Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Header of class that manages the dump parameters.
Stefan R. Steiner [ssteiner] 02-18-2000
Revision History:
Avinash Pillai [apillai] 07-29-2002 Added options -o:t, -o:y, -o:f and -o:i
#ifndef __H_PARAMS_
#define __H_PARAMS_
#define FSD_MAX_PATH ( 8 * 1024 )
enum EFsDumpType
eFsDumpVolume = 1,
// The dump parameters and methods to write to the dump file and error log
// file.
class CDumpParameters
// Set up defaults for the parameters
IN DWORD dwReserved
) : m_eFsDumpType( eFsDumpVolume ),
m_fpErrLog( stderr ),
m_fpDump( stdout ),
m_fpExtraInfoDump( stdout ),
m_bNoChecksums( FALSE ),
m_bNoEncryptedChecksum (FALSE), //Added by apillai
m_bHex( FALSE ),
m_bDontTraverseMountpoints( FALSE ),
m_bDontChecksumHighLatencyData( TRUE ),
m_bNoSpecialReparsePointProcessing( FALSE ),
m_bAddMillisecsToTimestamps( FALSE ),
m_bAddSecsToTimestamps(TRUE), //Added by apillai
m_bDontShowDirectoryTimestamps( TRUE ),
m_bUnicode( FALSE),
m_bNoHeaderFooter( TRUE ),
m_bDumpCommaDelimited( TRUE ),
m_bUseExcludeProcessor( FALSE ),
m_bDontUseRegistryExcludes( FALSE ),
m_bPrintDebugInfo( FALSE ),
m_bHaveSecurityPrivilege( TRUE ),
m_bDisableLongPaths( FALSE ),
m_bEnableSDCtrlWordDump( TRUE ),
m_bEnableObjectIdExtendedDataChecksums( FALSE ),
m_bShowSymbolicSIDNames( FALSE ),
m_bNoFileSystemType(FALSE) { ; }
virtual ~CDumpParameters();
WCHAR m_pwszULongHexFmt[16]; // Checksum printf style format
EFsDumpType m_eFsDumpType;
CBsString m_cwsErrLogFileName;
CBsString m_cwsDumpFileName;
CBsString m_cwsArgv0;
CBsString m_cwsFullPathToEXE;
BOOL m_bNoChecksums;
BOOL m_bNoEncryptedChecksum;
BOOL m_bUnicode;
BOOL m_bHex;
BOOL m_bDontTraverseMountpoints;
BOOL m_bDontChecksumHighLatencyData;
BOOL m_bNoSpecialReparsePointProcessing;
BOOL m_bAddMillisecsToTimestamps;
BOOL m_bAddSecsToTimestamps;
BOOL m_bDontShowDirectoryTimestamps;
BOOL m_bShowSymbolicSIDNames;
BOOL m_bNoHeaderFooter;
BOOL m_bDumpCommaDelimited;
BOOL m_bUseExcludeProcessor;
BOOL m_bDontUseRegistryExcludes;
BOOL m_bPrintDebugInfo;
BOOL m_bDisableLongPaths;
BOOL m_bHaveSecurityPrivilege;
BOOL m_bEnableObjectIdExtendedDataChecksums;
BOOL m_bEnableSDCtrlWordDump; // This is a temporary flag
BOOL m_bNoShortFileName;
BOOL m_bNoFileSystemType;
DWORD m_dwFileAttributesMask;
IN INT argc,
IN WCHAR *argv[]
// Adds a wprintf style string to the error log file, automatically puts
// a CR-LF at the end of each line
inline VOID ErrPrint(
IN LPCWSTR pwszMsgFormat,
IN ...
::fwprintf( m_fpErrLog, L" *** ERROR: " );
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pwszMsgFormat );
::vfwprintf( m_fpErrLog, pwszMsgFormat, marker );
va_end( marker );
::fwprintf( m_fpErrLog, m_bUnicode ? L"\r\n" : L"\n" );
// Adds a wprintf style string to the dump file, automatically puts
// a CR-LF at the end of each line
inline VOID DumpPrintAlways(
IN LPCWSTR pwszMsgFormat,
IN ...
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pwszMsgFormat );
::vfwprintf( m_fpDump, pwszMsgFormat, marker );
va_end( marker );
::fwprintf( m_fpDump, m_bUnicode ? L"\r\n" : L"\n" );
inline VOID DumpPrint(
IN LPCWSTR pwszMsgFormat,
IN ...
if ( m_fpExtraInfoDump != NULL )
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pwszMsgFormat );
::vfwprintf( m_fpExtraInfoDump, pwszMsgFormat, marker );
va_end( marker );
::fwprintf( m_fpExtraInfoDump, m_bUnicode ? L"\r\n" : L"\n" );
inline FILE *GetDumpFile() { return m_fpExtraInfoDump; }
inline FILE *GetDumpAlwaysFile() { return m_fpDump; }
inline FILE *GEtErrLogFile() { return m_fpErrLog; }
CDumpParameters() {} // Disallow copying
FILE *m_fpErrLog;
FILE *m_fpDump;
FILE *m_fpExtraInfoDump;
#endif // __H_PARAMS_