Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
3.3 KiB

use strict;
sub TRUE {return(1);} # BOOLEAN TRUE
sub FALSE {return(0);} # BOOLEAN FALSE
# See if the caller just wants usage information.
if ((defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "-?") || !defined($ARGV[1]) ) {
my $triage_old = shift; # file to read
my $triage_new = shift; # new file
my $new_owner = "<new_owner>"; # new owner value
local *hFile; # handle to $triage_ini
my $line; # holds line to write
my $i; # generic looping var
my @lines; # holds new file to write
# Open the file or fail gracefully
if ( ! open(hFile, " $triage_old") ) {
die("ERROR: Can't open $triage_old for read: \"$!\"\n");
# Process the file
while (<hFile>) {
my $keep = FALSE;
# Keep comment lines unchanged
if (m/^;/) {
$line = $_;
$keep = TRUE;
} else {
# split line into <source>=<owner>
# then split <owner> into <owners>
my @temp = split(/=/, $_);
my $source = shift @temp;
$" = '=';
my $owner = "@temp";
my(@owners) = split(/;/, $owner);
# Don't change lines where source contains any of:
# memorycorruptors!
# oldimages!
# poolcorruptors!
# bugchecking!
if ( $source =~ /^(memorycorruptors|oldimages|poolcorruptors|bugcheckingdriver)!/i ) {
# nothing to change
$keep = TRUE;
# Change owner of bugcheck!.* to new owner but preserve the rule to keep
# leading "maybe_", "last_", or "specific_"
} elsif ($source =~ /^bugcheck!/i) {
# translate the owners list
for ($i=0;$i<=$#owners;$i++) {
$owners[$i] =~ s/last_.*/last_$new_owner/i;
$owners[$i] =~ s/maybe_.*/maybe_$new_owner/i;
$owners[$i] =~ s/specific_.*/specific_$new_owner/i;
if ( $owners[$i] !~ /$new_owner/ ) {
$owners[$i] = $new_owner;
$keep = TRUE;
# translate all other owners to replace and entry after "maybe_", "last_", or
# "specific_" with <prefix>$new_owner
} else {
for ($i=0;$i<=$#owners;$i++) {
if ( $owners[$i] =~ s/last_.*/last_$new_owner/i ) {
$keep = TRUE;
if ( $owners[$i] =~ s/maybe_.*/maybe_$new_owner/i ) {
$keep = TRUE;
if ( $owners[$i] =~ s/specific_.*/specific_$new_owner/i ) {
$keep = TRUE;
if ( lc($owners[$i]) eq "ignore" ) {
$keep = TRUE;
$" = ';';
$line = "$source=@owners";
if ($keep) {
push(@lines, $line);
# override char used to seperate array elements interpolated with in a double quoted string
$" = "\n";
# open the file for output or fail gracefully
if ( ! open(hFile, ">$triage_new") ) {
die("ERROR: Can't open $triage_new for write: \"$!\"\n");
# write the new file
print hFile "@lines\n";
# usage
sub Usage {
printf("Usage: $0 <source> <dest>\n");
printf(" Performs static set of translations on a <source> and writes the new file to <dest>.\n");