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#ifndef __CLEANOC_API__
#define __CLEANOC_API__
// Flags used in GetControlInfo()
#define GCI_NAME 1
#define GCI_FILE 2
#define GCI_CLSID 3
#define GCI_CODEBASE 8
#define GCI_STATUS 11
#define GCI_HAS_ACTIVEX 12
#define GCI_HAS_JAVA 13
// control status flags
#define STATUS_CTRL_UNKNOWN 0 // Errors prevent determining the actual control state
#define STATUS_CTRL_INSTALLED 1 // Control is properly installed and ready for use
#define STATUS_CTRL_SHARED 2 // One or more components are shared by more than one control
#define STATUS_CTRL_DAMAGED 3 // The control file or some part of the installation is damaged or missing
#define STATUS_CTRL_UNPLUGGED 4 // The control has been re-registered in another location, the cache's
// instance of the control is no longer being used.
// RemoveExpiredControls flags
#define REC_SILENT 1 // If set, controls whose deletion would require confirmation are not removed.
// FindFirstControl
// Purpose:
// Initiate a search on the registry for an installed ActiveX control.
// Return Value:
// - ERROR_SUCCESS if a control is found and search has been successfully
// initiated.
// - ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS if no control is found.
// - If an error has occurred, the return value is a error code defined in
// winerror.h
// Parameters:
// hFindHandle -- a handle needed for resuming the search. Caller must
// pass this handle to FindNextControl to retrieve the
// the next installed ActiveX control.
// hControlHandle -- handle to a control's data. Caller must pass this
// handle into GetControlInfo to retrieve information
// about the control. Call ReleaseControlHandle on the
// handle when done.
// lpCachePath -- points to a string buffer that has the path where
// all controls to be retrieved are located. If it
// is NULL, the internet cache path will be read
// from the registry. If a path is to be supplied,
// the path must be a full pathname without any ~'s
// in order for the enumeration to work correctly.
#define axcFINDFIRSTCONTROL "FindFirstControl"
LONG WINAPI FindFirstControl(
HANDLE& hFindHandle,
HANDLE& hControlHandle,
LPCTSTR lpszCachePath = NULL
HANDLE& hFindHandle,
HANDLE& hControlHandle,
LPCTSTR lpszCachePath /*= NULL*/
// FindNextControl
// Purpose:
// Resume a previously started search for installed ActiveX controls. The
// search must have been initiated by a call to FirstFirstControl.
// Return Value:
// - ERROR_SUCCESS if a control is found and search has been successfully
// initiated.
// - ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS if no control is found.
// - If an error has occurred, the return value is a error code defined in
// winerror.h. In this situation, the caller can choose to continue
// the search with another call to FindNextControl, or simply abort.
// Parameters:
// hFindHandle -- a handle received from a call to FindFirstControl.
// Pass this handle to subsequent calls to
// FindNextControl to retrieve controls one at a time.
// hControlHandle -- handle to a control's data. Caller must pass this
// handle into GetControlInfo to retrieve information
// about the control. Call ReleaseControlHandle on the
// handle when done.
#define axcFINDNEXTCONTROL "FindNextControl"
LONG WINAPI FindNextControl(
HANDLE& hFindHandle,
HANDLE& hControlHandle
HANDLE& hFindHandle,
HANDLE& hControlHandle
// FindControlClose
// Purpose:
// Called when search is over. Missing a call to this function after a
// search might contribute memory leak. This function can be called
// regardless of what FindFirstControl and/or FindNextControl return.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Parameters:
// hFindHandle -- a handle obtained from calls to FindFirstControl and
// FindNextControl in the current search.
#define axcFINDCONTROLCLOSE "FindControlClose"
void WINAPI FindControlClose(
HANDLE hFindHandle
HANDLE hFindHandle
// ReleaseControlHandle
// Purpose:
// When a handle of a control is retrieved via FindFirstControl or
// FindNextControl, the caller is responsible to release that handle
// by call this function.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Parameters:
// hControlHandle -- a handle to a control obtained from FindFirstControl
// or FindNextControl.
#define axcRELEASECONTROLHANDLE "ReleaseControlHandle"
void WINAPI ReleaseControlHandle(
HANDLE hControlHandle
HANDLE hControlHandle
// GetControlInfo
// Purpose:
// Once a handle to a control is obtained via FindFirstControl or
// FindNextControl, the caller may retrieve information about the control
// by call this function with a flag (nFlag) indicating what info to
// retrieve. The supported flags are:
// GCI_NAME -- friendly name of control
// GCI_FILE -- main full path & file name of control
// GCI_CLSID -- clsid of control, in a NULL-terminated string
// GCI_TYPELIBID -- typelib guid of control, in a NULL-terminated string
// GCI_TOTALSIZE -- total size in bytes of all control's dependent files
// GCI_SIZESAVED -- total size in bytes restored if control is removed
// It can be different from GCI_TOTALSIZE since some
// of the control's dependent files might be shared dlls
// GCI_TOTALFILES -- total number of control dependent files, including
// shared dlls if there are any
// GCI_STATUS -- the controls status value from STATUS_CTRL_* <above>
// GCI_HAS_ACTIVEX -- non-zero if control includes ActiveX contols(s)
// GCI_HAS_JAVA -- non-zero if control includes Java packages
// Return Value:
// TRUE if succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
// Parameters:
// hControlHandle -- handle to a control for which information is to be
// retrieved.
// nFlag -- indicate which information to retrieve. Please refer
// to Purpose section above for a list of supported
// flags. nFlag can only equal to one of them so do
// not pass in multiple flags OR'ed together.
// lpdwData -- address of a buffer for storing a numerical value.
// This parameter is ignored for other flags.
// lpszData -- address of a buffer for storing a NULL-terminated
// string value (ie. GCI_NAME, GCI_FILE, GCI_CLSID &
// GCI_TYPELIBID) This paramter is ignored if other
// flags are specified.
// nBufLen -- length of string buffer pointed to by lpszData.
// This parameter is ignored if a numerical value is
// being retrieved.
#define axcGETCONTROLINFO "GetControlInfo"
BOOL WINAPI GetControlInfo(
HANDLE hControlHandle,
UINT nFlag,
LPDWORD lpdwData,
LPTSTR lpszBuf,
int nBufLen
HANDLE hControlHandle,
UINT nFlag,
LPDWORD lpdwData,
LPTSTR lpszBuf,
int nBufLen
// GetControlDependentFile
// Purpose:
// A given control might depend on other files. For instance, FOO.OCX
// might need FOO.INF and MFCXX.DLL in order to work. This function
// retrieves one file at a time from a list of files depended upon by a
// given ActiveX control. The list of files is NOT sorted.
// Return Value:
// - ERROR_SUCCESS if a file is found at position iFile in the list.
// - ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES if no file is found at position iFile in the list.
// - If an error has occurred, the return value is a error code defined in
// winerror.h.
// Parameters:
// iFile -- a zero-based index indicating which file in the list
// to retrieve.
// hControlHandle -- handle to a control obtained via FindFirstControl
// or FindNextControl.
// lpszFile -- points to a buffer used to store the retrieved name.
// lpszSize -- points to a DWORD variable that is to store the size
// in bytes of the file retrieved. If it is 0, the file
// does not exist.
// bToUpper -- TRUE if the filename returned is to be converted to
// uppercase. No conversion takes place if FALSE
#define axcGETCONTROLDEPENDENTFILE "GetControlDependentFile"
LONG WINAPI GetControlDependentFile(
int iFile,
HANDLE hControlHandle,
LPTSTR lpszFile,
LPDWORD lpdwSize,
int iFile,
HANDLE hControlHandle,
LPTSTR lpszFile,
LPDWORD lpdwSize,
BOOL bToUpper /*= FALSE*/
// IsModuleRemovable
// Purpose:
// Checks whether a file can be removed by looking into the registry.
// This function is called "IsModuleRemovable" instead of
// "IsFileRemovable" because this routine does not check the actual file
// for its status. For instance, a file can be deemed removable even if
// is being exclusively opened by someone. This routine only tells from
// the registry's point of view if a file can be safely removed or not.
// Return Value:
// - FALSE if there is any indication that the given file is being shared
// by other applications.
// - TRUE otherwise.
// Parameter:
// lpszFile -- points to a buffer that has the name (with full path) of
// the file whose removal status is to be verified.
#define axcISMODULEREMOVABLE "IsModuleRemovable"
BOOL WINAPI IsModuleRemovable(
LPCTSTR lpszFile
LPCTSTR lpszFile
// RemoveControlByHandle
// Purpose:
// Remove a control from registry as well as all the files that the control
// depends on.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if control has been successfully uninstalled.
// - S_FALSE if minor error has occurred, but not serious enough to
// abort the uninstallation. Control has been uninstalled when the
// call returns.
// - An error code defined in winerror.h if an serious error has occurred
// and uninstallation has been aborted. The state of the control
// is not gaurenteed.
// Parameters:
// lpControlData -- points to an instance of CONTROL_DATA representing the
// control to be removed. The struct must have been
// initialized by a call to FindFirstControl or
// FindNextControl. Be sure to call ReleaseControlData
// on this struct after successful removal, for the data
// in this struct is no longer useful.
// bForceRemove -- If this flag is FALSE, the removal routine will check
// if the control is safe for removal before removing it.
// If the flag is TRUE, the control will be removed
// regardless of its removal status (except for Shared
// Violation). The flag only applies to the control file
// itself. Other files upon which the control depends are
// removed only if they are deemed as safe for removal.
#define axcREMOVECONTROLBYHANDLE "RemoveControlByHandle"
HRESULT WINAPI RemoveControlByHandle(
HANDLE hControlHandle,
BOOL bForceRemove = FALSE
HANDLE hControlHandle,
BOOL bForceRemove /*= FALSE*/
// RemoveControlByName
// Purpose:
// Remove a control from registry as well as all the files that the control
// depends on. It is an overloaded version.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if control has been successfully uninstalled.
// - S_FALSE if minor error has occurred, but not serious enough to
// abort the uninstallation. Control has been uninstalled when the
// call returns.
// - An error code defined in winerror.h if an serious error has occurred
// and uninstallation has been aborted. The state of the control
// is not gaurenteed.
// Parameters:
// lpszFile -- Address of a null-terminated string which is the main
// file for the control (ie "FOO.OCX" for FOO control).
// lpszCLSID -- Address of a null-terminated string which is the CLSID
// of the control.
// lpszTypeLibID -- Address of a null-terminated string which is the TypeLib
// clsid of the control.
// bForceRemove -- If this flag is FALSE, the removal routine will check
// if the control is safe for removal before removing it.
// If the flag is TRUE, the control will be removed
// regardless of its removal status (except for Shared
// Violation). The flag only applies to the control file
// itself. Other files upon which the control depends are
// removed only if they are deemed as safe for removal.
// dwIsDistUnit -- boolean value to tell if this is really a dist unit
#define axcREMOVECONTROLBYNAME "RemoveControlByName"
HRESULT WINAPI RemoveControlByName(
LPCTSTR lpszFile,
LPCTSTR lpszTypeLibID,
BOOL bForceRemove = FALSE,
DWORD dwIsDistUnit = FALSE
LPCTSTR lpszFile,
LPCTSTR lpszTypeLibID,
BOOL bForceRemove /*= FALSE*/,
DWORD dwIsDistUnit /*= FALSE*/
// type PFNDOBEFOREREMOVAL, used for function SweepControlsByLastAccessDate
// Purpose:
// Define callback function to be called right before removing a control
// Return Values:
// If a success code (S_XXX) is returned, the control will be removed.
// If a fail code (E_XXX) is returned, the control will be skipped.
// Parameters:
// HANDLE -- handle to the control to be removed. One can get information
// about the control using the GetControlInfo function. Do NOT
// call ReleaseControlHandle on the handle.
// UINT -- number of remaining controls including this one.
// type PFNDOAFTERREMOVAL, used for function SweepControlsByLastAccessDate
// Purpose:
// Define callback function to be called right after removing a control
// Return Values:
// If a success code (S_XXX) is returned, the removal operation proceeds.
// If a fail code (E_XXX) is returned, the removal operation is aborted.
// Parameters:
// HRESULT -- result of removing the control. The handle to this control
// was passed to the callback of type PFNDOBEFOREREMOVAL before
// the control was removed. The possible values for this
// HRESULT parameter are:
// - S_OK (succeeded)
// - S_FALSE (control had been removed with possibly some very
// minor errors)
// - E_ACCESSDENIED (control not safe for removal)
// - STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION (control being used by others)
// - Other errors returned by registry functions
// It is up to the implementator of this function to decide
// what to do given the result of removing the last control.
// UINT -- number of remaining controls, NOT including the one just
// removed.
// SweepControlsByLastAccessDate
// Purpose:
// Remove all controls whose last access date is before and on a given
// date.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if succeeded and at least one control was removed.
// - S_FALSE if succeeded but no controls have been removed.
// - E_XXX defined in winerror.h if an error has occurred.
// Parameters:
// pLastAccessTime -- specify a last access date. All controls accessed
// before and on this date are to be removed. Note
// that all fields except wYear, wMonth and wDay are
// ignored. If NULL, all control will be removed.
// pfnDoBefore -- callback function called just before a control is
// removed. Please read the description for type
// PFNDOBEFOREREMOVAL for details. If NULL, nothing
// is to be done prior to removing a control.
// pfnDoAfter -- callback function called right after a control is
// removed. Please read the description for type
// PFNDOAFTERREMOVAL for details. If NULL, nothing
// is to be done after a control is removed.
// dwSizeLimit -- controls will be removed only if the total size
// (in bytes) of all controls exceeds the size
// specified by this paramter. This parameter is
// ignored if 0 is specified.
#define axcSWEEPCONTROLSBYLASTACCESSDATE "SweepControlsByLastAccessDate"
HRESULT WINAPI SweepControlsByLastAccessDate(
SYSTEMTIME *pLastAccessTime = NULL,
DWORD dwSizeLimit = 0
SYSTEMTIME *pLastAccessTime /*= NULL*/,
DWORD dwSizeLimit /*= 0*/
// RemoveExpiredControls
// Purpose:
// Similar to IEmptyVolumeCache. Removes all controls with a last
// access date in the distant past and all controls flagged for more
// rapid auto-expire.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if succeeded and at least one control was removed.
// - S_FALSE if succeeded but no controls have been removed.
// - E_XXX defined in winerror.h if an error has occurred.
// Parameters:
// dwFlags -- Currently, only REC_SILENT is defined.
// dwReserved -- Must be 0.
#define axcREMOVEEXPIREDCONTROLS "RemoveExpiredControls"
HRESULT WINAPI RemoveExpiredControls(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved);