Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}}
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 ********************************************************************************************\par
HISTORY FILE FOR EP2BRES and related GPD's - Most recent at the top\par
Still TODO\par
\ul\b\fs24 EP2BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
\ulnone\b0\fs20 - Make xxxxxxPS fonts in NLSP mode (need font width information)\par
- Add new CP's (wait for MDT update for CP support)\par
\lang1033\f1 - Move FX-2170/2180/880/1180 to new driver\lang2057\f0\par
Modified on December 15 by MarcM\par
All new GPD's version numbers 1.0 (Initial Release)\par
\ul\b\fs24 EP\lang1033\f1 LX300P\lang2057\f0 .GPD:\fs28\par
\ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP5\lang1033\f1 D\lang2057\f0 .GPD\par
- Removed all *switch: InputBin from and comments from PaperSize \par
- Renamed all PaperSize.OptionX to readable english (standard among all GPD's)\par
- Added FontSupport feature (Standard, NLSP or NoFont) and switch DeviceFonts, DefaultFont and DefaultCTT accordingly\par
- Added PrintQuality feature\par
- Renumbered \lang1033\f1 all strings\lang2057\f0 to match EP\lang1033\f1 9\lang2057\f0 BRES.RC\par
- Added ESC (t command in CmdStartDoc to load PC437 as table 1 and select it.\par
- Added PrintRate, PrintRateUnit and copyright information\par
\ul\b\fs24 EP\lang1033\f1 FX980\lang2057\f0 .GPD:\fs28\par
\ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP5\lang1033\f1 A\lang2057\f0 .GPD\par
- Removed all *switch: InputBin from and comments from PaperSize \par
- Renamed all PaperSize.OptionX to readable english (standard among all GPD's)\par
- Added FontSupport feature (Standard, NLSP or NoFont) and switch DeviceFonts, DefaultFont and DefaultCTT accordingly\par
- Added PrintQuality feature\par
- Renumbered \lang1033\f1 all strings\lang2057\f0 to match EP\lang1033\f1 9\lang2057\f0 BRES.RC\par
- Added ESC (t command in CmdStartDoc to load PC437 as table 1 and select it.\par
- Added PrintRate, PrintRateUnit and copyright information\par
\ul\b\fs24 EP\lang1033\f1 9\lang2057\f0 BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
\ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP5\lang1033\f1 A\lang2057\f0 .DLL\par
- Moved MDW to version 7 (thanks new MDT 001207) and cannot revert back to version 6\par
- Renumbered \lang1033\f1 all \lang2057\f0 strings \lang1033\f1 same as EP2BRES\lang2057\f0\par
- Removed GTT \lang1033\f1 1\lang2057\f0 ~4\line - Added EPSTD13.GTT (PC850+437) and EPNLSP39.GTT (PC850+437+869+857+866+864)\par
- Added CopePage 1252 and defined only UC+20AC (Euro) in PC858 (d5H) for both EPNLSP39.GTT and EPSTD13.GTT\par
- Copied all DRAFTxx.UFM to DRAFTxxN.UFM (ID \lang1033\f1 30\lang2057\f0 ~\lang1033\f1 36\lang2057\f0 ) and changed default CTT to 2\par
- Copied all ROMANxx.UFM to ROMANxxN.UFM (ID \lang1033\f1 38\lang2057\f0 ~\lang1033\f1 44\lang2057\f0 ) and changed default CTT to 2\par
- Copied all SANSxx.UFM to SANSxxN.UFM (ID \lang1033\f1 46\lang2057\f0 ~\lang1033\f1 52\lang2057\f0 ) and changed default CTT to 2\par
- Copied all S\lang1033\f1 DRAFT\lang2057\f0 xx.UFM to S\lang1033\f1 DRAFT\lang2057\f0 xx.UFM (ID \lang1033\f1 54\lang2057\f0 ~\lang1033\f1 58\lang2057\f0 ) and changed default CTT to 2\par
- Changed EPNLSP39.GTT to ID 2, EPSTD13.GTT to ID 1 and deleted EPSONEUR.GTT\par