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277 lines
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277 lines
7.5 KiB
var g_objPassportManager = ""; //a global passport manager object, not instantiated until called
if ( typeof( g_ThisServer ) == "undefined" )
var g_ThisServer = new String( Request.ServerVariables( "SERVER_NAME" ) );
var g_ThisScript = Request.ServerVariables( "SCRIPT_NAME" );
if ( Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT_SECURE") == "1" )
var g_ThisURL = "https://" + g_ThisServer + "/" + g_ThisScript;
var g_ThisURL = "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/" + g_ThisScript;
//g_ThisServer = g_ThisServer + "/" + fnGetBrowserLang();
// This function will clear all the cookies that are set on this page.
// We clear them out first just in case there are any lingering items.
function fnClearCookies()
//fnWriteCookie( "SID", "", "OCAV3" );
fnWriteCookie( "SID", "" );
fnWriteCookie( "GUID", "" );
fnWriteCookie( "State", "" );
fnWriteCookie( "CID", "" );
fnWriteCookie( "PID", "" );
fnWriteCookie( "UID", "" );
fnWriteCookie( "LCID", "" );
//fnWriteCookies "", "", "PPIN" );
//Using a write cookie function in case we decide to change the attributes of the cookie
//EG: add an expires value, or change the domain etc. . .
function fnWriteCookie( ID, Value, Key )
if ( String(Key) == "undefined" )
Response.Cookies("OCAV3")( ID ) = Value;
//Response.Cookies("OCAV3").Secure = true; //don't really need secure nothing that secure to send!
Response.Cookies("OCAV3").Path = "/"
//Response.Cookies("OCAV3").Expires = "jan 1, 2004 12:00:00"
Response.Cookies( Key ) = String(Value);
Response.Cookies( Key ).Path = "/"
catch( err )
Response.Write("Could not set cookie: " + ID + " Value: " + Value + " err: " + err.description )
//very basic, just get one of the cookies in our collection
//you can't use this to get non-keyed cookies. Probably should add that
//but I don't use anything that is not in the key
function fnGetCookie( ID )
return ( Request.Cookies( "OCAV3" )( ID ) );
function DumpCookies()
//todo: Remove this test code before shipping
Response.Write("<BR><B>Cookie dump</B><BR>" );
Response.Write(" SID: " + fnGetCookie( "SID" ) + "<BR>" );
Response.Write(" GUID: " + fnGetCookie( "GUID" ) + "<BR>" );
Response.Write(" State: " + fnGetCookie( "State" ) + "<BR>" );
Response.Write(" CID : " + fnGetCookie( "CID" ) + "<BR>" );
Response.Write(" PPIN : " + Request.Cookies( "PPIN" ) );
Response.Write("<BR><BR>All OCAV3: " + Request.Cookies( "OCAV3" ) + "<BR>" )
Response.Write("<BR><BR>All Root: " + Request.Cookies() + "<BR><BR>" )
function fnGetBrowserLCID()
var lcid = { "en" : "1033",
"ja" : "1041",
"fr" : "1036",
"de" : "1031"
var lang = new String ( Request.ServerVariables( "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" ) )
lang = lang.substr( 0, 2 )
switch ( String( lang ) )
case "en":
case "ja":
case "fr":
case "de":
return lcid[ lang ] ;
return lcid[ "en" ];
function fnGetBrowserLang()
var lang = new String ( Request.ServerVariables( "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" ) )
lang = lang.substr( 0, 2 );
switch( String( lang ) )
case "en":
case "ja":
case "fr":
case "de":
return ( lang );
return "en";
function fnGetPassportObject()
if ( !g_objPassportManager )
//TODO:remove Response.Write("Getting passport object: <BR>" );
g_objPassportManager = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Manager");
function fnDisplayPassportPrompt( bGetCustomerID )
if ( g_objPassportManager.FromNetworkServer )
fnWriteCookie( "PPIN", "1" );
Response.Redirect( g_ThisURL );
if ( g_objPassportManager.IsAuthenticated() || g_objPassportManager.HasTicket )
var LogOutURL = g_objPassportManager.LogoTag2(Server.URLEncode("http://" + g_ThisServer + "/Welcome.asp"),3600, true, false, fnGetBrowserLCID(), true )
var ppMemberHighID = new String( g_objPassportManager.Profile("MemberIDHigh" ));
var ppMemberLowID = new String ( g_objPassportManager.Profile("MemberIDLow" ) );
var ppMemberID = "0x" + fnHex( ppMemberHighID ) + fnHex( ppMemberLowID );
Response.Write( "\n\n<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>idICPMenuPane.insertAdjacentHTML(\"beforeEnd\", \"" + "<Span style='position:absolute;top:0;right:5;height:20;width:100;'><center><span style='background-color:white'>" + LogOutURL.replace( /\"/g, "'") + "</span></center></span>" + "\")</SCRIPT>\n\n" )
return ppMemberID;
Response.Write("<p class='clsPTitle'>" + L_PASSPORTSIGNIN_TEXT + "</p>" )
Response.Write("<p class='clsPBody'>" + L_PASSPORTLOGIN_TEXT + "<BR><BR>" )
Response.Write( g_objPassportManager.LogoTag2(Server.URLEncode( g_ThisURL ),3600, false, false, fnGetBrowserLCID(), true, "", 0, 10))
fnWriteCookie( "PPIN", "" );
return false;
function fnGetCustomerName()
//Response.Write("User Name: " + g_objPassportManager.Profile("FirstName") + "<BR>" )
//Response.Write("User Name: " + g_objPassportManager.Profile("LastName") + "<BR>" )
//Response.Write("Nickname: " + g_objPassportManager.Profile("Nickname") + "<BR>" )
//Response.Write("Nickname: " + g_objPassportManager.Profile("MemberIDHigh") + "<BR>" )
if ( g_objPassportManager.Profile("Nickname") == "" )
if ( g_objPassportManager.Profile("FirstName") == "" )
return ""
return " " + g_objPassportManager.Profile("FirstName");
return ( " " + g_objPassportManager.Profile("Nickname") )
return ""
catch( err )
return "";
function fnIsBrowserIE()
var IETest = /MSIE/ig;
var OperaTest = /Opera/ig;
var szBrowser = new String( Request.ServerVariables( "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ) )
if ( OperaTest.test( szBrowser ) )
return false;
if( IETest.test( szBrowser ) )
var szVersion =szBrowser.indexOf( "MSIE", 0 )
var szVersion = new Number( szBrowser.substr( szVersion + 5, 3 ) )
if ( szVersion >= 5 )
return true;
return false;
return false;
function fnIsBrowserValid()
var szBrowser = Request.ServerVariables( "HTTP_USER_AGENT" );
//Response.Write("Useragent: " + Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") + "<BR>" )
//first thing todo is to reject anything that is Opera
OperaTest = /Opera/ig;
NetscapeTest = /Netscape/ig;
if ( OperaTest.test ( szBrowser ) )
//Response.Write("<BR>Opera, thanks for playing<BR>" )
return false;
//Next test IE, we already have the IE code written, lets just call it
//it already has all the version information and stuff
if ( fnIsBrowserIE() )
return true;
} else if ( NetscapeTest.test ( szBrowser ) )
//Response.Write( "<BR><h1>Netscape browser</H1></BR>" )
//Verify that were on the right platform
if ( fnVerifyPlatform( szBrowser ) )
return true;
return false;
//if we fall through to here, then we don't know what kind of browser were
//running on.
return false;
function fnVerifyPlatform( szUserAgent )
regPlatformTest = /Windows NT 5/gi;
if( regPlatformTest.test( szUserAgent ) )
return true
return false