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title fmsghdr - far message header and finder
; Microsoft C Compiler Runtime for MS-DOS
; (C)Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1986
; Revision History
; 04/17/86 Randy Nevin (adapted from Greg Whitten's version
; of nmsghdr.asm)
?DF= 1 ; this is special for c startup
include version.inc
?PLM= 1 ; pascal calling conventions
include cmacros.inc
include msdos.inc
createSeg _TEXT, code, byte, public, CODE, <>
createSeg _DATA, data, word, public, DATA, DGROUP
createSeg FAR_HDR,fhdr, byte, public, FAR_MSG,FMGROUP
createSeg FAR_MSG,fmsg, byte, public, FAR_MSG,FMGROUP
createSeg FAR_PAD,fpad, byte, common, FAR_MSG,FMGROUP
createSeg FAR_EPAD,fepad, byte, common, FAR_MSG,FMGROUP
defGrp DGROUP ; define DGROUP
defGrp FMGROUP ; define FMGROUP
codeOFFSET equ offset _TEXT:
fmsgOFFSET equ offset FMGROUP:
sBegin fhdr
assumes ds,DGROUP
db '<<FMSG>>'
stfmsg label byte
SBegin fpad
assumes ds,DGROUP
dw -1 ; message padding marker
sBegin fepad
assumes ds,DGROUP
db -1
sBegin code
assumes cs,code
assumes ds,DGROUP
; char far * pascal __FMSG_TEXT ( messagenumber)
; This routine returns a far pointer to the message associated with
; messagenumber. If the message does not exist, then a 0:0 is returned.
cProc __FMSG_TEXT,<PUBLIC>,<ds,si,di> ; pascal calling
parmW msgt
mov ax,FMGROUP
mov ds,ax ; ds = FMGROUP (force it always)
push ds
pop es
mov dx,msgt ; dx = message number
mov si,fmsgOFFSET stfmsg ; start of far messages
lodsw ; ax = current message number
cmp ax,dx
je found ; found it - return address
inc ax
xchg ax,si
jz found ; at end and not found - return 0
xchg di,ax
xor ax,ax
mov cx,-1
repne scasb ; skip until 00
mov si,di
jmp tloop ; try next entry
xchg ax,si
cwd ; zero out dx in case NULL
or ax,ax
jz notfound
mov dx,ds ; remember segment selector