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Module Name:
Definitions for the CBaseTerminal and CSingleFilterTerminal classes.
#ifndef _MSPTERM_H_
#define _MSPTERM_H_
template <class T>
class ITTerminalVtblBase : public ITTerminal
// CBaseTerminal
// This is the base terminal implementation. All terminals must derive
// from this class.
class CBaseTerminal :
virtual public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModelNoCS>, // we have our own CS implementation
public IDispatchImpl<ITTerminalVtblBase<CBaseTerminal>, &IID_ITTerminal, &LIBID_TAPI3Lib>,
public ITTerminalControl
virtual ~CBaseTerminal();
// ITTerminal -- COM interface for use by MSP or application
STDMETHOD(get_TerminalClass)(OUT BSTR *pVal);
STDMETHOD(get_TerminalType) (OUT TERMINAL_TYPE *pVal);
STDMETHOD(get_Name) (OUT BSTR *pVal);
STDMETHOD(get_MediaType) (OUT long * plMediaType);
STDMETHOD(get_Direction) (OUT TERMINAL_DIRECTION *pDirection);
// Public methods that the MSP implementation calls.
virtual HRESULT Initialize (
IN IID iidTerminalClass,
IN DWORD dwMediaType,
// ITTerminalControl -- COM interface for use by MSP only
// This has to be a COM interface rather than a set of public methods because
// the MSP needs to be able to call them for dynamic terminals as well.
// We implement get_AddressHandle, ConnectTerminal and DisconnectTerminal
// The derived classes must implement RunRenderFilter and
// StopRenderFilter (implementation depends on # of filters)
STDMETHOD (get_AddressHandle) (
OUT MSP_HANDLE * phtAddress
// enters each of the internal filters into the filter graph
// connects the internal filters together (if applicable)
// and returns all the filters to be used as connection points
STDMETHOD (ConnectTerminal) (
IN IGraphBuilder * pGraph,
IN DWORD dwTerminalDirection,
IN OUT DWORD * pdwNumPins,
OUT IPin ** ppPins
// CompleteConnectTerminal -- called after a successful ConnectTerminal
// so that the terminal can do post-connection intitialization
STDMETHOD (CompleteConnectTerminal) (void);
// disconnects the internal filters from each other (if applicable)
// and removes them from the filter graph (thus breaking connections to
// the stream).
// Filter graph parameter is used for validation, to make sure the terminal
// is disconnected from the same graph that it was originally connected to.
STDMETHOD (DisconnectTerminal) (
IN IGraphBuilder * pGraph,
IN DWORD dwReserved
// stops the rightmost render filter in the terminal
// (needed for dynamic filter graphs)
STDMETHOD (RunRenderFilter) (void) = 0;
// stops the rightmost render filter in the terminal
// (needed for dynamic filter graphs)
STDMETHOD (StopRenderFilter) (void) = 0;
// The lock that protects the data members.
CMSPCritSection m_CritSec;
TERMINAL_DIRECTION m_TerminalDirection;
TERMINAL_TYPE m_TerminalType;
TERMINAL_STATE m_TerminalState;
TCHAR m_szName[MAX_PATH + 1];
IID m_TerminalClassID;
DWORD m_dwMediaType;
MSP_HANDLE m_htAddress;
// Pointer to the free threaded marshaler.
IUnknown * m_pFTM;
// stores the filter graph builder (derives from IFilterGraph)
CComPtr<IGraphBuilder> m_pGraph;
// The following functions are to be implemented by the derived terminals
virtual HRESULT AddFiltersToGraph() = 0;
// By default terminals do nothing for preconnect
virtual HRESULT ConnectFilters() { return S_OK; }
// Returns the number of pins that will be exposed by
// GetExposedPins(). The implementation can use pGraph
// to actually mess with filters in a graph if it needs to
// do so in order to figure out how many pins it has, but normally
// that's not the case.
// Arguments are checked by the caller.
virtual HRESULT GetNumExposedPins(
IN IGraphBuilder * pGraph,
OUT DWORD * pdwNumPins
) = 0;
// Returns an array of pins that the stream can connect to.
// Arguments are checked by the caller.
virtual HRESULT GetExposedPins(
OUT IPin ** ppPins
) = 0;
virtual DWORD GetSupportedMediaTypes(void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT RemoveFiltersFromGraph() = 0;
// Do we support this media?
BOOL MediaTypeSupported(long lMediaType);
// //
// CSingleFilterTerminal //
// //
// This is a base class for a terminal with a single filter and pin. The //
// terminal could be any direction or media type, and it could be static //
// or dynamic. //
// //
class CSingleFilterTerminal :
public CBaseTerminal
// If we add any additional interfaces to this class then
// we must uncomment and expand the following.
// BEGIN_COM_MAP(CSingleFilterTerminal)
// Implementation: We know we have a single filter.
CComPtr<IPin> m_pIPin;
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> m_pIFilter;
// ITCoreTerminal
// the rest of this interface is implemented by CBaseTerminal
// stops the rightmost render filter in the terminal
// (needed for dynamic filter graphs)
// stops the rightmost render filter in the terminal
// (needed for dynamic filter graphs)
// CBaseTerminal overrides for non-COM methods
// AddFiltersToGraph cannot be implemented here because of the various
// hacks regarding their names
virtual HRESULT GetNumExposedPins(
IN IGraphBuilder * pGraph,
OUT DWORD * pdwNumPins
virtual HRESULT GetExposedPins(
OUT IPin ** ppPins
virtual HRESULT RemoveFiltersFromGraph();
// //
// CSingleFilterStaticTerminal //
// //
// This is a base class for a static terminal with a single filter and //
// pin. The terminal could be any direction or media type. //
// //
// //
class CSingleFilterStaticTerminal :
public CSingleFilterTerminal
// If we add any additional interfaces to this class then
// we must uncomment and expand the following.
// BEGIN_COM_MAP(CSingleFilterStaticTerminal)
// public because CreateTerminal and CMSPAddress::UpdateTerminalListForPnp accesses it
CComPtr<IMoniker> m_pMoniker;
// this flag allows CMSPAddress::UpdateTerminalListForPnp to perform a mark and sweep
// on the terminal list
BOOL m_bMark;
// Compares this terminal's moniker to pMoniker, returns S_OK if they match, S_FALSE if they don't
virtual HRESULT CompareMoniker(
IMoniker *pMoniker
#endif // _MSPTERM_H_