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#ifndef __BASECTL_HXX_
#define __BASECTL_HXX_
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "utils.hxx"
#include "oleacc.h"
class CContextAccess;
virtual CDataObj * GetProps() { return &_aryDataObjects[0]; } \
static const PROPDESC s_propdesc[]; \
virtual const CBaseCtl::PROPDESC *GetPropDesc() const \
{ return (CBaseCtl::PROPDESC *)&s_propdesc;} \
CDataObj _aryDataObjects[props]
// CBaseCtl - Base class for control behaviors
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CBaseCtl :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public IPersistPropertyBag2,
public IElementBehavior,
public IAccessible
class CDataObj;
BSTR _bstrPropName; // The name of the property
VARTYPE _vt; // The variant type of the property
long _lDefault; // The default value
BSTR _bstrDefault;
virtual const CBaseCtl::PROPDESC *GetPropDesc() const = 0;
const PROPDESC *BaseDesc() const { return GetPropDesc(); }
// methods
CBaseCtl ();
~CBaseCtl ();
// IElementBehavior
STDMETHOD(Init)(IElementBehaviorSite *pSite);
STDMETHOD(Notify)(LONG lEvent, VARIANT * pVarNotify);
STDMETHOD(Detach)() { return S_OK; };
// CBaseCtl
virtual HRESULT Init() { return S_OK; };
// Stub IDispatch functions for IAccessible
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT* pctinfo)
{Assert (FALSE && "Should not be calling IDispatch on CBaseCTL"); return E_FAIL;}
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** pptinfo)
{Assert (FALSE && "Should not be calling IDispatch on CBaseCTL"); return E_FAIL;}
STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR* rgszNames, UINT cNames,
LCID lcid, DISPID* rgdispid)
{Assert (FALSE && "Should not be calling IDispatch on CBaseCTL"); return E_FAIL;}
STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid,
LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, VARIANT* pvarResult,
EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo, UINT* puArgErr)
{Assert (FALSE && "Should not be calling IDispatch on CBaseCTL"); return E_FAIL;}
// IAccessible implementation
// These methods should never get called.
STDMETHOD(get_accParent)(THIS_ IDispatch * FAR* ppdispParent)
{ Assert (FALSE && "get_accParent should not get called on this element"); return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(get_accHelp)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszHelp)
{ Assert (FALSE && "get_accHelp should not get called on this element"); return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(get_accHelpTopic)(THIS_ BSTR* pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long* pidTopic)
{ Assert (FALSE && "get_accHelpTopic should not get called on this element"); return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(put_accName)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR szName)
{ Assert (FALSE && "put_accName should not get called on this element"); return E_NOTIMPL; };
// These methods most likely need to be implemented on derived classes.
// If DoDefaultAction returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will scroll the control
// into view and set focus to it.
STDMETHOD(accDoDefaultAction)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If get_DefaultAction returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return "select".
STDMETHOD(get_accDefaultAction)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszDefaultAction)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If get_Description returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return NULL.
STDMETHOD(get_accDescription)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR FAR* pszDescription)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If get_Name returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return the title attribute if there is one.
STDMETHOD(get_accName)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszName)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If get_Value returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return NULL.
STDMETHOD(get_accValue)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszValue)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If get_Role returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT.
// Look at ROLE_SYSTEM_* in oleacc.h for possible return values.
STDMETHOD(get_accRole)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarRole)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// See CAccBehavior::get_accState to see what trident does
// if this returns E_NOTIMPL.
// (NOTE: (krisma) I think we want trident to check these regardless of what we return.)
// Look at STATE_SYSTEM_* in oleacc.h for possible return values.
STDMETHOD(get_accState)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarState)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// These methods most likely don't need to be implemented,
// but it may make sense for some controls.
// If get_KeyboardShortcut returns S_FALSE, trident will return the accesskey
// attribute if there is one.
STDMETHOD(get_accKeyboardShortcut)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszKeyboardShortcut)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If put_Value returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return E_NOTIMPL.
STDMETHOD(put_accValue)(THIS_ VARIANT varChild, BSTR pszValue)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// If Select returns E_NOTIMPL, trident will return scroll the element into
// view and sets focus to it.
// Look at SELFLAG_* in oleacc.h for possible flag values.
STDMETHOD(accSelect)(THIS_ long flagsSelect, VARIANT varChild)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// NOTE: IF YOUR CONTROL HAS CHILDREN (like the select) that we care about for
// accessibility, you will have to implement the methods below.
// For these methods, unless a control has children,
// we should return E_NOIMPL and let trident handle these
// for us.
STDMETHOD(accHitTest)(THIS_ long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT * pvarChildAtPoint)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(get_accChild)(THIS_ VARIANT varChildIndex, IDispatch * FAR* ppdispChild)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(get_accChildCount)(THIS_ long FAR* pChildCount)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(get_accFocus)(THIS_ VARIANT FAR * pvarFocusChild)
{ return E_NOTIMPL; };
// For these methods, unless a control has children,
// we should return S_FALSE. CBaseCtl can handle this.
// For Location, we should return S_FALSE if we have no children. If
// we do have children, trident hadles the CHILDID_SELF case.
STDMETHOD(accLocation)(THIS_ long* pxLeft, long* pyTop, long* pcxWidth, long* pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild)
{ return S_FALSE; };
STDMETHOD(accNavigate)(THIS_ long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT * pvarEndUpAt)
{ return S_FALSE; };
STDMETHOD(get_accSelection)(THIS_ VARIANT FAR * pvarSelectedChildren)
{ V_VT(pvarSelectedChildren) = VT_EMPTY; return S_OK; };
// How to add properties to CBaseCtl derived object (krisma)
// 1. Add the property to iextag.idl.
// 2. Create the get_ and put_ functions.
// 3. Add the property to the propdecs and enum at the beginning of the
// object's cxx file.
// 4. Increment the DECLARE_PROPDESC_MEMBERS call in the object's hxx
// file to reflect the total number of options.
// To access a property, use GetProps()[eAttrName].
// IPersistPropertyBag2
STDMETHOD(Load) ( IPropertyBag2 *pPropBag, IErrorLog *pErrLog);
STDMETHOD(Save) ( IPropertyBag2 *pPropBag, BOOL fClearDirty, BOOL fSaveAllProperties);
{ return E_FAIL; };
STDMETHOD(InitNew) ( void )
{ return S_OK; };
STDMETHOD(IsDirty) ( void )
const PROPDESC * ppropdesc = BaseDesc();
int i = 0;
while (ppropdesc->_bstrPropName)
if (GetProps()[i++]._fDirty)
return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
virtual CDataObj * GetProps() { return NULL; }
HRESULT CheckAttributeType(VARIANT * pvar, VARTYPE vt);
HRESULT CheckDefaultValue(const PROPDESC * ppropdesc, CDataObj * pAttribute);
// How to add a custom event to an object derived from CBaseCtl (krisma)
// 1. Call RegisterEvent, passing in a IElementBehaviorSiteOM * and an
// event name. (If you want to, you can also pass in lFlags and plBehaviorID
// to pass onto IElementBehaviorSiteOM->AttachEvent). The event name must start
// with "on".
// 2. To fire the event, call FireEvent with the event name and a VARIANT_BOOL *
// if you want to know if the event was cancelled.
HRESULT RegisterEvent(IElementBehaviorSiteOM * pSiteOM,
BSTR bstrEventName,
LONG * plBehaviorID,
LONG lFlags = 0);
HRESULT FireEvent(long lCookie, VARIANT_BOOL * pfContinue = NULL, BSTR bstrEventName = NULL);
// event sinking
// NOTE How to add support for sinking a new event:
// search for "EVENT_SINK_ADDING_STEP"
// class CEventSink and derived classes
class CEventSink : public HTMLElementEvents2
// methods
inline CBaseCtl * Target() { return CONTAINING_RECORD(this, CBaseCtl, _EventSink); }
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, void **);
// IDispatch
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT* pctinfo) { return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** ppTInfo) { return E_NOTIMPL; };
STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId) { return E_NOTIMPL; };
DISPID dispid,
REFIID riid,
LCID lcid,
WORD wFlags,
DISPPARAMS * pDispParams,
VARIANT * pVarResult,
EXCEPINFO * pExcepInfo,
UINT * puArgErr);
// data
// event sinking methods
HRESULT AttachEvent (ENUM_EVENTS event, CContextAccess * pa);
virtual HRESULT OnClick(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnKeyPress(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnKeyDown(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnKeyUp(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnFocus(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnBlur(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnMouseOver(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnMouseOut(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnMouseDown(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnMouseUp(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnMouseMove(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnSelectStart(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnScroll(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnContextMenu(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnPropertyChange(CEventObjectAccess *pEvent, BSTR bstr) { return S_OK; };
virtual HRESULT OnContentReady() { return S_OK; };
// CDataObj
class CDataObj
V_VT(&_varValue) = VT_EMPTY;
_fDirty = FALSE;
void ClearContents()
_fDirty = FALSE;
BOOL IsDirty () { return _fDirty; };
void Dirty() { _fDirty = TRUE; };
// Data Set'r functions
HRESULT Set (BSTR bstrValue);
HRESULT Set (IDispatch * pDisp);
HRESULT Set (long l);
// Data Get'r functions
HRESULT Get (BSTR * pbstr);
HRESULT Get (IDispatch ** ppDisp);
HRESULT Get (long * pl);
// Data Members
VARIANT _varValue; // the variant for the value
BOOL _fDirty; // has the property been dirtied
// data
CEventSink _EventSink;
IElementBehaviorSite * _pSite;
BOOL _fElementEventSinkConnected : 1;
BOOL _fPElementEventSinkConnected : 1;
DWORD _dwCookie;
#endif // __BASECTL_HXX_