Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off
rem RasCopy must be executed before running Remote Access
rem with Workgroup Add-On, see the file README.TXT in the
rem Workgroup Add-On directory for more information on
rem installing Remote Access.
set wcpath=.
if "%1"=="/?" goto syntax
if exist .\ifshlp.sys goto getsrc
set wcpath=%1
if "%1"=="" goto syntax
if exist %1\ifshlp.sys goto getsrc
goto notwc
set raspath=a:
if not "%2"=="" set raspath=%2
if not exist %wcpath%\expand.exe goto notwc
echo Please insert Remote Access 1.1a disk #1 into %raspath%
if not exist %raspath%\wfwsetup.exe goto ask1
md %wcpath%\ras
echo copying %raspath%\wfwsetup.exe to %wcpath%\ras\setup.exe
copy %raspath%\wfwsetup.exe %wcpath%\ras\setup.exe
echo copying %raspath%\setup.msg to %wcpath%\ras
copy %raspath%\setup.msg %wcpath%\ras
echo copying %raspath%\modems.inf to %wcpath%
copy %raspath%\modems.inf %wcpath%
echo copying %raspath%\pad.inf to %wcpath%
copy %raspath%\pad.inf %wcpath%
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\rasphone.ms$ %wcpath%\rasphone.msg
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\rasdial.ms$ %wcpath%\rasdial.msg
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\netprog\rasdial.ex$ %wcpath%\rasdial.exe
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\netprog\vcommiod.ex$ %wcpath%\ras\vcommiod.exe
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\netprog\wantsr.ex$ %wcpath%\ras\wantsr.exe
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\drivers\async\asymac.do$ %wcpath%\asymac.dos
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\drivers\protocol\asybeui\asybeui.ex$ %wcpath%\ras\asybeui.exe
echo Please insert Remote Access 1.1a disk #2 into %raspath%
if not exist %raspath%\dos\netprog\rasphone.ex$ goto ask2
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\netprog\rasphone.ex$ %wcpath%\rasphone.exe
%wcpath%\expand.exe %raspath%\dos\netprog\rasphone.hl$ %wcpath%\rasphone.hlp
echo RasCopy has copied Remote Access 1.1a files to your Workgroup
echo Add-On directory. Please read the file README.TXT for more
echo information on setting up Remote Access 1.1a with Workgroup Add-On.
goto exit
echo ERROR - "%1" is not a Workgroup Add-On directory.
echo Type "RasCopy /?" for syntax.
goto exit
echo Syntax:
echo RASCOPY destination [source]
echo destination Specifies the Workgroup Add-On directory where
echo Remote Access 1.1a files will be copied.
echo source Specifies the location of Remote Access 1.1a files.
echo This parameter is optional. The path a:\
echo is used if this parameter is not used.
echo Example: RASCOPY C:\NET
set raspath=
set wcpath=
@echo on