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280 lines
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' Server Appliance Web Framework Tree Widget
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Call SAI_EnablePageCaching(TRUE)
<!-- #include file="inc_framework.asp" -->
If Len(Trim(Request.QueryString("TreeContainer"))) > 0 Then
Call SA_RenderTree(Request.QueryString("TreeContainer"))
End If
Function SA_RenderTree(ByVal sContainer)
Call SA_TreeEmitPageHeader()
Response.Write("<table><tr><td nowrap>")
Call WriteLine("<form name='frmTreeWidget' method='post' action=""sh_tree.asp?TreeContainer="+Server.URLEncode(sContainer)+""" >")
Call SA_RenderTreeNodes(sContainer, "" )
Call WriteLine("<input type='hidden' name='" & SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY & "' value='" & SAI_GetPageKey() & "' >")
Call WriteLine("<input type='hidden' name=fieldSelectedElement value='"+Request.Form("fieldSelectedElement")+"' >")
Call WriteLine("<input type='hidden' name=fieldImageLeaf value='"+GetImageParam("fieldImageLeaf")+"' >")
Call WriteLine("<input type='hidden' name=fieldImageNodeOpened value='"+GetImageParam("fieldImageNodeOpened")+"' >")
Call WriteLine("<input type='hidden' name=fieldImageNodeClosed value='"+GetImageParam("fieldImageNodeClosed")+"' >")
Call WriteLine("</form>")
Call SA_TreeEmitPageFooter()
End Function
Function SA_RenderTreeNodes(ByVal sContainer, ByVal sSelectedHelpTOC)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oContainer
Dim oElement
Dim sHelpLoc
Dim bIsContainer
Dim sCurrentElementID
sCurrentElementID = Request.Form("fieldSelectedElement")
Set oContainer = GetElements(sContainer)
If ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("SH_TREE", "GetElements("+sContainer+") returned error: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) )
Exit Function
End If
Call SA_GetHelpRootDirectory(sHelpLoc)
If ( oContainer.Count > 0 ) Then
WriteLine("<DIV class=HelpTOCItem>")
For each oElement in oContainer
Dim sImageURL
Dim sCaption
Dim sHelpURL
Dim sOnClickHandler
Dim sClassAttribute
Dim F_IsLeafSelected
Dim ElementID
ElementID = oElement.GetProperty("ElementID")
F_IsLeafSelected = Request.Form(ElementID)
If ( Trim(F_IsLeafSelected) <> "1" ) Then
F_IsLeafSelected = "0"
End If
sHelpURL = sHelpLoc+oElement.GetProperty("URL")
If ( SA_IsParentNode(ElementID) ) Then
bIsContainer = TRUE
If ( Int(F_IsLeafSelected) > 0 ) Then
sImageURL = GetImageParam("fieldImageNodeClosed")
sImageURL = GetImageParam("fieldImageNodeOpened")
End If
sOnClickHandler = "onClick=""return SA_OnTreeClick('"+sHelpURL+"', '"+ElementID+"' );"" "
WriteLine("<input type=hidden value='"+F_IsLeafSelected+"' name='"+ElementID+"' >")
If ( (ElementID = sCurrentElementID) ) Then
sClassAttribute=" class='ActiveTreeNode' "
sClassAttribute=" class='InActiveTreeNode' "
End If
bIsContainer = FALSE
sImageURL = GetImageParam("fieldImageLeaf")
sOnClickHandler = "onClick=""return SA_OnTreeClick('"+sHelpURL+"', '"+ElementID+"' );"" "
WriteLine("<input type=hidden value='0' name='"+ElementID+"' >")
If ( F_IsLeafSelected ) Then
sClassAttribute=" class='ActiveTreeNode' "
sClassAttribute=" class='InActiveTreeNode' "
End If
End If
sCaption = GetLocString(oElement.GetProperty("Source"), oElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID"), "" )
WriteLine("<SPAN ")
WriteLine(" >")
WriteLine("<img src='"+sImageURL+"' >")
If ( bIsContainer ) Then
If ( Int(F_IsLeafSelected) > 0 ) Then
Call SA_RenderTreeNodes(ElementID, "")
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Function SA_IsParentNode(ByVal sContainer)
On Error Resume Next
SA_IsParentNode = FALSE
Dim oContainer
Set oContainer = GetElements(sContainer)
If ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("SH_TREE", "GetElements("+sContainer+") returned error: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) )
Exit Function
End If
If ( oContainer.Count > 0 ) Then
'Call SA_TraceOut("SH_TREE", "Container: " + sContainer + " contains " + CStr(oContainer.Count) + " elements.")
SA_IsParentNode = TRUE
End If
Set oContainer = nothing
End Function
Function GetHelpLoc()
GetHelpLoc = "help" + "/"
End Function
Function SA_TreeEmitPageHeader()
<!-- Web Framework End User Help -->
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.-->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%=GetCharSet()%>">
Call SA_EmitAdditionalStyleSheetReferences("")
<script language="JavaScript" src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>sh_page.js"></script>
function SA_OnTreeClick(sHelpURL, sElementID)
// Show the HELP page
var i;
sHelpURL = SA_MungeURL(sHelpURL, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, g_strSAIPageKey);
parent.IFrameHelpContent.location = sHelpURL;
// Expand the tree
if ( sElementID.length > 0 )
var i, j;
for( i = 0; i < window.document.forms.length; i++ )
// Locate the Tree Widget FORM
if ( window.document.forms[i].name == 'frmTreeWidget' )
// Locate the selected tree NODE
for( j = 0; j < window.document.forms[i].elements.length; j++)
if ( window.document.forms[i].elements[j].name == 'fieldSelectedElement' )
// Store the currently selected element id
window.document.forms[i].elements[j].value = sElementID;
else if ( window.document.forms[i].elements[j].name == sElementID )
// Toggle the selection state
if (window.document.forms[i].elements[j].value == '1')
window.document.forms[i].elements[j].value = '0';
window.document.forms[i].elements[j].value = '1';
return true;
End Function
Function SA_TreeEmitPageFooter()
End Function
Function WriteLine(ByRef sLine)
End Function
Private Function GetImageParam(ByVal sWhichImage)
Dim sImage
Select Case (UCase(sWhichImage))
Case UCase("fieldImageLeaf")
sImage = Request("fieldImageLeaf")
If ( Len(sImage) <= 0 ) Then
sImage = "images/book_page.gif"
End If
Case UCase("fieldImageNodeOpened")
sImage = Request("fieldImageNodeOpened")
If ( Len(sImage) <= 0 ) Then
sImage = "images/book_closed.gif"
End If
Case UCase("fieldImageNodeClosed")
sImage = Request("fieldImageNodeClosed")
If ( Len(sImage) <= 0 ) Then
sImage = "images/book_opened.gif"
End If
Case Else
sImage = Request("fieldImageLeaf")
If ( Len(sImage) <= 0 ) Then
sImage = "images/book_page.gif"
End If
End Select
GetImageParam = sImage
End Function