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515 lines
14 KiB
515 lines
14 KiB
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = true
<!-- #include file="AuthorizedUtil.asp"-->
<!-- #include file="MailUtil.asp"-->
dim szSQL
dim rgLevelID(), rgLevelDesc(), cElement, rgUserLevelDesc()
dim objConn, objRec, objCmd
dim UserID, AccessLevelID
dim fFirst, dwUserID, iElement
dim szReason, szApproverAlias, szApproverDomain, szDateApproved
dim szHasApprovals, szSortType
dim ApprovalTypeID
Function GetUserIDFromLogon()
dim szEmail, szDomain
dim objConnT, objRecT, objCmdT
dim dwResult
EmailDomainFromLogon szEmail, szDomain
set objConnT = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
'objConnT.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RO_UID, OCA_RO_PWD
objConnT.Open szConnectionAuthorization
set objCmdT = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
objCmdT.ActiveConnection = objConnT
objCmdT.CommandType = &H0004
objCmdT.CommandText = "OcaGetUserID"
objCmdT.Parameters.Append objCmdT.CreateParameter ("RETURN_VALUE", 3, &H0004)
objCmdT.Parameters.Append objCmdT.CreateParameter ("@User",200,&H0001,50,szEmail)
objCmdT.Parameters.Append objCmdT.CreateParameter ("@Domain",200,&H0001,50,szDomain)
dwResult = CLng(objCmdT.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE"))
set objCmdT = nothing
set objConnT = nothing
GetUserIDFromLogon = dwResult
End Function
Function ArrayPosFromAccessLevelID(AccessLevelID, rgArray, cArray)
dim iPos
for iPos = 0 to cArray - 1
if rgArray(iPos) = AccessLevelID then
ArrayPosFromAccessLevelID = iPos
exit function
end if
ArrayPosFromAccessLevelID = -1
End Function
Sub ProcessApprovals(objConnIn, UserID)
dim objRecApprovals
dim szSQL
dim fFirstRec, fFirstOverall
set objRecApprovals = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
szSQL = "select * from OcaApprovalList WHERE UserID = " & UserID & " ORDER BY dateapproved DESC, approvaltypeid ASC"
set objRecApprovals = objConn.Execute (szSQL)
if objRecApprovals.EOF then
set objRecApprovals = nothing
exit sub
end if
fFirstRec = True
fFirstOverall = True
do until objRecApprovals.EOF
if IsNull(objRecApprovals("DateApproved")) then
if FIsAuthenticated(CLng(objRecApprovals("ApproverAccessLevelID"))) or FIsAuthenticated(constAccessAdministrator) then
if fFirstOverall then
Response.Write "<br><br>"
fFirstOverall = False
end if
if not fFirstRec then
Response.Write "<hr>"
end if
<span style="color:red"><b><% =objRecApprovals("ApprovalDescription") %> request</b></span><br>
<table><tr><td><b>Reason:</b></td><td><% =objRecApprovals("Reason") %></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2>
<a href="UserLevels.asp?UserID=<% =UserID %>&ApprovalTypeID=<% =objRecApprovals("ApprovalTypeID") %>&cmd=GrantAccess">Grant Access</a> (User will be notified via E-mail.)
fFirstRec = false
end if
if fFirstOverall then
Response.Write "<br><br>"
fFirstOverall = False
end if
<i><% =objRecApprovals("ApprovalDescription") %> approved on <% =objRecApprovals("DateApproved") %> by <% =objRecApprovals("ApproverDomain") %>\<% =objRecApprovals("ApproverAlias") %></i><br>
fFirstRec = false
end if
set objRecApprovals = nothing
End Sub
Sub DumpUnusedLevels(objConnIn, iElement, cElement, UserID)
dim fFirstDesc
fFirstDesc = True
if szHasApprovals = "Yes" then
ProcessApprovals objConnIn, UserID
end if
Response.Write "</td><td><td class=toprightleft>"
for iElement = 0 to cElement - 1
if rgUserLevelDesc(iElement) = "" then
if fFirstDesc then
Response.Write "<form action='UserLevels.asp' method=get style='margin:0pt'>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=cmd value=Add>"
Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=UserID value=" & UserID & ">"
Response.Write "<select name=AccessLevelID style='width:150px'>"
fFirstDesc = false
end if
Response.Write "<option value=" & rgLevelID(iElement) & ">" & rgLevelDesc(iElement) & "</option>"
end if
if not fFirstDesc then
Response.Write "</select><input type=submit name=start value='Add'></form>"
end if
Response.Write "</td></tr>"
End Sub
dim szLogon, fValid, cUsers, UserIDParam
dim fFirstDesc
szSortType = CStr(Request("SortType"))
if Len(CStr(Request("UserID"))) > 0 then
UserIDParam = CLng(Request("UserID"))
UserIDParam = -1
end if
cUsers = 0
szLogon = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
fValid = FIsAuthenticated(constAccessAdministrator)
if szLogon = "REDMOND\solson" or szLogon = "REDMOND\derekmo" or szLogon = "REDMOND\erikt" or szLogon = "REDMOND\gabea" then
fValid = True
end if
if Not fValid then
Response.Write "You are not authorized to view this page . . .sorry<BR>"
end if
<head><title>User Level Maintenance</title>
td { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; color:black; font-size:10pt;
input { font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; margin: 0pt }
select { font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; margin: 0pt }
th { background-color:CFD5E5;
.no1 { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; color:black;
.top {
border-top: .5pt solid windowtext;
.left {
border-left: .5pt solid windowtext;
.topleft {
border-top: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-left: .5pt solid windowtext;
.topright {
border-top: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-right: .5pt solid windowtext;
.toprightleft {
border-top: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-left: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-right: .5pt solid windowtext;
.box {
border-top: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-bottom: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-left: .5pt solid windowtext;
border-right: .5pt solid windowtext;
<body style="font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;color:black; font-size:10pt">
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
set objRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RO_UID, OCA_RO_PWD
'objConn.Open "Driver=SQL Server;Server=TKOffDWSql02;DATABASE=Authorization;uid=ocasqlrw;pwd=FT126USW"
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
objConn.CommandTimeout = 600
szSQL = "select * from OcaAccessLevels"
set objRec = objConn.Execute (szSQL)
cElement = 0
if not objRec.EOF then
do until objRec.EOF
cElement = cElement + 1
Redim Preserve rgLevelID(cElement)
Redim Preserve rgLevelDesc(cElement)
rgLevelID(cElement - 1) = objRec("AccessLevelID")
rgLevelDesc(cElement - 1) = objRec("AccessDescription")
end if
set objRec = nothing
set objConn = nothing
Redim rgUserLevelDesc(cElement)
if Request("cmd") = "Add" or Request("cmd") = "Remove" then
UserID = -1
AccessLevelID = -1
if Request("UserID") <> "" then
UserID = CLng(Request("UserID"))
end if
if Request("AccessLevelID") <> "" then
AccessLevelID = CLng(Request("AccessLevelID"))
end if
if UserID <> -1 and AccessLevelID <> -1 then
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RW_UID, OCA_RW_PWD
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandType = &H0004
if Request("cmd") = "Remove" then
objCmd.CommandText = "OcaRemoveUserLevel"
objCmd.CommandText = "OcaAddUserLevel"
end if
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@UserID",3,&H0001,,UserID)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Level",3,&H0001,,AccessLevelID)
set objCmd = nothing
set objConn = nothing
end if
Response.Redirect "UserLevels.asp"
end if
if Request("cmd") = "GrantAccess" then
UserID = -1
ApprovalTypeID = -1
if Request("UserID") <> "" then
UserID = CLng(Request("UserID"))
end if
if Request("ApprovalTypeID") <> "" then
ApprovalTypeID = CLng(Request("ApprovalTypeID"))
end if
if UserID <> -1 and ApprovalTypeID <> -1 then
dim szServerEmail, szServerDomain, szToAlias, szBody
dim ApproverUserID
ApproverUserID = GetUserIDFromLogon()
EmailDomainFromLogon szServerEmail, szServerDomain
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RW_UID, OCA_RW_PWD
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandType = &H0004
objCmd.CommandText = "OcaApproveUser"
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@UserID",3,&H0001,,UserID)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@ApprovalTypeID",3,&H0001,,ApprovalTypeID)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@ApproverUserID",3,&H0001,,ApproverUserID)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@DateApproved",200,&H0001,50,CStr(Now()))
set objCmd = nothing
set objRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
szSQL = "SELECT UserAlias FROM OcaAuthorizedUsers WHERE UserID = " & UserID
set objRec = objConn.Execute (szSQL)
if not objRec.EOF then
szToAlias = CStr(objRec("UserAlias")) & ""
szToAlias = ""
end if
set objRec = nothing
set objConn = nothing
if szToAlias <> "" then
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
Dim fs, f, szFilename
'szFilename = Server.MapPath("\") & "\privacy\RequesterEmail.htm"
'Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(szFilename, ForReading,False,0)
'szBody = f.ReadAll
'set f=nothing
'set fs = nothing
'if Not FSendMail("[email protected]", szToAlias, "OCA Debug Portal access granted", szBody, 10) then
'Response.Write "<html><body>"
'Response.Write "An error has occured while processing your request."
'end if
end if
end if
Response.Redirect "UserLevels.asp"
end if
<center><form method=get action="UserLevels.asp"><b>Sort users by:</b>
<input type=radio name="SortType" value="ByUserAlias"
<% if szSortType<>"ByUserID" and szSortType<>"ByDateSigned" then %> checked <% end if %>
>User alias
<input type=radio name="SortType" value="ByUserID"
<% if szSortType="ByUserID" then %> checked <% end if %>
>First site access date
<input type=radio name="SortType" value="ByDateSigned"
<% if szSortType="ByDateSigned" then %> checked <% end if %>
>Date signed DCP
<input type=submit name="SortText" value="Change Sort">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="font-family:Verdana">
<tr >
<th class=topleft>Logon Domain/Alias<th class=topleft>Date DCP Signed<th class=toprightleft width=50%>User Level<td width=25> <th class=toprightleft>Actions
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
set objRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RO_UID, OCA_RO_PWD
'objConn.Open "Driver=SQL Server;Server=TKOffDWSql02;DATABASE=Authorization;uid=ocasqlrw;pwd=FT126USW"
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
szSQL = "SELECT * FROM OcaUserList "
if UserIDParam <> -1 then
szSQL = szSQL & " WHERE UserID = " & UserIDParam
end if
if szSortType="ByUserID" then
szSQL = szSQL & " ORDER BY NeedsApproval DESC, UserID ASC, AccessLevelID ASC"
elseif szSortType="ByDateSigned" then
szSQL = szSQL & " ORDER BY NeedsApproval DESC, DateSignedDCP ASC, AccessLevelID ASC"
szSQL = szSQL & " ORDER BY NeedsApproval DESC, UserAlias ASC, AccessLevelID ASC"
end if
set objRec = objConn.Execute (szSQL)
if not objRec.EOF then
fFirst = True
do until objRec.EOF
if Not fFirst then
if CLng(objRec("UserID")) <> dwUserID then
DumpUnusedLevels objConn,iElement, cElement, dwUserID
fFirst = True
Response.Write ", " & objRec("AccessDescription") & " (<a href='UserLevels.asp?cmd=Remove&UserID=" & objRec("UserID") & "&AccessLevelID=" & objRec("AccessLevelID") & "'>Remove</a>)"
rgUserLevelDesc(ArrayPosFromAccessLevelID(CLng(objRec("AccessLevelID")), rgLevelID, cElement)) = "Seen"
end if
end if
if fFirst then
for iElement = 0 to cElement - 1
rgUserLevelDesc(iElement) = ""
cUsers = cUsers + 1
rgUserLevelDesc(ArrayPosFromAccessLevelID(CLng(objRec("AccessLevelID")), rgLevelID, cElement)) = "Seen"
Response.Write "<tr>"
Response.Write "<td class=topleft>" & objRec("UserDomain") & "\" & objRec("UserAlias") & "</td>"
Response.Write "<td class=topleft>" & objRec("DateSignedDCP") & "</td>"
Response.Write "<td class=toprightleft>" & objRec("AccessDescription") & " (<a href='UserLevels.asp?cmd=Remove&UserID=" & objRec("UserID") & "&AccessLevelID=" & objRec("AccessLevelID") & "'>Remove</a>)"
dwUserID = CLng(objRec("UserID"))
szHasApprovals = objRec("HasApprovals")
fFirst = False
end if
DumpUnusedLevels objConn,iElement, cElement, dwUserID
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=3 class=top> </td><td> </td><td class=top> </td></tr>"
end if
set objRec = nothing
set objConn = nothing
<% =cUsers %> users
Adding the "No Access" level will prevent users from using the website. It takes precedence over all other levels. They will be denied access and directed to E-mail dwcore with questions.<br>
Removing the "Authorized" level will cause the user to see the authorization sign-in page again.