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* TITLE: LockMgr.h
* VERSION: 1.0
* AUTHOR: ByronC
* DATE: 15 November, 1999
* Definition of Lock Manager Class.
#pragma once
#ifndef _LOCKMGR_H_
#define _LOCKMGR_H_
#define WIA_LOCK_WAIT_TIME 60000
class StiLockMgr; // defined later in this file
// Lock information stored per device
typedef struct _LockInfo {
HANDLE hDeviceIsFree; // Auto-Reset event object used to signal
// when device is free.
BOOL bDeviceIsLocked; // Indicates whether device is currently
// locked.
LONG lInUse; // Indicates whether the device is actually
// in use i.e. we are in the middle of a
// request (e.g. a data transfer).
DWORD dwThreadId; // The Id of the Thread which has device
// locked.
LONG lHoldingTime; // The amount of idle time (milliseconds)
// to keep hold of lock.
LONG lTimeLeft; // The amount of idle time remaining.
} LockInfo, *PLockInfo;
// Info struct used during enumeration callbacks
typedef struct _EnumContext {
StiLockMgr *This; // Pointer to the Lock Manager that
// requested the enumeration
LONG lShortestWaitTime; // Value indicating the shortest wait time
// till next unlock.
BOOL bMustSchedule; // Indicates whether the unlock callback
// must be scheduled.
} EnumContext, *PEnumContext;
// Class definition for the lock manager. It is used by both STI and WIA.
class StiLockMgr : IUnknown {
// Constructor, Initialize, Destructor
HRESULT Initialize();
// IUnknown methods
HRESULT _stdcall QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv);
ULONG _stdcall AddRef(void);
ULONG _stdcall Release(void);
// Lock/Unlock Request methods
HRESULT _stdcall RequestLock(BSTR pszDeviceName, ULONG ulTimeout, BOOL bInServerProcess, DWORD dwClientThreadId);
HRESULT _stdcall RequestLock(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice, ULONG ulTimeOut, BOOL bOpenPort = TRUE);
HRESULT _stdcall RequestUnlock(BSTR pszDeviceName, BOOL bInServerProcess, DWORD dwClientThreadId);
HRESULT _stdcall RequestUnlock(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice, BOOL bClosePort = TRUE);
HRESULT _stdcall LockDevice(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice);
HRESULT _stdcall UnlockDevice(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice);
VOID AutoUnlock();
VOID UpdateLockInfoStatus(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice, LONG *pWaitTime, BOOL *pbMustSchedule);
HRESULT ClearLockInfo(LockInfo *pLockInfo);
// Private helpers
HRESULT RequestLockHelper(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice, ULONG ulTimeOut, BOOL bInServerProcess, DWORD dwClientThreadId);
HRESULT RequestUnlockHelper(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice, BOOL bInServerProcess, DWORD dwClientThreadId);
HRESULT CreateLockInfo(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice);
HRESULT CheckDeviceInfo(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice);
#ifdef USE_ROT
HRESULT WriteCookieNameToRegistry(CHAR *szCookieName);
VOID DeleteCookieFromRegistry();
// Private Data
LONG m_cRef; // Ref count
DWORD m_dwCookie; // Cookie identifying location in ROT
BOOL m_bSched; // Indicates whether the UnlockCallback has
// been scheduled
LONG m_lSchedWaitTime; // Amount of time we told Scheduler to wait
// before calling us back
StiLockMgr *g_pStiLockMgr;
extern StiLockMgr *g_pStiLockMgr;
// Callback functions
VOID WINAPI UnlockTimedCallback(VOID *pCallbackInfo);
VOID WINAPI EnumDeviceCallback(ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice, VOID *pContext);