Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

412 lines
14 KiB

<%Response.Expires = 0%>
<title>Main Page</title>
Dim objElement
Dim objElementCol
Dim objAlertElementCol
Dim objAlertElement
Dim objResourceElementCol
Dim objResourceElement
Dim objLocMgr
Dim strElementID
Dim strText
Dim strAlertLog
Dim varReplacementStrings
Dim objRetriever
Dim objSaHelper
Dim strCurrentIp
Dim strHostName
Dim strCaptions
Dim strDescriptions
Dim strLongDescriptions
Dim intCaptionID
Dim intDescriptionID
Dim intLongDescriptionID
Dim intResourceWidth
Dim strSourceDll
On Error Resume Next
'Reset tasks page settings
Session("Task_CurrentPage") = ""
Session("Task_CurrentTask") = ""
Session("Task_FocusItem") = ""
'Get the hostname and ip address
Set objSaHelper = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.SAHelper")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strCurrentIp = "UNKNOWN"
strHostName = "UNKNOWN"
strCurrentIp = objSaHelper.IpAddress
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strCurrentIp = "UNKNOWN"
End If
strHostName = objSaHelper.HostName
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strHostName = "UNKNOWN"
End If
End If
Set objSaHelper = Nothing
'Create elementmgr and get current alerts
Set objRetriever = Server.CreateObject("Elementmgr.ElementRetriever")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set objResourceElementCol = objRetriever.GetElements(1, "LOCAL_UI_RESOURCE")
intResourceWidth = 0
If Err.Number = 0 Then
intResourceWidth = objResourceElementCol.Count * 16
End If
Set objElementCol = objRetriever.GetElements(1, "SA_Alerts")
If objElementCol.Count=0 or Err.Number <> 0 Then
strCaptions = ""
strDescriptions = ""
strLongDescriptions = ""
'get alert definitions
Set objAlertElementCol = objRetriever.GetElements(1,"LocalUIAlertDefinitions")
'create localization manager to get alert strings
Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
strCaptions = ""
strDescriptions = ""
strLongDescriptions = ""
For Each objElement in objElementCol
strAlertLog = objElement.GetProperty("AlertLog")
strElementID = "LocalUIAlertDefinitions" & strAlertLog & Hex(objElement.GetProperty("AlertID"))
strText = ""
Set objAlertElement = objAlertElementCol.Item(strElementID)
If Err <> 0 Then
Set objAlertElement = Nothing
strSourceDll = objAlertElement.GetProperty("Source")
intCaptionID = "&H" & objAlertElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID")
intDescriptionID = "&H" & objAlertElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID")
intLongDescriptionID = "&H" & objAlertElement.GetProperty("LongDetailRID")
varReplacementStrings = objElement.GetProperty("ReplacementStrings")
strText = ""
strText = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceDll, intCaptionID, varReplacementStrings)
If strText<> "" Then
strCaptions = strCaptions & "<option>" & strText
strText = ""
strText = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceDll, intDescriptionID, varReplacementStrings)
strDescriptions = strDescriptions & "<option>" & strText
strText = ""
strText = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceDll, intLongDescriptionID, varReplacementStrings)
strLongDescriptions = strLongDescriptions & "<option>" & strText
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Set objLocMgr = Nothing
Set objElement = Nothing
Set objElementCol = Nothing
Set objAlertElement = Nothing
Set objAlertElementCol = Nothing
Option Explicit
public iCurrentPage
public iPageCount
public iFocus
public iTimeOut
Sub window_onload
Dim objKeypad
Dim iAlertCount
Set objKeypad = CreateObject("Ldm.SAKeypadController")
objKeypad.Setkey 0,9,TRUE
objKeypad.Setkey 1,9,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 2,37,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 3,39,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 4,0,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 5,13,FALSE
set objKeypad = Nothing
iAlertCount = alerts.length
If PageCount.value <> "" Then
iPageCount = CInt(PageCount.value)
iPageCount = 0
End If
If FocusItem.value <> "" Then
iFocus = CInt(FocusItem.value)
iFocus = 0
End If
If CurrentPage.value <> "" Then
iCurrentPage = CInt(CurrentPage.value)
iCurrentPage = 0
End If
If iAlertCount > 0 Then
'check if all of the alerts fit one page
If iAlertCount = 1 Then
iPageCount = 1
alert1.innertext = alerts.options(0).text
alert1.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(0).text
If descriptions.options(0).text <> "" Then
desc1.style.display = ""
desc1.innertext = descriptions.options(0).text
End If
End If
If iAlertCount = 2 Then
If descriptions.options(0).text = "" or descriptions.options(1).text = "" Then
iPageCount = 1
alert1.innertext = alerts.options(0).text
alert1.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(0).text
If descriptions.options(0).text <> "" Then
desc1.innertext = descriptions.options(0).text
alert3.innertext = alerts.options(1).text
alert3.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(1).text
alert2.innertext = alerts.options(1).text
alert2.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(1).text
desc2.innertext = descriptions.options(1).text
End If
End If
End If
If iAlertCount = 3 Then
If descriptions.options(0).text = "" and descriptions.options(1).text = "" and descriptions.options(2).text = "" Then
iPageCount = 1
alert1.innertext = alerts.options(0).text
alert1.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(0).text
alert2.innertext = alerts.options(1).text
alert2.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(1).text
alert3.innertext = alerts.options(2).text
alert3.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(2).text
End If
End If
If iPageCount <> 1 or iAlertCount > 3 Then
iPageCount = iAlertCount
alert1.innertext = alerts.options(iCurrentPage).text
alert1.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text
If descriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text <> "" Then
desc1.innertext = descriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text
End If
page.style.display = ""
page.innertext = (iCurrentPage+1)&" of "&(iPageCount)
End If
If iFocus = 0 Then
End If
If iFocus = 1 Then
End If
If iFocus = 2 Then
End If
If iFocus = -1 Then
End If
PageCount.value = iPageCount
End If
If iAlertCount = 0 Then
logo.style.display = ""
End If
iTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("TimerSub(1)",5000)
End Sub
Sub TimerSub(iIndex)
if iIndex = 1 then
IpInfo.innertext = "<%=strCurrentIp%>"
iTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("TimerSub(0)",5000)
iTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("TimerSub(1)",5000)
IpInfo.innertext = "<%=strHostName%>"
end if
End Sub
Sub keydown()
If iPageCount > 1 Then
'right arrow
If window.event.keycode = 39 Then
iCurrentPage = iCurrentPage + 1
if iCurrentPage = iPageCount then
iCurrentPage = 0
End If
desc1.style.display = "none"
alert1.style.display = ""
alert1.innertext = alerts.options(iCurrentPage).text
alert1.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text
If descriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text <> "" Then
desc1.style.display = ""
desc1.innertext = descriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text
End If
page.innertext = (iCurrentPage+1)&" of "&(iPageCount)
PageCount.value = iPageCount
CurrentPage.value = iCurrentPage
End If
'left arrow
If window.event.keycode = 37 Then
iCurrentPage = iCurrentPage - 1
if iCurrentPage = -1 then
iCurrentPage = iPageCount-1
End If
desc1.style.display = "none"
alert1.style.display = ""
alert1.innertext = alerts.options(iCurrentPage).text
alert1.hRef = "localui_alertview.asp?Description="+longdescriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text
If descriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text <> "" Then
desc1.style.display = ""
desc1.innertext = descriptions.options(iCurrentPage).text
End If
page.innertext = (iCurrentPage+1)&" of "&(iPageCount)
PageCount.value = iPageCount
CurrentPage.value = iCurrentPage
End If
end if
end sub
Sub ArrowVisible(intIndex)
FocusItem.value = intIndex
If intIndex <> -1 Then
indicator.style.top = intIndex * 12 + 1
indicator.style.display = ""
indicator.style.display = "none"
End If
End Sub
Sub GotoTasksPage()
window.event.returnValue = false
window.navigate "localui_tasks.asp?PageCount="+PageCount.value+"&"+"CurrentPage="+CurrentPage.value+"&"+"FocusItem="+FocusItem.value
End Sub
Sub AlertNotifier_AlertStatusChanged()
window.navigate "localui_main.asp"
End Sub
<select id="alerts" STYLE="display:none;">
<select id="descriptions" STYLE="display:none;">
<select id="longdescriptions" STYLE="display:none;">
<IMG id="logo" STYLE="position:absolute; top:0; left=0; display:none"
SRC="localui_salogo.bmp" BORDER=0>
<IMG id="indicator" STYLE="position:absolute; top:0; left=0; display:none"
SRC="localui_indicator.bmp" BORDER=0>
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:0; left:10; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
id="alert1" OnFocus="ArrowVisible(0)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="keydown">
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:12; left:10; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
id="alert2" OnFocus="ArrowVisible(1)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="keydown">
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:24; left:10; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
id="alert3" OnFocus="ArrowVisible(2)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="keydown">
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:12; left:10; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
id="desc1" onkeydown="keydown">
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:24; left:10; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
id="desc2" onkeydown="keydown">
<A id="IpInfo" STYLE="position:absolute; top:36; left:0; font-size:11; font-family=arial;">
<A id="page" STYLE="position:absolute; top:36; right:0; font-size:11; font-family=arial; display:none;">
page info
<A id="taskslink" href="localui_tasks.asp" onkeydown="keydown" OnFocus="ArrowVisible(-1)" OnClick="GotoTasksPage()">
<IMG STYLE="position:absolute; top:48; right=0;" SRC="localui_satask.bmp" BORDER=0>
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN Name="PageCount" value="<%=Session("Main_PageCount")%>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN Name="CurrentPage" value="<%=Session("Main_CurrentPage")%>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN Name="FocusItem" value="<%=Session("Main_FocusItem")%>">
<OBJECT TABINDEX=-1 STYLE="display=none;"
ID="AlertNotifier" CLASSID="CLSID:F9EBACD8-FE51-4dda-9742-E4D666B76C72">
If intResourceWidth <> 0 Then
Response.Write "<OBJECT TABINDEX=-1 STYLE=""position:absolute; top:48; left=0;WIDTH=" & intResourceWidth & "; HEIGHT=16;"" "
Response.Write "ID=""ResCtrl"" CLASSID=""CLSID:2FE9659A-53CB-4B06-9416-0276113F3106""></OBJECT>"
End If