Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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41 lines
1.1 KiB

all: jpnbin chsbin
# Clean out old DLLs
@-del temp.edb /S/Q 2>NUL
@-for /f %1 in ('dir /ad/b/l') do @if not obj == %1 ( if not objd == %1 del /Q %1\*.dll 2>NUL )
@-for /f %1 in ('dir /ad/b/l') do @if not obj == %1 ( if not objd == %1 del /Q %1\$(ROOTNAME)_UpdateLog.csv 2>NUL )
# Build target -- called recursively from xxxbin; must set DIR
target: $(DIR)\$(ROOTNAME).dll
$(DIR)\$(ROOTNAME).dll: obj\i386\$(ROOTNAME).dll
cd $(DIR)
@echo *** Running LocStudio for $(DIR) ***
copy $(ROOTNAME).edb temp.edb >NUL
"$(PROGRAMFILES)\LocStudio\lscmd" /G /U temp.edb
del temp.edb
cd ..
# Language targets -- call this makefile recursively for each language
nmake -nologo -f local.mak target DIR=1041
nmake -nologo -f local.mak target DIR=2052