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; This file contains the alpha test functions.
; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
INCLUDE iammx.inc
INCLUDE offs_acp.inc
.model flat
EXTERN g_uDitherValue:MMWORD
; Alpha Test compare macro
;#define ACMP(p, g, b) \
;((((((INT32)(g) - (INT32)(b)) & (p)->iAAndMask) - (p)->iANeg) >= 0) ^ (p)->iAXorMask)
define(`d_LabelCounter', 0)dnl
dnl d_DoZWrite
dnl Inserts conditional Z Defered write code
dnl $1 the function type, $2 is the format of the Z buffer.
define(`d_DoZWrite', `
ifelse(`$1', `NoZWrite', `', `
ifelse(`$2', `16', `
; *((UINT16*)pS->pZ) = (UINT16)pCtx->SI.uZDeferred;
mov esi, XpS(pZ)
movzx edx, word ptr XpCtxSI(uZDeferred)
mov word ptr [esi], dx
', `
;*((UINT32*)pS->pZ) = pCtx->SI.uZDeferred;
mov esi, XpS(pZ)
mov edx, dword ptr XpCtxSI(uZDeferred)
mov dword ptr [esi], edx
')dnl if 16
')dnl if NoZWrite
')dnl d_DoZWrite define
dnl d_DoAlphaDitherTest
dnl d_DoEnd
dnl $1 is NoStencil or Stencil
define(`d_DoEnd', `ifelse($1, `NoStencil', `
; pCtx->pfnAlphaTestPassEnd(pCtx, pP, pS);
jmp dword ptr XpCtx(pfnAlphaTestPassEnd)
', `
; if (pCtx->SI.bStencilPass)
; {
; pCtx->pfnAlphaTestPassEnd(pCtx, pP, pS);
; }
; else
; {
; // in the C code this does a return, since this is the
; // last bead before write
; // pCtx->pfnAlphaTestFailEnd(pCtx, pP, pS);
; }
cmp word ptr XpCtxSI(bStencilPass), 0
je NoWrite ; All cases can jump to same label since all just routine to span loop.
jmp dword ptr XpCtx(pfnAlphaTestPassEnd)
dnl Inserts conditional AlphaDither Test code
dnl $1 the function type
dnl $2 is the ZWrite type
dnl $3 is the format of the Z buffer
dnl $4 is whether this function do a conditional return based on stencil
define(`d_DoAlphaDitherTest', `ifelse(`$1', `NoAlphaDither', `', `
define(`d_LabelCounter', eval(d_LabelCounter+1))dnl
;INT32 Alpha;
xor eax, eax ; Prevent partial register stall. Since alpha will be one byte.
;UINT16 uDither = g_uDitherTable[pCtx->SI.uDitherOffset];
mov edx, DWORD PTR g_uDitherValue ; Only need one byte for comparison.
shr edx, 3 ; The dither values are shifted to make color dithering easier.
; Just shift them back down.
;if (pCtx->cActTex != 0)
cmp dword ptr XpCtx(cActTex), 0
je NoTexture`'d_LabelCounter`'
;Alpha = RGBA_GETALPHA(pCtx->SI.TexCol[0]);
mov al, byte ptr XpCtxSI(TexCol+3)
jmp DoneTexture`'d_LabelCounter`'
;Alpha = pS->uA >> COLOR_SHIFT;
mov al, byte ptr XpS(uA+1)
;if ((Alpha & 0xff) > uDither)
cmp al, dl
jbe DitherAlpha`'d_LabelCounter`'
d_DoZWrite($2, $3)
define(`d_AlphaHdr', `
;void MMX_AlphaTest_$1_$2_$3_$4_$5(PD3DI_RASTCTX pCtx, PD3DI_RASTPRIM pP, PD3DI_RASTSPAN pS)
PUBLIC _MMX_AlphaTest_$1_$2_$3_$4_$5
ifelse(`$1', `NoAlpha',
`d_DoAlphaDitherTest(`$2', `$3', `$4', `$5')', `
;if (ACMP(pCtx, pCtx->SI.uBA, pCtx->iARef))
movzx edx, word ptr XpCtxSI(uBA)
sub edx, dword ptr XpCtx(iARef)
and edx, XpCtx(iAAndMask)
sub edx, XpCtx(iANeg)
sar edx, 31
xor edx, XpCtx(iAXorMask)
test edx, edx
jz NoWrite ; All cases can jump to same label since all just routine to span loop.
ifelse($2, `NoAlphaDither', `
d_DoZWrite(`$3', `$4')
', `
d_DoAlphaDitherTest(`$2', `$3', `$4', `$5')
;// in the C code this does a return, since this is the
;// last bead before write
;// pCtx->pfnAlphaTestFailEnd(pCtx, pP, pS);
; ASM code has everything jump to same label since it all goes to the same place.
; If Alpha Test passes, but alpha dither fails, we still need to call
; AlphaTestFailEnd or code continues to run into next routine.
jmp dword ptr XpCtx(pfnAlphaTestFailEnd)
jmp dword ptr XpCtx(pfnAlphaTestFailEnd)
d_RepStr(`d_RepStr(`d_RepStr(`d_RepStr(`d_RepStr(`d_AlphaHdr(AA, BB, CC, DD, EE)',
`AA', `NoAlpha', `Alpha')',
`BB', `NoAlphaDither', `AlphaDither')',
`CC', `NoZWrite', `ZWrite')',
`DD', `16', `32')',
`EE', `NoStencil', `Stencil')