Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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;---[ NetFPNW.INX ]------------------------------------
; File and Print Services for Netware
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = NetService
ClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider = %Msft%
LayoutFile = layout.inf
%Msft% = MSFT
CopyFiles = CpyFiles_Init, CpyFiles_Print, CpyFiles_Sys, CpyFiles_Srv, CpyFiles_Tools
AddReg = FPNW.Ndi.AddReg, FPNW.AddReg
Characteristics = 0
HKR, "Ndi", "ClsID",, "{774badaa-a7ac-11d0-b25b-00c04fc9e292}"
HKR, "Ndi", "ComponentDll",, "sfncfg.dll"
HKR, "Ndi", "Service",, "FPNW"
HKR, "Ndi", "CoServices", 0x10000, "FPNW"
HKR, "Ndi", "HelpText",, "@netcfgx.dll,-50017"
HKR, "Ndi\Interfaces", "UpperRange",, "winnet5"
HKR, "Ndi\Interfaces", "LowerRange",, "ipx"
CpyFiles_Init = 11 ; System32
CpyFiles_Sys = 12 ; System32\drivers
CpyFiles_Srv = 11 ; System32
CpyFiles_Print = 55 ; Spool drivers dir.
CpyFiles_Tools = 11 ; System32
CpyFiles_Login.CpyFiles = 32768 ; FPNW Login directory
CpyFiles_Public.CpyFiles = 32769 ; FPNW Public directory
sfncfg.dll ,,, 2
fpnwcfg.dll ,,, 2
fpnwsrv.sys ,,, 2
nwprint.dll ,,, 2
fpnw.cnt ,,, 2
fpnw.dll ,,, 2
fpnw.hlp ,,, 2
fpnwcfg.dll ,,, 2
fpnwmgr.cpl ,,, 2
fpnwperf.h ,,, 2
fpnwperf.ini,,, 2
nwmon.dll ,,, 2
nwsevent.dll,,, 2
nwslib.dll ,,, 2
nwssvc.exe ,,, 2
CopyFiles = CpyFiles_Login.CpyFiles
login.exe ,,, 2
rpc16c1.rpc ,,, 2
rpc16c6.rpc ,,, 2
security.rpc,,, 2
slist.exe ,,, 2
CopyFiles = CpyFiles_Public.CpyFiles
attach.exe ,,, 2
capture.exe ,,, 2
chgpass.exe ,,, 2
endcap.exe ,,, 2
login.exe ,,, 2
logout.exe ,,, 2
map.exe ,,, 2
rpc16c1.rpc ,,, 2
rpc16c6.rpc ,,, 2
security.rpc,,, 2
setpass.exe ,,, 2
slist.exe ,,, 2
fpnwmgr.cpl ,,, 2
nwslib.dll ,,, 2
nwsevent.dll,,, 2
fpnw.hlp ,,, 1
fpnw.cnt ,,, 1
AddService = FPNW,, FPNW_Service_Inst, FPNW_Service_Evt
AddService = FPNWSRV,, FPNWSRV_Service_Inst, FPNWSRV_Service_Evt
DelReg = FPNW.DelReg
DelService = FPNW
DelService = FPNWSRV
; Services Install Sections
DisplayName = %FPNW_Desc%
ServiceType = 0x10 ;SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %11%\nwssvc.exe
StartName = LocalSystem
AddReg = FPNW_Service.AddReg
Dependencies = NwLnkIpx, NwSapAgent, Spooler
Description = %FPNW_Desc%
DisplayName = %FPNWSRV_Desc%
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\fpnwsrv.sys
AddReg = FPNWSRV_Service.AddReg
Description = %FPNWSRV_Desc%
HKR, "AutotunedParameters",, 0x10
HKR, "Performance",, 0x10
HKR, "Volumes",, 0x10
HKR, "Parameters", "AlertEveryoneOnDiskFull", 0x10001, 1
HKR, "Parameters", "Description",, ""
HKR, "Parameters", "EmulateShareableFlag", 0x10001, 2
HKR, "Parameters", "EnableBurst", 0x10001, 1
HKR, "Parameters", "EnableForcedLogoff", 0x10001, 1
HKR, "Parameters", "EnableLip", 0x10001, 1
HKR, "Parameters", "HomeBaseDirectory",, "SYS:"
HKR, "Parameters", "LoginDirectory",, "SYS:LOGIN"
HKR, "Parameters", "MaxReceivePacketSize", 0x10001, 4202
HKR, "Parameters", "MaxSearchesPerClient", 0x10001, 0
HKR, "Parameters", "MaxUsers", 0x10001, 10000
HKR, "Parameters", "NumberOfWatchDogPackets", 0x10001, 5
HKR, "Parameters", "RespondToNearestServer", 0x10001, 1
HKR, "Parameters", "Size", 0x10001, 3
HKR, "Parameters", "WatchDogInitialDelay", 0x10001, 90
HKR, "Parameters", "WatchDogSecondaryDelay", 0x10001, 60
; Performance Values
HKR, "Performance", "Close",, "CloseNcpSrvPerformanceData"
HKR, "Performance", "Collect",, "CollectNcpSrvPerformanceData"
HKR, "Performance", "Library",, "nwslib.dll"
HKR, "Performance", "Open",, "OpenNcpSrvPerformanceData"
; Eventlog Sections (non-service)
HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\NWPrint", "EventMessageFile", 0x20000, "nwsevent.dll"
HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\NWPrint", "TypesSupported", 0x10001, 7
HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\NWMon", "EventMessageFile", 0x20000, "nwsevent.dll"
HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\NWMon", "TypesSupported", 0x10001, 7
HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network\SMAddOns", "FPNWCLNT", , "fpnwmgr.cpl"
AddReg = FPNW_Evt_AddReg
HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x10001, 7
HKR, "Parameters",, 0x10
HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LicenseService\FilePrint\FPNWServer",, 0x10
AddReg = FPNWSRV_Evt_AddReg
HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\nwsevent.dll"
HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x10001, 7
HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\NWPrint"
HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\NWMon"
HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LicenseService\FilePrint\FPNWServer"
HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network\SMAddOns", "FPNWCLNT"