Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM samsigen.cmd - travisn
@REM Generate sasetup.msi from sasetup_.msi
@REM 1) create data.cab for client bins and stream that in
@REM 2) stream in custom actions
@REM 3) Update file table with new version and size info (for this build)
@REM 4) Update product version
@REM Assumes i386 build env (we don't build sasetup MSI for any other archs)
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
samsigen.cmd [-p]
-p => called from PRS signing
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'p' =>\$ENV{PRS});
@if not defined DEBUG echo off
REM (need this switch for the BuildNum stuff below to work)
set SAKITDIR=%_NTPOSTBLD%\sacomponents
set MSINAME=%SAKITDIR%\sasetup.msi
set TEMPLATEMSI=%SAKITDIR%\sasetup_.msi
set CABNAME=Data.Cab
REM make tempdirs
if exist %TEMPCABDIR% (
rmdir /q /s %TEMPCABDIR%
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err deleting tmpcab dir"& goto errend
if exist %MSIIDTDIR% (
rmdir /q /s %MSIIDTDIR%
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err deleting idtdir dir"& goto errend
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err creating tmpcab dir"& goto errend
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err creating %MSIIDTDIR% dir"& goto errend
REM Copy the template MSI to create the final MSI
if exist %MSINAME% del %MSINAME%
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err copying template msi sasetup_.msi to sasetup.msi" & goto errend
REM Update the MSI version number in the Property and Upgrade tables
call :SetVersion %MSINAME% %MSIIDTDIR%
REM Copy the Terminal Services ActiveX control to the SAComponents directory so it will be built with sasetup.msi
copy %_NTPOSTBLD%\msrdp.cab %SAKITDIR%
if errorlevel 1 goto errend
REM rename files
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err preparing files to create sakit cab."& goto errend
REM Sign the files that will go in the cab,
REM unless this is the PRS-signed build when they've already been signed
if NOT "%PRS%" == "1" (
Call deltacat.cmd %TEMPCABDIR%
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err signing files for the cab file"& goto errend
move %TEMPCABDIR%\delta.cat %_NtPostBld%\sasetup.cat
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err moving sasetup.cat"& goto errend
move %TEMPCABDIR%\delta.cdf %_NtPostBld%\sasetup.cdf
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err moving sasetup.cdf"& goto errend
REM now generate the cab file
if exist %TEMPCABFILE% (
REM Sequence of files MUST match Sequence field of MSI File table (see Sequence property in File table)
REM The sequence is corrected in the call to wifilver.vbs below
cabarc -s 6144 -i 1 n %TEMPCABFILE% %TEMPCABDIR%\*.*
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "cabarc failed to generate %TEMPCABFILE%"
goto errend
REM *****************************************************
REM * Stream in the client binaries (in cab form) *
REM *****************************************************
REM Make sure the msi doesn't already contain a CAB file
cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wistream.vbs %MSINAME% /D %CABNAME%
REM Stream in the new data.cab
cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wistream.vbs %MSINAME% %TEMPCABFILE%
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "wistream failed to stream in %TEMPCABFILE%"
goto errend
REM *****************************************************
REM * Stream in the custom actions *
REM * NOTE: This assumes an entry is already in the *
REM * binary table. New entries are not created. *
REM * The binary data is overwritten. *
REM *****************************************************
cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wistream.vbs %MSINAME% %CUSTOMACTION%\SASetupCA.dll Binary.New_Binary1
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "wistream failed to stream in SASetupCA.dll"
goto errend
cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wistream.vbs %MSINAME% %CUSTOMACTION%\configServices.vbs Binary.New_Binary2
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "wistream failed to stream in configServices.vbs"
goto errend
cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wistream.vbs %MSINAME% %CUSTOMACTION%\createwebsite.vbs Binary.New_Binary3
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "wistream failed to stream in createwebsite.vbs"
goto errend
cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wistream.vbs %MSINAME% %CUSTOMACTION%\mof.vbs Binary.New_Binary5
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "wistream failed to stream in mof.vbs"
goto errend
REM *****************************************************
REM * Update the filetable with file size and ver info *
REM * assumes the source files are in the same directory*
REM *****************************************************
call cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wifilver.vbs /U %MSINAME% %TEMPCABDIR%
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "wifilver failed"
goto errend
rmdir /q /s %TEMPCABDIR%
if errorlevel 1 call errmsg.cmd "err deleting tmpcab dir"& goto errend
REM *****************************************************
REM * Copy the final version of sasetup.msi to the *
REM * release folder *
REM *****************************************************
if errorlevel 1 (
call errmsg.cmd "Failed to copy sasetup.msi to release location"
goto errend
call logmsg.cmd "samsigen.cmd completed successfully!"
call logmsg.cmd "To install, run %_NTPOSTBLD%\sasetup.msi"
REM we're done
goto end
REM ******************SUBS START HERE********************
REM *****************************************************
REM * Update version sub *
REM * (updates version in the property table *
REM *****************************************************
REM Update the version in the Property table
REM and update the version in the Upgrade Table
REM %1 is the msi file
REM %2 is the msiidt directory
set ntverp=%_NTBINDIR%\public\sdk\inc\ntverp.h
if NOT EXIST %ntverp% (echo Can't find ntverp.h.&goto :ErrEnd)
for /f "tokens=3 delims=, " %%i in ('findstr /c:"#define VER_PRODUCTMAJORVERSION " %ntverp%') do (
set /a ProductMajor="%%i"
set BuildNum=%%i
for /f "tokens=3 delims=, " %%i in ('findstr /c:"#define VER_PRODUCTMINORVERSION " %ntverp%') do (
set /a ProductMinor="%%i"
set BuildNum=!BuildNum!.%%i
for /f "tokens=6" %%i in ('findstr /c:"#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD " %ntverp%') do (
set /a ProductBuild="%%i"
set BuildNum=!BuildNum!.%%i
for /f "tokens=3" %%i in ('findstr /c:"#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD_QFE " %ntverp%') do (
set /a ProductQfe="%%i"
set BuildNum=!BuildNum!.%%i
call logmsg.cmd "Updating the sasetup.msi ProductVersion to !BuildNum! in prop table"
call cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wiexport.vbs %1 %2 Property
copy %2\Property.idt %2\Property.idt.old > nul
del /f %2\Property.idt
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in (%2\Property.idt.old) do (
if /i "%%a" == "ProductVersion" (
echo %%a !BuildNum!>>%2\Property.idt
) else (
echo %%a %%b>>%2\Property.idt
REM Set the property that says if this is an x86 or a 64-bit package
if /i "%CurArch%" == "i386" (
echo Install32 ^1>>%2\Property.idt
if /i "%CurArch%" == "ia64" (
echo Install64 ^1>>%2\Property.idt
call cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wiimport.vbs //nologo %1 %2 Property.idt
REM call logmsg.cmd "Finished updating the ProductVersion in the property table"
call logmsg.cmd "Setting the version in the Upgrade table"
call cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wiexport.vbs //nologo %1 %2 Upgrade
copy %2\Upgrade.idt %2\Upgrade.idt.old > nul
del /f %2\Upgrade.idt
REM Put the header to the file
REM Echo the first three lines to the file
set /a count=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%2\upgrade.idt.old) do (
if !count! LEQ 3 echo %%a>>%2\Upgrade.idt
set /a count=!count!+1
for /f "skip=3 tokens=1,2,3,4 delims= " %%a in (%2\Upgrade.idt.old) do (
echo %%a !BuildNum! %%c %%d>>%2\Upgrade.idt
call cscript.exe %SAKITDIR%\wiimport.vbs //nologo %1 %2 Upgrade.idt
call logmsg.cmd "Finished updating the version in the upgrade table"
goto :EOF
goto :EOF
seterror.exe 0
goto :EOF