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1773 lines
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1773 lines
56 KiB
// nntpadm.idl : IDL source for nntpadm.dll
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
// produce the type library (nntpadm.tlb) and marshalling code.
midl_pragma warning(disable:2362) // too many methods in the interface
cpp_quote("Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation")
cpp_quote("Module Name: nntpadm.h")
cpp_quote(" Nntp Admin Object Interfaces")
cpp_quote("#ifndef _NNTPADM_IDL_INCLUDED_")
cpp_quote("#define _NNTPADM_IDL_INCLUDED_")
cpp_quote("#include <iads.h>")
// Define GUIDS:
// IIDs:
cpp_quote("/* IIDs: */")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_INntpVirtualRoot,0xaa068dc0,0xa635,0x11d0,0x89, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_INntpVirtualRoots,0xaa068dc1,0xa635,0x11d0,0x89, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_INntpFeed,0xcdde8050,0xae09,0x11d0, 0x89, 0x74, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_INntpOneWayFeed,0xcdde8051,0xae09,0x11d0, 0x89, 0x74, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ITcpAccess,0xcbf09fa0,0xb9ac,0x11d0,0x89, 0x77, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ITcpAccessExceptions,0xcbf09fa1,0xb9ac,0x11d0,0x89, 0x77, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ITcpAccessException,0x326e38c0,0xc32a,0x11d0,0x89, 0x89, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
// CLSIDs:
cpp_quote("/* CLSIDs: */")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CNntpVirtualRoot,0x28e6a820,0xa6c4,0x11d0,0x89, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CNntpFeed,0x5bddc640,0xae09,0x11d0, 0x89, 0x74, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CNntpOneWayFeed,0x5bddc641,0xae09,0x11d0, 0x89, 0x74, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
// LibIDs:
cpp_quote("/* LIBIDs: */")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CAdsNntpVirtualServer,0xcbf09fa2,0xb9ac,0x11d0,0x89, 0x77, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAdsNntpVirtualServer,0xcbf09fa3,0xb9ac,0x11d0,0x89, 0x77, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
Don't allow INntpService for now...
cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CTcpAccessException,0x326e38c2,0xc32a,0x11d0,0x89, 0x89, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xf2);")
helpstring("nntpadm 1.0 Type Library")
library NNTPADMLib
// Forward declarations:
interface INntpServerBinding;
interface INntpServerBindings;
interface INntpVirtualRoots;
interface INntpVirtualRoot;
interface INntpFeed;
interface INntpOneWayFeed;
interface ITcpAccess;
interface ITcpAccessExceptions;
interface ITcpAccessException;
// Type definitions:
// Define our feed types:
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
// Interface Definitions:
helpstring("INntpAdmin Interface"),
interface INntpAdmin : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Pointers to other INntpAdmin interfaces:
[propget, helpstring("INntpVirtualServer interface")]
HRESULT ServiceAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("INntpService")]
HRESULT ServerAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure")]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
// Versioning:
[propget, helpstring("Versioning Information")]
HRESULT HighVersion ( [out, retval] long * pdwHighVersion );
[propget, helpstring("Versioning Information")]
HRESULT LowVersion ( [out, retval] long * pdwLowVersion );
[propget, helpstring("Build Number")]
HRESULT BuildNum ( [out, retval] long * pdwBuildNumber );
[propget, helpstring("Service version #")]
HRESULT ServiceVersion ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceVersion );
// Methods:
[helpstring("Enumerate service instances")]
HRESULT EnumerateInstances ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (long) * psaInstanceIds );
[helpstring("VB script version")]
HRESULT EnumerateInstancesVariant ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (VARIANT) * psaInstanceIds );
[helpstring("Create a new service instance")]
HRESULT CreateInstance (
[in] BSTR strNntpFileDirectory,
[in] BSTR strHomeDirectory,
[in] BSTR strProgId,
[in] BSTR strMdbGuid,
[out, retval] long * pdwInstanceId
[helpstring("Delete a service instance")]
HRESULT DestroyInstance ([in] long dwInstanceId );
[helpstring("Translate an error code into a string")]
HRESULT ErrorToString ( [in] long dwErrorCode, [out, retval] BSTR * pstrError );
[helpstring("HTML tokenize the given string")]
HRESULT Tokenize ( [in] BSTR strIn, [out, retval] BSTR * pstrOut );
[helpstring("Truncate the given string")]
HRESULT Truncate ( [in] BSTR strIn, [in] long dwMaxChars, [out, retval] BSTR * pstrOut );
helpstring("INntpService Interface"),
interface INntpService : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SmtpServer ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrSmtpServer );
HRESULT SmtpServer ( [in] BSTR strSmtpServer );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowClientPosts ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowClientPosts );
HRESULT AllowClientPosts ( [in] BOOL fAllowClientPosts );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowFeedPosts ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowFeedPosts );
HRESULT AllowFeedPosts ( [in] BOOL fAllowFeedPosts );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowControlMsgs ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowControlMsgs );
HRESULT AllowControlMsgs ( [in] BOOL fAllowControlMsgs );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DefaultModeratorDomain ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDefaultModeratorDomain );
HRESULT DefaultModeratorDomain ( [in] BSTR strDefaultModeratorDomain );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DisableNewnews ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfDisableNewnews );
HRESULT DisableNewnews ( [in] BOOL fDisableNewnews );
HRESULT TestPass ( [in] BSTR strTestPass );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT TestStringArray ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * psastr );
HRESULT TestStringArray ( [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) psastr );
// Methods:
[helpstring("Get server properties")]
[helpstring("Set server properties")]
HRESULT Set ( [in, defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL fFailIfChanged );
helpstring("INntpVirtualServer Interface"),
interface INntpVirtualServer : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure")]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
// Other admin Interfaces on a virtual server:
[propget, helpstring("INntpAdminFeeds interface")]
HRESULT FeedsAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("INntpAdminGroups")]
HRESULT GroupsAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("INntpAdminExpiration")]
HRESULT ExpirationAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("INntpAdminSessions")]
HRESULT SessionsAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("INntpAdminRebuild")]
HRESULT RebuildAdmin ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("INntpVirtualRoots")]
HRESULT VirtualRoots ( [out, retval] INntpVirtualRoots ** ppINntpVirtualRoots );
[propget, helpstring("INntpVirtaulRoots")]
HRESULT VirtualRootsDispatch ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
[propget, helpstring("ITcpAccess ")]
HRESULT TcpAccess ( [out, retval] ITcpAccess ** ppTcpAccess );
[propget, helpstring("INntpVirtualRoot for home directory")]
HRESULT HomeDirectory ( [out, retval] INntpVirtualRoot ** ppINntpVirtualRoot );
HRESULT HomeDirectory ( [in] INntpVirtualRoot * pINntpVirtualRoot );
// Overridable server properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ArticleTimeLimit ( [out, retval] long * pdwArticleTimeLimit );
HRESULT ArticleTimeLimit ( [in] long dwArticleTimeLimit );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT HistoryExpiration ( [out, retval] long * pdwHistoryExpiration );
HRESULT HistoryExpiration ( [in] long dwHistoryExpiration );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT HonorClientMsgIDs ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfHonorClientMsgIDs );
HRESULT HonorClientMsgIDs ( [in] BOOL fHonorClientMsgIDs );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SmtpServer ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrSmtpServer );
HRESULT SmtpServer ( [in] BSTR strSmtpServer );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AdminEmail ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrAdminEmail );
HRESULT AdminEmail ( [in] BSTR strAdminEmail );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowClientPosts ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowClientPosts );
HRESULT AllowClientPosts ( [in] BOOL fAllowClientPosts );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowFeedPosts ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowFeedPosts );
HRESULT AllowFeedPosts ( [in] BOOL fAllowFeedPosts );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowControlMsgs ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowControlMsgs );
HRESULT AllowControlMsgs ( [in] BOOL fAllowControlMsgs );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DefaultModeratorDomain ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDefaultModeratorDomain );
HRESULT DefaultModeratorDomain ( [in] BSTR strDefaultModeratorDomain );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT CommandLogMask ( [out, retval] long * pdwCommandLogMask );
HRESULT CommandLogMask ( [in] long dwCommandLogMask );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DisableNewnews ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfDisableNewnews );
HRESULT DisableNewnews ( [in] BOOL fDisableNewnews );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ExpireRunFrequency ( [out, retval] long * pdwExpireRunFrequency );
HRESULT ExpireRunFrequency ( [in] long dwExpireRunFrequency );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ShutdownLatency ( [out, retval] long * pdwShutdownLatency );
HRESULT ShutdownLatency ( [in] long dwShutdownLatency );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT EnableLogging ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfEnableLogging );
HRESULT EnableLogging ( [in] BOOL fEnableLogging );
// Service-specific properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT GroupHelpFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrGroupHelpFile );
HRESULT GroupHelpFile ( [in] BSTR strGroupHelpFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT GroupListFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrGroupListFile );
HRESULT GroupListFile ( [in] BSTR strGroupListFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT GroupVarListFile( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrGroupVarListFile );
HRESULT GroupVarListFile( [in] BSTR strGroupVarListFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ArticleTableFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrArticleTableFile );
HRESULT ArticleTableFile ( [in] BSTR strArticleTableFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT HistoryTableFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrHistoryTableFile );
HRESULT HistoryTableFile ( [in] BSTR strHistoryTableFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ModeratorFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrModeratorFile );
HRESULT ModeratorFile ( [in] BSTR strModeratorFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT XOverTableFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrXOverTableFile );
HRESULT XOverTableFile ( [in] BSTR strXOverTableFile );
[propget, helpstring("Client post size before dropped connection")]
HRESULT ClientPostHardLimit ( [out, retval] long * pdwClientPostHardLimit );
HRESULT ClientPostHardLimit ( [in] long dwClientPostHardLimit );
[propget, helpstring("Client post size before rejected post")]
HRESULT ClientPostSoftLimit ( [out, retval] long * pdwClientPostSoftLimit );
HRESULT ClientPostSoftLimit ( [in] long dwClientPostSoftLimit );
[propget, helpstring("Feed post size before dropped connection")]
HRESULT FeedPostHardLimit ( [out, retval] long * pdwFeedPostHardLimit );
HRESULT FeedPostHardLimit ( [in] long dwFeedPostHardLimit );
[propget, helpstring("Feed post size before rejected post")]
HRESULT FeedPostSoftLimit ( [out, retval] long * pdwFeedPostSoftLimit );
HRESULT FeedPostSoftLimit ( [in] long dwFeedPostSoftLimit );
[propget, helpstring("UUCP Name")]
HRESULT UucpName( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrUucpName );
HRESULT UucpName( [in] BSTR strUucpName );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Organization( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrOrganization );
HRESULT Organization( [in] BSTR strOrganization );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Comment ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrComment );
HRESULT Comment ( [in] BSTR strComment );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Bindings ( [out, retval] INntpServerBindings ** ppBindings );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT BindingsDispatch ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppBindings );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SecurePort ( [out, retval] long * pdwSecurePort );
HRESULT SecurePort ( [in] long dwSecurePort );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT MaxConnections ( [out, retval] long * pdwMaxConnections );
HRESULT MaxConnections ( [in] long dwMaxConnections );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ConnectionTimeout ( [out, retval] long * pdwConnectionTimeout );
HRESULT ConnectionTimeout ( [in] long dwConnectionTimeout );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AnonymousUserName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrAnonymousUserName );
HRESULT AnonymousUserName ( [in] BSTR strAnonymousUserName );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AnonymousUserPass ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrAnonymousUserPass );
HRESULT AnonymousUserPass ( [in] BSTR strAnonymousUserPass );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AutoSyncPassword ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAutoSyncPassword );
HRESULT AutoSyncPassword ( [in] BOOL fAutoSyncPassword );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT PickupDirectory ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrPickupDirectory );
HRESULT PickupDirectory ( [in] BSTR strPickupDirectory );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT FailedPickupDirectory ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrFailedPickupDirectory );
HRESULT FailedPickupDirectory ( [in] BSTR strFailedPickupDirectory );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AutoStart ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAutoStart );
HRESULT AutoStart ( [in] BOOL fAutoStart );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthAnonymous ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAuthAnonymous );
HRESULT AuthAnonymous ( [in] BOOL fAuthAnonymous );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthBasic ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAuthBasic );
HRESULT AuthBasic ( [in] BOOL fAuthBasic );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthMCISBasic ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAuthMCISBasic );
HRESULT AuthMCISBasic ( [in] BOOL fAuthMCISBasic );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthNT ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAuthNT );
HRESULT AuthNT ( [in] BOOL fAuthNT );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SSLNegotiateCert ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfSSLNegotiateCert );
HRESULT SSLNegotiateCert ( [in] BOOL fSSLNegotiateCert );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SSLRequireCert ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfSSLRequireCert );
HRESULT SSLRequireCert ( [in] BOOL fSSLRequireCert );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SSLMapCert ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfSSLMapCert );
HRESULT SSLMapCert ( [in] BOOL fSSLMapCert );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthenticationProviders ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) * psastrProviders );
HRESULT AuthenticationProviders ( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) psastrProviders );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthenticationProvidersVariant ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * psastrProviders );
HRESULT AuthenticationProvidersVariant ( [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) psastrProviders );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Win32ErrorCode ( [out, retval] long * plWin32ErrorCode );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DisplayName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDisplayName );
HRESULT DisplayName ( [in] BSTR strDisplayName );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ErrorControl ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfErrorControl );
HRESULT ErrorControl ( [in] BOOL fErrorControl );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT CleanBoot ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfCleanBoot );
HRESULT CleanBoot ( [in] BOOL fCleanBoot );
[propget, helpstring("Encryption capabilities mask")]
HRESULT EncryptionCapabilitiesMask ( [out, retval] long * pdwEncryptionCapabilitiesMask );
HRESULT EncryptionCapabilitiesMask ( [in] long dwEncryptionCapabilitiesMask );
// Service Status Properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT State ( [out, retval] NNTP_SERVER_STATE * pState );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Administrators ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) * psastrAdmins );
HRESULT Administrators ( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) psastrAdmins );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AdministratorsVariant ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * psastrAdmins );
HRESULT AdministratorsVariant ( [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) psastrAdmins );
// Methods:
[helpstring("Get service properties")]
HRESULT Get ( );
[helpstring("Set service properties")]
HRESULT Set ( [in, defaultvalue(FALSE)] BOOL fFailIfChanged );
HRESULT Start ( );
HRESULT Pause ( );
HRESULT Continue ( );
HRESULT Stop ( );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ClusterEnabled ( [out, retval] BOOL * bfClusterEnabled );
HRESULT ClusterEnabled ( [in] BOOL fClusterEnabled );
helpstring("INntpOneWayFeed Interface"),
interface INntpOneWayFeed : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT RemoteServer ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrRemoteServer );
[propget, helpstring("Unique Feed ID")]
HRESULT FeedId ( [out, retval] long * pdwFeedId );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT FeedAction ( [out, retval] NNTP_FEED_ACTION * pfeedaction );
HRESULT FeedAction ( [in] NNTP_FEED_ACTION feedaction );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT UucpName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrUucpName );
HRESULT UucpName ( [in] BSTR strUucpName );
[propget, helpstring("Pull News From Date")]
HRESULT PullNewsDate ( [out, retval] DATE * pdatePullNews );
HRESULT PullNewsDate ( [in] DATE datePullNews );
[propget, helpstring("Time between feeds")]
HRESULT FeedInterval ( [out, retval] long * pdwFeedInterval );
HRESULT FeedInterval ( [in] long dwFeedInterval );
[propget, helpstring("Automatically create fed newsgroups?")]
HRESULT AutoCreate ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAutoCreate );
HRESULT AutoCreate ( [in] BOOL fAutoCreate );
[propget, helpstring("Is this feed enabled?")]
HRESULT Enabled ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfEnabled );
HRESULT Enabled ( [in] BOOL fEnabled );
[propget, helpstring("Number of failed connections before disabling feed")]
HRESULT MaxConnectionAttempts ( [out, retval] long * pdwMaxCnxAttempts );
HRESULT MaxConnectionAttempts ( [in] long dwMaxCnxAttempts);
// Concurrent sessions missing for now...
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SecurityType ( [out, retval] long * pdwSecurityType );
HRESULT SecurityType ( [in] long dwSecurityType );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthenticationType ( [out, retval] long * plAuthenticationType );
HRESULT AuthenticationType ( [in] long lAuthenticationType );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AccountName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrAccount );
HRESULT AccountName ( [in] BSTR strAccount );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Password ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrPassword );
HRESULT Password ( [in] BSTR strPassword );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowControlMessages ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowCtrlMsgs );
HRESULT AllowControlMessages ( [in] BOOL fAllowCtrlMsgs );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT OutgoingPort ( [out, retval] long * plOutgoingPort );
HRESULT OutgoingPort ( [in] long lOutgoingPort );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Newsgroups ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) * psastrNewsgroups );
HRESULT Newsgroups ( [in] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) psastrNewsgroups );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT NewsgroupsVariant ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (VARIANT) * psastrNewsgroups );
HRESULT NewsgroupsVariant ( [in] SAFEARRAY (VARIANT) psastrNewsgroups );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Distributions ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) * psastrDistributions );
HRESULT Distributions ( [in] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) sastrDistributions );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT StartTime ( [out, retval] DATE * pdateStartTime );
HRESULT StartTime ( [in] DATE dateStartTime);
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT TempDirectory ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrTempDirectory );
HRESULT TempDirectory ( [in] BSTR strTempDirectory );
[helpstring("Set properties to their default values")]
HRESULT Default ( );
helpstring("INntpFeed Interface"),
interface INntpFeed : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
[propget, helpstring("Destination Server")]
HRESULT RemoteServer ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrRemoteServer );
HRESULT RemoteServer ( [in] BSTR strRemoteServer );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT FeedType ( [out, retval] NNTP_FEED_SERVER_TYPE * pfeedtype );
HRESULT FeedType ( [in] NNTP_FEED_SERVER_TYPE feedtype );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT HasInbound ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfHasInbound );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT HasOutbound ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfHasOutbound );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT InboundFeed ( [out, retval] INntpOneWayFeed ** ppFeed );
HRESULT InboundFeed ( [in] INntpOneWayFeed * pFeed );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT InboundFeedDispatch ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppFeed );
[propput, helpstring("")]
HRESULT InboundFeedDispatch ( [in] IDispatch * pFeed );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT OutboundFeed ( [out, retval] INntpOneWayFeed ** ppFeed );
HRESULT OutboundFeed ( [in] INntpOneWayFeed * pFeed );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT OutboundFeedDispatch ( [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppFeed );
[propput, helpstring("")]
HRESULT OutboundFeedDispatch ( [in] IDispatch * pFeed );
helpstring("INntpAdminFeeds Interface"),
interface INntpAdminFeeds : IADs
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+1)]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+2)]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+3)]
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [out, retval] IADs** ppADs );
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [in] IADs* pADs );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+4)]
HRESULT KeyType ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrKeyType );
HRESULT KeyType ( [in] BSTR strKeyType );
// Enumeration properties:
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+5)]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pdwCount );
// Methods:
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+6)]
HRESULT Enumerate ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+7)]
HRESULT Item ( [in] long dwIndex, [out, retval] INntpFeed ** ppFeed );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+8)]
HRESULT ItemDispatch ( [in] long dwIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppFeed );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+9)]
HRESULT FindID ( [in] long dwID, [out, retval] long * pdwIndex );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+10)]
HRESULT Set ( [in] long lIndex, [in] INntpFeed * pFeed );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+11)]
HRESULT Add ( [in] INntpFeed * pFeed );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+12)]
HRESULT AddDispatch ( [in] IDispatch * pFeed );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+13)]
HRESULT Remove ( [in] long lIndex );
helpstring("INntpAdminExpiration Interface"),
interface INntpAdminExpiration : IADs
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+1)]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+2)]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+3)]
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [out, retval] IADs** ppADs );
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [in] IADs* pADs );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+4)]
HRESULT KeyType ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrKeyType );
HRESULT KeyType ( [in] BSTR strKeyType );
// Enumeration properties:
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+5)]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pdwCount );
// The current policy's properties:
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+6)]
HRESULT ExpireId ( [out, retval] long * pdwId );
HRESULT ExpireId ( [in] long dwId );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+7)]
HRESULT PolicyName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrPolicyName );
HRESULT PolicyName ( [in] BSTR strPolicyName );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+8)]
HRESULT ExpireTime ( [out, retval] long * pdwExpireTime );
HRESULT ExpireTime ( [in] long dwExpireTime );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+9)]
HRESULT ExpireSize ( [out, retval] long * pdwExpireSize );
HRESULT ExpireSize ( [in] long dwExpireSize );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+10)]
HRESULT Newsgroups ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) * psastrNewsgroups );
HRESULT Newsgroups ( [in] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) psastrNewsgroups );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+11)]
HRESULT NewsgroupsVariant ( [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (VARIANT) * psastrNewsgroups );
HRESULT NewsgroupsVariant ( [in] SAFEARRAY (VARIANT) psastrNewsgroups );
// Methods:
[helpstring("Set properties to their default values"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+12)]
HRESULT Default ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+13)]
HRESULT Enumerate ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+14)]
HRESULT GetNth ( [in] long dwIndex );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+15)]
HRESULT FindID ( [in] long dwID, [out, retval] long * pdwIndex );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+16)]
HRESULT Set ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+17)]
HRESULT Add ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+18)]
HRESULT Remove ( [in] long dwID );
helpstring("INntpAdminGroups Interface"),
interface INntpAdminGroups : IADs
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+1)]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+2)]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+3)]
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [out, retval] IADs** ppADs );
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [in] IADs* pADs );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+4)]
HRESULT KeyType ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrKeyType );
HRESULT KeyType ( [in] BSTR strKeyType );
// Enumeration properties:
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+5)]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pdwCount );
// The current group properties:
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+6)]
HRESULT Newsgroup ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrNewsgroup );
HRESULT Newsgroup ( [in] BSTR strNewsgroup );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+7)]
HRESULT Description ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDescription );
HRESULT Description ( [in] BSTR strDescription );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+8)]
HRESULT PrettyName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrPrettyName );
HRESULT PrettyName ( [in] BSTR strPrettyName );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+9)]
HRESULT IsModerated ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfIsModerated );
HRESULT IsModerated ( [in] BOOL fIsModerated );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+10)]
HRESULT Moderator ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrModerator );
HRESULT Moderator ( [in] BSTR strModerator );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+11)]
HRESULT ReadOnly ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfReadOnly );
HRESULT ReadOnly ( [in] BOOL fReadOnly );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+12)]
HRESULT CreationTime ( [out, retval] DATE * pdateCreate );
HRESULT CreationTime ( [in] DATE dateCreate );
// Methods:
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+13)]
HRESULT Default ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+14)]
HRESULT Add ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+15)]
HRESULT Remove ( [in] BSTR strNewsgroup );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+16)]
HRESULT Get ( [in] BSTR strNewsgroup );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+17)]
HRESULT Set ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+18)]
HRESULT MatchingGroup ( [in] long index, [out, retval] BSTR * pstrGroup );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+19)]
HRESULT Find( [in] BSTR strWildmat, [in] long cMaxResults );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+20)]
HRESULT CancelMessage( [in] BSTR strMessageID );
helpstring("INntpAdminSessions Interface"),
interface INntpAdminSessions : IADs
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+1)]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+2)]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+3)]
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [out, retval] IADs** ppADs );
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [in] IADs* pADs );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+4)]
HRESULT KeyType ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrKeyType );
HRESULT KeyType ( [in] BSTR strKeyType );
// Enumeration Properties:
[propget, helpstring("Number of current sessions"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+5)]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pdwCount );
// The Session Cursor Properties:
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+6)]
HRESULT Username ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrUsername );
HRESULT Username ( [in] BSTR strUsername );
[propget, helpstring("IP Address String"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+7)]
HRESULT IpAddress ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrIpAddress );
HRESULT IpAddress ( [in] BSTR strIpAddress );
[propget, helpstring("Integer IP Address Value"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+8)]
HRESULT IntegerIpAddress ( [out, retval] long * pdwIpAddress );
HRESULT IntegerIpAddress ( [in] long dwIpAddress );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+9)]
HRESULT Port ( [out, retval] long * pdwPort );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AuthenticationType ( [out, retval] long * pdwAuthenticationType );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+10)]
HRESULT IsAnonymous ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAnonymous );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+11)]
HRESULT StartTime ( [out, retval] DATE * pdateStart );
// Methods:
[helpstring("Retrieves a list of current sessions"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+12)]
HRESULT Enumerate ( );
[helpstring("Sets the cursor at the given session. Call Enumerate before calling GetNth"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+13)]
HRESULT GetNth ( [in] long dwIndex );
[helpstring("Terminates the given session. Set Username and/or IpAddress before calling."), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+14)]
HRESULT Terminate ( );
[helpstring("Terminates all sessions"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+15)]
HRESULT TerminateAll ( );
helpstring("INntpAdminRebuild Interface"),
interface INntpAdminRebuild : IADs
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure"), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+1)]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+2)]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+3)]
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [out, retval] IADs** ppADs );
HRESULT IADsPointer ( [in] IADs* pADs );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+4)]
HRESULT KeyType ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrKeyType );
HRESULT KeyType ( [in] BSTR strKeyType );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+5)]
HRESULT Verbose ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfVerbose );
HRESULT Verbose ( [in] BOOL fVerbose );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+6)]
HRESULT CleanRebuild ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfCleanRebuild );
HRESULT CleanRebuild ( [in] BOOL fCleanRebuild );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+7)]
HRESULT DontDeleteHistory ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfDontDeleteHistory );
HRESULT DontDeleteHistory ( [in] BOOL fDontDeleteHistory );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+8)]
HRESULT ReuseIndexFiles ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfReuseIndexFiles );
HRESULT ReuseIndexFiles ( [in] BOOL fReuseIndexFiles );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+9)]
HRESULT OmitNonLeafDirs ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfOmitNonLeafDirs );
HRESULT OmitNonLeafDirs ( [in] BOOL fOmitNonLeafDirs );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+10)]
HRESULT GroupFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrGroupFile );
HRESULT GroupFile ( [in] BSTR strGroupFile );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+11)]
HRESULT ReportFile ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrReportFile );
HRESULT ReportFile ( [in] BSTR strReportFile );
[propget, helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+12)]
HRESULT NumThreads ( [out, retval] long * plNumThreads );
HRESULT NumThreads ( [in] long lNumThreads );
// Methods:
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+13)]
HRESULT Default ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+14)]
HRESULT StartRebuild ( );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+15)]
HRESULT GetProgress ( [out, retval] long * pdwProgress );
[helpstring(""), id(DISPID_IADs_UPPER_BOUND+16)]
HRESULT Cancel ( );
helpstring("INntpServerBinding Interface"),
interface INntpServerBinding : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT IpAddress ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrIpAddress );
HRESULT IpAddress ( [in] BSTR strIpAddress );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT TcpPort ( [out, retval] long * pdwTcpPort );
HRESULT TcpPort ( [in] long dwTcpPort );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT SslPort ( [out, retval] long * plSslPort );
HRESULT SslPort ( [in] long lSslPort );
helpstring("INntpServerBindings Interface"),
interface INntpServerBindings : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Standard collection methods & properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pdwCount );
HRESULT Item ( [in] long index, [out, retval] INntpServerBinding ** ppBinding );
HRESULT ItemDispatch ( [in] long index, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppBinding );
HRESULT Add ( [in] BSTR strIpAddress, [in] long dwTcpPort, [in] long dwSslPort );
HRESULT ChangeBinding ( [in] long index, [in] INntpServerBinding * pBinding );
HRESULT ChangeBindingDispatch ( [in] long index, [in] IDispatch * pBinding );
HRESULT Remove ( [in] long index );
HRESULT Clear ( );
helpstring("INntpVirtualRoot Interface"),
interface INntpVirtualRoot : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT NewsgroupSubtree ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrNewsgroupSubtree );
HRESULT NewsgroupSubtree ( [in] BSTR strNewsgroupSubtree );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Directory ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDirectory );
HRESULT Directory ( [in] BSTR strDirectory );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Win32Error ( [out, retval] long * plWin32Error );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT AllowPosting ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfAllowPosting );
HRESULT AllowPosting ( [in] BOOL fAllowPosting );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT RestrictGroupVisibility ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfRestrictGroupVisibility );
HRESULT RestrictGroupVisibility ( [in] BOOL fRestrictGroupVisibility );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT IndexContent ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfIndexContent );
HRESULT IndexContent ( [in] BOOL fIndexContent );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT LogAccess ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfLogAccess );
HRESULT LogAccess ( [in] BOOL fLogAccess );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT RequireSsl ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfRequireSsl );
HRESULT RequireSsl ( [in] BOOL fRequireSsl );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Require128BitSsl ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfRequire128BitSsl );
HRESULT Require128BitSsl ( [in] BOOL fRequire128BitSsl );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT UNCUsername ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrUNCUsername );
HRESULT UNCUsername ( [in] BSTR strUNCUsername );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT UNCPassword ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrUNCPassword );
HRESULT UNCPassword ( [in] BSTR strUNCPassword );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DriverProgId( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDriverProgId );
HRESULT DriverProgId( [in] BSTR strDriverPropId );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT GroupPropFile( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrGroupPropFile );
HRESULT GroupPropFile( [in] BSTR strGroupPropFile );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT UseAccount( [out, retval] DWORD *pfIsUNC );
HRESULT UseAccount( [in] DWORD UseAccount );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT OwnExpire( [out, retval] BOOL *pfOwnExpire );
HRESULT OwnExpire( [in] BOOL fOwnExpire );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT OwnModerator( [out, retval] BOOL *pfOwnModerator );
HRESULT OwnModerator( [in] BOOL fOwnModerator );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT MdbGuid( [out, retval] BSTR *pstrMdbGuid );
HRESULT MdbGuid( [in] BSTR strMdbGuid );
helpstring("INntpVirtualRoots Interface"),
interface INntpVirtualRoots : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
// Which service to configure:
[propget, helpstring("Computer Name to Configure")]
HRESULT Server ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrServer );
HRESULT Server ( [in] BSTR strServer );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [out, retval] long * pdwServiceInstance );
HRESULT ServiceInstance ( [in] long dwServiceInstance );
// Standard collection methods & properties:
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pdwCount );
HRESULT Enumerate ( );
HRESULT Item ( [in] long index, [out, retval] INntpVirtualRoot ** ppVRoot );
HRESULT ItemDispatch ( [in] long index, [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppVRoot );
HRESULT Add ( INntpVirtualRoot * pVRoot );
HRESULT AddDispatch ( IDispatch * pVRoot );
HRESULT Set ( [in] long index, [in] INntpVirtualRoot * pVRoot );
HRESULT SetDispatch ( [in] long index, [in] IDispatch * pVRoot );
HRESULT Remove ( [in] long index );
HRESULT Find ( [in] BSTR strNewsgroupSubtree, [out, retval] long * pIndex );
helpstring("ITcpAccess Interface"),
interface ITcpAccess : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT GrantedList ( [out, retval] ITcpAccessExceptions ** ppGrantedList );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DeniedList ( [out, retval] ITcpAccessExceptions ** ppDeniedList );
helpstring("ITcpAccessExceptions Interface"),
interface ITcpAccessExceptions : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long * pcCount );
HRESULT AddDnsName ( [in] BSTR strDnsName );
HRESULT AddIpAddress ( [in] long lIpAddress, [in] long lIpMask );
HRESULT Item ( [in] long index, [out, retval] ITcpAccessException ** ppItem );
HRESULT Remove ( [in] long index );
HRESULT Clear ( );
HRESULT FindDnsIndex ( [in] BSTR strDnsName, [out, retval] long * pIndex );
HRESULT FindIpIndex ( [in] long lIpAddress, [in] long lIpMask, [out, retval] long * pIndex );
helpstring("ITcpAccessException Interface"),
interface ITcpAccessException : IDispatch
import "oaidl.idl";
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT IsDnsName ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfIsDnsName );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT IsIpAddress ( [out, retval] BOOL * pfIsIpAddress );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT DnsName ( [out, retval] BSTR * pstrDnsName );
HRESULT DnsName ( [in] BSTR strDnsName );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT IpAddress ( [out, retval] long * plIpAddress );
HRESULT IpAddress ( [in] long lIpAddress );
[propget, helpstring("")]
HRESULT IpMask ( [out, retval] long * plIpMask );
HRESULT IpMask ( [in] long lIpMask );
// Class Definitions:
helpstring("NntpAdmin Class")
coclass CNntpAdmin
[default] interface INntpAdmin;
helpstring("NntpAdminServer Class")
coclass CNntpAdminService
[default] interface INntpService;
helpstring("NntpAdminService Class")
coclass CNntpVirtualServer
[default] interface INntpVirtualServer;
helpstring("NntpAdminFeeds Class")
coclass CNntpAdminFeeds
[default] interface INntpAdminFeeds;
// interface IADs;
helpstring("NntpFeed Class")
coclass CNntpFeed
[default] interface INntpFeed;
helpstring("NntpOneWayFeed Class")
coclass CNntpOneWayFeed
[default] interface INntpOneWayFeed;
helpstring("NntpAdminExpiration Class")
coclass CNntpAdminExpiration
[default] interface INntpAdminExpiration;
// interface IADs;
helpstring("NntpAdminGroups Class")
coclass CNntpAdminGroups
[default] interface INntpAdminGroups;
interface IADs;
helpstring("NntpAdminSessions Class")
coclass CNntpAdminSessions
[default] interface INntpAdminSessions;
// interface IADs;
helpstring("NntpAdminRebuild Class")
coclass CNntpAdminRebuild
[default] interface INntpAdminRebuild;
// interface IADs;
helpstring("NntpVirtualRoot Class")
coclass CNntpVirtualRoot
[default] interface INntpVirtualRoot;
helpstring("TcpAccess Class")
coclass CTcpAccess
[default] interface ITcpAccess;
helpstring("TcpAccessExceptions Class")
coclass CTcpAccessExceptions
[default] interface ITcpAccessExceptions;
helpstring("TcpAccessException Class")
coclass CTcpAccessException
[default] interface ITcpAccessException;
cpp_quote("#endif _NNTPADM_IDL_INCLUDED_")