Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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template< class T>
class allocator;
class allocator< void>
public: // Types
typedef void* pointer;
typedef const void* const_pointer;
typedef void value_type;
template< class U>
struct rebind
typedef allocator< U> other;
template< class T>
class allocator
public: // Types
typedef T value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T const * const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef T const & const_reference;
template< class U>
struct rebind
typedef allocator< U> other;
public: // Functions
pointer address( reference r) const
{ return &r; }
const_pointer address( const_reference r) const
{ return &r; }
allocator() throw()
{ }
template< class U>
allocator( const allocator< U>& Other) throw()
{ }
~allocator() throw()
{ }
template< class U>
bool operator==( const allocator< U>& Other) throw()
{ return true; }
template< class U>
bool operator!=( const allocator< U>& Other) throw()
{ return false; }
pointer allocate( size_type n, allocator<void>::const_pointer hint= 0)
throw( bad_alloc)
void* pRet= NULL;
try {
if( n<= max_size())
pRet= operator new ( n* sizeof(value_type));
} catch( ... ) {
if( NULL== pRet)
throw bad_alloc();
return reinterpret_cast< pointer>( pRet);
void deallocate( pointer p, size_type n)
{ operator delete (static_cast<void*>(p)); }
void construct( pointer p, const T& val)
{ new (p) T( val); }
void destroy( pointer p)
{ p->~T(); }
size_type max_size() const throw()
numeric_limits< size_type> Dummy;
const size_type uiRet( Dummy.max()- 1); // -1 for realistic safety.
return (0== sizeof( T)? uiRet: uiRet/ sizeof( T));