Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deftab360{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;}
\uc1\pard\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800\cf1\b\f0\fs20 Paul Mayfield\par
From:\b0\tab Paul Mayfield\par
\b Sent:\b0\tab Friday, October 17, 1997 10:50 PM\par
\b To:\b0\tab Daniel Dedu-Constantin; Rose Bigham\par
\b Cc:\b0\tab Javed Rasool; Narendra Gidwani; Shaun Cox; Paul Mayfield\par
\b Subject:\b0\tab Connections Ras Server UI update\par
\pard\li360\cf0\protect Location:\par
Current Status:\par
\b\ul0 1. Device Management (General Tab)\par
\b0\tab a. Display Devices (modems, DCC ports, VPN)\tab\tab\tab Ok. \par
\tab b. Set Device Properities\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab i. Enable/Disable ports for dialin\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab\tab ii. Enable multilink on all devices\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab iv. Enable showing icons in task bar \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab v. "Properties Button"\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\b\par
\b0\tab c. Enable vpn to for dialup\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Setting will be saved but has no effect on system\b\par
\b 2. User Management (User Tab)\b0\par
\tab a. Display Local Users\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab b. Grant/Revoke Local User Dialin Priveleges\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab c. Add New Local Users\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\tab\par
\tab d. Callback properties\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab d. Launch MMC \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b 3. Protocol Management (Advanced Tab)\par
\b0\tab a. Enable/Disable protocol for dialin\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab b. Tcpip properties\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab i. Use dhcp\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab ii. Use pool\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab iii. Allow static \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab c. Ipx properties\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab i. Auto assign net nums\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b\tab\tab\b0 ii. Assign pool\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b\tab\tab\b0 iii. Assign same addr to all clients\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab d. Enabling the exposing of the server's network\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab e. Display Protocol description\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab f. Add protocol\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented (INetConfig)\par
\tab g. Remove protocol\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented (INetConfig)\par
\tab h. Show protocol description\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok. Wrong description displayed.\par
4. Connections Folder \par
\tab\b0 a. Enumerate Connections \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab b. Hangup Connections \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b 5. Status\par
\tab\b0 a. Show connection stats\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok \par
\tab b. Disconnect connection\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok \par
\b\tab\b0 c. \i Multilink Tab\i0\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b\tab\tab\b0 i. Display ports in the connection\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b\tab\tab\b0 ii. Allow hangup of individual ports\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b\tab\tab\b0 iii. Allow status of individual ports\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
6. Wizard Pages\par
\b0\tab a. Icoming Devices Tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab b. Incoming Virtual Private... Tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab c. Allowed Users Tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab d. Allowed Protocols Tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab e. Finish Tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok \par
\b\protect0 7. Remote Acesss Service\par
\tab\b0 a. Install if not installed\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab b. Start\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab c. Mark Autostart\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab d. Stop\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab e. Mark Disabled\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\b\par
\b 8. Error handling\par
\tab\b0 a. Remote Access \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab\tab i. Dependency problems\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab\tab ii. Running in Domain and DC wont allow\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab\tab iii. Service specific errors\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\par
\tab\tab iv. Start remoteacess if not started when ui launched\tab Not implemented\par
\tab b. General problems\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab i. Insufficient privilege to modify vpn usage\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab ii. Device wont allow usage modification\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab c. User problems\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab i. Insufficient privilege to add/modify users\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab d. Protocol\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\tab\tab i. Insufficient privilege to modify protocols\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\par
\b 9. Help\par
\tab\b0 a. Add support for online help as supplied by UA\tab\tab\tab Not implemented\b\par
\b 10. Finishing Touches\par
\tab\b0 a. Make sure that error dialogs display string resources\tab Ok\par
\tab b. Design smart error messages\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Ok\b\par
\tab\b0 c\b . \b0 Finishing UI Tweaks as per stevefal\b\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\b0 Not implemented\b\par
1. Pressing cancel will remove all users added from the user tab and rollback all callback settings \par
(this is the desired behavior).\par
2. Pressing cancel will not rollback any changes made by pressing the "Properties" button from the general tab.\par
(this is by design).\par
\cf2 3. Pressing cancel on the property sheet will no rollback changes made to the protocol properties by design.\cf0\par
4. [5.a] and [5.b] do not show up in test.exe as these will be implemented/tested by cwill.\par