
echo 9. Click [Activate] button at the top of the page
echo Make sure your submission is accepted. You should see the following:
echo "Your Code Signing Request is now available for sign-off by..."
echo 10. Sign off on your request
echo Note: sometimes PRSLAB can fail to notify the persons you entered for
echo the request sign-off. You may consider to notify them by yourself.
echo 11. Hit any key to begin waiting for the files to be signed.
REM wait in a loop to check if each signed dll appears
echo waiting in increments of %xe_wait% seconds for %xe_target%.dll
echo to be signed in %xe_prs_s_path%
if not exist %xe_prs_s_path%\%xe_target%.dll (
sleep %xe_wait%
goto wait_signing
echo %xe_target%.dll has been signed and released at %xe_prs_s_path%
REM looks signing process puts un-signed dll there first,
REM some seconds sleep to help getting signed dll
sleep %xe_wait%
echo. Verify signature/timestamp on signed dll %xe_prs_s_path%\%xe_target%.dll
chktrust.exe -q -tswarn %xe_prs_s_path%\%xe_target%.dll
echo please make sure chktrust test is passed.
echo. check out %xe_target%.dll and %xe_target%.pdb files
sd edit %xe_rel_path%\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.dll
sd edit %xe_rel_path%\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.pdb
echo. copying %xe_prs_s_path%\%xe_target%.dll .\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.dll
copy /y %xe_prs_s_path%\%xe_target%.dll %xe_rel_path%\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.dll
copy /y %xe_pdb% %xe_rel_path%\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.pdb
echo Please check in the following files as guided by your VBL
echo %xe_rel_path%\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.dll
echo %xe_rel_path%\%xe_platform%\%xe_target%.pdb
REM clean up temp files
cd /d %xe_rel_path%
set xe_err=
set xe_platform=
set xe_os_str=
set xe_target=
set xe_prs_path=
set xe_prs_s_path=
set xe_prs_s_prefix=
set xe_prs_uns_path=
set xe_prs_uns_prefix=
set xe_prs_web=
set xe_rel_path=
set xe_req_id=
set xe_uns_path_prfx=
set xe_wait=
set xe_dll=
set xe_pdb=
set xe_dll_path=
set xe_pdb_path=
set xe_goon=
goto end
if not "%xe_err%"=="" echo Error: %xe_err%
echo Usage:
echo %0 DLLPath PDBPath [Options]
echo Options:
echo -p Platform either i386 or ia64,
echo the default is the same as the current machine
goto cleanup
echo Done
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "help" goto usage
if "%1" == "-?" goto usage
if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
if "%1" == "-help" goto usage
if "%1" == "/help?" goto usage
if /I "%1" == "-p" (
if "%2" == "" (
set xe_err = missing platform define after %1
goto error
set xe_platform=%2
goto ArgOK
if NOT "%1" == "" (
set xe_err = Unknown argument: %1
goto usage
if "%1" == "" goto :GetStarted
goto :GetNextArg