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787 lines
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' sharecifs_prop.asp: Serves in modifying CIFS share properties.
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 12 March 2001 Creation Date.
'Form Variables
Dim F_strUserlimitcheck_y 'Allow users radio status value
Dim F_strUserlimitcheck_n 'Allow users radio status value
Dim F_nUserLimit 'Allow User Limit value
Dim F_strUservaluedisable 'Allow user textbox status value
Dim F_strCachinglimitcheck 'Folder caching checkbox status value
Dim F_strLocalUsers 'All local users and groups
Dim F_nCacheOption 'value of the folder cache option
Dim F_UserAccessMaskMaster '* seperated string having access control list of user
Dim F_flagDisable 'Form controls status value used for Hidden shares
Dim F_strPermittedMembers 'Currently selected users and groups
Dim F_strAllowUsersData ', seperated string of allowuser flag and value
Dim F_strComment 'cifs comment
F_strUserlimitcheck_y = "CHECKED"
F_strUserlimitcheck_n = ""
F_nUserLimit = 0
F_strUservaluedisable = "DISABLED"
F_strCachinglimitcheck = "CHECKED"
F_nCacheOption = "0"
F_UserAccessMaskMaster =""
F_strPermittedMembers =""
F_strAllowUsersData =""
F_flagDisable =""
'Global Variables
Dim G_objService 'object to WMI service
Dim G_strLocalmachinename 'Local machine name
Dim G_strTemp 'Allow user temp array
set G_objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
G_strLocalmachinename = GetComputerName()
<script language="JavaScript" src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>inc_global.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" >
// Set the initial form values
function CIFSInit()
var objForm
var nCachevalue
objForm = eval("document.frmTask")
//If Domain member listbox is empty then disable listbox add button
if(objForm.lstDomainMembers.length != 0 )
objForm.lstDomainMembers.options[0].selected = true;
objForm.btnAddMember.disabled = false;
objForm.btnRemoveMember.disabled = true;
objForm.btnAddMember.disabled = true;
/*If selected member listbox is not empty then
select first member else disable remove button and enable add button*/
if(objForm.lstPermittedMembers.length != 0 )
objForm.btnAddMember.disabled = false;
objForm.btnRemoveMember.disabled = true;
objForm.btnAddMember.disabled = false;
//Disable Add button until a charecter is pressed
//select the folder cache option
nCachevalue = objForm.hdnCacheValue.value;
case 16:
objForm.lstCacheOptions.options[1].selected =true;
case 32:
objForm.lstCacheOptions.options[2].selected =true;
case 48:
objForm.lstCacheOptions.disabled =true;
objForm.chkAllowCaching.checked = false;
default :
objForm.lstCacheOptions.options[0].selected =true;
// checks for the default folder cache value
/* Disable cache checkbox,add,remove buttons,
cache listbox for hidden shares*/
if(objForm.hdnDisable.value == "DISABLED" )
objForm.btnRemoveMember.disabled =true
objForm.btnAddMember.disabled = true
objForm.chkAllowCaching.disabled = true
objForm.lstCacheOptions.disabled = true
}// end of function Init()
// Validate the page form values
function CIFSValidatePage()
var objForm
//Throw Error on zero or null user entry in allow user textbox
objForm = eval("document.frmTask")
if(getRadioButtonValue(objForm.radAllowUserlimit) == "n" )
if (IsAllSpaces(objForm.txtAllowUserValue.value))
DisplayErr("<% =Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_NOSPACES_ERRORMESSAGE)) %>");
return false;
if (objForm.txtAllowUserValue.value == 0)
DisplayErr("<% =Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_ZEROUSERS_ERRORMESSAGE))%>");
return false;
return true;
//Function to update hidden varibales
function CIFSSetData()
//Function to set the hidden varibales to be sent to the server
function UpdateHiddenVariables()
var objForm
var strCurrentusers
var intCurrentMembersLength
var strAllowUsersData
strCurrentusers =""
objForm = eval("document.frmTask")
intCurrentMembersLength = objForm.lstPermittedMembers.length;
for(var i=0 ; i < intCurrentMembersLength; i++)
strCurrentusers = strCurrentusers + String.fromCharCode(1) +
objForm.lstPermittedMembers[i].value + String.fromCharCode(2)+ objForm.lstPermittedMembers[i].text
if(getRadioButtonValue(objForm.radAllowUserlimit) == "n" )
strAllowUsersData = "n" + "," + objForm.txtAllowUserValue.value;
strAllowUsersData = "y" + ",";
objForm.hdnAllowUsers.value = strAllowUsersData;
//if cache options unchecked
if(objForm.chkAllowCaching.checked == false)
objForm.hdnCacheValue.value = "48"
<% '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function name: ServePage
' Description: Serves in displaying the page Header,Middle,Bottom Parts.
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None.
Function ServeCIFSPage
On Error Resume Next
<table valign="middle" align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" >
<td colspan=4 class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<input type="text" name="txtComment" class="FormField" Maxlength="256" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(UnescapeChars(ReplaceSubString(F_strComment,"\u0022", """")))%>" size=53>
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<input name="radAllowUserlimit" type="radio" class="FormRadioButton" value= "y" tabindex="1" <%=F_strUserlimitcheck_y%> OnClick ="javascript:allowUserValueEdit(this)" > <%=L_MAXIMUMALLOWED_TEXT%>
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody" align="left">
<input name="radAllowUserlimit" type="radio" class="FormRadioButton" value= "n" <%=F_strUserlimitcheck_n%>
OnClick ="javascript:allowUserValueEdit(this)"> <%=L_ALLOW_TEXT%>
<input name="txtAllowUserValue" type="text" class ="FormField" value="<% = F_nUserLimit %>" style="WIDTH=50px"<% =F_strUservaluedisable %> tabindex="2"
OnKeyUP="javaScript:checkUserLimit(this)" OnKeypress="javaScript:checkkeyforNumbers(this)">
<td colspan="4" class="TasksBody">
<input name="chkAllowCaching" type="checkbox" class="FormCheckBox" <%=F_strCachinglimitcheck%> OnClick="EnableorDisableCacheProp(this)" >
<select rows="1" name="lstCacheOptions" class ="FormField" onChange="storeCacheProp()" >
<option value="0" selected> <%=L_MANUALCACHEDOCS_TEXT%> </option>
<option value="16"> <%=L_AUTOCACHEDOCS_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="32"> <%=L_AUTOCACHEPROGS_TEXT %> </option>
<td colspan="4" class="TasksBody">
<table valign="middle" align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" >
<td class="TasksBody">
<td align ="left" class="TasksBody">
<td align ="left" class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody">
<select size="11" name="lstPermittedMembers" class="FormField" onChange="setUsermask('<%=G_strLocalmachinename%>')" <%=F_flagDisable%>>
<td valign="top" align="center" class="TasksBody">
<select name="lstAllowpermissions" size="1" class="FormField" onChange="JavaScript: setAllowaccess('<%=G_strLocalmachinename%>',lstPermittedMembers)" tabindex="6" <%=F_flagDisable%> >
<option value="4"> <%=L_FULLCONTROL_TEXT%> </option>
<option value="3"> <%=L_CHANGE_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="2"> <%=L_READ_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="1"> <%=L_CHANGEREAD_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="0"> <%=L_NONE_TEXT %> </option>
Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_CIFS_ADD_TEXT, "", "addDomainMember(document.frmTask.txtDomainUser)", 60, 0, F_flagDisable, "btnAddDomainMember")
Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_CIFS_ADD_TEXT, "", "addMember()", 60, 0, F_flagDisable, "btnAddMember")
Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_CIFS_REMOVE_TEXT, "", "removeMember()", 60, 0, F_flagDisable, "btnRemoveMember")
<td valign="top" class="TasksBody">
<select name="lstDenypermissions" size="1" class="FormField" onChange="JavaScript: setDenyaccess('<%=G_strLocalmachinename%>',lstPermittedMembers)" tabindex="7" <%=F_flagDisable%> >
<option value="4"> <%=L_FULLCONTROL_TEXT%> </option>
<option value="3"> <%=L_CHANGE_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="2"> <%=L_READ_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="1"> <%=L_CHANGEREAD_TEXT %> </option>
<option value="0"> <%=L_NONE_TEXT %> </option>
<input type="text" class="FormField" style="WIDTH:150px" name="txtDomainUser" onKeyUP ="disableAddButton(this,document.frmTask.btnAddDomainMember)" <%=F_flagDisable%> >
<select class="FormField" multiple size="5" name="lstDomainMembers" <%=F_flagDisable%> >
<td colspan="4" class="TasksBody">
Call ServeCIFSHiddenValues
End Function
' Function name: CIFSOnPostBackPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from previous form
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: Out: F_strPermittedMembers - Currently selected users
' and groups
' Out: F_UserAccessMaskMaster - * seperated string
' having access control list of user
' Out: F_nCacheOption -value of the folder cache option
' Out: F_strAllowUsersData - , seperated string of
' allowuser flag and value
' Out: F_flagDisable -Form controls status value
' Out: G_strTemp -Allow user temp array
' in: G_objService - object to WMI service
Function CIFSOnPostBackPage
On Error Resume Next
F_strPermittedMembers = Request.Form ("hdnCurrentUsers")
F_UserAccessMaskMaster = Request.Form ("hdnUserAccessMaskMaster")
F_nCacheOption = Request.Form ("hdnCacheValue")
F_strAllowUsersData = Request.Form ("hdnAllowUsers")
F_flagDisable = Request.Form ("hdnDisable")
F_strComment = Request.Form ("hdnComment")
F_strLocalUsers = getLocalUsersList(G_objService)
F_strLocalUsers = F_strLocalUsers & Getbuiltingroups(G_objService)
F_strLocalUsers = F_strLocalUsers & getGroups(G_objService,G_strLocalmachinename)
G_strTemp = split(F_strAllowUsersData,",")
if G_strTemp(0) = "n" then
checkradio G_strTemp(1),"n"
checkradio "","y"
end if
End Function
' Function name: CIFSOnInitPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from system
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: Out: F_strPermittedMembers - Currently selected users
' and groups
' Out: F_UserAccessMaskMaster - * seperated string
' having access control list of user
' Out: F_nCacheOption -value of the folder cache option
' Out: F_strAllowUsersData - , seperated string of
' allowuser flag and value
' Out: F_flagDisable -Form controls status value
' in: G_objService - object to WMI service
Function CIFSOnInitPage
On Error Resume Next
F_strLocalUsers = getLocalUsersList(G_objService)
F_strLocalUsers = F_strLocalUsers & Getbuiltingroups(G_objService)
F_strLocalUsers = F_strLocalUsers & getGroups(G_objService,G_strLocalmachinename)
If instr(F_strShareTypes,"W") > 0 Then
if(F_flagDisable = "") then
F_nCacheOption = getShareCacheProp(F_strShareName)
end If
End if
End Function
' Function name: SetCIFSshareProp
' Description: To set the sharedescritpion,maximum allowed users ,
' users and their allowed permissions of the given share
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: True on sucess, False on error (and error msg
' will be set by SA_SetErrMsg)
' Global Variables: in: F_strShareName -CIFS share name
' in: F_UserAccessMaskMaster - * seperated string having access control list of user
' in: F_nCacheOption -value of the folder cache option
' in: F_strAllowUsersData - , seperated string of allowuser flag and value
' in: F_flagDisable -Form controls status value used for Hidden shares
' in: G_objService - object to WMI service
' Updates system with CIFS properties as given by F_UserAccessMaskMaster. If an error
' occurs, sets error message with SA_SetErrMsg and exits with False.
function SetCIFSshareProp()
On Error resume next
Dim objShareInstance
Dim objclass
Dim objSecDescriptor
Dim nRetVal
Dim strDomain
Dim strUser
Dim strAccess
Dim strAce
Dim i
Dim objACE
Dim objTrustee
Dim arrSubAccessMask
DIm arrShareItem
Dim arrUserSID
Dim objDACL
Dim strWMIPath
Dim sEveryone
sEveryone = SA_GetAccount_Everyone()
'Setting the User EVERYONE deny FullControl Accessmask
If (F_UserAccessMaskMaster = "") then
F_UserAccessMaskMaster = "*" & "" & "," & sEveryone & "," & "0" & "," & "0"
End If
arrSubAccessMask = split(F_UserAccessMaskMaster,"*")
Set objShareInstance = G_objService.Get("Win32_Share.Name=" & chr(34) & F_strShareName & chr(34))
'------------- Localization String -------------
Dim arrVarReplacementString(0)
arrVarReplacementString(0) = F_strShareName
L_SHARENAMENOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE = SA_GetLocString("foldermsg.dll", "C03A005B", arrVarReplacementString)
Dim strNTAuthorityDomainName
Dim strBuiltinDomainName
' Get localized domain names
strNTAuthorityDomainName = getNTAuthorityDomainName(G_objService)
strBuiltinDomainName = getBuiltinDomainName(G_objService)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
SetCIFSshareProp =FALSE
Exit Function
End If
'checking whether the added domain user existance
for i=0 to Ubound(arrSubAccessMask)-1
arrShareItem = split(arrSubAccessMask(i+1),",")
strDomain = arrShareItem(0)
strUser = arrShareItem(1)
'------------- Localization String -------------
Dim arrVarReplacementStrings(0)
arrVarReplacementStrings(0) = strDomain & "\" & strUser
L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE = SA_GetLocString("foldermsg.dll", "C03A0062", arrVarReplacementStrings)
'Do not check if user is local or SID string
If Left(strUser,1) <> "?" Then
If not( UCASE(strDomain) = UCASE(G_strLocalmachinename) or UCASE(strDomain) = UCASE(strNTAuthorityDomainName) or UCASE(strDomain)= UCASE(strBuiltinDomainName) or strDomain = "" ) then
strWMIPath = "Domain=" & chr(34) & strDomain & chr(34) & "," & "Name=" & chr(34) & strUser & chr(34)
if (not (isValidInstance(G_objService,"Win32_Account",strWMIPath))) then
SA_SetErrMsg L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")"
SetCIFSshareProp =FALSE
Exit function
End If
End If
End If
Set objclass = G_objService.Get("Win32_SecurityDescriptor")
Set objSecDescriptor = objclass.SpawnInstance_()
'Hardcoding the Control Flag value
objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("ControlFlags") = 32772
objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("DACL") = Array()
Set objDACL = objSecDescriptor.Properties_.Item("DACL")
for i=0 to Ubound(arrSubAccessMask)-1
arrShareItem = split(arrSubAccessMask(i+1),",")
strDomain = arrShareItem(0)
strUser = arrShareItem(1)
strAccess = arrShareItem(2)
strAce = arrShareItem(3)
'If Username has "?" at start of the string then get SID based on SID string
'Else get SID for username ,Domain.
If Left(strUser,1) <> "?" Then
arrUserSID = getsidvalue(strUser,strDomain)
strUser = Right(strUser, (Len(strUser) - 1))
arrUserSID = getBinarySIDforstirngSID(strUser)
End if
Set objTrustee = SetTrustee(strDomain,strUser,arrUserSID)
Set objACE = SetACE(strAccess, 3, strAce, objTrustee)
objDACL.Value(i) = objACE
if (G_strTemp(0) = "n") then
If (objShareInstance.Type <> 0) then
nRetVal = objShareInstance.SetShareInfo(F_nUserLimit,F_strComment)
nRetVal = objShareInstance.SetShareInfo(F_nUserLimit, F_strComment, objSecDescriptor)
End If
If (objShareInstance.Type <> 0) then
nRetVal = objShareInstance.SetShareInfo(4294967295,F_strComment)
nRetVal = objShareInstance.SetShareInfo(4294967295, F_strComment, objSecDescriptor)
End If
End If
If nRetVal = 0 and Err.number =0 then
SetCIFSshareProp =TRUE
SetCIFSshareProp =FALSE
End If
'setting cache options
If (F_flagDisable = "") then
If(setShareCacheProp(F_strShareName,F_nCacheOption)) then
SetCIFSshareProp =TRUE
SetCIFSshareProp =FALSE
end If
End If
SetCIFSshareProp = True
End FUnction
' Function name: getCIFSshareProp
' Description: gets the CIFS properties from system
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: True on sucess, False on error (and error msg
' will be set by SA_SetErrMsg)
' Global Variables: In: F_strShareName -CIFS share name
' Out: F_flagDisable -Form controls status value used for Hidden shares
' In: G_objService - object of WMI service
' Gets the CIFS Allow maximum values and if share type is hidden the F_flagDisable
' is assigned "DISABLE".If unable to find the share name then calls
' servefailure page
Function getCIFSshareProp()
On Error resume next
Dim objShare
Dim objSharePath
objSharePath = "Win32_Share.Name=" & chr(34) & F_strShareName &chr(34)
set objShare = G_objService.Get(objSharePath)
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Exit Function
End If
'chacking for hidden share type and disabled the some controls
if objShare.Type <> 0 then
F_flagDisable = "DISABLED"
ENd If
If objShare.AllowMaximum = false then
checkradio objShare.MaximumAllowed,"n"
checkradio "","y"
End if
getCIFSshareProp = True
End FUnction
' Function name: GetUsersInShare
' Description: This will get all the users on the share with Access control list
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None.
' Return Values: None.
' Global Variables: in: F_strShareName -CIFS share name
' Out: F_UserAccessMaskMaster - * seperated string having access control list of user
' Out: F_strAllowUsersData - , seperated string of allowuser flag and value
' in: G_objService - object to WMI service
' This will get all the users having access on the share with Access mask values,
' Into users list separeted by '*' , and with in record of user seperated by ','
' Format of each user record: " *(Astriscs),User,accessmask, accesstype,alone-'a' or paired-'p' "
' If the share name is not found in Win32_Logicalsharesecuritysetting
' class user everyone with allow controll is set. On error displays error using SA_SetErrMsg()
Function GetUsersInShare()
On Error Resume Next
'Dim services
Dim objSharePath
Dim objShare
Dim objSecdesc
Dim nRetVal
Dim nAccessMask
Dim nAceType
Dim objPresent_DACL
Dim nTrustees
Dim strMemberToAdd
Dim blnUserFound
Dim i
Dim Temp
Dim strTrusteeName
Dim strTrusteeDomain
Dim strTrusteeSID
Dim blnEmptyUserName
Dim strNTAuthorityDomainName
Dim strBuiltinDomainName
strNTAuthorityDomainName = getNTAuthorityDomainName(G_objService)
strBuiltinDomainName = getBuiltinDomainName(G_objService)
F_UserAccessMaskMaster = "" ' initializing to null
'Following code adds the members present in share perm
objSharePath = "Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.Name=" & "'" & F_strShareName & "'"
Set objShare = G_objService.Get(objSharePath)
'if the share name is not found default user Everyone is set to the share with allow read
'store all the users ,domainname,accessmask, accesstype,old-o or new-n entry,alone-a or paired-p object
if Err.Number <> 0 then
Dim sEveryone
sEveryone = SA_GetAccount_Everyone()
F_strPermittedMembers = F_strPermittedMembers & chr(1)& sEveryone & chr(2)& sEveryone
F_UserAccessMaskMaster = F_UserAccessMaskMaster &"*" & "" &"," & sEveryone & "," & 2032127 &","& 0 & "," & "a"
Exit Function
End If
nRetVal = objShare.getsecuritydescriptor(objSecdesc)
Set objPresent_DACL = objSecdesc.Properties_.Item("DACL")
nTrustees = UBound(objPresent_DACL.Value)
For i = 0 To nTrustees
Set strTrusteeName = objPresent_DACL.Value(i).Properties_.Item("Trustee").Value.Properties_.Item("Name")
Set strTrusteeDomain = objPresent_DACL.Value(i).Properties_.Item _
nAccessMask = objPresent_DACL.Value(i).Properties_.Item _
("AccessMask").Value ' Save the accessmask
'code added to handle empty usernames..
Set strTrusteeSID = objPresent_DACL.Value(i).Properties_.Item _
'If trustee name is NUll then Assign SID value of user to trustee name
blnEmptyUserName = FALSE
If IsNull(strTrusteeName) then
strTrusteeName = strTrusteeSID
blnEmptyUserName = TRUE
End if
nAceType = objPresent_DACL.Value(i).Properties_.Item("AceType").Value
'If Empty user flag is true then append "?" before trusteename in seraching for paired objects
if (blnEmptyUserName) then
Temp = strTrusteeDomain & "," & "?" & strTrusteeName
Temp = strTrusteeDomain & "," & strTrusteeName
End If
blnUserFound = Instr(F_UserAccessMaskMaster,Temp)
if(strTrusteeName <> "") then
'checking for the duplicate users in the DACL object
if ((nAceType = 0) and ( blnUserFound = 0))or ((nAceType =1) ) then
'if user name is SID value then store value of OPTION Output with "?" appended
' at the start of string but display with same value
If blnEmptyUserName then
F_strPermittedMembers = F_strPermittedMembers & chr(1)& "?" & strTrusteeName & chr(2)& strTrusteeName
If (IsNull(strTrusteeDomain) or strTrusteeDomain = "") then
F_strPermittedMembers = F_strPermittedMembers & chr(1) & strTrusteeName & chr(2)& strTrusteeName
If instr(strTrusteeDomain,G_strLocalmachinename) > 0 or instr(UCASE(strTrusteeDomain),UCASE(strNTAuthorityDomainName))> 0 or instr(UCASE(strTrusteeDomain),UCASE(strBuiltinDomainName)) > 0 then
F_strPermittedMembers = F_strPermittedMembers & chr(1)& strTrusteeDomain & "\" & strTrusteeName & chr(2)& strTrusteeName
F_strPermittedMembers = F_strPermittedMembers & chr(1)& strTrusteeDomain & "\" & strTrusteeName & chr(2)& strTrusteeDomain & "\" & strTrusteeName
End If
End If
End If
End If
'store all the users ,domainname,accessmask, accesstype,alone-a or paired-p object
'If Username is not retrived Assign SID value to Username
If blnEmptyUserName then
strTrusteeName = "?" & strTrusteeName
End if
if ( blnUserFound = 0) then
F_UserAccessMaskMaster = F_UserAccessMaskMaster &"*" & strTrusteeDomain &"," & strTrusteeName & "," & nAccessMask &","& nAceType & "," & "a"
F_UserAccessMaskMaster = F_UserAccessMaskMaster &"*" & strTrusteeDomain &"," & strTrusteeName & "," & nAccessMask &","& nAceType & "," & "p"
End if
End If 'Enf If for (strTrusteeName <> "")
If Err.number <> 0 then
End If
End Function
' Function name: ServeCIFSHiddenValues
' Description: Serves the hidden HTML fields
' Input Variables: None.
' Output Variables: None.
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: F_(*) - form variables
Function ServeCIFSHiddenValues
<input type="hidden" name="hdnCacheValue" value=" <%=F_nCacheOption%> ">
<input type="hidden" name="hdnUserAccessMaskMaster" value="<%= F_UserAccessMaskMaster%>" >
<input type="hidden" name="hdnCurrentUsers" value="<%=F_strPermittedMembers%>">
<input type="hidden" name="hdnAllowUsers" value="<%=F_strAllowUsersData%>" >
<input type="hidden" name="hdnDisable" value="<%=F_flagDisable%>" >
<input type="hidden" name="hdnComment" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(UnescapeChars(ReplaceSubString(F_strComment,"\u0022", """")))%>">
End Function