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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999 - 2000
// All rights reserved
// catlog.cxx
#include "appmgext.hxx"
// Function: CCategoryInfo::CCategoryInfo
// Purpose: Constructor for category encapsulation class --
// initializes state with information about a category
// Params: pCategoryInfo -- structure containing information
// about this category
// Return value: none
// Notes: The class maintains the reference to the passed
// in structure -- therefore, the memory for that
// structure should not be freed before this object
// is used. This class does not own the reference --
// caller should free the pCategoryInfo memory after
// this class is no longer in use.
_pCategoryInfo( pCategoryInfo )
// Function: CCategoryInfo::Write
// Purpose: Write information regarding this category into
// a database record
// Params:
// Return value: S_OK if successful, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CCategoryInfo::Write()
// Get our unique id
// The category guid is the unique id for this record --
hr = SetValue(
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// Set the time stamp on the record
// This does not fail
GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime );
hr = SetValue(
// Set the name of the category
hr = SetValue(
return hr;
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::CCategoryInfoLog
// Purpose: Initialize the domain app categories to log object
// Params:
// Return value: none
// Notes:
CRsopContext* pRsopContext,
_bRsopEnabled( FALSE ),
_pRsopContext( pRsopContext ),
_pCategoryList( pCategoryList )
if ( ! pCategoryList )
_pCategoryList = & _AppCategoryList;
// Zero the list of apps so the destructor never mistakes
// unitialized data for real data that it would attempt to free
RtlZeroMemory(&_AppCategoryList, sizeof(_AppCategoryList));
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::~CCategoryInfoLog
// Purpose: Initialize the domain app categories to log object
// Params:
// Return value: none
// Notes:
// If the members of this function are NULL, this is
// just a noop. Otherwise, it clears all memory
// references by this structure and its members.
(void) ReleaseAppCategoryInfoList( &_AppCategoryList );
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::WriteLog
// Purpose: Log domain categories to the policy database
// Params: none
// Return value: S_OK if all categories logged, S_FALSE if
// one or more categories could not be logged,
// other error otherwise
// Notes: Does nothing if the rsop logging is disabled
HRESULT CCategoryInfoLog::WriteLog()
// Make sure logging is enabled -- if not, this function
// will just be a noop. Logging is disabled if we have
// any sort of initialization errors.
if ( !_pRsopContext->IsRsopEnabled() )
return S_OK;
// Initialize the log so that we can write into it -- if this
// doesn't succeed, we can't log anything.
hr = InitCategoryLog();
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
if ( _pRsopContext->IsPlanningModeEnabled() )
// Now that log support is set, we need to obtain the categories
// which we are going to log
hr = GetCategoriesFromDirectory();
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// We have the categories we wish to log, now we should write
// all the categories to the log
return WriteCategories();
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::InitCategoryLog
// Purpose: Initialize the logging support, including
// establishing a connection to the policy database
// Params: none
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error otherwise
// Notes: If this fails, categories cannot be logged
HRESULT CCategoryInfoLog::InitCategoryLog()
if ( ! _pRsopContext->IsRsopEnabled() )
return S_OK;
// Initialize the base logging functions to allow logging
// to the policy database of the class of policy
// in which we're interested: software categories. We
// supply a flag indicating whether this is machine or user
// policy since machine and user policy records are logged
// in separate namespaces (i.e. we maintain separate logs).
hr = InitLog( _pRsopContext,
// If this init fails, we should disable logging so
// subsequent method calls on this object will
// not attempt to write to an inaccessible database
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// We have access to the database, we should clear previous
// logs in this namespace
hr = ClearLog();
// If we couldn't clear the log, we will not attempt to write
// any more records -- we make sure of this by resetting the
// disable flag
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
_bRsopEnabled = TRUE;
return hr;
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::AddBlankCategory
// Purpose: Adds an empty category record to the log
// Params: none
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CCategoryInfoLog::AddBlankCategory(CCategoryInfo* pCategoryInfo)
return AddBlankRecord(pCategoryInfo);
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::GetCategories()
// Purpose: Obtains the list of app categories from the domain
// Params: none
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CCategoryInfoLog::GetCategoriesFromDirectory()
// Call the internal api to the directory service software
// management interface to obtain the list of categories
hr = CsGetAppCategories( &_AppCategoryList );
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
return hr;
// Function: CCategoryInfoLog::WriteLog
// Purpose: Write domain categories as records
// to the policy database
// Params: none
// Return value: S_OK if all categories logged, S_FALSE if
// one or more categories could not be logged,
// other error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CCategoryInfoLog::WriteCategories()
hr = S_OK;
// Iterate through the list of categories so that we
// can log each one.
for (iCat = 0; iCat < _pCategoryList->cCategory; iCat++)
HRESULT hrWrite;
DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_CAT_INFO, _pCategoryList->pCategoryInfo[iCat].pszDescription));
// Place this code in a new scope so that the constructor
// and destructor for CCategoryInfo are called each time (we
// need to get a new record object for each iteration in the loop)
// Create a record object with information about the current
// category in this iteration
CCategoryInfo CategoryInfo( &(_pCategoryList->pCategoryInfo[iCat]) );
// Now write the record into the database.
hrWrite = WriteNewRecord( &CategoryInfo );
// Set our return value to S_FALSE if we failed in any way to log this category
if (FAILED(hrWrite))
DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_RSOP_CAT_WRITE_FAIL, _pCategoryList->pCategoryInfo->pszDescription, hr));
hr = S_FALSE;
return hr;