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469 lines
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' share_Appletalkprop.asp: Serves to Modify Appletalk share
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 09-Mar-2001 Creation Date.
' 23-Mar-2001 Modified Date.
'Form Variables
Dim F_txtUsersAllowed 'No of Users given permission
Dim F_txtPWD 'Password for the appletalk share
Dim F_txtConfirmPWD 'Confirm password for the appletalk share
Dim F_chkRead 'Read only access
Dim F_strAllowUsersDisable 'Disable the text box for Maximum Users selected
'Global Variables
Dim G_chkReadOnly 'Checked or Unchecked status of Readonly checkbox
Dim G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk 'Number of Users given permission
Dim G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk 'Unlimited Users given access
Const CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MacFile\Parameters\Volumes"
' Function name : ServeAppleTalkPage
' Description : Serves UI of the page
' Input Variables : None
' Output Variables : None
' Return Values : True/False
' Global Variables : None
Function ServeAppleTalkPage()
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkNew.asp","ServeAppleTalkPage")
'Emits common javascript functions
Call ServeAppletalkCommonJavascript()
'Emits page UI for this page
Call ServePageUI()
ServeAppleTalkPage = true
End Function
' Function name: AppleTalkOnPostBackPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from previous form
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: Out: G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk
' Out: G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk
' Out: F_txtUsersAllowed
' Out: F_txtPWD
' Out: F_flagDisable
' Out: G_chkReadOnly
Function AppleTalkOnPostBackPage()
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkNew.asp","AppleTalkOnPostBackPage")
G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk = Request.Form("hdnradMaxiAllowedAppleTalk")
G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk = Request.Form("hdnradNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk")
G_chkReadOnly = Request.Form("hdnchkReadOnly")
F_txtUsersAllowed = Request.Form("txtUsersAllowed")
F_txtPWD = Request.Form("txtSetPWD")
F_txtConfirmPWD = Request.Form("txtConfirmPwd")
End Function
' Function name: AppleTalkOnInitPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from system
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: True/False
' Global Variables: None
Function AppleTalkOnInitPage()
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkNew.asp","AppleTalkOnInitPage")
'Get Appletalk properties
Call GetAppleTalkProperties()
AppleTalkOnInitPage = true
End Function
' Subroutine name: GetAppleTalkProperties
' Description: Gets All Apple Talk properties from SA machine
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: True/False
' Global Variables: in: CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH - Registry path to
' access Appletalk Shares
' in: F_*,G_*
Function GetAppleTalkProperties()
On Error Resume Next
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkNew.asp","GetAppleTalkProperties")
Dim objRegistryHandle 'holds registry handle
Dim arrAppleTalkSharesValues 'holds Appletalk shares array
Dim nUserLimit 'holds user limit
Dim nProperties 'holds properties of the share
Dim strKeyValue 'holds the keyvalue
Dim arrFormValues 'holds split array
GetAppleTalkProperties = false
' Get the registry connection Object.
set objRegistryHandle = RegConnection()
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
strKeyValue = F_strShareName
'get the value from registry for the path passed
arrAppleTalkSharesValues = getRegkeyvalue(objRegistryHandle,CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH,strKeyValue,CONST_MULTISTRING)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
arrFormValues = split(arrAppleTalkSharesValues(0),"=",2)
F_txtPWD = arrFormValues(1)
F_txtConfirmPWD = arrFormValues(1)
arrFormValues = split(arrAppleTalkSharesValues(1),"=",2)
nUserLimit = arrFormValues(1)
arrFormValues = split(arrAppleTalkSharesValues(2),"=",2)
nProperties = arrFormValues(1)
If nUserLimit = cstr(-1) Then
G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk = CONST_CHECKED
G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk = CONST_UNCHECKED
G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk = CONST_UNCHECKED
G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk = CONST_CHECKED
F_txtUsersAllowed = nUserLimit
End If
If nProperties = 32769 Then
If nProperties = 32768 Then
If nProperties = 0 Then
End If
End If
End If
' Destroying dynamically created objects
set objRegistryHandle=Nothing
GetAppleTalkProperties = true
End Function
'Function name: SetShareforAppleTalk
'Description: Serves in updating existing Appletalk share
'Input Variables: strShareName holds appletalk share name
' strSharePath holds appletalk share path
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'GlobalVariables: In : G_(*), F_*
' Out : L_(*)
Function SetShareforAppleTalk(strShareName, strSharePath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strQueryForCmd 'holds query to be executed at command
Dim nReturnValue 'holds return value
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkNew.asp","SetShareforAppleTalk")
SetShareforAppleTalk = False
'Forming the Command line Query
strQueryForCmd = "VOLUME /SET /NAME:" & chr(34) & strShareName & chr(34)
'Check whether "Readonly" checkbox is checked and append the query with the READONLY switch
If (UCase(G_chkReadOnly) = UCase("CHECKED")) Then
strQueryForCmd = strQueryForCmd & " /READONLY:TRUE"
strQueryForCmd = strQueryForCmd & " /READONLY:FALSE"
End If
'Check whether password is entered and append the query with the PASSWORD switch
strQueryForCmd = strQueryForCmd & " /PASSWORD:" & F_txtPWD
'Check whether Maxusers Option button is checked and append the query with the MAXUSERS switch
If UCase(G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk) = UCase("CHECKED") Then
strQueryForCmd = strQueryForCmd & " /MAXUSERS:UNLIMITED"
strQueryForCmd = strQueryForCmd & " /MAXUSERS:" & F_txtUsersAllowed
End If
'Calling the UpdateAppleTalkShare present in inc_shares.asp to launch the
'command line Query
nReturnValue = UpdateAppleTalkShare(strQueryForCmd)
If nReturnValue = True Then
SetShareforAppleTalk = True
SA_SetErrMsg L_UPDATION_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")"
End If
End Function
'Function: ServeAppletalkCommonJavascript
'Description: Serve common javascript that is required for this page type.
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: None
Function ServeAppletalkCommonJavascript()
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkNew.asp","ServeAppletalkCommonJavascript")
<script language="JavaScript" src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>inc_global.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" >
// Set the initial form values
function AppleTalkInit()
if (document.frmTask.radAllowUserlimit[0].checked == true)
document.frmTask.txtUsersAllowed.disabled = true;
document.frmTask.radAllowUserlimit[1].checked = true;
document.frmTask.txtUsersAllowed.disabled = false
// Validate the page form values
function AppleTalkValidatePage()
//Checking the maximum number of Users allowed
if (((document.frmTask.txtUsersAllowed.value < 1) || (document.frmTask.txtUsersAllowed.value > 999999)) &&
document.frmTask.radAllowUserlimit[1].checked == true)
return false;
//Checking if the Password and Confirm Password are same or not
if (document.frmTask.txtSetPwd.value.toUpperCase() != document.frmTask.txtConfirmPwd.value.toUpperCase())
return false;
return true
//Function to update hidden varibles
function AppleTalkSetData()
return true;
//Update the hidden variable when Maximum radio button is clicked
function MaximumAllowed()
if (document.frmTask.radAllowUserlimit[0].checked == true)
document.frmTask.hdnradMaxiAllowedAppleTalk.value = "CHECKED"
document.frmTask.hdnradNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk.value = ""
document.frmTask.txtUsersAllowed.disabled = true
//Update the hidden variable when UsersAllowed radio button is clicked
function UsersAllowed()
if (document.frmTask.radAllowUserlimit[1].checked == true)
document.frmTask.hdnradNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk.value = "CHECKED"
document.frmTask.hdnradMaxiAllowedAppleTalk.value = ""
document.frmTask.txtUsersAllowed.disabled = false
//Update the hidden variable when Readonly checkbox is clicked
function ReadOnlyStatus()
//Setting the hidden variable ReadOnly to either Checked or space
if (document.frmTask.chkReadOnly.checked == true)
document.frmTask.hdnchkReadOnly.value = "CHECKED"
document.frmTask.hdnchkReadOnly.value = ""
//Validation to allow only numbers as input for Users text box
function OnlyNumbers()
// Clear any previous error messages
if (!(window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57))
window.event.keyCode = 0;
End Function
'Function: ServePageUI
'Description: Serves User Interface for the page
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: F_*,G_*,L_*
Function ServePageUI()
Call SA_TraceOut("share_AppleTalkprop.asp","ServePageUI")
if G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk = "" and G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk = "" then
G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk = CONST_CHECKED
G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk = CONST_UNCHECKED
end if
<table valign="middle" align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" >
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<input name="radAllowUserlimit" type="radio" class="FormRadioButton" value="Y" tabindex="1" <%=G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk%> OnClick ="MaximumAllowed()" > <%=L_MAXIMUMALLOWED_TEXT%>
<td class="TasksBody" align="left">
<input name="radAllowUserlimit" type="radio" class="FormRadioButton" value="N" <%=G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk%>
OnClick ="UsersAllowed()"> <%=L_ALLOW_TEXT%>
<input name="txtUsersAllowed" type="text" maxlength="6" class="FormField" value="<% = F_txtUsersAllowed %>" style="WIDTH=50px"<% =F_strAllowUsersDisable %> tabindex="2"
OnKeypress="OnlyNumbers()" ><%=L_USERS_TEXT%>
<td class="TasksBody">
<td colspan="2" class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<input name="txtSetPwd" type="password" MAXLENGTH=8 class="FormField" value="<%=F_txtPWD%>">
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<input name="txtConfirmPwd" type="password" MAXLENGTH=8 class="FormField" value="<%=F_txtConfirmPWD%>">
<td class="TasksBody">
<td colspan="2" class="TasksBody">
<input name="chkReadOnly" type="checkbox" class="FormCheckBox" <%=G_chkReadOnly%>
Call ServeAppleTalkHiddenValues()
End Function
'Function name: ServeAppleTalkVisibleValues()
'Description: Serve Visible Values
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Global Variables: In : F_txtConfirmPWD, F_strPWD
Function ServeAppleTalkVisibleValues
<input type="hidden" name="txtConfirmPwd" value="<%=F_txtConfirmPWD%>">
<input type="hidden" name="txtSetPwd" value="<%=F_txtPWD%>">
<input type="hidden" name="txtUsersAllowed" value="<%=F_txtUsersAllowed%>">
End Function
'Function name: ServeAppleTalkHiddenValues()
'Description: Serve Hidden Values
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Global Variables: In : G_(*)
Function ServeAppleTalkHiddenValues
<input type="hidden" name="hdnradMaxiAllowedAppleTalk" value="<%=G_radMaxiUsersAllowedAppleTalk%>">
<input type="hidden" name="hdnradNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk" value="<%=G_radNoOfUsersAllowedAppleTalk%>">
<input type="hidden" name="hdnchkReadOnly" value="<%=G_chkReadOnly%>">
End Function