You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
305 lines
9.7 KiB
305 lines
9.7 KiB
function RemoveClause( TableName, ClauseToRemove )
var I; //standard loop counter
eval( "document.all." + TableName + ClauseToRemove+".style.display='none'" ) ;
eval( "document.all." + TableName + "sField"+ClauseToRemove+".selectedIndex=0" ) ;
eval( "document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue"+ClauseToRemove+".value=''" ) ;
ClearCompareField( TableName, ClauseToRemove );
function AddClause( TableName )
for ( var i=1 ; i< 9 ; i++ )
if ( eval( "document.all." + TableName + i+".style.display") == 'none' )
eval( "document.all." + TableName + i+".style.display='block'" ) ;
function ClearCompareField( TableName, iFieldNumber )
var lenCompareOptions = new Number( eval("document.all." + TableName + "sCompare"+iFieldNumber+".options.length" ) )
//alert ( lenCompareOptions )
for ( var i=0 ; i <= lenCompareOptions ; i++ )
eval("document.all." + TableName + "sCompare"+iFieldNumber+".options.remove(0)");
eval("document.all." + TableName +"tbSearchValue"+iFieldNumber+".style.visibility='hidden'");
function FillInCompareField( TableName, iFieldNumber, fieldname )
var field //the field we are workikng on
//make sure the comparison field has nothing in it
if ( eval("document.all." + TableName + "sCompare"+iFieldNumber+".length == 0" ) )
for ( field in CompareOperators )
var Element=document.createElement("OPTION");
Element.value=CompareOperators[field].Sign ;
eval("document.all." + TableName + "sCompare"+iFieldNumber+".add( Element )" );
eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue"+iFieldNumber+".style.visibility='visible'");
ClearValueTB ( TableName, iFieldNumber )
function ValidateCompare ( TableName, cIndex, CompareValue )
if ( CompareValue == "IS NOT NULL" | CompareValue == "IS NULL" )
eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue"+cIndex+".style.visibility='hidden'");
eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue"+cIndex+".value=''");
eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue"+cIndex+".style.visibility='visible'");
eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue"+cIndex+".value=''");
function ClearValueTB ( TableName, cIndex )
eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue" + cIndex + ".value=\"\"" )
function ShowAdvQuery ()
function VerifySaveQuery()
if( document.all.tbDescription.value == "" )
alert("You must enter a description in order to save this query! " )
function VerifySearchData ( TableName, svValue, field )
var fieldVal = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "sField" + field + ".selectedIndex" )
var fieldType = new String( eval( TableName + "Fields[" + fieldVal + "].ValType" ) )
var fieldName = new String( eval( TableName + "Fields[" + fieldVal + "].Text" ) )
if ( fieldType == "Number" )
if ( isNaN( svValue ) )
alert("This field requires a number as input: " + fieldName )
return false
return true
function VerifyCorrectDataTypes()
for ( var i=1 ; i < 9 ; i++ )
var field = eval( "document.all.sField" + i + ".value" )
alert( field )
function SaveQuery( TableName, Page, Params )
var Description = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "SaveDescription.value" )
var Param1 = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value" )
var Param2 = encodeURIComponent(BuildWhereClause( TableName ) )
var Param3 = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "OrderBy.value")
var Param4 = eval("document.all." + TableName + "SortDirection.value")
if ( String(Params) == "undefined" || String(Params) == "" )
Params += "&"
//alert ( Page + "?" + Params + "SP=CUSTOM&Param1=" + Param1 + "&Param2=" + Param2 + "&Param3=" + Param3 + "&Param4=" + Param4)
var FinalParam= Page + "?" + Params + "SP=CUSTOM&Param1=" + Param1 + "&Param2=" + Param2 + "&Param3=" + Param3 + "&Param4=" + Param4
var URL = "Global_GetRS.asp?SP=DBGPortal_SaveCustomQuery&DBConn=CRASHDB3&Param0=<%=GetShortUserAlias()%>&Param1=" + Description + "&Param2=" + escape( FinalParam )
//alert( URL )
rdsSaveQuery.URL = URL
//try and update the left nav
alert("Your query has been saved! You can run your saved query from the left nav under the heading 'Custom Queries'." )
function RefreshLeftNav()
catch( err )
alert("Could not update the left nav bar. Please refresh your left nav by right clicking anywhere within the left nav and clicking refresh.")
function ExecuteQuery( TableName, NewWindow, Page, Params )
var Param1 = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value" )
var Param2 = encodeURIComponent(BuildWhereClause( TableName ) )
var Param3 = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "OrderBy.value")
var Param4 = eval("document.all." + TableName + "SortDirection.value")
if ( String(Params) == "undefined" || String(Params) == "" )
Params += "&"
if ( NewWindow )
| Page + "?" + Params + "SP=CUSTOM&Param1=" + Param1 + "&Param2=" + Param2 + "&Param3=" + Param3 + "&Param4=" + Param4)
window.navigate( Page + "?" + Params + "SP=CUSTOM&Param1=" + Param1 + "&Param2=" + Param2 + "&Param3=" + Param3 + "&Param4=" + Param4)
function CreateCrashQuery( TableName, NewWindow )
//var QueryEnd=new String()
//var Query = new String()
//var WhereClause = new String()
//var Param1 = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value" )
//var Param3 = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "OrderBy.value")
//var Param4 = eval("document.all." + TableName + "SortDirection.value")
//Query = "SELECT TOP " + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value")
//Query += " Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro, TrackID, iBucket from dbgportal_crashdata "
//QueryEnd = " order by " + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "OrderBy.value") + " " + eval("document.all." + TableName + "SortDirection.value")
//var WhereClause = BuildWhereClause( TableName )
//var Query = encodeURIComponent( Query + " " + WhereClause + QueryEnd )
//if ( NewWindow )
// "DBGPortal_DisplayCrashQuery.asp?SP=CUSTOM&Param1=" + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value") + "&Param2=" + WhereClause + "&Param3=" + Param3 + "&Param4=" + Param4)
//window.navigate( "DBGPortal_DisplayCrashQuery.asp?SP=CUSTOM&Param1=" + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value" ) + "&Param2=" + WhereClause + "&Param3=" + Param3 + "&Param4=" + Param4)
function CreateAdvancedQuery( TableName, NewWindow )
//eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value" )
/*var Query = "SELECT TOP " + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value") + " BTI.iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, [Crash Count], BugID, SolutionID FROM "
Query += "(SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT sBucket, Count(sBucket) as [Crash Count] FROM CrashInstances "
Query += "GROUP BY sBucket "
Query += "ORDER BY [Crash Count] DESC) as one "
Query += "INNER JOIN BucketToInt as BTI on sBucket=BTI.iBucket "
Query += "LEFT JOIN FollowUPIds as F on BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowUP "
Query += "LEFT JOIN Solutions.dbo.Solvedbuckets as SOL on BTI.BucketId = SOL.strBucket "
Query += "LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R on BTI.iBucket = R.iBucket "
//var Query = "SELECT TOP " + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value") + " iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM "
//Query += "DBGPortal_BucketData "
//var QueryEnd = " order by " + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "OrderBy.value") + " " + eval("document.all." + TableName + "SortDirection.value" )
//var WhereClause = BuildWhereClause( TableName )
///var Query = encodeURIComponent( Query + " " + WhereClause + QueryEnd )
//if ( NewWindow )
// "DBGPortal_DisplayQuery.asp?SP=CUSTOM&CustomQuery=" + Query + "&Platform=&QueryType=&Param1=" + Top + "&Param2=" + WhereClause )
//window.navigate( "DBGPortal_DisplayQuery.asp?SP=CUSTOM&CustomQuery=" + Query + "&Platform=&QueryType=&Param1=" + eval( "document.all." + TableName + "Top.value" ) + "&Param2=" + WhereClause )
function BuildWhereClause( TableName )
var WhereClause = ""
for ( var i=1 ; i < 9 ; i++ )
var conjuction = eval ("document.all." + TableName + "sConjunction" + i + ".value" )
var field = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "sField" + i + ".value" )
var UserValue = eval("document.all." + TableName + "tbSearchValue" + i + ".value" )
if ( eval( "document.all." + TableName + "sCompare" + i + ".value" ) == "CONTAINS" )
var op = "LIKE '%" + UserValue + "%'"
UserValue = ""
else if ( eval( "document.all." + TableName + "sCompare" + i + ".value" ) == "DNCONTAINS" )
var op = "NOT LIKE '%" + UserValue + "%'"
UserValue = ""
var op = eval( "document.all." + TableName + "sCompare" + i + ".value" )
if ( UserValue != "" )
if( !VerifySearchData( TableName, UserValue, i ) )
return false
UserValue = "'" + UserValue + "'"
if ( field != "" )
if ( WhereClause != "" )
WhereClause += conjuction + " " + field + " " + op + " " + UserValue + " "
WhereClause = "WHERE " + field + " " + op + " " + UserValue + " "
return WhereClause