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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N E T O C P . H
// Contents: Private definitions for NETOC
// Notes:
// Author: danielwe 17 Sep 1998
#pragma once
#ifndef _NETOCP_H
#define _NETOCP_H
#ifndef _OCMANAGE_H
#define _OCMANAGE_H
#include <ocmanage.h> // OC Manager header
#endif //!_OCMANAGE_H
#include "netoc.h"
#include "netcon.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
#include "netcfgx.h"
//---[ Prototypes ]-----------------------------------------------------------
DWORD NetOcSetupProcHelper(LPCVOID pvComponentId, LPCVOID pvSubcomponentId,
UINT uFunction, UINT uParam1, LPVOID pvParam2);
DWORD HrOnPreInitializeComponent (UINT uModesSupported);
VOID OnWizardCreated(HWND hwnd);
HRESULT HrOnCalcDiskSpace(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, BOOL fAdd,
HDSKSPC hdskspc);
DWORD DwOnQueryState(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, BOOL fFinal);
HRESULT HrEnsureInfFileIsOpen(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, NETOCDATA &nocd);
HRESULT HrOnPreCommitFileQueue(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId);
HRESULT HrOnQueueFileOps(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, HSPFILEQ hfq);
HRESULT HrOnCompleteInstallation(PCWSTR szwComponentId,
PCWSTR szwSubComponentId);
HRESULT HrOnQueryChangeSelState(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, BOOL fSelected,
UINT uiFlags);
BOOL FOnQuerySkipPage(OcManagerPage ocmPage);
VOID OnCleanup(VOID);
HRESULT HrGetSelectionState(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, UINT uStateType);
HRESULT HrGetInstallType(PCWSTR szwSubComponentId, NETOCDATA &nocd,
HRESULT HrInstallNetCfgComponent(PCWSTR szComponentId,
PCWSTR szManufacturer,
PCWSTR szProduct,
PCWSTR szDisplayName,
const GUID& rguid);
HRESULT HrRemoveNetCfgComponent(PCWSTR szComponentId,
PCWSTR szManufacturer,
PCWSTR szProduct,
PCWSTR szDisplayName,
const GUID& rguid);
HRESULT HrCallExternalProc(PNETOCDATA pnocd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
HRESULT HrRunInfSection(HINF hinf, PNETOCDATA pnocd,
PCWSTR szInstallSection, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT HrInstallOrRemoveServices(HINF hinf, PCWSTR szSectionName);
HRESULT HrHandleOCExtensions(HINF hinfFile, PCWSTR szInstallSection);
HRESULT HrOCInstallOrUninstallFromINF(PNETOCDATA pnocd);
HRESULT HrDoOCInstallOrUninstall(PNETOCDATA pnocd);
UINT UiOcErrorFromHr(HRESULT hr);
HRESULT ReportEventHrString(PCWSTR pszErr, INT ids, PCWSTR pszDesc);
HRESULT ReportEventHrResult(HRESULT hrv, INT ids, PCWSTR pszDesc);
HRESULT ReportErrorHr(HRESULT hrv, INT ids, HWND hwnd, PCWSTR pszDesc);
NOTHROW int WINAPIV NcMsgBoxMc(HWND hwnd, UINT unIdCaption, UINT unIdFormat, UINT unStyle, ...);
HRESULT HrInstallOrRemoveNetCfgComponent(PNETOCDATA pnocd,
PCWSTR szComponentId,
PCWSTR szManufacturer,
PCWSTR szProduct,
PCWSTR szDisplayName,
const GUID& rguid);
HRESULT HrDoActualInstallOrUninstall(HINF hinf, PNETOCDATA pnocd,
PCWSTR szInstallSection);
HRESULT HrVerifyStaticIPPresent(INetCfg *pnc);
NETOCDATA *PnocdFindComponent(PCWSTR szwComponent);
VOID DeleteAllComponents(VOID);
HRESULT AddComponent(PCWSTR szwComponent, NETOCDATA *pnocd);
HRESULT HrCountConnections(INetConnection **ppconn);
HRESULT HrStartOrStopAnyServices(HINF hinf, PCWSTR szSection, BOOL fStart);
DWORD DwOnQueryStepCount(PCWSTR pvSubcomponentId);
HRESULT HrSetNextButton(PCWSTR pszSubComponentId);
#endif //!_NETOCP_H