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/** Microsoft Windows/NT **/
/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998 **/
This file contains the definition for CDlgRASDialin property page, this
is the page appears on the User Object Property sheet tab "Ras Dial-in"
#if !defined(AFX_DLGRASDIALIN_H__FFB0722F_1FFD_11D1_8531_00C04FC31FD3__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_DLGRASDIALIN_H__FFB0722F_1FFD_11D1_8531_00C04FC31FD3__INCLUDED_
#include "helper.h"
#include "rasdial.h"
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
// DlgRASDialin.h : header file
#include "resource.h" // definition for resource IDs
// By WeiJiang 2/6/98
// The merge dialog is ues to merge with IAS
// this eventually will replace the orginal dialog
// CDlgRASDialinMerge dialog
class CDlgRASDialinMerge : public CPropertyPage, public CRASUserMerge
// Construction
CDlgRASDialinMerge(); // standard constructor
RasEnvType type,
LPCWSTR location,
LPCWSTR userPath,
HWND notifyObj
virtual ~CDlgRASDialinMerge();
// Dialog Data
PADS_ATTR_INFO m_pWritableAttrs;
CButton m_CheckStaticIPAddress;
CButton m_CheckCallerId;
CButton m_CheckApplyStaticRoutes;
CButton m_RadioNoCallback;
CButton m_RadioSetByCaller;
CButton m_RadioSecureCallbackTo;
CEdit m_EditCallerId;
CEdit m_EditCallback;
CButton m_ButtonStaticRoutes;
BOOL m_bApplyStaticRoutes;
int m_nCurrentProfileIndex;
int m_nCallbackPolicy;
BOOL m_bCallingStationId;
BOOL m_bOverride;
int m_nDialinPermit;
CWnd* m_pEditIPAddress; // Static IP Address control
BOOL m_bStaticIPAddress;
CString m_strCallingStationId;
BOOL m_bInitFailed; // when this is true, most of the dialog functions will be called
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnApply();
virtual BOOL OnKillActive();
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
void SetModified( BOOL bChanged = TRUE )
m_bModified = bChanged;
BOOL GetModified()
return m_bModified;
// Implementation
BOOL IsPropertyWritable(const wchar_t* propName) const throw ();
// Enable the dialog items for each group
void EnableAccessControl(BOOL bEnable = true);
void EnableStaticRoutes(BOOL bEnable = true);
void EnableIPAddress(BOOL bEnable = true);
void EnableCallback(BOOL bEnable = true);
void EnableCallerId(BOOL bEnable = true);
// Enable/Disable all items on the dialog
void EnableDialinSettings();
// set internal variables to original state
void Reset();
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnButtonStaticRoutes();
afx_msg void OnCheckApplyStaticRoutes();
afx_msg void OnCheckCallerId();
afx_msg void OnRadioSecureCallbackTo();
afx_msg void OnRadioNoCallback();
afx_msg void OnRadioSetByCaller();
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
afx_msg void OnCheckStaticIPAddress();
afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo);
afx_msg void OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnChangeEditcallback();
afx_msg void OnChangeEditcallerid();
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnPermitAllow();
afx_msg void OnPermitDeny();
afx_msg void OnPermitPolicy();
afx_msg void OnFieldchangedEditipaddress(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
// Overload the virtual functions defined in CRASUser
// To load the RASUser object
virtual HRESULT Load();
LPFNPSPCALLBACK m_pfnOriginalCallback;
BOOL m_bModified;
static UINT CALLBACK PropSheetPageProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp );
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_DLGRASDIALIN_H__FFB0722F_1FFD_11D1_8531_00C04FC31FD3__INCLUDED_)