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// Functions color matching (For N5 printer)
#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <WINBASE.H>
#include "COLDEF.H"
#include "COMDIZ.H"
#include "N5COLMH.H"
#include "strsafe.h" // Security-Code 2002.3.6
// Dot gain revision table
//static BYTE GinTblP10[256] = {
// /* 00 */ 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x09,
// /* 08 */ 0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d,0x0f,0x10,0x11,0x12,
// /* 10 */ 0x13,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,
// /* 18 */ 0x1d,0x1e,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x26,
// /* 20 */ 0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f,
// /* 28 */ 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x37,0x38,0x39,
// /* 30 */ 0x3a,0x3b,0x3d,0x3e,0x3f,0x40,0x41,0x43,
// /* 38 */ 0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x4a,0x4b,0x4c,
// /* 40 */ 0x4d,0x4e,0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55,
// /* 48 */ 0x57,0x58,0x59,0x5a,0x5b,0x5c,0x5e,0x5f,
// /* 50 */ 0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,
// /* 58 */ 0x69,0x6a,0x6b,0x6d,0x6e,0x6f,0x70,0x71,
// /* 60 */ 0x72,0x73,0x74,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,
// /* 68 */ 0x7b,0x7c,0x7d,0x7e,0x7f,0x81,0x82,0x83,
// /* 70 */ 0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a,0x8b,
// /* 78 */ 0x8c,0x8d,0x8e,0x8f,0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,
// /* 80 */ 0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9a,0x9b,
// /* 88 */ 0x9b,0x9c,0x9d,0x9e,0x9f,0xa0,0xa1,0xa2,
// /* 90 */ 0xa3,0xa4,0xa5,0xa5,0xa6,0xa7,0xa8,0xa9,
// /* 98 */ 0xaa,0xab,0xac,0xac,0xad,0xae,0xaf,0xb0,
// /* a0 */ 0xb1,0xb2,0xb3,0xb3,0xb4,0xb5,0xb6,0xb7,
// /* a8 */ 0xb8,0xb9,0xb9,0xba,0xbb,0xbc,0xbd,0xbe,
// /* b0 */ 0xbe,0xbf,0xc0,0xc1,0xc2,0xc3,0xc4,0xc4,
// /* b8 */ 0xc5,0xc6,0xc7,0xc8,0xc9,0xc9,0xca,0xcb,
// /* c0 */ 0xcc,0xcd,0xcd,0xce,0xcf,0xd0,0xd1,0xd2,
// /* c8 */ 0xd2,0xd3,0xd4,0xd5,0xd6,0xd7,0xd7,0xd8,
// /* d0 */ 0xd9,0xda,0xdb,0xdb,0xdc,0xdd,0xde,0xdf,
// /* d8 */ 0xdf,0xe0,0xe1,0xe2,0xe3,0xe4,0xe4,0xe5,
// /* e0 */ 0xe6,0xe7,0xe8,0xe8,0xe9,0xea,0xeb,0xec,
// /* e8 */ 0xec,0xed,0xee,0xef,0xf0,0xf0,0xf1,0xf2,
// /* f0 */ 0xf3,0xf4,0xf5,0xf5,0xf6,0xf7,0xf8,0xf9,
// /* f8 */ 0xf9,0xfa,0xfb,0xfc,0xfd,0xfd,0xfe,0xff
// Color matching(high speed)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColMch000(
// Color matching(normal speed)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColMch001(
// Color matching(solid)
static VOID ExeColCnvSld(
// RGB -> CMYK(2Level) conversion (for 1dot line)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColCnvL02(
// RGB -> K conversion (for monochrome)
static VOID ExeColCnvMon(
// Color matching(UCR)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColMchUcr(
DWORD, //+ UCR (Toner gross weight) CASIO 2001/02/15
// Function
// Cache table initialize
VOID WINAPI N501ColCchIni( // Return value no
LPCOLMCHINF mchInf // Color matching information
DWORD cnt;
RGBS colRgb;
CMYK colCmy;
LPRGB cchRgb;
LPCMYK cchCmy;
if ((mchInf->CchRgb == NULL) || (mchInf->CchCmy == NULL)) return;
cchRgb = mchInf->CchRgb;
cchCmy = mchInf->CchCmy;
colRgb.Red = colRgb.Grn = colRgb.Blu = 255;
colCmy.Cyn = colCmy.Mgt = colCmy.Yel = colCmy.Bla = 0;
/*----- Cache table initialize -----------------------------------*/
for (cnt = 0; cnt < CCHTBLSIZ; cnt++) {
*cchRgb = colRgb;
*cchCmy = colCmy;
// Gray transfer table make
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
// ERRILLPRM : Parameter error
DWORD colMch, // Color matching
LPCMYK lutAdr, // LUT address
LPBYTE gryTbl, // Gray transfer table (*1)
LPBYTE wrk // Work (*2)
COLMCHINF mchInf; // Color matching information
LPRGB rgb; // struct ColRgb rgb[256]
LPCMYK gry; // struct ColCmy gry[256]
DWORD n, tmp, tmC, tmM, tmY;
/*----- Input parameter check --------------------------------------------------*/
if ((lutAdr == NULL) || (gryTbl == NULL) || (wrk == NULL)) return ERRILLPRM;
/*----- Work buffer setting ----------------------------------------------------*/
rgb = (LPRGB)wrk; /* Work for gray transformation RGB 768B */
gry = (LPCMYK)(wrk + (sizeof(RGBS) * 256));
/* Work for gray transformation CMYK 1024B */
/*----- Color matching information setting for gray value table generation -----*/
mchInf.Mch = MCHNML; /* Color matching nornal */
mchInf.Bla = KCGNON; /* Black replacement NO Fixed */
mchInf.Ucr = UCRNOO; /* UCR NO Fixed */
mchInf.LutAdr = lutAdr; /* LUT address input value */
mchInf.ColQty = (DWORD)0; /* Color quality 0 Fixed */
mchInf.ColAdr = NULL; /* Color address NULL Fixed */
mchInf.CchRgb = NULL; /* Cache for RGB NULL Fixed */
mchInf.CchCmy = NULL; /* Cache for CMYK NULL Fixed */
/*----- Gray value(RGB value before transformation) setting --------------------*/
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)256; n++)
rgb[n].Red = rgb[n].Grn = rgb[n].Blu = (BYTE)n;
/*----- Gray value(RGB -> CMYK) ------------------------------------------------*/
switch (colMch) {
case MCHNML: ExeColMch001((DWORD)256, rgb, gry, &mchInf); break;
default: ExeColCnvSld((DWORD)256, rgb, gry, &mchInf); break;
/*----- Gray transfer table setting --------------------------------------------*/
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)256; n++) {
tmC = gry[n].Cyn;
tmM = gry[n].Mgt;
tmY = gry[n].Yel;
tmp = (tmC * (DWORD)30 + tmM * (DWORD)59 + tmY * (DWORD)11) / (DWORD)100;
gryTbl[n] = (BYTE)tmp;
gryTbl[255] = (BYTE)0; /* White is '0' fix */
/* gryTbl[0] �` [16] adjusted to line (gryTbl[0](Black) is '255' fix) */
tmp = (DWORD)255 - gryTbl[16];
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)16; n++) {
gryTbl[n] = (BYTE)((tmp * ((DWORD)16 - n)) / (DWORD)16) + gryTbl[16];
return ERRNON;
// UCR table Make
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
// ERRILLPRM : Parameter error
DWORD colMch, // Color matching
LPCMYK lutAdr, // LUT address
LPCMYK ucrTbl, // Table for UCR
LPBYTE wrk // Work
COLMCHINF mchInf; // Color matching information
LPRGB rgb; // struct ColRgb rgb[256]
LPCMYK gry; // struct ColCmy gry[257]
LPCMYK gryCyn; // Gray value (Cyan conversion value)
LPCMYK dnsCyn; // Density value (Cyan conversion value)
DWORD loC, hiC, loM, hiM, loY, hiY, loK, hiK, saC, saM, saY, saK, n, m;
DWORD tmp, tmC, tmM, tmY;
/*----- Input parameter check --------------------------------------------------*/
if ((colMch != MCHFST) && (colMch != MCHNML) && (colMch != MCHSLD))
if ((lutAdr == NULL) || (ucrTbl == NULL) || (wrk == NULL)) return ERRILLPRM;
/*----- Work buffer setting ----------------------------------------------------*/
rgb = (LPRGB)wrk; /* Work for gray transformation RGB 768B */
gry = (LPCMYK)(wrk + (sizeof(RGBS) * 256));
/* Work for gray transformation CMYK 1028B */
/*----- LUT table pointer setting ----------------------------------------------*/
gryCyn = ucrTbl;
dnsCyn = ucrTbl + 256;
/*----- Color matching information setting for gray value table generation -----*/
mchInf.Mch = colMch; /* Color matching input value */
mchInf.Bla = KCGNON; /* Black replacement NO Fixed */
mchInf.Ucr = UCRNOO; /* UCR NO Fixed */
mchInf.LutAdr = lutAdr; /* LUT address input value */
mchInf.ColQty = (DWORD)0; /* Color quality 0 Fixed */
mchInf.ColAdr = NULL; /* Color address NULL Fixed */
mchInf.CchRgb = NULL; /* Cache for RGB NULL Fixed */
mchInf.CchCmy = NULL; /* Cache for CMYK NULL Fixed */
/*----- Gray value(RGB value before transformation) setting ---------------------*/
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)256; n++)
rgb[n].Red = rgb[n].Grn = rgb[n].Blu = (BYTE)(255 - n);
/*----- Gray value(RGB -> CMYK) -------------------------------------------------*/
switch (colMch) {
case MCHFST: ExeColMch000((DWORD)256, rgb, gry, &mchInf); break;
case MCHNML: ExeColMch001((DWORD)256, rgb, gry, &mchInf); break;
// default: ExeColCnvSld((DWORD)256, rgb, gry, mchInf.Bla); break;
default: ExeColCnvSld((DWORD)256, rgb, gry, &mchInf); break;
/*----- Gray value(K) setting ---------------------------------------------------*/
// for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)256; n++) gry[n].Bla = GinTblP10[n];
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)256; n++) {
//CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// tmC = gry[255 - n].Cyn;
// tmM = gry[255 - n].Mgt;
// tmY = gry[255 - n].Yel;
tmC = gry[n].Cyn;
tmM = gry[n].Mgt;
tmY = gry[n].Yel;
tmp = (tmC * (DWORD)30 + tmM * (DWORD)59 + tmY * (DWORD)11) / (DWORD)100;
// gry[n].Bla = (BYTE)(255 - tmp);
gry[n].Bla = (BYTE)tmp;
//CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
/* gry[0] �` [16].Bla adjusted to line (gry[0].Bla(White) is '0' fix) */
tmp = gry[16].Bla;
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)16; n++) {
gry[n].Bla = (BYTE)((tmp * n + (DWORD)15) / (DWORD)16);
/*----- Gray value, Limiter value setting for density value calculation ---------*/
gry[256].Cyn = gry[256].Mgt = gry[256].Yel = gry[256].Bla = (BYTE)255;
/*----- Gray value, Density value(Each Cyan conversion value) calculation -------*/
for (n = 0; n < (DWORD)256; n++) {
loC = gry[n].Cyn; hiC = gry[n + 1].Cyn; saC = (hiC > loC)? hiC - loC: 0;
loM = gry[n].Mgt; hiM = gry[n + 1].Mgt; saM = (hiM > loM)? hiM - loM: 0;
loY = gry[n].Yel; hiY = gry[n + 1].Yel; saY = (hiY > loY)? hiY - loY: 0;
loK = gry[n].Bla; hiK = gry[n + 1].Bla; saK = (hiK > loK)? hiK - loK: 0;
for (m = 0; m < saC; m++) gryCyn[m + loC].Mgt = (BYTE)(saM * m / saC + loM);
for (m = 0; m < saC; m++) gryCyn[m + loC].Yel = (BYTE)(saY * m / saC + loY);
for (m = 0; m < saC; m++) gryCyn[m + loC].Bla = (BYTE)(saK * m / saC + loK);
for (m = 0; m < saM; m++) dnsCyn[m + loM].Mgt = (BYTE)(saC * m / saM + loC);
for (m = 0; m < saY; m++) dnsCyn[m + loY].Yel = (BYTE)(saC * m / saY + loC);
//CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
gryCyn[255].Mgt = gryCyn[255].Yel = gryCyn[255].Bla =
dnsCyn[255].Mgt = dnsCyn[255].Yel = (BYTE)255;
//CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
return ERRNON;
// Color matching procedure
// RGB -> CMYK
VOID WINAPI N501ColMchPrc( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // X Size (Pixel)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK cmyAdr, // CMYK (output)
LPCOLMCHINF mchInf // Color matching information
switch (mchInf->Mch) {
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
case MCHFST: // LUT transformation(high speed)
ExeColMch000(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf);
case MCHNML: // LUT transformation(normal speed)
ExeColMch001(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf);
case MCHSLD: // NO (solid)
// ExeColCnvSld(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf->Bla);
ExeColCnvSld(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf);
case MCHPRG: // Primary color(progressive)
ExeColCnvL02(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr);
case MCHMON: // Monochrome
// ExeColCnvMon(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr);
ExeColCnvMon(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf);
default: // Indistinct
// ExeColCnvSld(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf->Bla);
ExeColCnvSld(xaxSiz, rgbAdr, cmyAdr, mchInf);
// Palette table transformation procedure
// RGB -> CMYK
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000–³Œø
VOID WINAPI N501ColPtcPrc( // Return value no
DWORD colBit, // Data bit value
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPBYTE srcAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK dstAdr, // CMYK (output)
LPCMYK pltAdr // Palette table address
DWORD cntXax;
DWORD cntBit;
DWORD bitNum;
BYTE pltNum;
/*===== 256 color (8bit) ===============================================*/
if (colBit == 8) {
for (cntXax = xaxSiz; cntXax > 0; cntXax--) {
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr]; dstAdr++;
/*===== 16 color (4bit) ================================================*/
if (colBit == 4) {
for (cntXax = xaxSiz / 2; cntXax > 0; cntXax--) {
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 4]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 4;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 4]; dstAdr++;
if (xaxSiz % 2)
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 4];
/*==== 4 color (2bit) =================================================*/
if (colBit == 2) {
for (cntXax = xaxSiz / 4; cntXax > 0; cntXax--) {
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 6]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 2;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 6]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 2;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 6]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 2;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 6]; dstAdr++;
for (cntXax = xaxSiz % 4; cntXax > 0; cntXax--) {
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 6]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 2;
/*===== 2 color (1bit) ================================================*/
if (colBit == 1) {
for (cntXax = xaxSiz / 8; cntXax > 0; cntXax--) {
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++;
for (cntXax = xaxSiz % 8; cntXax > 0; cntXax--) {
*dstAdr = pltAdr[*srcAdr >> 7]; dstAdr++; *srcAdr <<= 1;
/*===== Others(7, 6, 5, 3bit) =========================================*/
bitNum = 0;
for (cntXax = 0; cntXax < xaxSiz; cntXax++) {
pltNum = (BYTE)0x00;
for (cntBit = colBit; cntBit > 0; cntBit--) {
if (srcAdr[bitNum / 8] & ((BYTE)0x80 >> bitNum % 8)) {
pltNum |= ((BYTE)0x01 << (cntBit - 1));
*dstAdr = pltAdr[pltNum]; dstAdr++;
// CMYK -> RGB conversion
VOID WINAPI N501ColCnvC2r( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPCMYK cmyAdr, // CMYK (input)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (output)
DWORD gldNum, // LUT Grid number
LPBYTE lutTblRgb // LUT Address (R->G->B)
DWORD tmpC00, tmpM00, tmpY00, tmpK00;
DWORD tmpC01, tmpM01, tmpY01, tmpK01;
DWORD lenCyn, lenMgt, lenYel, lenBla;
DWORD tmpRed, tmpGrn, tmpBlu;
DWORD calPrm;
LPCMYK endAdr;
LPRGB lutCmy;
RGBS tmpRgb, tmpRgbSav;
LPRGB lutTbl;
RGBS lutTbl000;
lutTbl = (LPRGB)lutTblRgb;
lutTbl000.Red = lutTbl->Blu;
lutTbl000.Grn = lutTbl->Grn;
lutTbl000.Blu = lutTbl->Red;
for (endAdr = cmyAdr + xaxSiz; cmyAdr < endAdr; cmyAdr++) {
tmpC00 = cmyAdr->Cyn;
tmpM00 = cmyAdr->Mgt;
tmpY00 = cmyAdr->Yel;
tmpK00 = cmyAdr->Bla;
/*----- Monochrome ----------------------------------------------------------*/
if ((tmpC00 | tmpM00 | tmpY00) == 0) {
if (tmpK00 == 0) { *rgbAdr = lutTbl000; rgbAdr++; continue; }
tmpK01 = tmpK00;
tmpK00 = tmpK00 * (gldNum - 1) / 255;
lenBla = tmpK01 * (gldNum - 1) - tmpK00 * 255;
tmpK01 = (tmpK01 * (gldNum - 1) + 254) / 255;
calPrm = (DWORD)255 - lenBla;
tmpRgb = lutTbl[tmpK00 * gldNum * gldNum * gldNum];
tmpRed = calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn = calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu = calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
calPrm = lenBla;
tmpRgb = lutTbl[tmpK01 * gldNum * gldNum * gldNum];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
tmpRed += (DWORD)255 / 2;
tmpGrn += (DWORD)255 / 2;
tmpBlu += (DWORD)255 / 2;
// tmpRgb.Red = (BYTE)(tmpRed / (DWORD)255);
// tmpRgb.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / (DWORD)255);
tmpRgb.Red = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / (DWORD)255);
tmpRgb.Grn = (BYTE)(tmpGrn / (DWORD)255);
tmpRgb.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpRed / (DWORD)255);
*rgbAdr = tmpRgb;
/*----- CMYK -> RGB ---------------------------------------------------------*/
tmpC01 = tmpC00;
tmpC00 = tmpC00 * (gldNum - 1) / 255;
lenCyn = tmpC01 * (gldNum - 1) - tmpC00 * 255;
tmpC01 = (tmpC01 * (gldNum - 1) + 254) / 255;
tmpM01 = tmpM00;
tmpM00 = tmpM00 * (gldNum - 1) / 255;
lenMgt = tmpM01 * (gldNum - 1) - tmpM00 * 255;
tmpM01 = (tmpM01 * (gldNum - 1) + 254) / 255;
tmpY01 = tmpY00;
tmpY00 = tmpY00 * (gldNum - 1) / 255;
lenYel = tmpY01 * (gldNum - 1) - tmpY00 * 255;
tmpY01 = (tmpY01 * (gldNum - 1) + 254) / 255;
tmpK01 = tmpK00;
tmpK00 = tmpK00 * (gldNum - 1) / 255;
lenBla = tmpK01 * (gldNum - 1) - tmpK00 * 255;
tmpK01 = (tmpK01 * (gldNum - 1) + 254) / 255;
lutCmy = lutTbl + tmpK00 * gldNum * gldNum * gldNum;
/* 0 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed = calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn = calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu = calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 1 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 2 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*lenMgt*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 3 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*lenMgt*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 4 */
calPrm = lenCyn*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 5 */
calPrm = lenCyn*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 6 */
calPrm = lenCyn*lenMgt*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 7 */
calPrm = lenCyn*lenMgt*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
tmpRed += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpGrn += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpBlu += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
// tmpRgbSav.Red = (BYTE)(tmpRed / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
// tmpRgbSav.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpRgbSav.Red = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpRgbSav.Grn = (BYTE)(tmpGrn / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpRgbSav.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpRed / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
if (tmpK01 == tmpK00) { *rgbAdr = tmpRgbSav; rgbAdr++; continue; }
lutCmy = lutTbl + tmpK01 * gldNum * gldNum * gldNum;
/* 0 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed = calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn = calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu = calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 1 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 2 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*lenMgt*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 3 */
calPrm = ((DWORD)255-lenCyn)*lenMgt*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC00*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 4 */
calPrm = lenCyn*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 5 */
calPrm = lenCyn*((DWORD)255-lenMgt)*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM00)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 6 */
calPrm = lenCyn*lenMgt*((DWORD)255-lenYel);
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY00];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
/* 7 */
calPrm = lenCyn*lenMgt*lenYel;
tmpRgb = lutCmy[((tmpC01*gldNum)+tmpM01)*gldNum+tmpY01];
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
tmpRed += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpGrn += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpBlu += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
// tmpRgb.Red = (BYTE)(tmpRed / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
// tmpRgb.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpRgb.Red = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpRgb.Grn = (BYTE)(tmpGrn / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpRgb.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpRed / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
calPrm = (DWORD)255 - lenBla;
tmpRed = calPrm * tmpRgbSav.Red;
tmpGrn = calPrm * tmpRgbSav.Grn;
tmpBlu = calPrm * tmpRgbSav.Blu;
calPrm = lenBla;
tmpRed += calPrm * tmpRgb.Red;
tmpGrn += calPrm * tmpRgb.Grn;
tmpBlu += calPrm * tmpRgb.Blu;
tmpRed += (DWORD)255 / 2;
tmpGrn += (DWORD)255 / 2;
tmpBlu += (DWORD)255 / 2;
tmpRgb.Red = (BYTE)(tmpRed / (DWORD)255);
tmpRgb.Grn = (BYTE)(tmpGrn / (DWORD)255);
tmpRgb.Blu = (BYTE)(tmpBlu / (DWORD)255);
*rgbAdr = tmpRgb;
// Static functions
// Color matching(high speed) (for 32GridLUT)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColMch000( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK cmyAdr, // CMYK (output)
LPCOLMCHINF mchInf // Color matching information
DWORD tmpRed, tmpGrn, tmpBlu;
DWORD blaCnv, ucr;
DWORD ucrCmy, ucrBla;
DWORD ucrTnr;
LPRGB endAdr;
LPCMYK lutTbl, ucrTbl;
CMYK tmpCmy;
LPBYTE gryTbl;
blaCnv = mchInf->Bla;
ucr = mchInf->Ucr;
ucrCmy = mchInf->UcrCmy;
ucrBla = mchInf->UcrBla;
ucrTnr = mchInf->UcrTnr; //+CASIO 2001/02/15
ucrTbl = mchInf->UcrTbl;
gryTbl = mchInf->GryTbl;
lutTbl = mchInf->LutAdr;
for (endAdr = rgbAdr + xaxSiz; rgbAdr < endAdr; rgbAdr++) {
tmpRed = rgbAdr->Red;
tmpGrn = rgbAdr->Grn;
tmpBlu = rgbAdr->Blu;
if (blaCnv == KCGGRY) {
if ((tmpRed == tmpGrn) && (tmpRed == tmpBlu)) {
tmpCmy.Cyn = tmpCmy.Mgt = tmpCmy.Yel = 0;
// tmpCmy.Bla = 255 - GinTblP10[tmpRed];
tmpCmy.Bla = gryTbl[tmpRed];
*cmyAdr = tmpCmy;
} else if (blaCnv == KCGBLA) {
if ((tmpRed | tmpGrn | tmpBlu) == 0) {
tmpCmy.Cyn = tmpCmy.Mgt = tmpCmy.Yel = 0;
tmpCmy.Bla = 255;
*cmyAdr = tmpCmy;
*cmyAdr = lutTbl[tmpRed / 8 * GLDNUM032 * GLDNUM032 +
tmpGrn / 8 * GLDNUM032 +
tmpBlu / 8];
/*----- UCR Procedure -------------------------------------------------------*/
// if (ucr != UCRNOO) ExeColMchUcr(cmyAdr, rgbAdr, ucr, ucrTbl);
if (ucr != UCRNOO)
// CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// ExeColMchUcr(cmyAdr, rgbAdr, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla, ucrTbl);
ExeColMchUcr(cmyAdr, rgbAdr, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla, ucrTnr, ucrTbl);
// CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
// Color matching(normal speed) (for 16Grid)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColMch001( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK cmyAdr, // CMYK (output)
LPCOLMCHINF mchInf // Color matching information
DWORD tmpR00, tmpG00, tmpB00;
DWORD lenRed, lenGrn, lenBlu;
DWORD lenR00, lenG00, lenB00;
DWORD tmpRxC, tmpGxM, tmpBxY, tmpBla;
DWORD calPrm;
DWORD cch;
DWORD blaCnv;
DWORD n, colDefQty, ucr, cchTblSiz;
DWORD ucrCmy, ucrBla;
DWORD ucrTnr;
LPCMYK lutTbl;
LPCMYK lutCur;
LPCMYK ucrTbl;
RGBS tmpRgb, cchBufRgb;
LPRGB cchRgb;
CMYK tmpCmy, cchBufCmy;
LPCMYK cchCmy;
CMYK cmyBla;
LPBYTE gryTbl;
blaCnv = mchInf->Bla;
ucr = mchInf->Ucr;
ucrCmy = mchInf->UcrCmy;
ucrBla = mchInf->UcrBla;
ucrTnr = mchInf->UcrTnr; //+CASIO 2001/02/15
ucrTbl = mchInf->UcrTbl;
gryTbl = mchInf->GryTbl;
lutTbl = mchInf->LutAdr;
colDefQty = mchInf->ColQty;
colDef = mchInf->ColAdr;
if ((mchInf->CchRgb == NULL) || (mchInf->CchCmy == NULL)) {
cchTblSiz = (DWORD)1;
cchRgb = &cchBufRgb;
cchCmy = &cchBufCmy;
cchRgb->Red = cchRgb->Grn = cchRgb->Blu = (BYTE)255;
cchCmy->Cyn = cchCmy->Mgt = cchCmy->Yel = cchCmy->Bla = (BYTE)0;
} else {
cchTblSiz = CCHTBLSIZ;
cchRgb = mchInf->CchRgb;
cchCmy = mchInf->CchCmy;
cmyBla.Cyn = cmyBla.Mgt = cmyBla.Yel = 0; cmyBla.Bla = 255;
for (; xaxSiz > 0; xaxSiz--) {
tmpRgb = *rgbAdr++;
tmpB00 = tmpRgb.Blu; tmpG00 = tmpRgb.Grn; tmpR00 = tmpRgb.Red;
if (blaCnv == KCGGRY) {
if ((tmpR00 == tmpG00) && (tmpR00 == tmpB00)) {
tmpCmy = cmyBla;
// tmpCmy.Bla -= GinTblP10[tmpR00];
tmpCmy.Bla = gryTbl[tmpR00];
*cmyAdr++ = tmpCmy;
} else if (blaCnv == KCGBLA) {
if ((tmpR00 | tmpG00 | tmpB00) == 0) {
*cmyAdr++ = cmyBla;
/*----- Color setting -------------------------------------------------------*/
if (colDefQty) {
for (n = 0; n < colDefQty; n++) {
if ((colDef[n].Red == (BYTE)tmpR00) &&
(colDef[n].Grn == (BYTE)tmpG00) &&
(colDef[n].Blu == (BYTE)tmpB00)) {
cmyAdr->Cyn = colDef[n].Cyn;
cmyAdr->Mgt = colDef[n].Mgt;
cmyAdr->Yel = colDef[n].Yel;
cmyAdr->Bla = colDef[n].Bla;
if (n != colDefQty) continue;
/*----- Color matching cache -----------------------------------------------*/
cch = (tmpR00 * 49 + tmpG00 * 9 + tmpB00) % cchTblSiz;
if ((cchRgb[cch].Red == (BYTE)tmpR00) &&
(cchRgb[cch].Grn == (BYTE)tmpG00) &&
(cchRgb[cch].Blu == (BYTE)tmpB00)) {
*cmyAdr++ = cchCmy[cch];
/*----- RGB -> CMYK transformation ------------------------------------------*/
tmpRxC = tmpR00;
tmpR00 = tmpRxC * (GLDNUM016 - 1) / 255;
lenRed = tmpRxC * (GLDNUM016 - 1) - tmpR00 * 255;
lenR00 = (DWORD)255 - lenRed;
tmpGxM = tmpG00;
tmpG00 = tmpGxM * (GLDNUM016 - 1) / 255;
lenGrn = tmpGxM * (GLDNUM016 - 1) - tmpG00 * 255;
lenG00 = (DWORD)255 - lenGrn;
tmpBxY = tmpB00;
tmpB00 = tmpBxY * (GLDNUM016 - 1) / 255;
lenBlu = tmpBxY * (GLDNUM016 - 1) - tmpB00 * 255;
lenB00 = (DWORD)255 - lenBlu;
lutCur = &lutTbl[(tmpR00 * GLDNUM016 + tmpG00) * GLDNUM016 + tmpB00];
/* 0 */
calPrm = lenR00 * lenG00 * lenB00;
tmpCmy = *lutCur;
tmpRxC = calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM = calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY = calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla = calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 1 */
if (lenBlu) {
calPrm = lenR00 * lenG00 * lenBlu;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + 1);
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 2 */
if (lenGrn) {
calPrm = lenR00 * lenGrn * lenB00;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + GLDNUM016);
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 3 */
if (lenGrn && lenBlu) {
calPrm = lenR00 * lenGrn * lenBlu;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + (GLDNUM016 + 1));
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 4 */
if (lenRed) {
calPrm = lenRed * lenG00 * lenB00;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + (GLDNUM016 * GLDNUM016));
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 5 */
if (lenRed && lenBlu) {
calPrm = lenRed * lenG00 * lenBlu;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + (GLDNUM016 * GLDNUM016 + 1));
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 6 */
if (lenRed && lenGrn) {
calPrm = lenRed * lenGrn * lenB00;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + ((GLDNUM016 + 1) * GLDNUM016));
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
/* 7 */
if (lenRed && lenGrn && lenBlu) {
calPrm = lenRed * lenGrn * lenBlu;
tmpCmy = *(lutCur + ((GLDNUM016 + 1) * GLDNUM016 + 1));
tmpRxC += calPrm * tmpCmy.Cyn;
tmpGxM += calPrm * tmpCmy.Mgt;
tmpBxY += calPrm * tmpCmy.Yel;
tmpBla += calPrm * tmpCmy.Bla;
tmpRxC += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpGxM += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpBxY += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpBla += (DWORD)255 * 255 * 255 / 2;
tmpCmy.Cyn = (BYTE)(tmpRxC / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpCmy.Mgt = (BYTE)(tmpGxM / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpCmy.Yel = (BYTE)(tmpBxY / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
tmpCmy.Bla = (BYTE)(tmpBla / ((DWORD)255 * 255 * 255));
/*----- UCR proceure --------------------------------------------------------*/
// if (ucr != UCRNOO) ExeColMchUcr(&tmpCmy, &tmpRgb, ucr, ucrTbl);
if (ucr != UCRNOO)
// CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// ExeColMchUcr(&tmpCmy, &tmpRgb, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla, ucrTbl);
ExeColMchUcr(&tmpCmy, &tmpRgb, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla, ucrTnr, ucrTbl);
// CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
*cmyAdr++ = tmpCmy;
/*----- Color matching cache ------------------------------------------------*/
cchRgb[cch] = tmpRgb; cchCmy[cch] = tmpCmy;
// Color matching(solid)
static VOID ExeColCnvSld( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK cmyAdr, // CMYK (output)
// DWORD blaCnv // Black replacement
LPCOLMCHINF mchInf // Color matching information
DWORD tmpRed, tmpGrn, tmpBlu;
DWORD blaCnv, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla;
DWORD ucrTnr;
LPCMYK ucrTbl;
LPRGB endAdr;
LPBYTE gryTbl;
blaCnv = mchInf->Bla;
ucr = mchInf->Ucr;
ucrCmy = mchInf->UcrCmy;
ucrBla = mchInf->UcrBla;
ucrTnr = mchInf->UcrTnr; //+CASIO 2001/02/15
ucrTbl = mchInf->UcrTbl;
gryTbl = mchInf->GryTbl;
for (endAdr = rgbAdr + xaxSiz; rgbAdr < endAdr; rgbAdr++) {
tmpRed = rgbAdr->Red;
tmpGrn = rgbAdr->Grn;
tmpBlu = rgbAdr->Blu;
if (blaCnv == KCGGRY) {
if ((tmpRed == tmpGrn) && (tmpRed == tmpBlu)) {
cmyAdr->Cyn = cmyAdr->Mgt = cmyAdr->Yel = 0;
// cmyAdr->Bla = 255 - GinTblP10[tmpRed];
cmyAdr->Bla = gryTbl[tmpRed];
} else if (blaCnv == KCGBLA) {
if ((tmpRed | tmpGrn | tmpBlu) == 0) {
cmyAdr->Cyn = cmyAdr->Mgt = cmyAdr->Yel = 0;
cmyAdr->Bla = 255;
cmyAdr->Cyn = (BYTE)(255 - tmpRed);
cmyAdr->Mgt = (BYTE)(255 - tmpGrn);
cmyAdr->Yel = (BYTE)(255 - tmpBlu);
cmyAdr->Bla = 0;
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
/*----- UCR proceure --------------------------------------------------------*/
if (ucr != UCRNOO)
// CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// ExeColMchUcr(cmyAdr, rgbAdr, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla, ucrTbl);
ExeColMchUcr(cmyAdr, rgbAdr, ucr, ucrCmy, ucrBla, ucrTnr, ucrTbl);
// CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
// RGB -> CMYK(2Level) conversion (for 1dot line)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColCnvL02( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK cmyAdr // CMYK (output)
DWORD tmpRed, tmpGrn, tmpBlu;
DWORD tmpMid;
LPRGB endAdr;
BYTE tmpCyn, tmpMgt, tmpYel;
for (endAdr = rgbAdr + xaxSiz; rgbAdr < endAdr; rgbAdr++) {
tmpRed = rgbAdr->Red;
tmpGrn = rgbAdr->Grn;
tmpBlu = rgbAdr->Blu;
tmpMid = (tmpRed + tmpGrn + tmpBlu) / 3;
if (tmpMid > 240) {
cmyAdr->Cyn = cmyAdr->Mgt = cmyAdr->Yel = cmyAdr->Bla = 0;
tmpCyn = tmpMgt = tmpYel = 255;
tmpMid += (255 - tmpMid) / 8;
if (tmpRed > tmpMid) tmpCyn = 0;
if (tmpGrn > tmpMid) tmpMgt = 0;
if (tmpBlu > tmpMid) tmpYel = 0;
if ((tmpCyn & tmpMgt & tmpYel) == 255) {
cmyAdr->Cyn = cmyAdr->Mgt = cmyAdr->Yel = 0;
cmyAdr->Bla = 255;
cmyAdr->Cyn = tmpCyn;
cmyAdr->Mgt = tmpMgt;
cmyAdr->Yel = tmpYel;
cmyAdr->Bla = 0;
// RGB -> K conversion (for monochrome)
static VOID ExeColCnvMon( // Return value no
DWORD xaxSiz, // Xsize (pixel)
LPRGB rgbAdr, // RGB (input)
LPCMYK cmyAdr, // CMYK (output)
LPCOLMCHINF mchInf // Color matching information
DWORD tmpRed, tmpGrn, tmpBlu;
CMYK tmpCmy;
LPRGB endAdr;
LPBYTE gryTbl;
gryTbl = (LPBYTE)(mchInf->LutAdr);
tmpCmy.Cyn = tmpCmy.Mgt = tmpCmy.Yel = 0;
for (endAdr = rgbAdr + xaxSiz; rgbAdr < endAdr; rgbAdr++) {
tmpRed = rgbAdr->Red;
tmpGrn = rgbAdr->Grn;
tmpBlu = rgbAdr->Blu;
// tmpCmy.Bla = (BYTE)255 - GinTblP10[(tmpRed * 3 + tmpGrn * 5 + tmpBlu * 2) / 10];
tmpCmy.Bla = gryTbl[(tmpRed*3 + tmpGrn*5 + tmpBlu*2) / 10];
*cmyAdr = tmpCmy;
// Color matching(UCR)
#if !defined(CP80W9X) // CP-E8000 is invalid
static VOID ExeColMchUcr( // Return value no
LPCMYK cmy, // CMYK (input, output)
LPRGB rgb, // RGB (input)
DWORD ucr, // UCR type
DWORD ucrCmy, // UCR (UCR quantity)
DWORD ucrBla, // UCR (ink version generation quantity)
DWORD ucrTnr, // UCR (Toner gross weight)
LPCMYK ucrTbl // UCR table
LPCMYK gryCyn; // Gray value (Cyan conversion value)
LPCMYK dnsCyn; // Density value (Cyan conversion value)
DWORD blaGen, min, sub, rgbMin, rgbMax, tmp;
DWORD ttlTnr, adjVal;
DWORD ucrQty;
// DWORD gryRat, ucrRat, blaRat, gryDns;
LONG cyn, mgt, yel, bla;
DWORD xx = 128; /* @@@ */
gryCyn = ucrTbl;
dnsCyn = ucrTbl + 256;
ucrTnr = (ucrTnr * (DWORD)255) / (DWORD)100; //+CASIO 2001/02/15
cyn = cmy->Cyn;
mgt = cmy->Mgt;
yel = cmy->Yel;
bla = cmy->Bla;
/*----- Minimum density calculation of CMY --------------------------------------*/
min = cyn;
if (min > dnsCyn[mgt].Mgt) min = dnsCyn[mgt].Mgt;
if (min > dnsCyn[yel].Yel) min = dnsCyn[yel].Yel;
if (ucr == UCR001) { /* Type‡T(for char, graphic) */
/*----- Gray degree calculation ----------------------------------------------*/
rgbMin = rgbMax = rgb->Red;
if (rgbMin > rgb->Grn) rgbMin = rgb->Grn;
if (rgbMin > rgb->Blu) rgbMin = rgb->Blu;
if (rgbMax < rgb->Grn) rgbMax = rgb->Grn;
if (rgbMax < rgb->Blu) rgbMax = rgb->Blu;
// CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// sub = (DWORD)255 - (rgbMax - rgbMin);
// blaGen = min * sub / (DWORD)255;
// gryRat = ((rgbMax - rgbMin) * 100) / 255;
// gryRat = (gryRat < (DWORD)20)? (DWORD)20 - gryRat: (DWORD)0;
// /* Gray rate [100%] = 20, [80% or less] = 0 */
// /* UCR rate case of gray-rate(gryRat) 100 to 80%, +20 to +0 */
// ucrRat = ucrCmy + gryRat;
// /* Black rate case of gray-rate(gryRat) 100 to 80%, +10 to +0 */
// blaRat = ucrBla + (gryRat / 2);
// /* Black rate, case of gray-density(gryDns) 100 to 80%, +10 to +0 */
// gryDns = rgbMin * 100 / 255;
// gryDns = (gryDns < (DWORD)20)? (DWORD)20 - gryDns: (DWORD)0;
// blaRat += (gryDns / 2);
// if (ucrRat > (DWORD)100) ucrRat = (DWORD)100;
// if (blaRat > (DWORD)100) blaRat = (DWORD)100;
// ucrQty = (blaGen * ucrRat) / 100;
// blaGen = (blaGen * blaRat) / 100;
sub = rgbMax - rgbMin;
if (sub > (DWORD)50) blaGen = (DWORD)0;
else {
if (sub <= (DWORD)10) {
tmp = (DWORD)10 - sub;
ucrCmy += tmp;
ucrBla += tmp;
if (sub <= (DWORD)5) {
tmp = ((DWORD)5 - sub) * (DWORD)2;
ucrCmy += tmp;
if (ucrCmy > 100) ucrCmy = 100;
if (ucrBla > 100) ucrBla = 100;
tmp = (DWORD)50 - sub;
blaGen = min * tmp / (DWORD)50;
// CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
} else { /* Type‡U(for image) */
// CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// /* UCR processing be NOP, */
// /* in the case that minimum density is smaller than the prescription value (50%) */
// if (min < 127) return;
// /* Density revision (127-255 -> 0-255) */
//// min = ((min - 127) * 255 + 64) / 128;
// min = ((min - 127) * 255 + 64) / xx;
// /* Gamma 3.0 approximation (If the speed-up is necessary table transformation) */
// if (min <= 63) blaGen = 0;
// else if (min <= 127) blaGen = ((min - 63) * 15 + 32) / 64;
// else if (min <= 191) blaGen = ((min - 127) * ( 79 - 15) + 32) / 64 + 15;
// else blaGen = ((min - 191) * (255 - 79) + 32) / 64 + 79;
// ucrQty = (blaGen * ucrCmy) / 100; /* UCR quantity */
// blaGen = (blaGen * ucrBla) / 100; /* ink version generation quantity */
/* K generation no, */
/* in the case that minimum density is smaller than the prescription value (50%) */
if (min < 127) blaGen = 0;
else {
/* Density revision (127-255 -> 0-255) */
// min = ((min - 127) * 255 + 64) / 128;
min = ((min - 127) * 255 + 64) / xx;
/* Gamma 3.0 approximation (If the speed-up is necessary table transformation) */
if (min <= 63) blaGen = 0;
else if (min <= 127) blaGen = ((min- 63) * 15 + 32) / 64;
else if (min <= 191) blaGen = ((min-127) * ( 79-15) + 32) / 64 + 15;
else blaGen = ((min-191) * (255-79) + 32) / 64 + 79;
// CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
/*----- Toner gross weight calculation(input CMYK value) ------------------------*/
ttlTnr = cyn + mgt + yel + bla;
if ((blaGen == 0) && (ttlTnr <= ucrTnr)) return;
/*----- Ink version generation (K replacement) ----------------------------------*/
// CASIO 2001/02/15 ->
// if (blaGen == 0) return;
// ucrQty = (blaGen * ucrCmy) / 100; /* UCR quantity */
// blaGen = (blaGen * ucrBla) / 100; /* ink version generation quantity */
////cyn -= blaGen; /* Adjustment with a gray value */
// cyn -= ucrQty; /* Adjustment with a gray value */
////mgt -= gryCyn[blaGen].Mgt;
// mgt -= gryCyn[ucrQty].Mgt;
////yel -= gryCyn[blaGen].Yel;
// yel -= gryCyn[ucrQty].Yel;
// bla += gryCyn[blaGen].Bla;
if (blaGen) {
ucrQty = (blaGen * ucrCmy) / 100; /* UCR quantity */
blaGen = (blaGen * ucrBla) / 100; /* ink version generation quantity*/
cyn -= ucrQty; /* Adjustment with a gray value */
mgt -= gryCyn[ucrQty].Mgt;
yel -= gryCyn[ucrQty].Yel;
bla += gryCyn[blaGen].Bla;
ttlTnr = cyn + mgt + yel + bla; /* Toner gross weight calculation */
/*----- Toner gross weight restriction ---------------------------------*/
if (ttlTnr > ucrTnr) {
adjVal = (ttlTnr - ucrTnr + 2) / 3;
cyn -= adjVal;
mgt -= adjVal;
yel -= adjVal;
// CASIO 2001/02/15 <-
if (cyn < 0) cyn = 0; /* BYTE value(0 - 255) adjustment */
if (mgt < 0) mgt = 0;
if (yel < 0) yel = 0;
if (bla < 0) bla = 0;
if (cyn > 255) cyn = 255;
if (mgt > 255) mgt = 255;
if (yel > 255) yel = 255;
if (bla > 255) bla = 255;
cmy->Cyn = (BYTE)cyn; /* UCR processing value setting */
cmy->Mgt = (BYTE)mgt;
cmy->Yel = (BYTE)yel;
cmy->Bla = (BYTE)bla;
// End of N5COLMH.C