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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2001
// All rights reserved
// registry.hxx
// Names of registry keys and values used by app manangement.
#ifndef _REGISTRY_HXX_
#define _REGISTRY_HXX_
#define POLICYKEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Group Policy"
#define APPMGMTKEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Group Policy\\Appmgmt"
#define APPMGMTSUBKEY L"AppMgmt"
#define APPMGMTEXTENSIONGUID L"{c6dc5466-785a-11d2-84d0-00c04fb169f7}"
// Global values under AppMgmt key.
#define FULLPOLICY L"FullPolicy"
#define LASTARCHLANG L"LastArchLang"
// Values under each deployment id subkey.
#define DEPLOYMENTNAMEVALUE L"Deployment Name"
#define PRODUCTIDVALUE L"Product ID"
#define INSTALLUI L"Install UI"
#define APPSTATEVALUE L"AppState"
#define REVISIONVALUE L"Revision"
#define SCRIPTTIMEVALUE L"ScriptTime"
#define ASSIGNCOUNTVALUE L"AssignCount"
#define SUPERCEDEDIDS L"SupercededIDs"
#define SUPPORTURL L"SupportUrl"
#define REMOVEDGPOSTATE L"RemovedAppState"
// value name for rsop version
#define RSOPVERSION L"RsopVersion"
// Both persisted and temporary application state bits. Persisted values can
// not be changed for compatability reasons.
#define APPSTATE_PERSIST_MASK 0x000000ff
// Persisted bits.
#define APPSTATE_ASSIGNED 0x1 // app is assigned
#define APPSTATE_PUBLISHED 0x2 // app is published
#define APPSTATE_UNINSTALL_UNMANAGED 0x4 // uninstall any unmanaged version before assigning
#define APPSTATE_POLICYREMOVE_ORPHAN 0x8 // app is orphaned when policy removed
#define APPSTATE_POLICYREMOVE_UNINSTALL 0x10 // app is uninstalled when policy removed
#define APPSTATE_ORPHANED 0x20 // app is orphaned after being applied
#define APPSTATE_UNINSTALLED 0x40 // app is uninstalled after being applied
#define APPSTATE_INSTALL 0x80 // do a full install for user assigned
// Temporary bits.
// CheckScriptExistence() must be called before these two are valid
#define APPSTATE_SCRIPT_EXISTED 0x100 // if app script was already on the machine
#define APPSTATE_SCRIPT_NOT_EXISTED 0x200 // if app script was not already on the machine
// CopyScriptIfNeeded() must be called before this flag is valid
#define APPSTATE_SCRIPT_PRESENT 0x400 // if we now know we have the script on the machine
#define APPSTATE_TRANSFORM_CONFLICT 0x800 // if we had a transform conflict error during advertise
#define APPSTATE_NAME_CHANGE 0x1000 // if we change the display name during an ARP enum
#define APPSTATE_RESTORED 0x2000 // if the app was restored from a bad profile merge
#define APPSTATE_FULL_ADVERTISE 0x4000 // if shortcuts should and class data may be advertised
// Layout of our management data in the registry under POLICYKEY.
// AppMgmt
// GPOs = REG_SZ
// FullPolicy = REG_DWORD (boolean, set if policy should be re-run at next boot/logon)
// LastArchLang = REG_DWORD (last architecture (upper WORD) and langid (lower WORD))
// Product ID = REG_DWORD (msi.h -> INSTALLUILEVEL)
// {deployment guid}
// Deployment Name = REG_SZ
// GPO Name = REG_SZ
// Product ID = REG_SZ
// Install UI = REG_DWORD (msi.h -> INSTALLUILEVEL)
// AppState = REG_DWORD (according to APPSTATE bits)
// Revision = REG_DWORD (deployment version #, used for qfe/patch "Refresh")
// ScriptTime = REG_BINARY (creation FILETIME of script, only set if Revision > 0)
// AssignCount = REG_DWORD (number of full first time assignments of the app)
// SupercededIDs = REG_MULTI_SZ (list of superceded deployment ids)
// SupportUrl = REG_SZ
// RemovedAppState = REG_DWORD (appstate for an app right before its gpo went out of scope)
// RsopVersion = REG_DWORD (updated every time appmgmt rsop logging occurs, has a counterpart under the state key for comparison of user with machine)
// {deployment guid}
// ...
// Layout of our management data in the registry under per-machine gp engine state key
// HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\<UserSid>
// {c6dc5466-785a-11d2-84d0-00c04fb169f7}
// DiagnosticNameSpace = REG_SZ (wmi path to diagnostic namespace, defined outside the appmgmt module)
// RsopVersion = REG_DWORD (updated every time appmgmt rsop logging occurs, should be a match for user profile version if the machine's logging data is in sync with the user's profile)