Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
3.9 KiB

// listref.c
// list database references
#include <string.h>
#if defined(OS2)
#include <os2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include "hungary.h"
#include "bsc.h"
#include "bscsup.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
// forward references
static VOID ListRefSym (ISYM isym, MBF mbf);
static VOID ListRefUse (IINST iinst, WORD icol, WORD cuse);
static VOID PutLine(VOID);
static VOID ListRefTitle(LSZ lszType, LSZ lszUsers, MBF mbf);
// static variables
static WORD MaxSymLen;
static LPCH bufg;
ListRefs (MBF mbfReqd)
// scan the database for items which would match the requirements
// and emit their uses and used by lists
static char szFunction[] = "FUNCTION";
static char szVariable[] = "VARIABLE";
static char szType[] = "TYPE";
static char szMacro[] = "MACRO";
static char szCalledBy[] = "CALLED BY LIST";
static char szUsedBy[] = "USED BY LIST";
bufg = LpvAllocCb(1024);
// no memory.. no reference list
if (!bufg) return FALSE;
MaxSymLen = BSCMaxSymLen();
if (mbfReqd & mbfFuncs) ListRefTitle(szFunction, szCalledBy, mbfFuncs);
if (mbfReqd & mbfVars) ListRefTitle(szVariable, szUsedBy, mbfVars);
if (mbfReqd & mbfMacros) ListRefTitle(szMacro, szUsedBy, mbfMacros);
if (mbfReqd & mbfTypes) ListRefTitle(szType, szUsedBy, mbfTypes);
return TRUE;
static VOID
ListRefTitle(LSZ lszType, LSZ lszUsers, MBF mbf)
// format a title
WORD i,l;
ISYM isym, isymMac;
isymMac = IsymMac();
// format titles
strcpy (bufg, lszType);
for (i=strlen(bufg); i < MaxSymLen+5; i++) bufg[i] = ' ';
strcpy (bufg+i, lszUsers);
// underscore titles
l = strlen(lszType);
for (i=0; i<l; i++) bufg[i] = '-';
for (; i < MaxSymLen+5; i++) bufg[i] = ' ';
l = i + strlen(lszUsers);
for (; i<l; i++) bufg[i] = '-';
bufg[i] = 0;
for (isym = 0; isym < isymMac; isym++)
ListRefSym (isym, mbf);
strcpy (bufg, " ");
static VOID
ListRefSym (ISYM isym, MBF mbf)
// list all the references associated with this symbol
IINST iinst, iinstMac, iinstUby;
IUBY iuby, iubyMac;
WORD csym;
WORD icol = MaxSymLen+5;
WORD maxcol = 80 / (MaxSymLen+5)-1;
WORD cnt;
InstRangeOfSym(isym, &iinst, &iinstMac);
for ( ;iinst < iinstMac ; iinst++) {
if (!FInstFilter (iinst, mbf))
csym = 0;
strcpy (bufg, " ");
strcat (bufg, LszNameFrSym(isym));
strcat (bufg, ": ");
UbyRangeOfInst(iinst, &iuby, &iubyMac);
for ( ;iuby < iubyMac; iuby++) {
if (++csym > maxcol) {
csym = 1;
UbyInfo(iuby, &iinstUby, &cnt);
ListRefUse (iinstUby, (WORD)(csym*icol), cnt);
if (bufg[0]) PutLine();
static VOID
ListRefUse (IINST iinst, WORD icol, WORD cuse)
// dump information about the given prop in the location provided
WORD i, len;
ISYM isym;
BOOL fVar;
TYP typ;
ATR atr;
LSZ lsz;
InstInfo(iinst, &isym, &typ, &atr);
fVar = (typ > INST_TYP_LABEL);
len = strlen(bufg);
lsz = LszNameFrSym(isym);
for (i=len; i<icol; i++) bufg[i] = ' ';
bufg[icol] = 0;
if (fVar) {
if (cuse > 1)
BSCSprintf(bufg+icol, "(%s)[%d] ", lsz, cuse);
BSCSprintf(bufg+icol, "(%s) ", lsz);
else {
if (cuse > 1)
BSCSprintf(bufg+icol, "%s[%d] ", lsz, cuse);
BSCSprintf(bufg+icol, "%s ", lsz);
static VOID
// write out a single line from the buffer
BSCPrintf("%s\n", bufg);
*bufg = 0;