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*% Adobe Systems PostScript(R) Printer Description File
*% Copyright 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
*% All Rights Reserved.
*% Permission is granted for redistribution of this file as
*% long as this copyright notice is intact and the contents
*% of the file is not altered in any way from its original form.
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*UIConstraints: *FXStaple BottomDual *InputSlot HCF
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1stTray *FXStaple BottomDual
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*UIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *PageSize Statement
*UIConstraints: *PageSize Statement *OutputBin Stacker
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion Statement *OutputBin Stacker
*UIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *PageRegion Statement
*UIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *PageSize SRA3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize SRA3 *OutputBin Stacker
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion SRA3 *OutputBin Stacker
*UIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *PageRegion SRA3
*UIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *PageSize FXPostcard
*UIConstraints: *PageSize FXPostcard *OutputBin Stacker
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion FXPostcard *OutputBin Stacker
*UIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *PageRegion FXPostcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1stTray *FXSlipSheet AutoTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1stTray *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1stTray *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1stTray *FXSlipSheet 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet AutoTray *InputSlot 1stTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray *InputSlot 1stTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray *InputSlot 1stTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 4thTray *InputSlot 1stTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 2ndTray *FXSlipSheet AutoTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 2ndTray *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 2ndTray *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 2ndTray *FXSlipSheet 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet AutoTray *InputSlot 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray *InputSlot 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray *InputSlot 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 4thTray *InputSlot 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 3rdTray *FXSlipSheet AutoTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 3rdTray *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 3rdTray *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 3rdTray *FXSlipSheet 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet AutoTray *InputSlot 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray *InputSlot 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray *InputSlot 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 4thTray *InputSlot 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 4thTray *FXSlipSheet AutoTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 4thTray *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 4thTray *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot 4thTray *FXSlipSheet 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet AutoTray *InputSlot 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray *InputSlot 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray *InputSlot 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 4thTray *InputSlot 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot HCF *FXSlipSheet AutoTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot HCF *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot HCF *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot HCF *FXSlipSheet 4thTray
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet AutoTray *InputSlot HCF
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 2ndTray *InputSlot HCF
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 3rdTray *InputSlot HCF
*UIConstraints: *FXSlipSheet 4thTray *InputSlot HCF
*NonUIConstraints: *InputSlot 1stTray *CustomPageSize True
*NonUIConstraints: *CustomPageSize True *InputSlot 1stTray
*NonUIConstraints: *InputSlot HCF *CustomPageSize True
*NonUIConstraints: *CustomPageSize True *InputSlot HCF
*NonUIConstraints: *OutputBin Stacker *CustomPageSize True
*NonUIConstraints: *CustomPageSize True *OutputBin Stacker
*% ==== Device Capabilities ===============
*LanguageLevel: "3"
*Protocols: BCP TBCP
*1284Modes Parallel: Compat Nibble ECP
*FreeVM: "15307240"
*VMOption 128Meg/Standard 128MB: "15307240"
*VMOption 192Meg/Expandable to 192MB: "15307240"
*VMOption 256Meg/Expandable to 256MB: "15307240"
*ColorDevice: True
*DefaultColorSpace: CMYK
*VariablePaperSize: True
*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
*TTRasterizer: Type42
*?TTRasterizer: "
42 /FontType resourcestatus
{pop pop (Type42)}{(No Type42)} ifelse = flush
*FileSystem: True
*?FileSystem: "
save false
{ currentdevparams dup /Writeable known
{ /Writeable get {pop true} if } { pop } ifelse
} 10 string /IODevice resourceforall
{(True)}{(False)} ifelse = flush
*Throughput: "12.5"
*Password: "()"
*ExitServer: "
count 0 eq
{ false } { true exch startjob } ifelse
not {
(WARNING: Cannot modify initial VM.) =
(Missing or invalid password.) =
(Please contact the author of this software.) = flush quit
} if
*Reset: "
count 0 eq
{ false } { true exch startjob } ifelse
not {
(WARNING: Cannot reset printer.) =
(Missing or invalid password.) =
(Please contact the author of this software.) = flush quit
} if
systemdict /quit get exec
(WARNING : Printer Reset Failed.) = flush
*DefaultResolution: 600dpi
*?Resolution: "
currentpagedevice /HWResolution get dup aload pop eq
{0 get cvi 9 string cvs print}
{aload pop exch cvi 9 string cvs print (x) print cvi 9 string cvs print}
ifelse (dpi) =
*AccurateScreensSupport: True
*SuggestedJobTimeout: "0"
*SuggestedWaitTimeout: "300"
*PrintPSErrors: True
*% OutputMode Information ===================
*%FXFlags *FXOutputMode
*OpenUI *FXOutputMode/印刷モード:PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10.0 AnySetup *FXOutputMode
*DefaultFXOutputMode: 1bit
*FXOutputMode 1bit/速度優先: "
1 dict dup /DeviceRenderingInfo 1 dict dup
/ValuesPerColorComponent 2 put put setpagedevice
*FXOutputMode 8bit/画質優先: "
1 dict dup /DeviceRenderingInfo 1 dict dup
/ValuesPerColorComponent 256 put put setpagedevice
*?FXOutputMode: "
currentpagedevice dup /DeviceRenderingInfo known {
/DeviceRenderingInfo get dup /ValuesPerColorComponent known {
/ValuesPerColorComponent get
2 eq {(1bit)}{(8bit)} ifelse
pop (Unknown)
} ifelse
pop (Unknown)
} ifelse
= flush
*CloseUI: *FXOutputMode
*%FXFlags *FXColorMode
*OpenUI *FXColorMode/カラーモード:PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11.0 AnySetup *FXColorMode
*DefaultFXColorMode: Auto
*FXColorMode Auto/自動: "
1 dict dup /ProcessColorModel /DeviceCMYK put setpagedevice
/RenderingOptions /ProcSet findresource
/AutoGrayDetect get true exch exec
*FXColorMode Color/カラー: "
1 dict dup /ProcessColorModel /DeviceCMYK put setpagedevice
/RenderingOptions /ProcSet findresource
/AutoGrayDetect get false exch exec
*FXColorMode Black/白黒: "
1 dict dup /ProcessColorModel /DeviceGray put setpagedevice
/RenderingOptions /ProcSet findresource
/AutoGrayDetect get false exch exec
*?FXColorMode: "
/RenderingOptions /ProcSet resourcestatus {
pop pop
/RenderingOptions /ProcSet findresource dup
/CurAutoGrayDetect known {
/CurAutoGrayDetect get exec {
currentpagedevice /ProcessColorModel get dup /DeviceCMYK eq {
pop (Color)
/DeviceGray eq {
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
pop (Unknown)
} ifelse
} ifelse
= flush
*CloseUI: *FXColorMode
*% RGB Color Correction Information ==========================
*%FXFlags *FXRGBCCorrection
*OpenUI *FXRGBCCorrection/RGB色補正: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 120.0 AnySetup *FXRGBCCorrection
*DefaultFXRGBCCorrection: Standard
*FXRGBCCorrection Standard/標準: "
currentpagedevice /ProcessColorModel get /DeviceGray eq {
} ifelse
findcolorrendering pop /ColorRendering findresource
1 dict dup /UseCIEColor true put setpagedevice
*FXRGBCCorrection Photo/写真: "
currentpagedevice /ProcessColorModel get /DeviceGray eq {
} ifelse
findcolorrendering pop /ColorRendering findresource
1 dict dup /UseCIEColor true put setpagedevice
*FXRGBCCorrection Web/Webページ: "
currentpagedevice /ProcessColorModel get /DeviceGray eq {
} ifelse
findcolorrendering pop /ColorRendering findresource
1 dict dup /UseCIEColor true put setpagedevice
*FXRGBCCorrection Presentation/プレゼンテーション: "
currentpagedevice /ProcessColorModel get /DeviceGray eq {
} ifelse
findcolorrendering pop /ColorRendering findresource
1 dict dup /UseCIEColor true put setpagedevice
*FXRGBCCorrection Off/しない: "
/RelativeColorimetric findcolorrendering pop /ColorRendering findresource
1 dict dup /UseCIEColor false put setpagedevice "
*?FXRGBCCorrection: "(Unknown) = flush"
*CloseUI: *FXRGBCCorrection
*OpenUI *FXRGBBCorrection/RGBガンマ補正: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 130.0 AnySetup *FXRGBBCorrection
*DefaultFXRGBBCorrection: Dark
*FXRGBBCorrection Lightest/1.0: "
/DefaultRGB_Gamma1.0 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultRGB_Gamma1.0 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultRGB exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
/DefaultGray_Gamma1.0 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultGray_Gamma1.0 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultGray exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
*FXRGBBCorrection Light/1.4: "
/DefaultRGB_Gamma1.4 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultRGB_Gamma1.4 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultRGB exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
/DefaultGray_Gamma1.4 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultGray_Gamma1.4 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultGray exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
*FXRGBBCorrection Standard/1.8: "
/DefaultRGB_Gamma1.8 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultRGB_Gamma1.8 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultRGB exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
/DefaultGray_Gamma1.8 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultGray_Gamma1.8 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultGray exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
*FXRGBBCorrection Dark/2.2: "
/DefaultRGB_Gamma2.2 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultRGB_Gamma2.2 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultRGB exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
/DefaultGray_Gamma2.2 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultGray_Gamma2.2 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultGray exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
*FXRGBBCorrection Darkest/2.6: "
/DefaultRGB_Gamma2.6 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultRGB_Gamma2.6 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultRGB exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
/DefaultGray_Gamma2.6 /ColorSpace resourcestatus {
pop pop /DefaultGray_Gamma2.6 /ColorSpace findresource
/DefaultGray exch /ColorSpace defineresource pop
} if
*FXRGBBCorrection Off/しない: ""
*?FXRGBBCorrection: "
currentpagedevice /UseCIEColor get false eq {
/DefaultRGB /ColorSpace findresource
dup length 2 eq {
1 get dup /TargetGamma known {
/TargetGamma get dup 1.0 eq {
pop (Lightest)
dup 1.4 eq {
pop (Light)
dup 1.8 eq {
pop (Standard)
dup 2.2 eq {
pop (Dark)
2.6 eq {
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
pop (Unknown)
} ifelse
pop (Unknown)
} ifelse
} ifelse
= flush
*CloseUI: *FXRGBBCorrection
*% EngineScreen Information ===================
*OpenUI *FXEngineScreen/印刷目的: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 60.0 AnySetup *FXEngineScreen
*DefaultFXEngineScreen: Text
*FXEngineScreen Text/文字: "
1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup
/EngineScreen 0 put put setpagedevice
*FXEngineScreen Graphics/図/表/グラフ: "
1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup
/EngineScreen 1 put put setpagedevice
*FXEngineScreen Image/写真: "
1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup
/EngineScreen 2 put put setpagedevice
*?FXEngineScreen: "
(Unknown) currentpagedevice /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails get
/EngineScreen get
dup 0 eq {pop (Text) exch} if
dup 1 eq {pop (Graphics) exch} if
dup 2 eq {pop (Image) exch} if
pop = flush
*CloseUI: *FXEngineScreen
*OpenUI *Smoothing/Image Enhancement : Boolean
*OrderDependency: 65.0 AnySetup *Smoothing
*DefaultSmoothing: True
*Smoothing True/する: "1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup /REValue 1 put put setpagedevice"
*Smoothing False/しない: "1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup /REValue 0 put put setpagedevice"
*?Smoothing: "
currentpagedevice /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails get
/REValue get 1 eq
{(True)}{(False)}ifelse = flush
*CloseUI: *Smoothing
*% TonerSaver Information ===================
*OpenUI *FXTonerSaver/トナーセーブ: Boolean
*OrderDependency: 70.0 AnySetup *FXTonerSaver
*DefaultFXTonerSaver: False
*FXTonerSaver True/する: "1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup /TonerSaver 1 put put setpagedevice"
*FXTonerSaver False/しない: "1 dict dup /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails 1 dict dup /TonerSaver 0 put put setpagedevice"
*?FXTonerSaver: "
currentpagedevice /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails get
/TonerSaver get 1 eq
{(True)}{(False)}ifelse = flush
*CloseUI: *FXTonerSaver
*% Halftone Information ===============
*DefaultHalftoneType: 5
*ScreenFreq: "85.0"
*ScreenAngle: "45.0"
*DefaultScreenProc: Dot
*ScreenProc Dot: "{180 mul cos exch 180 mul cos add 2 div} bind"
*ScreenProc Line: "{ pop }"
*ScreenProc Ellipse: "{ dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add sqrt 1 exch sub }"
*DefaultTransfer: Null
*Transfer Null: "{ }"
*Transfer Null.Inverse: "{ 1 exch sub }"
*% Paper Handling ===================
*OpenUI *MediaType/手差し用紙種類: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 50.0 AnySetup *MediaType
*DefaultMediaType: Default
*MediaType Default/プリンタの設定:""
*MediaType Stationary/普通紙: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (stationary) put setpagedevice
*MediaType ThickPaper1/厚紙1(105~162g/m2): "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (thickpaper1) put
*MediaType ThickPaper1Side2/厚紙1(105~162g/m2)うら面: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (thickpaper1 side2) put
*MediaType ThickPaper2/厚紙2(163~256g/m2): "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (thickpaper2) put
*MediaType ThickPaper2Side2/厚紙2(163~256g/m2)うら面: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (thickpaper2 side2) put
*MediaType Transparency/OHPフィルム: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (transparency) put
*MediaType OpaqueFilm/電飾フィルム: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (opaquefilm) put
*MediaType Tracing/トレーシングペーパー: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (tracing) put
*MediaType TackFilm/タックフィルム: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (tackfilm) put
*MediaType Labels/ラベル紙: "
1 dict dup /MediaClass (labels) put
*?MediaType: "
currentpagedevice /MediaClass get dup null eq {pop (Default)}
{ dup (stationary) eq {pop (Stationary)}
{dup (thickpaper1) eq{pop (ThickPaper1)}
{dup (thickpaper1 side2) eq{pop (ThickPaper1Side2)}
{dup (thickpaper2) eq {pop (ThickPaper2)}
{dup (thickpaper2 side2) eq {pop (ThickPaper2Side2)}
{dup (transparency) eq {pop (Transparency)}
{dup (opaquefilm) eq {pop (OpaqueFilm)}
{dup (tracing) eq {pop (Tracing)}
{dup (tackfilm) eq {pop (TackFilm)}
{(labels) eq {(Labels)}{(Unknown)} ifelse
} ifelse % tackfilm
} ifelse % tracing
} ifelse % opaquefilm
} ifelse % transparancy
} ifelse % thickpaper2 side2
} ifelse % thickpaper2
} ifelse % thickpaper1 side2
} ifelse % thickpaper1
} ifelse % stationary
} ifelse % null
= flush
*CloseUI: *MediaType
*% Separations Information ===================
*OpenUI *Separations/色分解: Boolean
*OrderDependency: 15.0 AnySetup *Separations
*DefaultSeparations: False
*Separations True/する: "1 dict dup /Separations true put setpagedevice"
*Separations False/しない: "1 dict dup /Separations false put setpagedevice"
*?Separations: "save currentpagedevice /Separations get {(True)}{(False)} ifelse = flush restore"
*CloseUI: *Separations
*% FXSlipSheet Information ===================
*OpenUI *FXSlipSheet/OHP合紙の給紙: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 80.0 AnySetup *FXSlipSheet
*DefaultFXSlipSheet: OFF
*FXSlipSheet OFF/しない: "1 dict dup /SlipSheet 0 put setpagedevice "
*FXSlipSheet AutoTray/プリンタの設定: "
2 dict dup dup /SlipSheet 4 put
/SlipSheetDetails 1 dict dup /AutoTraySelect 1 put
put setpagedevice "
*FXSlipSheet 2ndTray/トレイ2: "
2 dict dup dup /SlipSheet 4 put
/SlipSheetDetails 2 dict dup dup /AutoTraySelect 0 put
/SheetTray 1 put put setpagedevice "
*FXSlipSheet 3rdTray/トレイ3: "
2 dict dup dup /SlipSheet 4 put
/SlipSheetDetails 2 dict dup dup /AutoTraySelect 0 put
/SheetTray 2 put put setpagedevice "
*FXSlipSheet 4thTray/トレイ4: "
2 dict dup dup /SlipSheet 4 put
/SlipSheetDetails 2 dict dup dup /AutoTraySelect 0 put
/SheetTray 3 put put setpagedevice "
*?FXSlipSheet: "
currentpagedevice /SlipSheet known {
currentpagedevice dup /SlipSheet get 0 eq {pop (OFF)}
/SlipSheetDetails known {
currentpagedevice /SlipSheetDetails get dup
/AutoTraySelect get 1 eq {pop (AutoTray)}
/SheetTray get dup 1 eq {pop (2ndTray)}
2 eq {(3rdTray)}{(4thTray)} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
= flush
*CloseUI: *FXSlipSheet
*% Code in this section both selects a tray and sets up a frame buffer.
*OpenUI *PageSize: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 35.0 AnySetup *PageSize
*DefaultPageSize: A4
*PageSize A3/A3: "3 dict dup /PageSize [842 1191] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize B4/B4: "3 dict dup /PageSize [729 1032] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize A4/A4: "3 dict dup /PageSize [595 842] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize B5/B5: "3 dict dup /PageSize [516 729] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize A5/A5: "3 dict dup /PageSize [420 595] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize FXPostcard/はがき: "3 dict dup /PageSize [283 420] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize SRA3/SRA3: "3 dict dup /PageSize [907 1276] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize Letter/8.5x11": "3 dict dup /PageSize [612 792] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize Legal13/8.5x13": "3 dict dup /PageSize [612 936] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize Legal/8.5x14": "3 dict dup /PageSize [612 1008] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize Tabloid/11x17": "3 dict dup /PageSize [792 1224] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize 8x10/8x10": "3 dict dup /PageSize [576 720] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize Statement/5.5x8.5": "3 dict dup /PageSize [396 612] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize TabloidExtra/12x18": "3 dict dup /PageSize [864 1296] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize 8Kai/八開: "3 dict dup /PageSize [757 1103] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageSize 16Kai/十六開: "3 dict dup /PageSize [550 757] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*?PageSize: "
currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop
2 copy gt {exch} if
16 dict
dup [612 792] (Letter) put
dup [612 936] (Legal13) put
dup [612 1008] (Legal) put
dup [792 1224] (Tabloid) put
dup [396 612] (Statement) put
dup [576 720] (8x10) put
dup [864 1296] (TabloidExtra) put
dup [907 1276] (SRA3) put
dup [842 1191] (A3) put
dup [595 842] (A4) put
dup [420 595] (A5) put
dup [729 1032] (B4) put
dup [516 729] (B5) put
dup [757 1103] (8Kai) put
dup [550 757] (16Kai) put
dup [283 420] (FXPostcard) put
{ exch aload pop 4 index sub abs 5 le exch
5 index sub abs 5 le and
{exch pop exit} {pop} ifelse
} bind forall
= flush pop pop
*CloseUI: *PageSize
*OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 45.0 AnySetup *PageRegion
*DefaultPageRegion: A4
*PageRegion A3/A3: "3 dict dup /PageSize [842 1191] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion B4/B4: "3 dict dup /PageSize [729 1032] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion A4/A4: "3 dict dup /PageSize [595 842] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion B5/B5: "3 dict dup /PageSize [516 729] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion A5/A5: "3 dict dup /PageSize [420 595] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion FXPostcard/はがき: "3 dict dup /PageSize [283 420] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion SRA3/SRA3: "3 dict dup /PageSize [907 1276] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion Letter/8.5x11": "3 dict dup /PageSize [612 792] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion Legal13/8.5x13": "3 dict dup /PageSize [612 936] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion Legal/8.5x14": "3 dict dup /PageSize [612 1008] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion Tabloid/11x17": "3 dict dup /PageSize [792 1224] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion 8x10/8x10": "3 dict dup /PageSize [576 720] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion Statement/5.5x8.5": "3 dict dup /PageSize [396 612] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion TabloidExtra/12x18": "3 dict dup /PageSize [864 1296] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion 8Kai/八開: "3 dict dup /PageSize [757 1103] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*PageRegion 16Kai/十六開: "3 dict dup /PageSize [550 757] put dup /ImagingBBox null put dup /LeadingEdge null put setpagedevice "
*CloseUI: *PageRegion
*% The following entries provide information about specific paper keywords.
*DefaultImageableArea: A4
*ImageableArea A3/A3: "11.4 11.46 829.32 1179.3 "
*ImageableArea B4/B4: "11.4 11.4 714.12 1020.48 "
*ImageableArea A4/A4: "11.4 11.58 583.56 829.32 "
*ImageableArea B5/B5: "11.46 11.8801 502.92 714.6 "
*ImageableArea A5/A5: "11.4 11.4 406.92 583.92 "
*ImageableArea FXPostcard/はがき: "11.4001 11.4 268.68 408.24 "
*ImageableArea SRA3/SRA3: "24.1201 15.9001 880.44 1257.42 "
*ImageableArea Letter/8.5x11": "11.5201 11.4001 598.92 779.4 "
*ImageableArea Legal13/8.5x13": "11.4 11.28 598.92 924.6 "
*ImageableArea Legal/8.5x14": "11.4 11.28 598.92 996.6 "
*ImageableArea Tabloid/11x17": "11.4001 11.4 779.4 1212.72 "
*ImageableArea 8x10/8x10": "11.5201 11.4 564.36 706.44 "
*ImageableArea Statement/5.5x8.5": "11.4001 11.28 383.88 600.6 "
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4 -2 roll exch 2 {lowerleft cvp} repeat
exch 2 {upperright cvp} repeat (\n) print flush
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dup /InputAttributes
1 dict dup /Priority [0 4 1 2 3] put
dup /InputAttributes
1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put
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dup /InputAttributes
1 dict dup /Priority [1 4 0 2 3] put
dup /InputAttributes
1 dict dup /Priority [1 0 2 3] put
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dup /InputAttributes
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dup /InputAttributes
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dup /InputAttributes
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put setpagedevice
2 dict dup /TraySwitch false put dup
/ManualFeed false put setpagedevice
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*?InputSlot: "
5 dict
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dup /2 (3rdTray) put
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dup /4 (HCF) put
currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get
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dup /Jog 0 put
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dup /Jog 0 put
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dup /Jog 0 put
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dup /Jog 0 put
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dup /Jog 0 put
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dup /Jog 0 put
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dup /Jog 0 put
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2 copy known {exit} {pop} ifelse
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exch pop
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exch pop
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pop 30
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13 dict
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dup 14 (MailBox5) put
dup 15 (MailBox6) put
dup 16 (MailBox7) put
dup 17 (MailBox8) put
dup 18 (MailBox9) put
dup 19 (MailBox10) put
dup 20 (Stacker) put
exch 2 copy known {get} {pop pop (Unknown)} ifelse
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3 dict exch copy dup /LeadingEdge 0 put
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/setjobstaple get 1 exch exec pop
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2 dict dup dup /StapleDetails 1 dict dup /Location 1 put put
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*?FXStaple: "
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/jobstaple get exec 1 eq {
[(UpperLeftSingle) (LowerLeftSingle)
(UpperRightSingle) (LowerRightSingle)
(TopDual) (BottomDual) (LeftDual) (RightDual)]
currentpagedevice /StapleDetails get /Location get
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pop (None)
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pop /CIDParams /ProcSet 2 copy resourcestatus {
pop pop findresource /SetBuildCompatibleOCF get false exch exec
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pop pop
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*FXFType False/OCF Compatible: "
/resourcestatus where {
pop /CIDParams /ProcSet 2 copy resourcestatus {
pop pop findresource /SetBuildCompatibleOCF get true exch exec
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pop pop
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*?FXFType: "
/resourcestatus where {
pop /CIDParams /ProcSet 2 copy resourcestatus {
pop pop findresource /GetBuildCompatibleOCF get exec
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2 dict dup /Duplex true put dup /Tumble false put setpagedevice"
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2 dict dup /Duplex true put dup /Tumble true put setpagedevice"
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{ (None)}
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1 dict dup /Jog 3 put setpagedevice
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/Jog get {get} stopped {pop pop (Unknown)} if
pop pop (Unknown)
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= flush
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currentpagedevice dup /Collate known {
/Collate get {(True)}{(False)}ifelse
pop (Unknown)
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= flush
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/Custom /ProcSet findresource begin
curmanfeedconfirm 1 eq {(Confirm)}{(Unconfirm)} ifelse = flush
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userdict /4.3PPDCompliant known
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3 dict begin
/PageSize [
4 -2 roll
] def
/ImagingBBox null def
currentdict end setpagedevice
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4 -2 roll exch
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currentdict end setpagedevice
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*% Input Sources (format: %%[ status: <stat>; source: <one of these> ]%% )
*Source: "Parallel"
*Source: "EtherTalk"
*Source: "RemotePrinter"
*Source: "PrintServer"
*Source: "LPR"
*Source: "SMB"
*Source: "Internal"
*% Printer Error (format: %%[ PrinterError: <one of these> ]%%)
*PrinterError: "Service Call"
*PrinterError: "Drum&Toner Cartridge is Missing"
*PrinterError: "No Toner"
*PrinterError: "Left Hand Cover Open"
*PrinterError: "MailBox Cover Open"
*PrinterError: "Tray Lifter Failed"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Fuser"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Registration Roller"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Duplex Module"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Duplex Tray"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Tray1"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Tray2"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Tray3"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Tray4"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at Manual Feed Tray"
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam at MailBox"
*PrinterError: "MailBox is Full"
*PrinterError: "Main Tray is Full"
*PrinterError: "Duplex Module Fail"
*PrinterError: "Tray is Missing"
*PrinterError: "Any Trays are Missing"
*PrinterError: "Out of Paper in All Trays"
*PrinterError: "Out of Paper"
*PrinterError: "Out of Paper in Maunal Feed Tray"
*%DeviceAdjustMatrix: "[1 0 0 1 0 0]"
*% Color Separation Information =====================
*DefaultColorSep: ProcessBlack.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi
*% For 85 lpi / 600 dpi (5,5,2,6,6,2,20/3,0) =====================
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "71.5651"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "18.4349"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "0.0"
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*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "84.8528"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "30.0"
*ColorSepScreenProc ProcessYellow.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "
{1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch
1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch
abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1
sub }{dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse }"
*% For 71 lpi / 600 dpi ===============================
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "71.5651"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "18.4349"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "0.0"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "70.7107"
*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "70.7107"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "63.2456"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "63.2456"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.71lpi.600dpi/71 lpi / 600 dpi: "66.6667"
*% Produced using PPDTool 2.1's BLDPPD43.PS file
*% Last Edit Date: August 15 2000
*% The byte count of this file should be exactly 144678 or 147903
*% depending on the filesystem it resides in.
*% end of PPD file for FX DocuColor 1250 with PostScript Font ROM J5