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/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This header file defines constants and types for accessing the NT
TCP driver.
Mike Massa (mikemas) August 13, 1993
Revision History:
#ifndef _NTDDTCP_
#define _NTDDTCP_
// Device Name - this string is the name of the device. It is the name
// that should be passed to NtCreateFile when accessing the device.
#define DD_TCP_DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\Tcp"
#define DD_UDP_DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\Udp"
#define DD_RAW_IP_DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\RawIp"
// Security Filter Support
// Security filters provide a mechanism by which the transport protocol
// traffic accepted on IP interfaces may be controlled. Security filtering
// is globally enabled or disabled for all IP interfaces and transports.
// If filtering is enabled, incoming traffic is filtered based on registered
// {interface, protocol, transport value} tuples. The tuples specify
// permissible traffic. All other values will be rejected. For UDP datagrams
// and TCP connections, the transport value is the port number. For RawIP
// datagrams, the transport value is the IP protocol number. An entry exists
// in the filter database for all active interfaces and protocols in the
// system.
// The following ioctls may be used to access the security filter
// database. The ioctls may be issued on any TCP/IP device object. All of them
// require Administrator privilege. These ioctls do not update the registry
// parameters used to initialize security filtering when an interface is
// installed.
// The TCP_QUERY_SECURITY_FILTER_STATUS ioctl returns the current status of
// security filtering - enabled or disabled.
// The TCP_SET_SECURITY_FILTER_STATUS ioctl modifies the status of security
// filtering. Changing the filtering status does not change the contents of
// the filter database.
// The following ioctls manipulate the filter database. They operate the same
// whether security filtering is enabled or disabled. If filtering is disabled,
// any changes will take effect only when filtering is enabled.
// The TCP_ADD_SECURITY_FILTER ioctl registers an {Interface, Protocol, Value}
// tuple. The TCP_DELETE_SECURITY_FILTER ioctl deregisters an
// {Interface, Protocol, Value} tuple. The TCP_ENUMERATE_SECURITY_FILTER ioctl
// returns the list of {Interface, Protocol, Value} filters currently
// registered.
// Each of these ioctls takes an {Interface, Protocol, Value} tuple as an input
// parameter. Zero is a wildcard value. If the Interface or Protocol elements
// are zero, the operation applies to all interfaces or protocols, as
// appropriate. The meaning of a zero Value element depends on the ioctl.
// For an ADD, a zero Value causes all values to be permissible. For a DELETE,
// a zero Value causes all all values to be rejected. In both cases, any
// previously registered values are purged from the database. For an
// ENUMERATE, a zero Value just causes all registered values to be enumerated,
// as opposed to a specific value.
// For all ioctls, a return code of STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS indicates that
// the IP address submitted in the input buffer does not correspond to
// an interface which exists in the system. A code of
// STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER possibly indicates that the Protocol number
// submitted in the input buffer does not correspond to a transport protocol
// available in the system.
// Structures used in Security Filter IOCTLs.
// Structure contained in the input buffer of
// TCP_SET_SECURITY_FILTER_STATUS ioctls and the output buffer of
struct tcp_security_filter_status {
ULONG FilteringEnabled; // FALSE if filtering is (to be) disabled.
}; // Any other value indicates that filtering
// is (to be) enabled.
typedef struct tcp_security_filter_status
// The TCPSecurityFilterEntry structure, defined in tcpinfo.h, is contained in
// the input buffer of TCP_[ADD|DELETE|ENUMERATE]_SECURITY_FILTER ioctls.
// The TCPSecurityFilterEnum structure, defined in tcpinfo.h, is contained
// in the output buffer of TCP_ENUMERATE_SECURITY_FILTER ioctls. The output
// buffer passed in the ioctl must be large enough to contain at least this
// structure or the call will fail. The structure is followed immediately in
// the buffer by an array of zero or more TCPSecurityFilterEntry structures.
// The number of TCPSecurityFilterEntry structures is specified by the
// tfe_entries_returned field of the TCPSecurityFilterEnum.
// TCP/UDP/RawIP IOCTL code definitions
#define _TCP_CTL_CODE(function, method, access) \
CTL_CODE(FSCTL_TCP_BASE, function, method, access)
#endif // ifndef _NTDDTCP_