You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1443 lines
37 KiB
1443 lines
37 KiB
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace UDDI.Web
public class UddiBrowser
public static bool IsNetscape6
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type.StartsWith( "Netscape" ) &&
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.MajorVersion >= 5;
public static bool IsIE4
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type.StartsWith( "IE" ) &&
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.MajorVersion >= 4 &&
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.MajorVersion < 5;
public static bool IsIE5
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type.StartsWith( "IE" ) &&
HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.MajorVersion >= 5;
public static bool IsDownlevel
get { return !IsIE5; }
public static bool IsFrames
get{ return ( "true"==HttpContext.Current.Request[ "frames" ] );}
public static bool ShouldBeFrames
get{ return !IsDownlevel; }
public class UddiPage : System.Web.UI.Page
private System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder headerbag;
public System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder HeaderBag
get{ return headerbag; }
set{ headerbag=(System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder) value; }
private System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder footerbag;
public System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder FooterBag
get{ return footerbag; }
set{ footerbag=(System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder) value; }
public bool IsDownlevel
get { return UddiBrowser.IsDownlevel; }
public bool EditMode
if( null == ViewState[ "EditMode" ] )
return false;
return (bool)ViewState[ "EditMode" ];
public bool IsNetscape6
get { return UddiBrowser.IsNetscape6; }
public bool IsIE4
get { return UddiBrowser.IsIE4; }
public bool IsIE5
get { return UddiBrowser.IsIE5; }
private SytleSheetControlCollection stylesheets;
public SytleSheetControlCollection StyleSheets
if( null==stylesheets )
stylesheets = new SytleSheetControlCollection();
return stylesheets;
set { stylesheets = (SytleSheetControlCollection)value; }
private PageStyleControl pagestyle = null;
public PageStyleControl PageStyle
if( null==pagestyle )
pagestyle = PageStyleControl.GetDefault();
return pagestyle;
set { pagestyle = (PageStyleControl)value; }
private ClientScriptRegisterCollection clientscripts;
public ClientScriptRegisterCollection ClientScript
if( null==clientscripts )
clientscripts = new ClientScriptRegisterCollection();
return clientscripts;
set{ clientscripts = (ClientScriptRegisterCollection)value; }
public string Root
if( "/" == Request.ApplicationPath )
return "";
return Request.ApplicationPath;
public void CancelEditMode()
ViewState[ "EditMode" ] = false;
public void SetEditMode()
ViewState[ "EditMode" ] = true;
protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e )
base.OnLoad( e );
if( null!=HeaderBag )
HeaderBag.Visible = PageStyle.ShowHeader;
if( null!=FooterBag )
FooterBag.Visible = PageStyle.ShowFooter;
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
// Render Open HTML
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Html );
// Render Open Head
output.Write( "<HEAD>\r\n" );
// Render StyleSheet Links
foreach( StyleSheetControl stylesheet in this.StyleSheets )
stylesheet.RenderControl( output );
// Render Client Scripts
foreach( ClientScriptRegister script in this.ClientScript )
script.RenderControl( output );
if( null != PageStyle )
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Title );//<title>
if( 0 == Config.GetInt( "Web.ServiceMode", 0 ) )
output.Write( UDDI.Localization.GetString( PageStyle.Title ) );
output.Write( UDDI.Localization.GetString( PageStyle.AltTitle ) );
// Render Close Head
output.Write( "</HEAD>\r\n" );
// Register the attributes for the body
if( null!=PageStyle )
PageStyle.RenderControl( output );
// Render Open Body
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Body );
// Render Open Table.
// This prevents scrolling problems.
if( null != PageStyle )
output.AddAttribute( "border",PageStyle.BorderWidth );
output.AddAttribute( "border","0" );
output.AddAttribute( "width","100%" );
output.AddAttribute( "height","100%" );
output.AddAttribute( "cellpadding","0" );
output.AddAttribute( "cellspacing","0" );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Table );
// Render Open TR
if( UddiBrowser.IsDownlevel || UddiBrowser.IsNetscape6 )
output.AddAttribute( "height","100%" );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr );
// Render Open TD
if( UddiBrowser.IsDownlevel || UddiBrowser.IsNetscape6 )
output.AddAttribute( "height","100%" );
output.AddAttribute( "valign","top" );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Td );
// Render Content of ASPX Page
base.Render( output );//do the base render
// Close All Open Tags
protected override void AddParsedSubObject( object obj )
if( obj is StyleSheetControl )
this.StyleSheets.Add( (StyleSheetControl)obj );
else if( obj is PageStyleControl )
this.PageStyle = (PageStyleControl)obj;
else if( obj is ClientScriptRegister )
this.ClientScript.Add( (ClientScriptRegister)obj );
base.AddParsedSubObject( obj );
public class SytleSheetControlCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase
public StyleSheetControl this[ int index ]
get{ return (StyleSheetControl)this.List[ index ]; }
set{ this.List[ index ] = value; }
public int Add( StyleSheetControl control )
return this.List.Add( control );
public void Remove( int index )
this.RemoveAt( index );
public void Remove( StyleSheetControl control )
this.Remove( control );
public void Insert( int index, StyleSheetControl control )
this.List.Insert( index, control );
public class StyleSheetControl : UddiControl, INamingContainer
public StyleSheetControl()
private string defaultsheet;
public string Default
get{ return defaultsheet; }
set{ defaultsheet = value; }
private string downlevelsheet;
public string DownLevel
get{ return downlevelsheet; }
set{ downlevelsheet = value; }
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
if( ( UddiBrowser.IsDownlevel && !UddiBrowser.IsNetscape6 ) && null!=DownLevel )
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, DownLevel );
else if( ( !UddiBrowser.IsDownlevel || UddiBrowser.IsNetscape6 ) && null!=Default )
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, Default );
output.AddAttribute( "rel","stylesheet");
output.AddAttribute( "type", "text/css" );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Link );
public class PageStyleControl : UddiControl, INamingContainer
public PageStyleControl()
// Show footer if Config value is set.
this.ShowFooter = ( Config.GetInt( "Web.ShowFooter",0 ) > 0 );
// Show header only if DownLevel
this.ShowHeader = !UddiBrowser.ShouldBeFrames;
// Set Page margin data
this.MarginHeight = "0";
this.MarginWidth = "0";
this.LeftMargin = "0";
this.RightMargin = "0";
this.TopMargin = "0";
this.BottomMargin = "0";
private string title;
public string Title
get{ return title; }
set{ title=value; }
private string alttitle;
public string AltTitle
get{ return alttitle; }
set{ alttitle=value; }
private string oncontextmenu;
public string OnClientContextMenu
get{ return oncontextmenu; }
set{ oncontextmenu=value; }
private string leftmargin;
public string LeftMargin
get{ return leftmargin; }
set{ leftmargin=value; }
private string topmargin;
public string TopMargin
get{ return topmargin; }
set{ topmargin=value; }
private string bottommargin;
public string BottomMargin
get{ return bottommargin; }
set{ bottommargin=value; }
private string rightmargin;
public string RightMargin
get{ return rightmargin; }
set{ rightmargin=value;}
private string marginheight;
public string MarginHeight
get{ return marginheight; }
set{ marginheight=value; }
private string marginwidth;
public string MarginWidth
get{ return marginwidth; }
set{ marginwidth=value; }
private string onload;
public string OnClientLoad
get{ return onload; }
set{ onload=value; }
private string bgcolor;
public string BackgroundColor
get{ return bgcolor; }
set{ bgcolor=value; }
private string linkcolor;
public string LinkColor
get{ return linkcolor; }
set{ linkcolor=value; }
private string alinkcolor;
public string ALinkColor
get{ return alinkcolor; }
set{ alinkcolor=value; }
private string vlinkcolor;
public string VLinkColor
get{ return vlinkcolor; }
set{ vlinkcolor=value; }
private string textcolor;
public string TextColor
get{ return textcolor; }
set{ textcolor=value; }
private bool showfooter;
public bool ShowFooter
get{ return showfooter; }
set{ showfooter=value; }
private bool showheader;
public bool ShowHeader
get{ return showheader; }
set{ showheader=value; }
private string borderwidth = "0";
public string BorderWidth
get{ return borderwidth; }
set{ borderwidth = value; }
private string cssclass;
public string CssClass
get{ return cssclass; }
set{ cssclass=value; }
private string onclientactivate;
public string OnClientActivate
get{ return onclientactivate; }
set{ onclientactivate = value; }
private string onclientafterprint;
public string OnClientAfterPrint
get{ return onclientafterprint; }
set{ onclientafterprint = value; }
private string onclientbeforeactivate ;
public string OnClientBeforeActivate
get{ return onclientbeforeactivate; }
set{ onclientbeforeactivate = value; }
private string onclientbeforecut;
public string OnClientBeforeCut
get{ return onclientbeforecut; }
set{ onclientbeforecut = value; }
private string onclientbeforedeactivate;
public string OnClientBeforeDeactivate
get{ return onclientbeforedeactivate; }
set{ onclientbeforedeactivate = value; }
private string onclientbeforeeditfocus;
public string OnClientBeforeEditFocus
get{ return onclientbeforeeditfocus; }
set{ onclientbeforeeditfocus = value; }
private string onclientbeforepaste;
public string OnClientBeforePaste
get{ return onclientbeforepaste; }
set{ onclientbeforepaste = value; }
private string onclientbeforeprint;
public string OnClientBeforePrint
get{ return onclientbeforeprint; }
set{ onclientbeforeprint = value; }
private string onclientbeforeunload;
public string OnClientBeforeUnload
get{ return onclientbeforeunload; }
set{ onclientbeforeunload = value; }
private string onclientcontrolselect;
public string OnClientControlSelect
get{ return onclientcontrolselect; }
set{ onclientcontrolselect = value; }
private string onclientcut;
public string OnClientCut
get{ return onclientcut; }
set{ onclientcut = value; }
private string onclientdblclick;
public string OnClientDblClick
get{ return onclientdblclick; }
set{ onclientdblclick = value; }
private string onclientdeactivate;
public string OnClientDeactivate
get{ return onclientdeactivate; }
set{ onclientdeactivate = value; }
private string onclientdrag;
public string OnClientDrag
get{ return onclientdrag; }
set{ onclientdrag = value; }
private string onclientdragend;
public string OnClientDragEnd
get{ return onclientdragend; }
set{ onclientdragend = value; }
private string onclientdragenter;
public string OnClientDragEnter
get{ return onclientdragenter; }
set{ onclientdragenter = value; }
private string onclientdragleave;
public string OnClientDragLeave
get{ return onclientdragleave; }
set{ onclientdragleave = value; }
private string onclientdragover;
public string OnClientDragOver
get{ return onclientdragover; }
set{ onclientdragover = value; }
private string onclientdragstart;
public string OnClientDragStart
get{ return onclientdragstart; }
set{ onclientdragstart = value; }
private string onclientdrop;
public string OnClientDrop
get{ return onclientdrop; }
set{ onclientdrop = value; }
private string onclientfilterchange;
public string OnClientFilterChange
get{ return onclientfilterchange; }
set{ onclientfilterchange = value; }
private string onclientfocusin;
public string OnClientFocusIn
get{ return onclientfocusin; }
set{ onclientfocusin = value; }
private string onclientfocusout;
public string OnClientFocusOut
get{ return onclientfocusout; }
set{ onclientfocusout = value; }
private string onclientkeydown;
public string OnClientKeyDown
get{ return onclientkeydown; }
set{ onclientkeydown = value; }
private string onclientkeypress;
public string OnClientKeyPress
get{ return onclientkeypress; }
set{ onclientkeypress = value; }
private string onclientkeyup;
public string OnClientKeyUp
get{ return onclientkeyup; }
set{ onclientkeyup = value; }
private string onclientlosecapture;
public string OnClientLoseCapture
get{ return onclientlosecapture; }
set{ onclientlosecapture = value; }
private string onclientmousedown;
public string OnClientMouseDown
get{ return onclientmousedown; }
set{ onclientmousedown = value; }
private string onclientmouseenter;
public string OnClientMouseEnter
get{ return onclientmouseenter; }
set{ onclientmouseenter = value; }
private string onclientmouseleave;
public string OnClientMouseLeave
get{ return onclientmouseleave; }
set{ onclientmouseleave = value; }
private string onclientmousemove;
public string OnClientMouseMove
get{ return onclientmousemove; }
set{ onclientmousemove = value; }
private string onclientmouseout;
public string OnClientMouseOut
get{ return onclientmouseout; }
set{ onclientmouseout = value; }
private string onclientmouseover;
public string OnClientMouseOver
get{ return onclientmouseover; }
set{ onclientmouseover = value; }
private string onclientmouseup;
public string OnClientMouseUp
get{ return onclientmouseup; }
set{ onclientmouseup = value; }
private string onclientmousewheel;
public string OnClientMouseWheel
get{ return onclientmousewheel; }
set{ onclientmousewheel = value; }
private string onclientmove;
public string OnClientMove
get{ return onclientmove; }
set{ onclientmove = value; }
private string onclientmoveend;
public string OnClientMoveEnd
get{ return onclientmoveend; }
set{ onclientmoveend = value; }
private string onclientmovestart;
public string OnClientMoveStart
get{ return onclientmovestart; }
set{ onclientmovestart = value; }
private string onclientpaste;
public string OnClientPaste
get{ return onclientpaste; }
set{ onclientpaste = value; }
private string onclientpropertychange;
public string OnClientPropertyChange
get{ return onclientpropertychange; }
set{ onclientpropertychange = value; }
private string onclientreadystatechange;
public string OnClientReadyStateChange
get{ return onclientreadystatechange; }
set{ onclientreadystatechange = value; }
private string onclientresizeend;
public string OnClientResizeEnd
get{ return onclientresizeend; }
set{ onclientresizeend = value; }
private string onclientresizestart;
public string OnClientResizeStart
get{ return onclientresizestart; }
set{ onclientresizestart = value; }
private string onclientscroll;
public string OnClientScroll
get{ return onclientscroll; }
set{ onclientscroll = value; }
private string onclientselect;
public string OnClientSelect
get{ return onclientselect; }
set{ onclientselect = value; }
private string onclientselectstart;
public string OnClientSelectStart
get{ return onclientselectstart; }
set{ onclientselectstart = value; }
private string onclientunload;
public string OnClientUnload
get{ return onclientunload; }
set{ onclientunload = value; }
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
if( null!=ALinkColor )
output.AddAttribute( "alink",ALinkColor );
if( null!=LinkColor )
output.AddAttribute( "link",LinkColor );
if( null!=VLinkColor )
output.AddAttribute( "vlink",VLinkColor );
if( null!=TextColor )
output.AddAttribute( "text",TextColor );
if( null!=BackgroundColor )
output.AddAttribute( "bgcolor",BackgroundColor );
if( null!=TopMargin )
output.AddAttribute( "topmargin",TopMargin );
if( null!=BottomMargin )
output.AddAttribute( "bottommargin",BottomMargin );
if( null!=LeftMargin )
output.AddAttribute( "leftmargin",LeftMargin );
if( null!=RightMargin )
output.AddAttribute( "rightmargin",RightMargin );
if( null!=MarginHeight )
output.AddAttribute( "marginheight",MarginHeight );
if( null!=MarginWidth )
output.AddAttribute( "marginwidth",MarginWidth );
if( null!=OnClientContextMenu )
output.AddAttribute( "oncontextmenu",OnClientContextMenu );
if( null!=OnClientLoad )
output.AddAttribute( "onload",OnClientLoad );
if( null!=OnClientActivate )
output.AddAttribute( "onactive", OnClientActivate );
if( null!=OnClientAfterPrint )
output.AddAttribute( "onafterprint" ,OnClientAfterPrint );
if( null!=OnClientBeforeActivate )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforeupdate",OnClientBeforeActivate );
if( null!=OnClientBeforeCut )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforecut",OnClientBeforeCut );
if( null!=OnClientBeforeDeactivate )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforedeactivate", OnClientBeforeDeactivate );
if( null!=OnClientBeforeEditFocus )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforeeditfocus",OnClientBeforeEditFocus );
if( null!=OnClientBeforePaste )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforepaste", OnClientBeforePaste );
if( null!=OnClientBeforePrint )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforeprint", OnClientBeforePrint );
if( null!=OnClientBeforeUnload )
output.AddAttribute( "onbeforeunload", OnClientBeforeUnload );
if( null!=OnClientControlSelect )
output.AddAttribute( "oncontrolselect", OnClientControlSelect );
if( null!=OnClientCut )
output.AddAttribute( "oncut", OnClientCut );
if( null!=OnClientDblClick )
output.AddAttribute( "ondblclick", OnClientDblClick );
if( null!=OnClientDeactivate )
output.AddAttribute( "ondeactivate", OnClientDeactivate );
if( null!=OnClientDrag )
output.AddAttribute( "ondrag", OnClientDrag );
if( null!=OnClientDragEnd )
output.AddAttribute( "ondragend", OnClientDragEnd );
if( null!=OnClientDragEnter )
output.AddAttribute( "ondragenter", OnClientDragEnter );
if( null!=OnClientDragLeave )
output.AddAttribute( "ondragleave", OnClientDragLeave );
if( null!=OnClientDragOver )
output.AddAttribute( "ondragover", OnClientDragOver );
if( null!=OnClientDragStart )
output.AddAttribute( "ondragstart", OnClientDragStart );
if( null!=OnClientDrop )
output.AddAttribute( "ondrop", OnClientDrop );
if( null!=OnClientFilterChange )
output.AddAttribute( "onfilterchange", OnClientFilterChange );
if( null!=OnClientFocusIn )
output.AddAttribute( "onfocusin", OnClientFocusIn );
if( null!=OnClientFocusOut )
output.AddAttribute( "onfocusout", OnClientFocusOut );
if( null!=OnClientKeyDown )
output.AddAttribute( "onkeydown", OnClientKeyDown );
if( null!=OnClientKeyPress )
output.AddAttribute( "onkeypress", OnClientKeyPress );
if( null!=OnClientKeyUp )
output.AddAttribute( "onkeyup", OnClientKeyUp );
if( null!=OnClientLoseCapture )
output.AddAttribute( "onlosecapture", OnClientMouseDown );
if( null!=OnClientMouseDown )
output.AddAttribute( "onmousedown", OnClientMouseDown );
if( null!=OnClientMouseEnter )
output.AddAttribute( "onmouseenter", OnClientMouseEnter );
if( null!=OnClientMouseLeave )
output.AddAttribute( "onmouseleave", OnClientMouseLeave );
if( null!=OnClientMouseMove )
output.AddAttribute( "onmousemove", OnClientMouseMove );
if( null!=OnClientMouseOut )
output.AddAttribute( "onmouseout", OnClientMouseOut );
if( null!=OnClientMouseOver )
output.AddAttribute( "onmouseover", OnClientMouseOver );
if( null!=OnClientMouseUp )
output.AddAttribute( "onmouseup", OnClientMouseUp );
if( null!=OnClientMouseWheel )
output.AddAttribute( "onmousewheel", OnClientMouseWheel );
if( null!=OnClientMove )
output.AddAttribute( "onmove", OnClientMove );
if( null!=OnClientMoveEnd )
output.AddAttribute( "onmoveend", OnClientMoveEnd );
if( null!=OnClientMoveStart )
output.AddAttribute( "onmovestart", OnClientMoveStart );
if( null!=OnClientPaste )
output.AddAttribute( "onpaste", OnClientPaste );
if( null!=OnClientPropertyChange )
output.AddAttribute( "onpropertychange", OnClientPropertyChange );
if( null!=OnClientReadyStateChange )
output.AddAttribute( "onreadystatechange", OnClientReadyStateChange );
if( null!=OnClientResizeEnd )
output.AddAttribute( "onresizeend", OnClientResizeEnd );
if( null!=OnClientResizeStart )
output.AddAttribute( "onresizestart", OnClientResizeStart );
if( null!=OnClientScroll )
output.AddAttribute( "onscroll", OnClientScroll );
if( null!=OnClientSelect )
output.AddAttribute( "onselect", OnClientSelect );
if( null!=OnClientSelectStart )
output.AddAttribute( "onselectstart", OnClientSelectStart );
if( null!=OnClientUnload )
output.AddAttribute( "onunload", OnClientUnload );
public static PageStyleControl GetDefault()
PageStyleControl control = new PageStyleControl();
//TODO: Build other defaults in.
return control;
public class UddiControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public bool IsDownlevel
get { return UddiBrowser.IsDownlevel; }
public virtual bool EditMode
get { return ((UddiPage)Page).EditMode; }
public string Root
get { return ((UddiPage)Page).Root; }
public virtual void CancelEditMode()
public virtual void SetEditMode()
public class UddiButton : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
protected bool editModeDisable = false;
protected bool focus = false;
public bool EditModeDisable
get { return editModeDisable; }
set { editModeDisable = value; }
public bool Focus
get { return focus; }
set { focus = value; }
public new string Text
get { return base.Text; }
// Check to see if the button text needs to be localized. We
// use strings of the form [[ID]] to indicate localization is
// needed.
if( null != value && value.StartsWith( "[[" ) && value.EndsWith( "]]" ) )
base.Text = Localization.GetString( value.Substring( 2, value.Length - 4 ) );
base.Text = value;
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
bool enabled = Enabled;
// Check to see if we need to disable this control. We do
// this if we are in edit mode and the control is set to
// autodisable.
if( EditModeDisable && ((UddiPage)Page).EditMode )
Enabled = false;
// Only render the control if it is enabled, or we're on an IE
// browser. Netscape and other browsers do not support the
// enabled attribute, so we have to prevent the control from
// rendering on these browsers.
if( Enabled || UddiBrowser.IsIE5 )
if( Focus )
"<script language='javascript'>SetFocus( '" + UniqueID + "' )</script>" );
base.Render( output );
Enabled = enabled;
public class UddiCheckBox : System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox
protected bool editModeDisable = false;
protected bool focus = false;
public bool EditModeDisable
get { return editModeDisable; }
set { editModeDisable = value; }
public bool Focus
get { return focus; }
set { focus = value; }
public override string Text
get { return base.Text; }
// Check to see if the button text needs to be localized. We
// use strings of the form [[ID]] to indicate localization is
// needed.
if( null != value && value.StartsWith( "[[" ) && value.EndsWith( "]]" ) )
base.Text = Localization.GetString( value.Substring( 2, value.Length - 4 ) );
base.Text = value;
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
bool enabled = Enabled;
// Check to see if we need to disable this control. We do
// this if we are in edit mode and the control is set to
// autodisable.
if( EditModeDisable && ((UddiPage)Page).EditMode )
Enabled = false;
// Only render the control if it is enabled, or we're on an IE
// browser. Netscape and other browsers do not support the
// enabled attribute, so we have to prevent the control from
// rendering on these browsers.
if( Enabled || UddiBrowser.IsIE5 )
if( Focus )
"<script language='javascript'>SetFocus( '" + UniqueID + "' )</script>" );
base.Render( output );
Enabled = enabled;
public class UddiLabel : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
// Check to see if the label text needs to be localized. We
// use strings of the form [[ID]] to indicate localization is
// needed.
string text = base.Text;
if( null != text && text.StartsWith( "[[" ) && text.EndsWith( "]]" ) )
text = Localization.GetString( text.Substring( 2, text.Length - 4 ) );
text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( text );
if( null != text )
text = text.Replace( "\n", "<br>" ).Replace( " ", " " );
base.AddAttributesToRender( output );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Span );
output.Write( text );
public class UddiTextBox : System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox, IPostBackEventHandler
protected bool editModeDisable = false;
protected bool selected = false;
protected bool focus = false;
public bool Selected
get { return selected; }
set { selected = value; }
public override string Text
// BUG: 759949. We must strip invalid characters from the strings.
if( null != base.Text )
return Utility.XmlEncode( base.Text );
return base.Text;
base.Text = value;
public bool Focus
get { return focus; }
set { focus = value; }
public bool EditModeDisable
get { return editModeDisable; }
set { editModeDisable = value; }
public event EventHandler EnterKeyPressed;
void IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent( string eventArgument )
switch( eventArgument )
case "enterkey":
if( null != EnterKeyPressed )
EnterKeyPressed( this, new EventArgs() );
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
if( EditModeDisable && ((UddiPage)Page).EditMode )
output.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Disabled, null );
if( Selected )
"<script language='javascript'>Select( '" + UniqueID + "' )</script>" );
else if( Focus )
"<script language='javascript'>SetFocus( '" + UniqueID + "' )</script>" );
if( null != EnterKeyPressed )
output.AddAttribute( "onkeypress", "if( 13 == event.keyCode ) " + Page.GetPostBackEventReference( this, "enterkey" ) );
base.Render( output );
public class UddiDataGrid : System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid, IPostBackEventHandler
void IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent( string eventArgument )
int page = Convert.ToInt32( eventArgument );
new System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs( this, page ) );
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
bool paging = AllowPaging;
AllowPaging = false;
base.Render( output );
if( paging )
// TODO: Localize!!!
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "pagingFooter" );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Span );
output.Write( String.Format( "Page {0} of {1}: ", CurrentPageIndex + 1, PageCount ) );
int startPage = ( CurrentPageIndex / PagerStyle.PageButtonCount ) * PagerStyle.PageButtonCount;
int stopPage = Math.Min( startPage + PagerStyle.PageButtonCount - 1, PageCount - 1 );
for( int page = startPage; page <= stopPage; page ++ )
if( page == CurrentPageIndex )
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "pageSelected" );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Span );
output.Write( " " + ( page + 1 ) + " " );
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "page" );
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, "javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference( this, page.ToString() ) );
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.A );
output.Write( " " + ( page + 1 ) + " " );
public class HyperLinkManager
public static string GetSecureHyperLink( string pagename )
string url = "";
bool isAbsolute = false;
int port = Config.GetInt( "Web.HttpsPort",UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpsPort );
// if
// the current context is not secure, and we require HTTPS,
// - OR -
// The Web.HttpsPort is something other than the Default and the current port is not what is configured
// we will need to generate an absolute path.
isAbsolute = ( ( !HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection &&
1==Config.GetInt( "Security.HTTPS", UDDI.Constants.Security.HTTPS ) ) ||
( UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpsPort!=port && HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port!=port ) );
if( isAbsolute )
url = GetUrlStart( true );
url+=GetFullFilePath( pagename );
return url;
public static string GetHyperLink( string pagename )
return GetHyperLink( pagename, false );
public static string GetHyperLink( string pagename, bool absolute )
string url = "";
if( absolute )
url = GetUrlStart( HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection );
url += GetFullFilePath( pagename );
return url;
public static string GetNonSecureHyperLink( string pagename )
string url = "";
int port = Config.GetInt( "Web.HttpPort",UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpPort );
bool isAbsolute = false;
// if the current context is secure,
// - or -
// the Web.HttpPort is something other than default, and current port is not what is configured
// we will need to generate an absolute path.
isAbsolute = HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection ||
( UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpPort!=port && HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port!=port );
if( isAbsolute )
url = GetUrlStart( false );
url += GetFullFilePath( pagename );
return url;
private static string GetUrlStart( bool secure )
string url = "";
int port = 0;
if( secure )//build a secure url
url = "https://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
port = Config.GetInt( "Web.HttpsPort",UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpsPort );
if( port!=UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpsPort )
url += ":" + port.ToString();
else//build no secure url
url = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
port = Config.GetInt( "Web.HttpPort",UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpPort );
if( port!=UDDI.Constants.Web.HttpPort )
url += ":" + port.ToString();
return url;
private static string GetFullFilePath( string file )
string url = ( ( "/"==HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath) ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath );
url += file ;
return url;
public enum UrlFlags
Https = 0x0001,
Require = 0x0002,
Absolute = 0x0004,
External = 0x0008
public enum UrlOptions
PreferHttp = 0x0000,
PreferHttps = 0x0001,
RequireHttp = 0x0002,
RequireHttps = 0x0003,
PreferHttpAbsolute = 0x0004,
PreferHttpsAbsolute = 0x0005,
RequireHttpAbsolute = 0x0006,
RequireHttpsAbsolute = 0x0007,
External = 0x0008