Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1992.
// File: SORT.CXX
// Contents: Key sorting
// History: 12-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
// 19-Jun-91 reviewed
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <entry.hxx>
#include "sort.hxx"
#include "compress.hxx"
void CDirectory::AddEntry ( CBlock* pBlock, CKeyBuf& key )
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "directory: add %d - %.*ws\n",
_counter, key.StrLen(), key.GetStr() ));
_tree.Add ( _counter, key );
_blocks [_counter] = pBlock;
// Member: CSortChunk::CSortChunk, public
// Synopsis: Copy logically sorted buffer into sort chunk
// using a compressor
// Arguments: [maxOccTable] -- table of max occurrences for wids
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Separate Single/Multiple wid compressor
// 07-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
CSortChunk::CSortChunk( CMaxOccTable& maxOccTable )
: _blocks( 0 ),
_cBlocks( 0 ),
_maxOccTable( maxOccTable )
// Member: CSortChunk::Init, public
// Synopsis: 2nd-phase of construction for a CShortChunk
// Arguments: [buf] -- sorted entry buffer
// [cb] -- count of bytes in buffer
// [widMax] -- maximum WORKID for the word list.
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Separate Single/Multiple wid compressor
// 07-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
void CSortChunk::Init(
const BYTE * pBuf,
WORKID widMax )
//ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "copying into sort chunk\n" ));
if ( cb < sizeof(int) + sizeof(WORKID) )
{ // buffer is too small to hold correct information
// extract necessary information from the end of the buffer
const BYTE* pbEndVector = pBuf + cb - sizeof(int) - sizeof(WORKID);
INT_PTR * pEndVector = (INT_PTR *)pbEndVector;
int offsetVector = *(int *)(pbEndVector + sizeof(WORKID));
_widSingle = *(WORKID *)(pbEndVector);
INT_PTR * pVector = (INT_PTR *)(pBuf + offsetVector);
int cbEntries = (int)((BYTE *)pVector - pBuf);
// get count by taking size of the array of offsets, then subtracting space
// for the two sentinel entries.
int count = (int)(pEndVector - pVector) - 2;
if ( (offsetVector < 0) || ( count < 0 ) )
{ // pVector is not valid
_cBlocks = 0;
if ( pVector[0] >= cbEntries || pVector[0] < 0 )
CEntry * pLastEntry = (CEntry *)(pBuf + pVector[0]); // sentinel
if ((pLastEntry->Pid()!=0)||
{ // this is not a sentinel
if ( _widSingle == widInvalid )
CCompress compr;
_blocks = compr.GetFirstBlock();
for ( int i = 1; i <= count; i++ )
if ( pVector[i] >= cbEntries || pVector[i] < 0 )
CEntry * pEntry = (CEntry *)(pBuf + pVector[i]);
OCCURRENCE newOcc = pEntry->Occ();
Win4Assert(pEntry->Pid()!=pidInvalid); // invalid PROPID
Win4Assert(pEntry->Wid()<=widMax); // invalid WORKID
Win4Assert(pEntry->Wid() != 0); // invalid WORKID
Win4Assert(pEntry->Wid()<=CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST); // invalid WORKID
Win4Assert(newOcc!=OCC_INVALID); // invalid OCCURRENCE
Win4Assert(pEntry->Count()<=MAXKEYSIZE); // invalid key size
Win4Assert( pLastEntry->Compare( pEntry ) <= 0 ); // unsorted buffer
if ((pEntry->Pid() == pidInvalid)|| // invalid PROPID
(pEntry->Pid() == pidAll)||
(pEntry->Wid() > widMax)|| // invalid WORKID
(pEntry->Wid() > CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST)|| // invalid WORKID
(pEntry->Wid() == 0 ) || // invalid WORKID
(newOcc == OCC_INVALID)|| // invalid OCCURRENCE
(pEntry->Count() > MAXKEYSIZE)|| // invalid key size
(pLastEntry->Compare( pEntry ) > 0)) // unsorted buffer
_maxOccTable.PutOcc( pEntry->Wid(), pEntry->Pid(), pEntry->Occ() );
if ( !compr.SameKey ( pEntry->Count(), pEntry->GetKeyBuf() ) ||
!compr.SamePid ( pEntry->Pid() ) )
compr.PutKey( pEntry->Count(),
pEntry->Pid() );
compr.PutWid( pEntry->Wid() );
if ( !compr.SameWid ( pEntry->Wid() ) )
compr.PutWid ( pEntry->Wid() );
else if ( newOcc == oldOcc )
// adding exact same key twice
compr.PutOcc( newOcc );
oldOcc = newOcc;
pLastEntry = pEntry;
_cBlocks = compr.KeyBlockCount();
if ( _widSingle > widMax )
// invalid WORKID
ciDebugOut (( DEB_WARN, "_widSingle %d, widMax %d\n",
_widSingle, widMax ));
COneWidCompress compr;
_blocks = compr.GetFirstBlock();
for ( int i = 1; i <= count; i++ )
if ( pVector[i] >= cbEntries || pVector[i] < 0 )
CEntry * pEntry = (CEntry *)(pBuf + pVector[i]);
OCCURRENCE newOcc = pEntry->Occ();
if ((pEntry->Pid()==pidInvalid)|| // invalid PROPID
(newOcc==OCC_INVALID)|| // invalid OCCURRENCE
(pEntry->Count()>MAXKEYSIZE)|| // invalid key size
(pLastEntry->Compare(pEntry)>0)) // unsorted buffer
_maxOccTable.PutOcc( _widSingle, pEntry->Pid(), pEntry->Occ() );
if ( !compr.SameKey ( pEntry->Count(), pEntry->GetKeyBuf() ) ||
!compr.SamePid ( pEntry->Pid() ) )
compr.PutKey( pEntry->Count(),
pEntry->Pid() );
else if ( newOcc == oldOcc )
// adding exact same key twice
compr.PutOcc( newOcc );
oldOcc = newOcc;
pLastEntry = pEntry;
_cBlocks = compr.KeyBlockCount();
_dir.Init ( _cBlocks );
// scan blocks and add all the keys
CKeyBuf keyBuf;
for ( CBlock* pBlock = _blocks; pBlock != 0; pBlock = pBlock->_pNext )
if ( pBlock->_offFirstKey != offInvalid )
pBlock->GetFirstKey( keyBuf );
_dir.AddEntry( pBlock, keyBuf );
// save some memory
} //Init
// Member: CSortChunk::~CSortChunk, public
// History: 12-Aug-91 BartoszM Created
CSortChunk::~CSortChunk ()
while ( _blocks != 0 )
CBlock * tmp = _blocks;
_blocks = _blocks->_pNext;
delete tmp;
// Member: CSortChunk::QueryCursor
// Synopsis: Creates a cursor for a given key
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// [widTable] -- wid translation table
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Separate Single/Multiple wid compressor
// 27-Sep-91 BartoszM Created
CChunkCursor* CSortChunk::QueryCursor (
const CWidTable& widTable,
WORKID widMax )
XPtr<CChunkCursor> xCur;
if ( _widSingle == widInvalid )
xCur.Set( new CManyWidChunkCursor ( iid, widTable, this, widMax, _maxOccTable ) );
xCur.Set( new COneWidChunkCursor( iid, widTable, _widSingle, this, widMax, _maxOccTable ) );
return xCur.Acquire();
// Member: CSortChunk::QueryCursor
// Synopsis: Creates a cursor for a given key
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// [widTable] -- wid translation table
// [pkey] -- key to seek
// Returns: Cursor or NULL if key not found
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Separate Single/Multiple wid compressor
// 27-Sep-91 BartoszM Created
CChunkCursor* CSortChunk::QueryCursor (
const CWidTable& widTable,
const CKey * pKeySearch,
WORKID widMax )
XPtr<CChunkCursor> xCur;
if ( _widSingle == widInvalid )
xCur.Set( new CManyWidChunkCursor ( iid, widTable, this, widMax, _maxOccTable ) );
xCur.Set( new COneWidChunkCursor( iid, widTable, _widSingle, this, widMax, _maxOccTable ) );
const CKeyBuf* pKeyFound = xCur->SeekKey ( pKeySearch );
if ( !pKeyFound ||
!pKeySearch->MatchPid (*pKeyFound) ||
pKeySearch->CompareStr(*pKeyFound) != 0 )
return xCur.Acquire();
// Member: CSortChunk::CreateRange(), public
// Synopsis: Adds all cursors with keys between pkey and pkeyEnd to curStk.
// Arguments: [curStk] -- CKeyCurStack to add cursors to.
// [pkey] -- Beginning of key range.
// [pkeyEnd] -- End of key range.
// [iid] -- Index id for QueryCursor.
// [widTable] -- Wid Table for QueryCursor.
// History: 07-Feb-92 AmyA Created.
// 14-Feb-92 AmyA Moved from CWordList.
// 28-May-92 KyleP Separate Single/Multiple wid compressor
void CSortChunk::CreateRange(COccCurStack & curStk,
const CKey * pKeyStart,
const CKey * pKeyEnd,
const CWidTable& widTable,
WORKID widMax )
XPtr<CChunkCursor> xCursor;
if ( _widSingle == widInvalid )
xCursor.Set( new CManyWidChunkCursor ( iid, widTable, this, widMax, _maxOccTable ) );
xCursor.Set( new COneWidChunkCursor( iid, widTable, _widSingle, this, widMax, _maxOccTable ) );
const CKeyBuf* pKeyCurrent = xCursor->SeekKey ( pKeyStart );
if ( 0 == pKeyCurrent )
CChunkCursor * pCursor = xCursor.Acquire();
curStk.Push( pCursor );
PROPID pid = pKeyStart->Pid();
ciDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Found key %.*ws, pid %d\n",
pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pKeyCurrent->Pid()));
if (pid != pidAll) // exact pid match
// skip wrong pids
while (pid != pKeyCurrent->Pid())
#if CIDBG == 1 //------------------------------------------
if (pKeyCurrent)
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " skip: %.*ws, pid %d, wid %d\n",
pCursor->WorkId() ));
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " <NULL> key\n" ));
#endif //--------------------------------------------------
pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetNextKey();
if (pKeyCurrent == 0
|| pKeyEnd->CompareStr(*pKeyCurrent) < 0 )
// either pid matches or we have overshot
// i.e. different pids and current string > end
if (pKeyCurrent == 0 || !pKeyEnd->MatchPid (*pKeyCurrent)
|| pKeyEnd->CompareStr (*pKeyCurrent) < 0 )
break; // <--- LOOP EXIT
if ( _widSingle == widInvalid )
pCursor = new CManyWidChunkCursor( *(CManyWidChunkCursor *)pCursor );
pCursor = new COneWidChunkCursor( *(COneWidChunkCursor *)pCursor );
pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetNextKey();
#if CIDBG == 1
if (pKeyCurrent)
ciDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Key is %.*ws\n",
pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr()));
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " <NULL> key\n" ));
#endif // CIDBG == 1
} while ( pKeyCurrent );
// Since we have one more cursor in curStk than we wanted...
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::CManyWidChunkCursor, private
// Synopsis: initialize a chunk cursor
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// [widTable] -- wid translation table
// [pChunk] -- sort chunk
// [widMax] -- maximum wid
// [maxOccTable] -- table of max occurrences of wids
// Notes: No seek is made! Can be used for merges,
// otherwise Seek has to be called next.
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
CManyWidChunkCursor::CManyWidChunkCursor( INDEXID iid,
const CWidTable& widTable,
CSortChunk *pChunk,
WORKID widMax,
CMaxOccTable& maxOccTable )
: CChunkCursor(iid, widMax, pChunk),
_widTable( widTable ),
_maxOccTable( maxOccTable )
Win4Assert ( pChunk != 0 );
void CManyWidChunkCursor::Init()
Init( _pChunk->GetBlock() );
void CManyWidChunkCursor::Init( CBlock* pBlock )
Win4Assert ( pBlock != 0 );
_decomp.Init ( pBlock );
const CKeyBuf *pKey = _decomp.GetKey();
if ( pKey )
_pid = pKey->Pid();
// should try to position on a valid work id
_curFakeWid = _decomp.WorkId();
WORKID wid = _widTable.FakeWidToWid( _curFakeWid );
Win4Assert ( _curFakeWid != widInvalid );
if ( wid == widInvalid )
wid = NextWorkId();
if ( wid == widInvalid )
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::SeekKey,private
// Synopsis: seek to the specified key
// Effects: positions cursor at specified key or later
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
const CKeyBuf * CManyWidChunkCursor::SeekKey( const CKey * pkey )
Win4Assert ( pkey != 0 );
CDirectory& dir = _pChunk->GetDir();
CBlock* pBlock = dir.Seek ( *pkey );
Init ( pBlock );
const CKeyBuf * tmpKey = _decomp.GetKey();
// Notice: Make sure that pidAll is smaller
// than any other legal PID. If the search key
// has pidAll we want to be positioned at the beginning
// of the range.
Win4Assert ( pidAll == 0 );
while ( tmpKey != 0 && pkey->Compare(*tmpKey) > 0 )
tmpKey = GetNextKey();
if ( tmpKey )
_pid = tmpKey->Pid();
return tmpKey;
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::GetKey, public
// Synopsis: return the current key, NULL if it doesn't exist
// Returns: current key
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
const CKeyBuf *CManyWidChunkCursor::GetKey()
return _decomp.GetKey();
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::GetNextKey, public
// Synopsis: advance to next key and return it if it exists
// Effects: changes cursor position
// Returns: next key if it exists or NULL
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
const CKeyBuf * CManyWidChunkCursor::GetNextKey()
const CKeyBuf* key;
key = _decomp.GetNextKey();
if ( key != 0)
_curFakeWid = _decomp.WorkId();
wid = _widTable.FakeWidToWid( _curFakeWid );
Win4Assert( _curFakeWid != widInvalid );
if ( wid == widInvalid )
wid = NextWorkId();
} while ( key != 0 && wid == widInvalid );
if ( key )
_pid = key->Pid();
return key;
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::WorkId, public
// Synopsis: return current work id under cursor
// Returns: a workid or widInvalid
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
// 28-May-92 KyleP Added WorkId mapping
WORKID CManyWidChunkCursor::WorkId()
_curFakeWid = _decomp.WorkId();
return ( _widTable.FakeWidToWid( _curFakeWid ) );
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::NextWorkId
// Synopsis: Advance to next workid within key and return it if it exists
// Returns: next workid or widInvalid if it doesn't exist
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
// 28-May-92 KyleP Added WorkId mapping
// 22-Sep-93 AmyA Added additional check for widInvalid
WORKID CManyWidChunkCursor::NextWorkId()
_curFakeWid = _decomp.NextWorkId();
wid = _widTable.FakeWidToWid( _curFakeWid );
} while ( wid == widInvalid && _curFakeWid != widInvalid );
return wid;
void CManyWidChunkCursor::RatioFinished (ULONG& denom, ULONG& num)
_decomp.RatioFinished (denom, num);
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::Occurrence, public
// Synopsis: return current occurrence under cursor
// Returns: occurrence or OCC_INVALID
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
OCCURRENCE CManyWidChunkCursor::Occurrence()
return _decomp.Occurrence();
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::NextOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: advance to next occurrence within current workid
// Returns: next occurrence if it exists, otherwise OCC_INVALID
// History: 22-May-91 Brianb Created
// 05-Jun-91 BartoszM Rewrote it
OCCURRENCE CManyWidChunkCursor::NextOccurrence()
return _decomp.NextOccurrence();
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::MaxOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: Returns max occurrence count of current workid and pid
// History: 20-Jun-96 SitaramR Created
OCCURRENCE CManyWidChunkCursor::MaxOccurrence()
return _maxOccTable.GetMaxOcc( _curFakeWid, _pid );
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::WorkIdCount, public
// Synopsis: return wid count
// Expects: cursor positioned after key, wid heap empty
// History: 21-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
ULONG CManyWidChunkCursor::WorkIdCount()
return _decomp.WorkIdCount();
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::OccurrenceCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count
// Expects: cursor positioned after work id
// History: 21-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
ULONG CManyWidChunkCursor::OccurrenceCount()
return _decomp.OccurrenceCount();
// Member: CManyWidChunkCursor::HitCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count for current work id
// Expects: cursor positioned after work id
// History: 27-Feb-92 AmyA Created
ULONG CManyWidChunkCursor::HitCount()
return OccurrenceCount();
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::COneWidChunkCursor, private
// Synopsis: initialize a chunk cursor
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// [widTable] -- wid mapping
// [wid] -- The single wid in the chunk.
// [pChunk] -- sort chunk
// [widMax] -- maximum wid
// [maxOccTable] -- table of max occurrences of wids
// Notes: No seek is made! Can be used for merges,
// otherwise Seek has to be called next.
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
COneWidChunkCursor::COneWidChunkCursor( INDEXID iid,
CWidTable const & widTable,
CSortChunk *pChunk,
WORKID widMax,
CMaxOccTable& maxOccTable )
: CChunkCursor( iid, widMax, pChunk ),
_wid( widTable.FakeWidToWid( wid ) ),
_maxOccTable( maxOccTable ),
_fakeWid( wid )
_widReal = _wid;
void COneWidChunkCursor::Init()
_decomp.Init ( _pChunk->GetBlock() );
const CKeyBuf *pKey = _decomp.GetKey();
if ( pKey )
_pid = pKey->Pid();
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::SeekKey,private
// Synopsis: Seek to the specified key
// Effects: positions cursor at specified key or later
// Arguments: [pkey] -- Key to seek to.
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
const CKeyBuf * COneWidChunkCursor::SeekKey( const CKey * pkey )
if ( _widReal == widInvalid )
return 0;
Win4Assert ( pkey != 0 );
// Find the chunk.
CDirectory& dir = _pChunk->GetDir();
CBlock* pBlock = dir.Seek ( *pkey );
Win4Assert ( pBlock != 0 );
// Set up.
_decomp.Init ( pBlock );
// Go forward to the correct key.
CKeyBuf const * tmpKey;
// Notice: Make sure that pidAll is smaller
// than any other legal PID. If the search key
// has pidAll we want to be positioned at the beginning
// of the range.
Win4Assert ( pidAll == 0 );
for ( tmpKey = _decomp.GetKey();
tmpKey != 0 && pkey->Compare(*tmpKey) > 0;
tmpKey = _decomp.GetNextKey() )
continue; // Null body
if ( tmpKey )
_pid = tmpKey->Pid();
return tmpKey;
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::GetKey, public
// Synopsis: return the current key, NULL if it doesn't exist
// Returns: current key
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
const CKeyBuf *COneWidChunkCursor::GetKey()
if ( _widReal == widInvalid )
return 0;
return _decomp.GetKey();
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::GetNextKey, public
// Synopsis: advance to next key and return it if it exists
// Effects: changes cursor position
// Returns: next key if it exists or NULL
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
// 02-Jun-92 KyleP Restore real wid
const CKeyBuf * COneWidChunkCursor::GetNextKey()
if ( _widReal == widInvalid )
return 0;
const CKeyBuf* key = _decomp.GetNextKey();
if ( key )
_wid = _widReal;
_pid = key->Pid();
return key;
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::WorkId, public
// Synopsis: return current work id under cursor
// Returns: a workid or widInvalid
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
WORKID COneWidChunkCursor::WorkId()
return( _wid );
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::NextWorkId
// Synopsis: Advance to next workid within key and return it if it exists
// Returns: next workid or widInvalid if it doesn't exist
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
WORKID COneWidChunkCursor::NextWorkId()
_wid = widInvalid;
return( widInvalid );
void COneWidChunkCursor::RatioFinished (ULONG& denom, ULONG& num)
denom = 1;
if (_wid == widInvalid)
num = 1;
num = 0;
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::WorkIdCount, public
// Returns: 1
// Expects: cursor positioned after key, wid heap empty
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
ULONG COneWidChunkCursor::WorkIdCount()
return( 1 );
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::Occurrence, public
// Synopsis: return current occurrence under cursor
// Returns: occurrence or OCC_INVALID
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
OCCURRENCE COneWidChunkCursor::Occurrence()
Win4Assert( _wid != widInvalid );
return _decomp.Occurrence();
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::NextOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: advance to next occurrence within current workid
// Returns: next occurrence if it exists, otherwise OCC_INVALID
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
OCCURRENCE COneWidChunkCursor::NextOccurrence()
Win4Assert( _wid != widInvalid );
return _decomp.NextOccurrence();
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::MaxOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: Returns max occurrence count of current workid and pid
// History: 20-Jun-96 SitaramR Created
OCCURRENCE COneWidChunkCursor::MaxOccurrence()
return _maxOccTable.GetMaxOcc( _fakeWid, _pid );
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::OccurrenceCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count
// Expects: cursor positioned after work id
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
ULONG COneWidChunkCursor::OccurrenceCount()
Win4Assert( _wid != widInvalid );
return _decomp.OccurrenceCount();
// Member: COneWidChunkCursor::HitCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count for current work id
// Expects: cursor positioned after work id
// History: 28-May-92 KyleP Created
ULONG COneWidChunkCursor::HitCount()
return OccurrenceCount();
// Member: CWidTable::CWidTable, public
// Synopsis: Create a WorkId mapping table.
// History: 20-May-92 KyleP Created
: _count( 0 )
#if CIDBG == 1
// Initially the table will be all 0 \(illegal wid\)
memset( _table, 0, sizeof(_table) );
// Member: CWidTable::WidToFakeWid, public
// Synopsis: Maps a WorkId to a table index.
// Arguments: [wid] -- WorkId to map. May already be mapped.
// Returns: The index of [wid]
// History: 20-May-92 KyleP Created
// Notes: This is clearly a non-optimal insertion algorithm but
// it's called so infrequently that a more complex solution
// would involve more code than it's worth.
WORKID CWidTable::WidToFakeWid( WORKID wid )
Win4Assert( _count <= CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST );
for ( int iDoc = _count - 1; iDoc >= 0; iDoc-- )
if ( wid == _table[iDoc].Wid() )
return( iDocToFakeWid ( iDoc ) );
WORKID fakeWid = iDocToFakeWid ( _count );
_table[ _count ].SetWid( wid );
return( fakeWid );