Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

411 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define tstring wstring
#define tstringstream wstringstream
#else // #ifdef _UNICODE
#define tstring string
#define tstringstream stringstream
#endif // #ifdef _UNICODE
// useful debug macros
// pragma message macro
// usage:
// #pragma UDDIMSG(Fix this later)
// outputs during compile:
// C:\...\Foo.c(25) : Fix this later
#define UDDISTR2(x) #x
#define UDDISTR(x) UDDISTR2(x)
#define UDDIMSG(x) message(__FILE__ "(" UDDISTR(__LINE__) ") : " #x)
// Break macro - break in debugger
#ifdef _X86_
#define UDDIBREAK() _asm { int 3 }
// Assertion macro - trace a message and break if assertion failes
#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( DBG )
// Print the location and expression of the assertion and halt
#define UDDIASSERT(exp) \
if( !(exp) ) \
{ \
char psz[256]; \
::_snprintf(psz, 256, "%s(%d) : Assertion Failed! - %s\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, #exp); \
OutputDebugStringA(psz); \
#define UDDIASSERT(exp)
// Verify macro - like UDDIASSERT but remains in all builds
#define UDDIVERIFYST(exp, id, hinst) \
if( !(exp) ) \
{ \
_TCHAR szLocalizedString[ 512 ]; \
::LoadString( hinst, id, szLocalizedString, 512 ); \
OutputDebugString( szLocalizedString ); \
throw CUDDIException((HRESULT)E_FAIL, \
szLocalizedString, _T(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, _T(__TIMESTAMP__), _T(__FUNCTION__) ); \
#define UDDIVERIFY(exp, str) \
if( !(exp) ) \
{ \
OutputDebugString( str ); \
throw CUDDIException((HRESULT)E_FAIL, \
str, _T(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, _T(__TIMESTAMP__), _T(__FUNCTION__) ); \
// Verify an hresult - trace description of message if bad HRESULT
#define UDDIVERIFYHR(hr) \
if( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) \
{ \
LPWSTR lpMsg; \
NULL, (hr), 0, \
(LPWSTR)&lpMsg, 0, NULL); \
if( n != 0 ) { \
lpMsg[::wcslen(lpMsg) - 2] = 0; \
} else { \
lpMsg = L"Unknown"; \
} \
wstring strMsg(lpMsg); \
::LocalFree(lpMsg); \
throw CUDDIException((HRESULT)(hr), strMsg, _T(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, _T(__TIMESTAMP__), _T(__FUNCTION__)); \
// Verify an API call - trace description of message if GetLastError fails
if( ::GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS ) \
{ \
DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); \
LPWSTR lpMsg; \
int n = ::FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | \
NULL, dwErr, 0, \
(LPWSTR)&lpMsg, 0, NULL); \
if( n != 0 ) { \
lpMsg[ ::wcslen(lpMsg) - 2 ] = 0; \
} else { \
lpMsg = L"Unknown"; \
} \
wstring strMsg( lpMsg ); \
::LocalFree(lpMsg); \
throw CUDDIException((dwErr), strMsg.c_str(), _T(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, _T(__TIMESTAMP__), _T(__FUNCTION__) ); \
// main tracing function
void UDDITRACE( const char* pszFile, int nLine,
int nSev, int nCat,
const wchar_t* pszContext,
const wchar_t* pszFormat, ... );
// Severity codes
// use when calling UDDITRACE to pull in file/line number
#define UDDI_SEVERITY_ERR __FILE__, __LINE__, 0x01 // EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE These are in WINNT.H
#define UDDI_SEVERITY_VERB __FILE__, __LINE__, 0x20 // most detailed output
// Category codes
#define UDDI_CATEGORY_UI 0x01
#define UDDI_CATEGORY_MMC 0x02
// Class CUDDIException
// General exception class used for exception handling throughout.
class CUDDIException
// Default constructor for CUDDIException
// Simply sets default parameters.
: m_dwErr( -1 )
, m_hrErr( E_FAIL )
, m_sErr( _T( "Unknown error" ) )
, m_iLine( -1 ) {}
// Copy constructor for CUDDIException
// Deep copy from _copy.
// Params:
// _copy - the source object from which to copy.
CUDDIException( const CUDDIException& _copy )
: m_dwErr( _copy.m_dwErr )
, m_hrErr( _copy.m_hrErr )
, m_sErr( _copy.m_sErr )
, m_sBuildTimestamp( _copy.m_sBuildTimestamp )
, m_sFile( _copy.m_sFile )
, m_iLine( _copy.m_iLine )
, m_sFunction( _copy.m_sFunction ) {}
// Constructor for CUDDIException
// Generates error info from a DWORD, meaning that it assumes
// the DWORD was generated from GetLastError() and uses the
// system FormatMessage() function to get the error text.
// Params:
// _err - a value returned from GetLastError().
// _file - the source file name where the error occurred.
// _line - the line number in the source where the error
// occurred.
// _timestamp - the build timestamp of the file where the
// error occurred.
CUDDIException( DWORD _err, const tstring& _file = _T( "" ), int _line = -1,
const tstring& _timestamp = _T( "" ), const tstring& _function = _T("") )
: m_dwErr( _err )
, m_hrErr( E_FAIL )
, m_sBuildTimestamp( _timestamp )
, m_sFile( _file )
, m_iLine( _line )
, m_sFunction( _function )
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
FormatMessage( // Gets the error text from the OS
( LPTSTR )&lpMsgBuf,
m_sErr = ( LPTSTR )lpMsgBuf;
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
// Constructor for CUDDIException
// Stores error info from a DWORD and passed-in string.
// Params:
// _err - a DWORD error value.
// _str - error text.
// _file - the source file name where the error occurred.
// _line - the line number in the source where the error
// occurred.
// _timestamp - the build timestamp of the file where the
// error occurred.
CUDDIException( DWORD _err, const tstring& _str, const tstring& _file = _T( "" ),
int _line = -1, const tstring& _timestamp = _T( "" ), const tstring& _function = _T("") )
: m_dwErr( _err )
, m_sErr( _str )
, m_hrErr( E_FAIL )
, m_sBuildTimestamp( _timestamp )
, m_sFile( _file )
, m_iLine( _line )
, m_sFunction(_function) {}
// Constructor for CUDDIException
// Stores error info from an HRESULT and an error string.
// Params:
// _hr - an HRESULT.
// _str - an error string.
// _file - the source file name where the error occurred.
// _line - the line number in the source where the error
// occurred.
// _timestamp - the build timestamp of the file where the
// error occurred.
CUDDIException( HRESULT _hr, const tstring& _str, const tstring& _file = _T( "" ),
int _line = -1, const tstring& _timestamp = _T( "" ), const tstring& _function = _T("") )
: m_dwErr( -1 )
, m_sErr( _str )
, m_hrErr( _hr )
, m_sBuildTimestamp( _timestamp )
, m_sFile( _file )
, m_iLine( _line )
, m_sFunction( _function ) {}
// Constructor for CUDDIException
// Stores error info from an error string.
// Params:
// _str - an error string.
// _file - the source file name where the error occurred.
// _line - the line number in the source where the error
// occurred.
// _timestamp - the build timestamp of the file where the
// error occurred.
CUDDIException( const tstring& _str, const tstring& _file = _T( "" ),
int _line = -1, const tstring& _timestamp = _T( "" ), const tstring& _function = _T("") )
: m_dwErr( -1 )
, m_sErr( _str )
, m_hrErr( E_FAIL )
, m_sBuildTimestamp( _timestamp )
, m_sFile( _file )
, m_iLine( _line )
, m_sFunction( _function ) {}
// Assignment operator for CUDDIException
// Deep copy from _copy.
// Params:
// _copy - the source object from which to copy.
CUDDIException& operator=( const CUDDIException& _copy )
m_dwErr = _copy.m_dwErr;
m_hrErr = _copy.m_hrErr;
m_sErr = _copy.m_sErr;
m_sBuildTimestamp = _copy.m_sBuildTimestamp;
m_sFile = _copy.m_sFile;
m_iLine = _copy.m_iLine;
m_sFunction = _copy.m_sFunction;
// Cast operators
// We use cast operators to return the various error values
// that can be stored in the error object. Thus, the following
// code is possible:
// CUDDIException _err( GetLastError() );
// DWORD dwErr = _err; // this will be GetLastError()
// HRESULT hrErr = _err; // this will be E_FAIL
// Tstring strErr = _err; // this will be the text description
// // of GetLastError
operator DWORD() const { return m_dwErr; }
operator HRESULT() const { return m_hrErr; }
operator const tstring&() const { return m_sErr; }
operator LPCTSTR() const { return m_sErr.c_str(); }
const tstring& GetTimeStamp() const { return m_sBuildTimestamp; }
const tstring& GetFile() const { return m_sFile; }
int GetLine() const { return m_iLine; }
const tstring& GetFunction() const { return m_sFunction; }
const tstring GetEntireError() const
tstringstream strm;
strm << _T("Error: ") << m_sErr
<< _T("\nCode: 0x") << hex << m_hrErr;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
strm << _T("\nFile: ") << m_sFile
<< _T("\nFunction: ") << m_sFunction
<< _T("\nLine: ") << m_iLine;
return strm.str();
DWORD m_dwErr;
HRESULT m_hrErr;
tstring m_sErr;
tstring m_sBuildTimestamp;
tstring m_sFile;
tstring m_sFunction;
int m_iLine;
#define THROW_UDDIEXCEPTION_ST( _hr_, _id_, _hinst_ ) \
_TCHAR szLocalizedString[ 1024 ]; \
::LoadString( _hinst_, _id_, szLocalizedString, 1024 ); \
throw CUDDIException((HRESULT)_hr_, \
szLocalizedString, _T(__FILE__), \
__LINE__, _T(__TIMESTAMP__), _T(__FUNCTION__) ); \
#define THROW_UDDIEXCEPTION( _hr_, _str_ ) \
throw CUDDIException( (HRESULT)(_hr_), _str_, _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, _T( __TIMESTAMP__ ), _T( __FUNCTION__) );
#define THROW_UDDIEXCEPTION_RC( _rc_, _str_ ) \
throw CUDDIException( (DWORD)(_rc_), _str_, _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__, _T( __TIMESTAMP__ ), _T( __FUNCTION__) );
typedef vector<tstring> StringVector;
class CUDDIRegistryKey
CUDDIRegistryKey( const tstring& szRoot, REGSAM access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, const tstring& szComputer=_T("") );
CUDDIRegistryKey( HKEY hHive, const tstring& szRoot, REGSAM access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, const tstring& szComputer=_T("") );
void Close();
DWORD GetDWORD( const LPCTSTR szName, DWORD dwDefault );
DWORD GetDWORD( const LPCTSTR szName );
tstring GetString( const LPCTSTR szName, const LPCTSTR szDefault );
tstring GetString( const LPCTSTR szName );
void GetMultiString( const LPCTSTR szName, StringVector& strs );
void SetValue( const LPCTSTR szName, DWORD dwValue );
void SetValue( const LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szValue );
void DeleteValue( const tstring& szValue );
static void Create( HKEY hHive, const tstring& szPath, const tstring& szComputer=_T("") );
static void DeleteKey( HKEY hHive, const tstring& szPath, const tstring& szComputer=_T("") );
static BOOL KeyExists( HKEY hHive, const tstring& szPath, const tstring& szComputer=_T("") );
// implements the "get" property for the registry key handle
HKEY GetCurrentHandle() { return m_hkey; }
HKEY m_hHive;
HKEY m_hkey;
tstring m_szRoot;
void UDDIMsgBox( HWND hwndParent, int idMsg, int idTitle, UINT nType, LPCTSTR szDetail = NULL );
void UDDIMsgBox( HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR szMsg, int idTitle, UINT nType, LPCTSTR szDetail = NULL );
wstring LocalizedDate( const wstring& str );
wstring LocalizedDateTime( const wstring& str );