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** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
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** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
* IF YOU MUST MODIFY THIS FILE, PLEASE CONTACT [email protected] 415-390-1483
#ifndef __GLCLT_H__
#define __GLCLT_H__
/* Client Side Prototypes */
/* gl Entry points */
void APIENTRY glcltNewList ( IN GLuint list, IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltEndList ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltCallList ( IN GLuint list );
void APIENTRY glcltCallLists ( IN GLsizei n, IN GLenum type, IN const GLvoid *lists );
void APIENTRY glcltDeleteLists ( IN GLuint list, IN GLsizei range );
GLuint APIENTRY glcltGenLists ( IN GLsizei range );
void APIENTRY glcltListBase ( IN GLuint base );
void APIENTRY glcltBegin ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltBitmap ( IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height, IN GLfloat xorig, IN GLfloat yorig, IN GLfloat xmove, IN GLfloat ymove, IN const GLubyte bitmap[] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3b_InRGBA ( IN GLbyte red, IN GLbyte green, IN GLbyte blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3bv_InRGBA ( IN const GLbyte v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3d_InRGBA ( IN GLdouble red, IN GLdouble green, IN GLdouble blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3dv_InRGBA ( IN const GLdouble v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3f_InRGBA ( IN GLfloat red, IN GLfloat green, IN GLfloat blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3fv_InRGBA ( IN const GLfloat v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3i_InRGBA ( IN GLint red, IN GLint green, IN GLint blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3iv_InRGBA ( IN const GLint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3s_InRGBA ( IN GLshort red, IN GLshort green, IN GLshort blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3sv_InRGBA ( IN const GLshort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3ub_InRGBA ( IN GLubyte red, IN GLubyte green, IN GLubyte blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3ubv_InRGBA ( IN const GLubyte v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3ui_InRGBA ( IN GLuint red, IN GLuint green, IN GLuint blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3uiv_InRGBA ( IN const GLuint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3us_InRGBA ( IN GLushort red, IN GLushort green, IN GLushort blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3usv_InRGBA ( IN const GLushort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4b_InRGBA ( IN GLbyte red, IN GLbyte green, IN GLbyte blue, IN GLbyte alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4bv_InRGBA ( IN const GLbyte v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4d_InRGBA ( IN GLdouble red, IN GLdouble green, IN GLdouble blue, IN GLdouble alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4dv_InRGBA ( IN const GLdouble v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4f_InRGBA ( IN GLfloat red, IN GLfloat green, IN GLfloat blue, IN GLfloat alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4fv_InRGBA ( IN const GLfloat v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4i_InRGBA ( IN GLint red, IN GLint green, IN GLint blue, IN GLint alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4iv_InRGBA ( IN const GLint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4s_InRGBA ( IN GLshort red, IN GLshort green, IN GLshort blue, IN GLshort alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4sv_InRGBA ( IN const GLshort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4ub_InRGBA ( IN GLubyte red, IN GLubyte green, IN GLubyte blue, IN GLubyte alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4ubv_InRGBA ( IN const GLubyte v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4ui_InRGBA ( IN GLuint red, IN GLuint green, IN GLuint blue, IN GLuint alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4uiv_InRGBA ( IN const GLuint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4us_InRGBA ( IN GLushort red, IN GLushort green, IN GLushort blue, IN GLushort alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4usv_InRGBA ( IN const GLushort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3b_InCI ( IN GLbyte red, IN GLbyte green, IN GLbyte blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3bv_InCI ( IN const GLbyte v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3d_InCI ( IN GLdouble red, IN GLdouble green, IN GLdouble blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3dv_InCI ( IN const GLdouble v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3f_InCI ( IN GLfloat red, IN GLfloat green, IN GLfloat blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3fv_InCI ( IN const GLfloat v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3i_InCI ( IN GLint red, IN GLint green, IN GLint blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3iv_InCI ( IN const GLint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3s_InCI ( IN GLshort red, IN GLshort green, IN GLshort blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3sv_InCI ( IN const GLshort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3ub_InCI ( IN GLubyte red, IN GLubyte green, IN GLubyte blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3ubv_InCI ( IN const GLubyte v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3ui_InCI ( IN GLuint red, IN GLuint green, IN GLuint blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3uiv_InCI ( IN const GLuint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3us_InCI ( IN GLushort red, IN GLushort green, IN GLushort blue );
void APIENTRY glcltColor3usv_InCI ( IN const GLushort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4b_InCI ( IN GLbyte red, IN GLbyte green, IN GLbyte blue, IN GLbyte alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4bv_InCI ( IN const GLbyte v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4d_InCI ( IN GLdouble red, IN GLdouble green, IN GLdouble blue, IN GLdouble alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4dv_InCI ( IN const GLdouble v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4f_InCI ( IN GLfloat red, IN GLfloat green, IN GLfloat blue, IN GLfloat alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4fv_InCI ( IN const GLfloat v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4i_InCI ( IN GLint red, IN GLint green, IN GLint blue, IN GLint alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4iv_InCI ( IN const GLint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4s_InCI ( IN GLshort red, IN GLshort green, IN GLshort blue, IN GLshort alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4sv_InCI ( IN const GLshort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4ub_InCI ( IN GLubyte red, IN GLubyte green, IN GLubyte blue, IN GLubyte alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4ubv_InCI ( IN const GLubyte v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4ui_InCI ( IN GLuint red, IN GLuint green, IN GLuint blue, IN GLuint alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4uiv_InCI ( IN const GLuint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4us_InCI ( IN GLushort red, IN GLushort green, IN GLushort blue, IN GLushort alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltColor4usv_InCI ( IN const GLushort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltEdgeFlag ( IN GLboolean flag );
void APIENTRY glcltEdgeFlagv ( IN const GLboolean flag[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltEnd ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexd_InCI ( IN GLdouble c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexdv_InCI ( IN const GLdouble c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexf_InCI ( IN GLfloat c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexfv_InCI ( IN const GLfloat c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexi_InCI ( IN GLint c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexiv_InCI ( IN const GLint c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexs_InCI ( IN GLshort c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexsv_InCI ( IN const GLshort c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexd_InRGBA ( IN GLdouble c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexdv_InRGBA ( IN const GLdouble c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexf_InRGBA ( IN GLfloat c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexfv_InRGBA ( IN const GLfloat c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexi_InRGBA ( IN GLint c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexiv_InRGBA ( IN const GLint c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexs_InRGBA ( IN GLshort c );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexsv_InRGBA ( IN const GLshort c[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3b ( IN GLbyte nx, IN GLbyte ny, IN GLbyte nz );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3bv ( IN const GLbyte v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3d ( IN GLdouble nx, IN GLdouble ny, IN GLdouble nz );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3dv ( IN const GLdouble v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3f ( IN GLfloat nx, IN GLfloat ny, IN GLfloat nz );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3fv ( IN const GLfloat v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3i ( IN GLint nx, IN GLint ny, IN GLint nz );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3iv ( IN const GLint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3s ( IN GLshort nx, IN GLshort ny, IN GLshort nz );
void APIENTRY glcltNormal3sv ( IN const GLshort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2d ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2dv ( IN const GLdouble v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2f ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2fv ( IN const GLfloat v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2i ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2iv ( IN const GLint v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2s ( IN GLshort x, IN GLshort y );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos2sv ( IN const GLshort v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3d ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3dv ( IN const GLdouble v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3f ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3fv ( IN const GLfloat v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3i ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLint z );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3iv ( IN const GLint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3s ( IN GLshort x, IN GLshort y, IN GLshort z );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos3sv ( IN const GLshort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4d ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z, IN GLdouble w );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4dv ( IN const GLdouble v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4f ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z, IN GLfloat w );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4fv ( IN const GLfloat v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4i ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLint z, IN GLint w );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4iv ( IN const GLint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4s ( IN GLshort x, IN GLshort y, IN GLshort z, IN GLshort w );
void APIENTRY glcltRasterPos4sv ( IN const GLshort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltRectd ( IN GLdouble x1, IN GLdouble y1, IN GLdouble x2, IN GLdouble y2 );
void APIENTRY glcltRectdv ( IN const GLdouble v1[2], IN const GLdouble v2[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRectf ( IN GLfloat x1, IN GLfloat y1, IN GLfloat x2, IN GLfloat y2 );
void APIENTRY glcltRectfv ( IN const GLfloat v1[2], IN const GLfloat v2[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRecti ( IN GLint x1, IN GLint y1, IN GLint x2, IN GLint y2 );
void APIENTRY glcltRectiv ( IN const GLint v1[2], IN const GLint v2[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltRects ( IN GLshort x1, IN GLshort y1, IN GLshort x2, IN GLshort y2 );
void APIENTRY glcltRectsv ( IN const GLshort v1[2], IN const GLshort v2[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1d ( IN GLdouble s );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1dv ( IN const GLdouble v[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1f ( IN GLfloat s );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1fv ( IN const GLfloat v[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1i ( IN GLint s );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1iv ( IN const GLint v[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1s ( IN GLshort s );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord1sv ( IN const GLshort v[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2d ( IN GLdouble s, IN GLdouble t );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2dv ( IN const GLdouble v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2f ( IN GLfloat s, IN GLfloat t );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2fv ( IN const GLfloat v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2i ( IN GLint s, IN GLint t );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2iv ( IN const GLint v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2s ( IN GLshort s, IN GLshort t );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord2sv ( IN const GLshort v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3d ( IN GLdouble s, IN GLdouble t, IN GLdouble r );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3dv ( IN const GLdouble v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3f ( IN GLfloat s, IN GLfloat t, IN GLfloat r );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3fv ( IN const GLfloat v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3i ( IN GLint s, IN GLint t, IN GLint r );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3iv ( IN const GLint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3s ( IN GLshort s, IN GLshort t, IN GLshort r );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord3sv ( IN const GLshort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4d ( IN GLdouble s, IN GLdouble t, IN GLdouble r, IN GLdouble q );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4dv ( IN const GLdouble v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4f ( IN GLfloat s, IN GLfloat t, IN GLfloat r, IN GLfloat q );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4fv ( IN const GLfloat v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4i ( IN GLint s, IN GLint t, IN GLint r, IN GLint q );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4iv ( IN const GLint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4s ( IN GLshort s, IN GLshort t, IN GLshort r, IN GLshort q );
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoord4sv ( IN const GLshort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2d ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2dv ( IN const GLdouble v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2f ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2fv ( IN const GLfloat v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2i ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2iv ( IN const GLint v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2s ( IN GLshort x, IN GLshort y );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex2sv ( IN const GLshort v[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3d ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3dv ( IN const GLdouble v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3f ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3fv ( IN const GLfloat v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3i ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLint z );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3iv ( IN const GLint v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3s ( IN GLshort x, IN GLshort y, IN GLshort z );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex3sv ( IN const GLshort v[3] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4d ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z, IN GLdouble w );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4dv ( IN const GLdouble v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4f ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z, IN GLfloat w );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4fv ( IN const GLfloat v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4i ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLint z, IN GLint w );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4iv ( IN const GLint v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4s ( IN GLshort x, IN GLshort y, IN GLshort z, IN GLshort w );
void APIENTRY glcltVertex4sv ( IN const GLshort v[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltClipPlane ( IN GLenum plane, IN const GLdouble equation[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltColorMaterial ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltCullFace ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltFogf ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltFogfv ( IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltFogi ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltFogiv ( IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltFrontFace ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltHint ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltLightf ( IN GLenum light, IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltLightfv ( IN GLenum light, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltLighti ( IN GLenum light, IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltLightiv ( IN GLenum light, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltLightModelf ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltLightModelfv ( IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltLightModeli ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltLightModeliv ( IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltLineStipple ( IN GLint factor, IN GLushort pattern );
void APIENTRY glcltLineWidth ( IN GLfloat width );
void APIENTRY glcltMaterialf ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltMaterialfv ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltMateriali ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltMaterialiv ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltPointSize ( IN GLfloat size );
void APIENTRY glcltPolygonMode ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltPolygonStipple ( IN const GLubyte mask[] );
void APIENTRY glcltScissor ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height );
void APIENTRY glcltShadeModel ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltTexParameterf ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexParameterfv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexParameteri ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexParameteriv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexImage1D ( IN GLenum target, IN GLint level, IN GLint components, IN GLsizei width, IN GLint border, IN GLenum format, IN GLenum type, IN const GLvoid *pixels );
void APIENTRY glcltTexImage2D ( IN GLenum target, IN GLint level, IN GLint components, IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height, IN GLint border, IN GLenum format, IN GLenum type, IN const GLvoid *pixels );
void APIENTRY glcltTexEnvf ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexEnvfv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexEnvi ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexEnviv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexGend ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, IN GLdouble param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexGendv ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLdouble params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexGenf ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexGenfv ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltTexGeni ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltTexGeniv ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, IN const GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltFeedbackBuffer ( IN GLsizei size, IN GLenum type, OUT GLfloat buffer[] );
void APIENTRY glcltSelectBuffer ( IN GLsizei size, OUT GLuint buffer[] );
GLint APIENTRY glcltRenderMode ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltInitNames ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltLoadName ( IN GLuint name );
void APIENTRY glcltPassThrough ( IN GLfloat token );
void APIENTRY glcltPopName ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltPushName ( IN GLuint name );
void APIENTRY glcltDrawBuffer ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltClear ( IN GLbitfield mask );
void APIENTRY glcltClearAccum ( IN GLfloat red, IN GLfloat green, IN GLfloat blue, IN GLfloat alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltClearIndex ( IN GLfloat c );
void APIENTRY glcltClearColor ( IN GLclampf red, IN GLclampf green, IN GLclampf blue, IN GLclampf alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltClearStencil ( IN GLint s );
void APIENTRY glcltClearDepth ( IN GLclampd depth );
void APIENTRY glcltStencilMask ( IN GLuint mask );
void APIENTRY glcltColorMask ( IN GLboolean red, IN GLboolean green, IN GLboolean blue, IN GLboolean alpha );
void APIENTRY glcltDepthMask ( IN GLboolean flag );
void APIENTRY glcltIndexMask ( IN GLuint mask );
void APIENTRY glcltAccum ( IN GLenum op, IN GLfloat value );
void APIENTRY glcltDisable ( IN GLenum cap );
void APIENTRY glcltEnable ( IN GLenum cap );
void APIENTRY glcltFinish ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltFlush ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltPopAttrib ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltPushAttrib ( IN GLbitfield mask );
void APIENTRY glcltMap1d ( IN GLenum target, IN GLdouble u1, IN GLdouble u2, IN GLint stride, IN GLint order, IN const GLdouble points[] );
void APIENTRY glcltMap1f ( IN GLenum target, IN GLfloat u1, IN GLfloat u2, IN GLint stride, IN GLint order, IN const GLfloat points[] );
void APIENTRY glcltMap2d ( IN GLenum target, IN GLdouble u1, IN GLdouble u2, IN GLint ustride, IN GLint uorder, IN GLdouble v1, IN GLdouble v2, IN GLint vstride, IN GLint vorder, IN const GLdouble points[] );
void APIENTRY glcltMap2f ( IN GLenum target, IN GLfloat u1, IN GLfloat u2, IN GLint ustride, IN GLint uorder, IN GLfloat v1, IN GLfloat v2, IN GLint vstride, IN GLint vorder, IN const GLfloat points[] );
void APIENTRY glcltMapGrid1d ( IN GLint un, IN GLdouble u1, IN GLdouble u2 );
void APIENTRY glcltMapGrid1f ( IN GLint un, IN GLfloat u1, IN GLfloat u2 );
void APIENTRY glcltMapGrid2d ( IN GLint un, IN GLdouble u1, IN GLdouble u2, IN GLint vn, IN GLdouble v1, IN GLdouble v2 );
void APIENTRY glcltMapGrid2f ( IN GLint un, IN GLfloat u1, IN GLfloat u2, IN GLint vn, IN GLfloat v1, IN GLfloat v2 );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord1d ( IN GLdouble u );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord1dv ( IN const GLdouble u[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord1f ( IN GLfloat u );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord1fv ( IN const GLfloat u[1] );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord2d ( IN GLdouble u, IN GLdouble v );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord2dv ( IN const GLdouble u[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord2f ( IN GLfloat u, IN GLfloat v );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalCoord2fv ( IN const GLfloat u[2] );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalMesh1 ( IN GLenum mode, IN GLint i1, IN GLint i2 );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalPoint1 ( IN GLint i );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalMesh2 ( IN GLenum mode, IN GLint i1, IN GLint i2, IN GLint j1, IN GLint j2 );
void APIENTRY glcltEvalPoint2 ( IN GLint i, IN GLint j );
void APIENTRY glcltAlphaFunc ( IN GLenum func, IN GLclampf ref );
void APIENTRY glcltBlendFunc ( IN GLenum sfactor, IN GLenum dfactor );
void APIENTRY glcltLogicOp ( IN GLenum opcode );
void APIENTRY glcltStencilFunc ( IN GLenum func, IN GLint ref, IN GLuint mask );
void APIENTRY glcltStencilOp ( IN GLenum fail, IN GLenum zfail, IN GLenum zpass );
void APIENTRY glcltDepthFunc ( IN GLenum func );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelZoom ( IN GLfloat xfactor, IN GLfloat yfactor );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelTransferf ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelTransferi ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelStoref ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLfloat param );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelStorei ( IN GLenum pname, IN GLint param );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelMapfv ( IN GLenum map, IN GLint mapsize, IN const GLfloat values[] );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelMapuiv ( IN GLenum map, IN GLint mapsize, IN const GLuint values[] );
void APIENTRY glcltPixelMapusv ( IN GLenum map, IN GLint mapsize, IN const GLushort values[] );
void APIENTRY glcltReadBuffer ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltCopyPixels ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height, IN GLenum type );
void APIENTRY glcltReadPixels ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height, IN GLenum format, IN GLenum type, OUT GLvoid *pixels );
void APIENTRY glcltDrawPixels ( IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height, IN GLenum format, IN GLenum type, IN const GLvoid *pixels );
void APIENTRY glcltGetBooleanv ( IN GLenum pname, OUT GLboolean params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetClipPlane ( IN GLenum plane, OUT GLdouble equation[4] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetDoublev ( IN GLenum pname, OUT GLdouble params[] );
GLenum APIENTRY glcltGetError ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltGetFloatv ( IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetIntegerv ( IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetLightfv ( IN GLenum light, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetLightiv ( IN GLenum light, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetMapdv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum query, OUT GLdouble v[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetMapfv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum query, OUT GLfloat v[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetMapiv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum query, OUT GLint v[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetMaterialfv ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetMaterialiv ( IN GLenum face, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetPixelMapfv ( IN GLenum map, OUT GLfloat values[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetPixelMapuiv ( IN GLenum map, OUT GLuint values[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetPixelMapusv ( IN GLenum map, OUT GLushort values[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetPolygonStipple ( OUT GLubyte mask[] );
const GLubyte * APIENTRY glcltGetString ( IN GLenum name );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexEnvfv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexEnviv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexGendv ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLdouble params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexGenfv ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexGeniv ( IN GLenum coord, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexImage ( IN GLenum target, IN GLint level, IN GLenum format, IN GLenum type, OUT GLvoid *pixels );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexParameterfv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexParameteriv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexLevelParameterfv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLint level, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLfloat params[] );
void APIENTRY glcltGetTexLevelParameteriv ( IN GLenum target, IN GLint level, IN GLenum pname, OUT GLint params[] );
GLboolean APIENTRY glcltIsEnabled ( IN GLenum cap );
GLboolean APIENTRY glcltIsList ( IN GLuint list );
void APIENTRY glcltDepthRange ( IN GLclampd zNear, IN GLclampd zFar );
void APIENTRY glcltFrustum ( IN GLdouble left, IN GLdouble right, IN GLdouble bottom, IN GLdouble top, IN GLdouble zNear, IN GLdouble zFar );
void APIENTRY glcltLoadIdentity ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltLoadMatrixf ( IN const GLfloat m[16] );
void APIENTRY glcltLoadMatrixd ( IN const GLdouble m[16] );
void APIENTRY glcltMatrixMode ( IN GLenum mode );
void APIENTRY glcltMultMatrixf ( IN const GLfloat m[16] );
void APIENTRY glcltMultMatrixd ( IN const GLdouble m[16] );
void APIENTRY glcltOrtho ( IN GLdouble left, IN GLdouble right, IN GLdouble bottom, IN GLdouble top, IN GLdouble zNear, IN GLdouble zFar );
void APIENTRY glcltPopMatrix ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltPushMatrix ( void );
void APIENTRY glcltRotated ( IN GLdouble angle, IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z );
void APIENTRY glcltRotatef ( IN GLfloat angle, IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z );
void APIENTRY glcltScaled ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z );
void APIENTRY glcltScalef ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z );
void APIENTRY glcltTranslated ( IN GLdouble x, IN GLdouble y, IN GLdouble z );
void APIENTRY glcltTranslatef ( IN GLfloat x, IN GLfloat y, IN GLfloat z );
void APIENTRY glcltViewport ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLsizei width, IN GLsizei height );
void APIENTRY glcltAddSwapHintRectWIN ( IN GLint x, IN GLint y, IN GLint width, IN GLint height );
void APIENTRY glsimVertexPointerEXT ( IN GLint size, IN GLenum type, IN GLsizei stride, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLvoid* pointer);
void APIENTRY glsimColorPointerEXT ( IN GLint size, IN GLenum type, IN GLsizei stride, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLvoid* pointer);
void APIENTRY glsimTexCoordPointerEXT ( IN GLint size, IN GLenum type, IN GLsizei stride, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLvoid* pointer);
void APIENTRY glsimNormalPointerEXT ( IN GLenum type, IN GLsizei stride, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLvoid* pointer);
void APIENTRY glsimIndexPointerEXT ( IN GLenum type, IN GLsizei stride, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLvoid* pointer);
void APIENTRY glsimEdgeFlagPointerEXT ( IN GLsizei stride, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLboolean* pointer);
void APIENTRY glsimArrayElementEXT ( IN GLint i );
void APIENTRY glsimArrayElementArrayEXT ( IN GLenum mode, IN GLsizei count, IN const GLvoid* pi);
void APIENTRY glsimDrawArraysEXT ( IN GLenum mode, IN GLint first, IN GLsizei count);
void APIENTRY glsimGetPointervEXT ( IN GLenum pname, OUT void** params);
void APIENTRY glcltArrayElement (GLint i);
void APIENTRY glcltColorPointer (GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltDisableClientState (GLenum array);
void APIENTRY glcltDrawArrays (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count);
void APIENTRY glcltDrawElements (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices);
void APIENTRY glcltDrawRangeElementsWIN (GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices);
void APIENTRY glcltEdgeFlagPointer (GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltEnableClientState (GLenum array);
void APIENTRY glcltIndexub_InRGBA (GLubyte c);
void APIENTRY glcltIndexubv_InRGBA (const GLubyte *c);
void APIENTRY glcltIndexub_InCI (GLubyte c);
void APIENTRY glcltIndexubv_InCI (const GLubyte *c);
void APIENTRY glcltIndexPointer (GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltInterleavedArrays (GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltNormalPointer (GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltPolygonOffset (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units);
void APIENTRY glcltTexCoordPointer (GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltVertexPointer (GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer);
void APIENTRY glcltGetPointerv (GLenum pname, GLvoid* *params);
void APIENTRY glcltPopClientAttrib (void);
void APIENTRY glcltPushClientAttrib (IN GLbitfield mask);
GLboolean APIENTRY glcltAreTexturesResident(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures,
GLboolean *residences);
void APIENTRY glcltBindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture);
void APIENTRY glcltCopyTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level,
GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y,
GLsizei width, GLint border);
void APIENTRY glcltCopyTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level,
GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border);
void APIENTRY glcltCopyTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset,
GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width);
void APIENTRY glcltCopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
void APIENTRY glcltDeleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures);
void APIENTRY glcltGenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures);
GLboolean APIENTRY glcltIsTexture(GLuint texture);
void APIENTRY glcltPrioritizeTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures,
const GLclampf *priorities);
void APIENTRY glcltTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset,
GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLvoid *pixels);
void APIENTRY glcltTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
GLenum format, GLenum type,
const GLvoid *pixels);
void APIENTRY glcltColorTableEXT( GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data);
void APIENTRY glcltColorSubTableEXT( GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data);
void APIENTRY glcltGetColorTableEXT( GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *data);
void APIENTRY glcltGetColorTableParameterivEXT( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
void APIENTRY glcltGetColorTableParameterfvEXT( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params);
#ifdef GL_WIN_multiple_textures
void APIENTRY glcltCurrentTextureIndexWIN
(GLuint index);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1dWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLdouble s);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1dvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLdouble *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1fWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLfloat s);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1fvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLfloat *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1iWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLint s);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1ivWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLint *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1sWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLshort s);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord1svWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLshort *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2dWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLdouble s, GLdouble t);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2dvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLdouble *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2fWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLfloat s, GLfloat t);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2fvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLfloat *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2iWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLint s, GLint t);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2ivWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLint *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2sWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLshort s, GLshort t);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord2svWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLshort *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3dWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3dvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLdouble *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3fWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3fvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLfloat *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3iWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3ivWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLint *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3sWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord3svWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLshort *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4dWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4dvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLdouble *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4fWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4fvWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLfloat *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4iWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4ivWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLint *v);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4sWIN
(GLbitfield mask, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q);
void APIENTRY glcltMultiTexCoord4svWIN
(GLbitfield mask, const GLshort *v);
void APIENTRY glcltBindNthTextureWIN
(GLuint index, GLenum target, GLuint texture);
void APIENTRY glcltNthTexCombineFuncWIN
(GLuint index,
GLenum leftColorFactor, GLenum colorOp, GLenum rightColorFactor,
GLenum leftAlphaFactor, GLenum alphaOp, GLenum rightAlphaFactor);
#endif // GL_WIN_multiple_textures
#endif /* __GLCLT_H__ */