Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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396 lines
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# SCCSID = %W% %E%
# Linker message text file. Includes messages for all versions.
# No lead byte table
# Fatal errors
# ------------
# Command options
ER_swambig 1001 %s : option name ambiguous
ER_swunrec 1002 %s : unrecognized option name
ER_swqe 1003 /Q and /EXEPACK incompatible
ER_swbadnum 1004 %s : invalid numeric value
ER_swpack 1005 %s : packing limit exceeds 64K
ER_swstack 1006 %s : stack size exceeds 64K-2
ER_swovl 1007 %s : interrupt number exceeds 255
ER_swseglim 1008 %s : segment limit set too high
ER_swcpar 1009 %s : /CPARM : illegal value
ER_swstkold 1010 %s : stack size exceeds 64K
ER_swbadhexnum 1011 %s : badly formed hex number
ER_swnumtoobig 1012 %s : number too large
ER_swnovernum 1013 version number missing
ER_swbadvernum 1014 unrecognized XENIX version number
ER_swnoaddress 1015 address missing
ER_swAandF 1016 /A and /F incompatible
ER_swnobias 1017 bias value missing
ER_swnopgsiz 1018 pagesize value missing
ER_swpgsiztoobig 1019 pagesize larger than 0xfe00
# Command syntax
ER_noobj 1020 no object files specified
ER_nestrf 1021 cannot nest response files
ER_linmax 1022 response line too long
ER_intrpt 1023 terminated by user
ER_nstrpar 1024 nested right parentheses
ER_nstlpar 1025 nested left parentheses
ER_unmrpar 1026 unmatched right parenthesis
ER_unmlpar 1027 unmatched left parenthesis
# Definitions file syntax
ER_dfimport 1030 missing internal name
ER_dfdesc 1031 module description redefined
ER_dfname 1032 module name redefined
ER_dflinemax 1033 input line too long; %d characters allowed
ER_dfnamemax 1034 name truncated to '%s'
ER_dfsyntax 1035 %s in module-definition file
# Internal limits
ER_expmax 1040 too many exported entries
ER_resovf 1041 resident names table overflow
ER_nresovf 1042 nonresident names table overflow
ER_relovf 1043 relocation table overflow
ER_inamovf 1044 imported names table overflow
ER_typdef 1045 too many TYPDEF records
ER_extdef 1046 too many external symbols in one module
ER_nammax 1047 too many group, segment, and class names in one module
ER_segdef 1048 too many segments in one module
ER_segmax 1049 too many segments
ER_grpdef 1050 too many groups in one module
ER_grpmax 1051 too many groups
ER_libmax 1052 too many libraries
ER_symovf 1053 out of memory for symbol table
ER_seglim 1054 requested segment limit too high
ER_ovlmax 1056 too many overlays
ER_datarec 1057 data record too large
ER_pgmtoobig 1060 program exceeds 0x%lX bytes
ER_cvovf 1063 out of memory for debugging information
ER_memovf 1064 out of memory
ER_ovlthunk 1065 too many interoverlay calls\r\nuse /DYNAMIC:<nnn>; current limit is %d
ER_ovl64k 1066 size of %d overlay exceeds 64K
ER_membad 1067 system memory allocation error; reboot and relink
# File-format limits
ER_segsize 1070 %s : segment size exceeds 64K
ER_txtmax 1071 segment _TEXT exceeds 64K-16
ER_comarea 1072 common area longer than 65536 bytes
ER_fsegmax 1073 file-segment limit exceeded
ER_grpovf 1074 %s : group larger than 64K bytes
ER_etovf 1075 entry table exceeds 64K-1
ER_seg386 1076 %s : segment size exceeds %dMB
ER_32comarea 1077 common area longer than 4GB-1
ER_filesec 1078 file-segment alignment too small
# I/O
ER_lstopn 1080 cannot open list file
ER_spcrun 1081 cannot write to the executable file - %s
ER_nostub 1082 %s : stub file not found
ER_runopn 1083 %s : cannot open run file - %s
ER_maktmp 1084 cannot create temporary file
ER_opntmp 1085 cannot open temporary file - %s
ER_noscr 1086 temporary file missing
ER_eoftmp 1087 unexpected end-of-file on temporary file
ER_spclst 1088 out of space for list file
ER_opnrf 1089 %s : cannot open response file
ER_ropnlst 1090 cannot reopen list file
ER_libeof 1091 unexpected end-of-file on library
ER_opndf 1092 cannot open module-definition file - %s
ER_opnobj 1093 %s : object file not found
ER_openw 1094 %s : cannot open file for writing
ER_space 1095 %s : out of space for file
ER_eof 1096 unexpected end-of-file in response file
ER_ioerr 1097 I/O error - %s
ER_badinclopen 1098 cannot open include file '%s' - %s
# Bad format
ER_badstub 1100 stub .EXE file invalid
ER_badobj 1101 invalid object module
ER_eofobj 1102 unexpected end-of-file
ER_segbnd 1103 %s : attempt to access data outside segment bounds
ER_badlib 1104 %s : not valid library
ER_incerr 1105 invalid object due to interrupted incremental compile
ER_badalloc 1106 unknown COMDAT allocation type for %s; record ignored
ER_badselect 1107 unknown COMDAT selection type for %s; record ignored
ER_badcvseg 1108 invalid format of debugging information
ER_badlibpath 1109 %s : library path too long
# System and miscellaneous
ER_unrcom 1113 unresolved COMDEF; internal error
ER_undefcomdat 1114 unresolved COMDAT %s; internal error
ER_swbadovl 1115 %s: option incompatible with overlays
#ER_exepack 1116 moved to warning 4056
ER_unalloc 1117 unallocated COMDAT %s; internal error
ER_usei 1120 use PURE (-i) option
ER_386grpovf 1121 %s : group larger than 4GB-1
ER_16seg32 1123 %s : segment defined both 16- and 32-bit
ER_swnoreloc 1124 relocation value missing
ER_swnostack 1125 stack size missing
ER_badiopl 1126 conflicting pwords value
ER_binary 1127 far segment references not allowed with /TINY
ER_toomanyincl 1128 too many nested include files in module-definition file
ER_badinclname 1129 missing or invalid include file name
# Linear-executable specific
ER_eatovf 1200 export address table greater then %lu bytes
ER_eatauxovf 1201 auxiliary export data table greater then %lu bytes
ER_expaddrovf 1202 invalid exported address - 0x%08lx
ER_nameptrovf 1203 export name pointer table greater then %lu bytes
ER_expnameovf 1204 export name table greater then %lu bytes
ER_ordtabovf 1205 export ordinal table greater then %lu bytes
ER_badhdrsize 1206 executable file header greater then %lu Kbytes\r\nuse /HEADER:<nnn> option to increase header size
# Non-fatal errors: set error bit in header
# -----------------------------------------
# Fixups
ER_impent 2000 imported starting address
ER_fixovf 2002 fixup overflow at %lX in segment %s
ER_fixinter 2003 near reference to far target at %lX in segment %s
ER_fixbad 2005 fixup type unsupported at %lX in segment %s
# Object file
ER_fixmax 2010 too many fixups in LIDATA record
ER_nearhuge 2011 %s : NEAR/HUGE conflict
ER_arrmis 2012 %s : array-element size mismatch
ER_lidata 2013 LIDATA record too large
# Program
ER_expund 2022 %s%s: export undefined
ER_expimp 2023 %s (alias %s) : export imported
ER_pubdup 2024 %s : special symbol already defined
ER_symdup 2025 %s : symbol defined more than once
ER_ordmul 2026 entry ordinal %u, name %s : multiple definitions for same ordinal
ER_ordmax 2027 %s : ordinal too large for export
ER_datamax 2028 automatic data segment plus heap exceed 64K
ER_UnresExtern 2029 '%s' : unresolved external\r\n
ER_startaddr 2030 starting address not code (use class 'CODE')
ER_selcol 2040 selector collision
ER_stktoobig 2041 stack plus data exceed 64K
ER_modelmis 2042 model mismatch
ER_qlib 2043 Quick library support module missing
ER_symdup1 2044 %s : symbol multiply defined, use /NOE
ER_difcls 2045 %s : segment with > 1 class name not allowed with /INCR
ER_shared 2046 share attribute conflict - segment %s in group %s
ER_iopl 2047 IOPL attribute conflict - segment %s in group %s
ER_ovlmnger 2048 Microsoft Overlay Manager module not found
ER_extmnger 2049 Microsoft DOS Extender module not found
ER_32_16_bit 2050 USE16/USE32 attribute conflict - segment %s in group %s
ER_badflagspure32 2051 Intel 80x86 specific segment attribute not allowed in linear executable
ER_callmis 2052 '%s' : unresolved external - possible calling convention mismatch\r\n
ER_badgate 2053 call gates not allowed in 32-bit object if its size exceeds 64K - memory object number %d
ER_invdata 2054 data for invalid page in segment %s
ER_invfixup 2055 fixup for invalid page at %lX in segment %s
ER_objtype 2056 object type conflict - segment: %s in group: %s
ER_badsize 2057 duplicate of %s with different size found; record ignored
ER_badexact 2058 different duplicate of %s found; record ignored
ER_size4Gb 2059 size of data block associated with %s exceeds 4GB
ER_size64k 2060 size of data block associated with %s (16-bit segment) exceeds 64K
ER_nospace 2061 no space for data block associated with %s inside %s segment
ER_badconcat 2062 continuation of COMDAT %s has conflicting attributes; record ignored
ER_comdatalloc 2063 %s allocated in undefined segment
ER_ovlstart 2064 starting address not in the root overlay
ER_badfixpure32 2065 segmented reference to import '%s' not allowed in linear executable
ER_farovldptr 2066 static initialization of overlaid data not allowed
# Warnings: do not set error bit in header
# ----------------------------------------
# Fixups
ER_fixsegd 4000 segment displacement included near %04lX in segment %s
ER_fixfrm 4001 frame-relative fixup, frame ignored near %04lX in segment %s
ER_fixfrmab 4002 frame-relative absolute fixup near %04lX in segment %s
ER_fixinterw 4003 intersegment self-relative fixup at %04lX in segment %s
ER_fixovfw 4004 possible fixup overflow at %lX in segment %s
ER_fixtyp 4005 32-bit fixup in 16-bit record ignored at %lX in segment %s
ER_badfix16off 4006 illegal 16-bit flat-relative offset fixup at %lX in object %s
ER_badfix16ptr 4007 illegal 16-bit flat-relative pointer fixup at %lX in object %s
ER_badfixalias 4008 aliased fixup to non-alias object near %lX in object %s
ER_badfixflat 4009 illegal target of flat-relative fixup ignored at %lX in segment %s
# Command options
ER_alnbad 4010 invalid alignment specification
ER_pckval 4011 /PACKC value exceeding 64K-36 unreliable
ER_loadhi 4012 /HIGH disables /EXEPACK
ER_swbadnew 4013 %s : option ignored for segmented-executable file
ER_swbadold 4014 %s : option ignored for MS-DOS executable file
ER_dbgdsa 4015 /CO disables /DSALLOC
ER_dbgexe 4016 /CO disables /EXEPACK
ER_swunrecw 4017 /%s : unrecognized option name; option ignored
ER_badpmtype 4018 missing or unrecognized application type; option %s ignored
ER_tinyincr 4019 /TINY disables /INCR
ER_dynexep 4087 /DYNAMIC disables /EXEPACK
# Program
ER_segunsf 4020 %s : code-segment size exceeds 64K-36
ER_nostack 4021 no stack segment
ER_grpovl 4022 %s, %s : groups overlap
ER_expcon 4023 %s(%s) : export internal name conflict
ER_expmul 4024 %s : multiple definitions for export name
ER_impcon 4025 %s.%s(%s) : import internal name conflict
ER_impself 4026 %s.%s(%s) : self-imported
ER_impmul 4027 %s : multiple definitions for import internal name
ER_segdup 4028 %s : segment already defined
ER_cod2dat 4029 %s : DGROUP segment converted to type data
ER_adcvt 4030 %s : segment attributes changed to conform with\r\n automatic data segment
ER_grpmul 4031 %s : segment declared in more than one group
ER_codunsf 4032 %s : code-group size exceeds 64K-36
ER_mixgrp32 4033 first segment in mixed group %s is a USE32 segment
ER_osnmax 4034 more than %d overlay segments; extra put in root
ER_swbadlin 4035 %s : option ignored for linear executable file
ER_noautod 4036 no automatic data segment
ER_16grp32 4037 %s : both USE16 and USE32 segments in group; assuming USE32
ER_nostartaddr 4038 program has no starting address
ER_memmodel 4039 memory model mismatch
ER_stksize 4040 stack size ignored for /TINY
ER_codeindata 4044 CODE segment %s in DATA group %s; assuming DATA
ER_dataincode 4046 DATA segment %s in CODE group %s; assuming CODE
ER_ignoheap 4048 ignoring nonzero heap size
ER_ignostack 4049 ignoring nonzero stack size
ER_badpack 4050 file not suitable for /EXEPACK; relink without
ER_comstart 4055 start address not equal to 0x100 for /TINY
ER_exepack 4056 /EXEPACK valid only for real-mode MS-DOS programs; ignored
ER_ignostksize 4057 stack specified for DLL; ignored
ER_ignoalias 4058 ignoring alias for already defined symbol '%s'
ER_farovl 4059 far reference to overlaid segment %s changed to %s
ER_stackdb 4089 both /STACK and STACKSIZE used; assuming %d
# Definitions file
ER_oldopn 4042 cannot open old version
ER_oldbad 4043 old version not segmented executable format
ER_outputname 4045 name of output file is '%s'
# Miscellaneous
ER_libopn 4051 %s : cannot find library
ER_vmtmp 4053 VM.TMP : illegal file name; ignored
ER_fileopn 4054 %s : cannot find file
ER_grpunsf 4060 code group longer than 64K-16
ER_mulcode 4061 multiple code segments--should be medium model
ER_muldata 4062 multiple data segments--should be large model
ER_StkIgnored 4063 stack option ignored for 386 executables
ER_PagIgnored 4064 page-alignment option ignored for 286 executables
ER_xenlib 4065 %s : error accessing library
ER_symdef 4066 %s : __.SYMDEF out of date (run ranlib)
ER_weakredef 4067 changing default resolution for weak external '%s'\r\n from '%s' to '%s'
ER_stack64 4068 ignoring stack size greater than 64K
ER_fntoolong 4069 filename truncated to '%s'
ER_pubmax 4070 too many public symbols for sorting
ER_noapptype 4071 application type not specified; assuming %s
ER_chngapptyp 4072 changing application type from %s to %s
ER_bigalias 4073 %s : 32-bit aliased data segment size exceeds 64K
ER_badattr 4074 attribute conflict for segment %s; ignoring attribute %s
ER_badobjtype 4075 object type conflict - assuming '%s'
ER_nosegdef 4076 no segments defined
ER_notdefcomdat 4077 symbol '%s' not defined; ordered allocation ignored
ER_duporder 4079 symbol '%s' already defined for ordered allocation; duplicate ignored
ER_aliasredef 4080 changing substitute name for alias '%s'\r\n from '%s' to '%s'
ER_badspawn 4081 cannot execute '%s %s' - %s\r\n
ER_badsegovl 4082 changing overlay assigment for segment '%s' from %d to %d
ER_badcomdatovl 4083 changing overlay assigment for symbol '%s' from %d to %d
ER_opnoarg 4084 %s : argument missing; option ignored
ER_arginvalid 4085 %s : argument invalid; assuming %s
ER_rnotfirst 4086 /r not first on command line; ignored
ER_badfarcall 4088 file not suitable for /FARCALL; relink without
# Internal failure
ER_gpfault 5000 internal failure - access violation
# Non-error messages: prompts, banners
ER_UnresExtra 99 substitute symbol '%s' not found\r\n
MS_Banner0 100 \nMicrosoft (R) Linker Version
MS_Banner1 101 \nCopyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1986, 1987. All rights reserved.\n\n
P_EnterNewFileSpec 102 Enter new file spec:
P_ChangeDiskette 103 Change diskette in drive %c and press <ENTER>
P_tmpfilecreated 104 Temporary file %s has been created.
P_dontchangedisk 105 Do not change disk in drive %c:.
P_replace 106 Please replace original diskette in drive %c and press <ENTER>\r\n
P_genexe 107 About to generate .EXE file
P_stubmsg 108 This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r\n$
P_switches 109 Valid options are:
P_objprompt 110 Object Modules
P_runfile 111 Run File
P_runfile 111 Run File
P_listfile 112 List File
P_libprompt 113 Libraries
P_defprompt 114 Definitions File
P_1error 115 \r\nThere was 1 error detected\r\n
P_errors 116 \r\nThere were %d errors detected\r\n
MAP_group 117 \r\n Origin Group\r\n
MAP_expaddr 118 \r\n Address
MAP_expexp 119 Export
MAP_expalias 120 Alias\r\n\r\n
MAP_hdraddr 121 \r\n Address
MAP_hdrpubnam 122 Publics by Name\r\n\r\n
MAP_hdrlocnam 123 Locals by Name\r\n\r\n
MAP_hdrpubval 124 Publics by Value\r\n\r\n
MAP_hdrlocval 125 Locals by Value\r\n\r\n
MAP_hdrstart 126 \r\n Start
MAP_hdrlen 127 Length
MAP_hdrname 128 Name
MAP_hdrclass 129 Class\r\n
MAP_hdrseg86 130 \r\n Start Stop Length Name
MAP_resident 131 Resident\r\n
MAP_overlay 132 Overlay %XH\r\n
MAP_entry 133 \r\nProgram entry point at %04X:%04X\r\n
P_QCtmpfilecreated 134 Temporary file %s has been created.\r\nDo not change disk in drive %c:.
P_usage1 135 Usage:\r\n\r\n
P_usage2 136 LINK\r\nLINK @<response file>\r\n
P_usage3 137 LINK <objs>,<exefile>,<mapfile>,<libs>,<deffile>\r\n\r\n
F_internal 138 internal linker error
P_stubmsgwin 139 This program requires Microsoft Windows.\r\n$
P_parsedeffile 140 **** PARSING DEFINITIONS FILE ****\r\n
P_passone 141 **** PASS ONE ****\r\n
P_libsearch 142 **** SEARCHING LIBRARIES ****\r\n
P_assignadd 143 **** ASSIGNING ADDRESSES ****\r\n
P_printmap 144 **** PRINTING MAP FILE ****\r\n
P_passtwo 145 **** PASS TWO ****\r\n
P_writing1 146 **** WRITING\x20
P_writing2 147 - overlaid
P_writing3 148 EXECUTABLE ****\r\n
P_overlaycalls 149 **** NUMBER OF INTEROVERLAY CALLS: requested %d; generated %d ****\r\n
P_lwParseDef 151 Parsing Definition File
P_lwPassOne 152 Pass1:\x20
P_lwLibraryS 153 Library Search:
P_lwPassTwo 154 Pass2:\x20
P_lwMapfile 155 Writing Map File
P_lwExecutable 156 Writing Executable
P_lwAssign 157 Assigning Addresses
N_tgtexternal 300 target external
N_frmseg 301 frame segment
N_tgtseg 302 target segment
N_tgtoff 303 target offset
N_warning 304 warning
N_error 305 error
N_fatal 306 fatal error
N_pos 307 Object file offset
N_rectyp 308 Record type
N_infiles 309 in file(s)
N_version 310 Version
N_allrights 311 All rights reserved
STAT_segs 312 \r\nSegments %u\r\n
STAT_groups 313 Groups %u\r\n
STAT_bytes 314 Bytes in symbol table %ld\r\n
STAT_ovls 315 Overlays %u\r\n