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* Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: dvshared.h
* Content: Utility functions for DirectXVoice structures.
* History:
* Date By Reason
* ==== == ======
* 07/06/99 rodtoll Created It
* 07/26/99 rodtoll Added support for DirectXVoiceNotify objects
* 08/04/99 rodtoll Added new validation functions
* 08/25/99 rodtoll General Cleanup/Modifications to support new
* compression sub-system.
* Added new DUMP functions
* Moved several compression functions to dvcdb
* 09/01/99 rodtoll Added check for valid pointers in func calls
* Changed return type on DV_ call to HRESULT
* 09/14/99 rodtoll Added new Init params and DV_ValidMessageArray
* 10/04/99 rodtoll Updated initialize to take LPUNKNOWN instead of LPVOID
* 10/19/99 rodtoll Fix: Bug #113904 - Shutdown issues
* - Added reference count for notify interface, allows
* determination if stopsession should be called from release
* 10/25/99 rodtoll Fix: Bug #114098 - Release/Addref failure from multiple threads
* 01/14/2000 rodtoll Added DV_ValidTargetList function
* 01/27/2000 rodtoll Bug #129934 - Update Create3DSoundBuffer to take DSBUFFERDESC
* Updated param validations to check new params
* 03/29/2000 rodtoll Bug #30753 - Added volatile to the class definition
* 06/21/2000 rodtoll Bug #35767 - Must implement ability for DSound effects processing on Voice buffers
* Updated parameter validation to take new parameters.
* 07/22/2000 rodtoll Bug #40284 - Initialize() and SetNotifyMask() should return invalidparam instead of invalidpointer
* 09/14/2000 rodtoll Bug #45001 - DVOICE: AV if client has targetted > 10 players
#ifndef __DVSHARED_H
#define __DVSHARED_H
class CDirectVoiceEngine;
class CDirectVoiceTransport;
LPVOID lpNotifyVtble;
LONG lRefCnt;
LPVOID lpVtbl;
LONG lIntRefCnt;
CDirectVoiceEngine *lpDVEngine;
CDirectVoiceTransport *lpDVTransport;
BOOL DV_ValidBufferAggresiveness( DWORD dwValue );
BOOL DV_ValidBufferQuality( DWORD dwValue );
BOOL DV_ValidSensitivity( DWORD dwValue );
HRESULT DV_ValidBufferSettings( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER lpdsBuffer, DWORD dwPriority, DWORD dwFlags, LPWAVEFORMATEX pwfxPlayFormat );
HRESULT DV_ValidClientConfig( LPDVCLIENTCONFIG lpClientConfig );
HRESULT DV_ValidSoundDeviceConfig( LPDVSOUNDDEVICECONFIG lpSoundDeviceConfig, LPWAVEFORMATEX pwfxPlayFormat );
HRESULT DV_ValidSessionDesc( LPDVSESSIONDESC lpSessionDesc );
HRESULT DV_ValidTargetList( const DVID* pdvidTargets, DWORD dwNumTargets );
BOOL DV_ValidDirectVoiceObject( LPDIRECTVOICEOBJECT lpdv );
BOOL DV_ValidDirectXVoiceClientObject( LPDIRECTVOICEOBJECT lpdvc );
BOOL DV_ValidDirectXVoiceServerObject( LPDIRECTVOICEOBJECT lpdvs );
HRESULT DV_ValidMessageArray( const DWORD* lpdwMessages, DWORD dwNumMessages, BOOL fServer );
STDAPI DV_Initialize( LPDIRECTVOICEOBJECT lpdvObject, LPUNKNOWN lpTransport, LPDVMESSAGEHANDLER lpMessageHandler, LPVOID lpUserContext, LPDWORD lpdwMessages, DWORD dwNumElements );
DWORD DV_GetWaveFormatExSize( const WAVEFORMATEX* lpwfxFormat );
HRESULT DV_CopySessionDescToBuffer( LPVOID lpTarget, LPDVSESSIONDESC lpdvSessionDesc, LPDWORD lpdwSize );
HRESULT DV_CopyCompressionInfoArrayToBuffer( LPVOID lpTarget, LPDVCOMPRESSIONINFO lpdvCompressionList, LPDWORD lpdwSize, DWORD dwNumElements );
void DV_DUMP_Caps( LPDVCAPS lpdvCaps );
void DV_DUMP_CompressionInfo( LPDVCOMPRESSIONINFO lpdvCompressionInfo, DWORD dwNumElements );
void DV_DUMP_FullCompressionInfo( LPDVFULLCOMPRESSIONINFO lpdvfCompressionInfo, DWORD dwNumElements );
void DV_DUMP_SessionDesc( LPDVSESSIONDESC lpdvSessionDesc );
void DV_DUMP_SoundDeviceConfig( LPDVSOUNDDEVICECONFIG lpdvSoundConfig );
void DV_DUMP_ClientConfig( LPDVCLIENTCONFIG lpdvClientConfig );
void DV_DUMP_WaveFormatEx( LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxFormat );
void DV_DUMP_GUID( const GUID& guid );
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DV_DUMP_CI( ci, ne ) DV_DUMP_CompressionInfo( ci, ne )
#define DV_DUMP_SD( sd ) DV_DUMP_SessionDesc( sd )
#define DV_DUMP_SDC( sdc ) DV_DUMP_SoundDeviceConfig( sdc )
#define DV_DUMP_CC( cc ) DV_DUMP_ClientConfig( cc )
#define DV_DUMP_CAPS( caps ) DV_DUMP_Caps( caps )
#define DV_DUMP_CIF( cif, ne ) DV_DUMP_FullCompressionInfo( cif, ne )
#define DV_DUMP_CIF( cif, ne )
#define DV_DUMP_CI( ci, ne )
#define DV_DUMP_SD( sd )
#define DV_DUMP_SDC( sdc )
#define DV_DUMP_CC( cc )
#define DV_DUMP_CAPS( caps )
#define DV_MAX_TARGETS 64