Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

812 lines
30 KiB

/*** mep.h - primary include file for editor
* Copyright <C> 1988, Microsoft Corporation
* Revision History:
* 10-Jan-1991 ramonsa Converted to Win32 API
* 26-Nov-1991 mz Strip off near/far
#include <ctype.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <share.h>
// WINDOWS includes
#include <windows.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <tools.h>
#include <remi.h>
#include "console.h"
// assertion support
// assert - assertion macro. We define our own, because if we abort we need
// to be able to shut down cleanly (or at least die trying). This
// version also saves us some code over the C library one.
// asserte - version of assert that always executes the expression, regardless
// of debug state.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define REGISTER
#define assert(exp) { \
if (!(exp)) \
_assertexit (#exp, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
#define asserte(exp) assert(exp)
#define REGISTER register
#define assert(exp)
#define asserte(exp) ((exp) != 0)
typedef long LINE; // line number within file
// LINEREC - The text of the file is an array of line pointers/lengths. A
// single procedure call can be used to grab the line *AND* its length.
// Color in the file is an array of pointer to attr/length arrays.
typedef struct _lineRecType {
PVOID vaLine; // long address of line
BOOL Malloced; // Ture if address allocated via malloc
int cbLine; // number of bytes in line
// VALINE (l) - Returns virtual address of the line record
// (lineRecType) for line l.
#define VALINE(l) (pFile->plr + (l))
// Each file that is in memory has a unique descriptor. This is so that
// editing the same file in two windows will allow updates to be reflected
// in both.
// NOTE: pFileNext must be the first field in the structure. Certain places
// in the code require this.
typedef struct fileType {
struct fileType *pFileNext; // next file in chain
#ifdef DEBUG
int id; // debug id byte
char *pName; // file name
LINEREC *plr; // addr of line table
BYTE *pbFile; // addr of full file image
LINE lSize; // number of lines in block
LINE cLines; // number of lines in file
PVOID vaColor; // addr of color table
PVOID vaHiLite; // highlighting info
PVOID vaUndoHead; // head of undo list
PVOID vaUndoTail; // end of undo list
PVOID vaUndoCur; // current pos in undo list
PVOID vaMarks; // Marks in this file
int cUndo; // number of undo-able entries
int refCount; // reference count window references
int type; // type of this file
int flags; // flags for dirty, permanent, etc
time_t modify; // Date/Time of last modify
// for the display manager, there is a separate window allocated for each
// window on the screen. Each window has display-relevant information.
typedef struct windowType *PWND;
// ext.h is the include file provided to extension writers. It should contain
// only definitions that are meaningfull to them. The EDITOR definition below
// prevents it from defining some typedefs and function prototypes which
// conflict with editor internals.
#define EDITOR
#include "ext.h"
struct windowType {
struct instanceType *pInstance; // address of instance list
sl Size; // size of window
sl Pos; // position of window
#define BELL 0x07
#define SHELL "cmd.exe"
#define TMPVER "TMP4" // temp file revision
// debug at a certain place
#if defined (DEBUG)
#define MALLOC(x) DebugMalloc(x, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define REALLOC(x, y) DebugRealloc(x, y, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define FREE(x) DebugFree(x, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define ZEROMALLOC(x) DebugMalloc(x, TRUE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define ZEROREALLOC(x,y ) DebugRealloc(x, y, TRUE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MEMSIZE(x) DebugMemSize(x, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MALLOC(x) malloc(x)
#define REALLOC(x, y) realloc(x, y)
#define FREE(x) free(x)
#define ZEROMALLOC(x) ZeroMalloc(x)
#define ZEROREALLOC(x,y ) ZeroRealloc(x, y)
#define MEMSIZE(x) MemSize(x)
// ID's for assertion checking
#ifdef DEBUG
#define ID_PFILE 0x5046 // PF
#define ID_INSTANCE 0x494E // IN
// list of files and their debug values
#define TEXTLINE 0x1
#define ZALLOC 0x2
#define VMUTIL 0x4
#define VM 0x8
#define FILEIO 0x10
#define CMD 0x20
#define PICK 0x40
#define ZINIT 0x80
#define WINDOW 0x100
#define DISP 0x200
#define Z 0x400
#define Z19 0x800
#define LOAD 0x1000
#define MAXWIN 8
#define MAXMAC 1024
// **************************************************************
// Macros for accessing fields of struct instanceType
// **************************************************************
#define XWIN(f) (f)->flWindow.col
#define YWIN(f) (f)->flWindow.lin
#define XCUR(f) (f)->flCursorCur.col
#define YCUR(f) (f)->flCursorCur.lin
#define FLAGS(f) (f)->flags
#define XOLDWIN(f) (f)->flOldWin.col
#define YOLDWIN(f) (f)->flOldWin.lin
#define XOLDCUR(f) (f)->flOldCur.col
#define YOLDCUR(f) (f)->flOldCur.lin
#define FTYPE(f) (f)->type
// **************************************************************
// VACOLOR (l) - Returns virtual address of the color record
// (colorRecType) for line l.
// **************************************************************
#define VACOLOR(l) (PVOID)((PBYTE)pFile->vaColor+sizeof(struct colorRecType)*((long)(l)))
// **************************************************************
// Flags indicating what has changed since the last display update.
// RCURSOR: The cursor has moved. This means the cursor should
// be physically moved on the screen, and that the
// cursor position status should be changed.
// RTEXT: The editing area has been changed. A more precise
// breakdown is available by examining the fChange array.
// RSTATUS: In the original interface, this means that something
// on the bottom screen line has changed. In the CW
// interface, this means something in the status window
// has changed (either the insert mode or the learn mode)
// RHIGH: This is set to mean highlighting should be displayed.
// RFILE: The file-specific information has changed. CW
// interface only.
// RHELP: The Help window has changed. CW interface only.
// **************************************************************
#define RCURSOR 0x01
#define RTEXT 0x02
#define RSTATUS 0x04
#define RHIGH 0x08
// **************************************************************
// argument types and arg structures
// **************************************************************
// arg processing required
#define COLORBG -1
#define COLORNOR 0
#define COLORINF 1
#define COLORERR 2
#define COLORSTA 3
#define INTENSE 8
#define WHITE 7
#define YELLOW 6
#define MAGENTA 5
#define RED 4
#define CYAN 3
#define GREEN 2
#define BLUE 1
#define BLACK 0
#define B_BAK 0
#define B_UNDEL 1
#define B_NONE 2
#define MONO 0
#define CGA 1
#define EGA 2
#define VGA 3
#define MCGA 4
#define VIKING 5
#define MAXUSE 20
#define GRAPH 0x01 // parsing editing chars in macro body
#define EXEC 0x02 // macro is an execution; ending sets fBreak
#define INIT 0x04 // macro needs to be initialized
struct macroInstanceType {
char *beg; // pointer to beginning of string
char *text; // pointer to next command
flagType flags; // what type of function is next
typedef struct macroInstanceType MI, *PMI;
// flags for fChange
#define FMODIFY 0x01 // TRUE => line was modified
// **************************************************************
// Macros for dealing with windows.
// **************************************************************
#define WINYSIZE(pwin) ((pwin)->Size.lin)
#define WINXSIZE(pwin) ((pwin)->Size.col)
#define WINYPOS(pwin) ((pwin)->Pos.lin)
#define WINXPOS(pwin) ((pwin)->Pos.col)
#define WININST(pwin) ((pwin)->pInstance)
#define XSCALE(x) max(1,(x)*WINXSIZE(pWinCur)/slSize.col)
#define YSCALE(y) max(1,(y)*WINYSIZE(pWinCur)/slSize.lin)
// **************************************************************
// for each instance of a file in memory, there is a window that is
// allocated for it. The structure has all relevant information for the
// instance within the window. No display information is kept here
// **************************************************************
struct instanceType {
struct instanceType *pNext; // ptr to next file activation
#ifdef DEBUG
int id; // debug id byte
PFILE pFile; // ptr to file structure
fl flOldWin; // previous file pos of window
fl flOldCur; // previous file cursor
fl flWindow; // file coord of window
fl flCursorCur; // file pos of cursor
fl flSaveWin; // saved coord of window
fl flSaveCur; // saved y coord of cursor
fl flArg; // Last Arg position
fl flCursor; // Cursor just before last function
flagType fSaved; // TRUE => values below valid
typedef struct instanceType *PINS;
// **************************************************************
// Each mark that is defined is present in a linked list
// **************************************************************
typedef struct mark MARK;
typedef struct filemarks FILEMARKS;
struct mark {
unsigned flags; //
unsigned cb; // Bytes in this mark structure, including name
fl fl; // Location of the mark
char szName[1]; // Name of mark
struct filemarks {
unsigned cb; // Total bytes in struct, including marks
MARK marks[1]; // marks for this file
struct colorRecType {
PVOID vaColors; // Address of lineAttr array
int cbColors;
extern struct cmdDesc cmdTable[];
extern struct swiDesc swiTable[];
extern char * cftab[];
struct fTypeInfo {
char *ext; // extention of file type
int ftype; // numerical type
struct compType {
struct compType *pNext; // next link in compile list
char *pExt; // pointer to extension
char *pCompile; // pointer to compile text
typedef struct compType COMP;
#define TEXTFILE 0
#define CFILE 1
#define ASMFILE 2
#define PASFILE 3
#define FORFILE 4
#define LSPFILE 5
#define BASFILE 6
// return values for FileStatus
#define FILECHANGED 0 // timestamps differ
#define FILEDELETED 1 // file is not on disk
#define FILESAME 2 // timestamps match
extern struct fTypeInfo ftypetbl[];
extern char * mpTypepName[];
// **************************************************************
// Initialization flags. These are set when an initialization task has
// been performed. It is examined in CleanExit to determine what needs
// to be restored.
// **************************************************************
#define INIT_VIDEO 1 // Video state is set up
#define INIT_KBD 2 // Keyboard is set to editor state
#define INIT_EDITVIDEO 4 // Editor video state is established
#define INIT_SIGNALS 8 // Signal handlers have been set up
#define INIT_VM 0x10 // VM has been initialized
// **************************************************************
// CleanExit() flags
// **************************************************************
#define CE_VM 1 // Clean Up VM
#define CE_SIGNALS 2 // Clean up signals
#define CE_STATE 4 // Update state file
// **************************************************************
// zloop() flags
// **************************************************************
#define ZL_CMD 1 // command key, should be an event
#define ZL_BRK 2 // take fBreak into account
// **************************************************************
// getstring() flags
// **************************************************************
#define GS_NEWLINE 1 // Entry must be terminated by newline
#define GS_INITIAL 2 // Entry is hilighted and cleared if graphic
#define GS_KEYBOARD 4 // Entry must from the keyboard
#define GS_GETSTR 8 // Called from getstring(), not SDM
// **************************************************************
// type for pointer to function *
// **************************************************************
typedef void ( *PFUNCTION)(char *, flagType);
// Internal structure of a key
typedef struct _EDITOR_KEY {
WORD KeyCode;
// **************************************************************
// Editor Globals.
// slSize - Under CW, these are the total number of rows and
// columns available. Without CW, these represent the
// editing area, which is 2 less.
// **************************************************************
extern sl slSize; // dimensions of the screen
#define XSIZE slSize.col
#define YSIZE slSize.lin
extern PFILE pFilePick; // pick buffer
extern PFILE pFileFileList; // command line file list
extern PFILE pFileIni; // TOOLS.INI
extern PFILE pFileMark; // Current mark definition file
extern PFILE pFileAssign; // <assign>
extern struct instanceType *pInsCur; // currently active window
extern PWND pWinCur; // pointer to current window
extern struct windowType WinList[]; // head of all windows
extern int iCurWin; // index of current window
extern int cWin; // count of active windows
extern PFILE pFileHead; // address of head of file list
extern COMP *pCompHead; // address of head of compile extension list
extern MARK *pMarkHead; // address of head of mark list
extern char *pMarkFile; // additional file to search for marks
extern char *pPrintCmd; // pointer to <printcmd> string
extern PFILE pPrintFile; // file currently printed (to PRN)
// Global vars for the fScan routine.
extern buffer scanbuf; // buffer for file scanning
extern buffer scanreal; // buffer for file scanning
extern int scanlen; // length of said buffer
extern fl flScan; // file loc of current scan
extern rn rnScan; // range of scan
extern int debug, indent; // debugging flags
extern FILEHANDLE debfh; // debugging output file
// ARG processing vars
extern fl flArg; // file pos of 1st arg
extern int argcount; // number of args hit
extern flagType fBoxArg; // TRUE => boxarg, FALSE => streamarg
extern ARG NoArg; // predefined no arg struct
extern flagType fInSelection; // TRUE => Selecting text
extern fl flLow; // low values for args
extern fl flHigh; // high values for args
extern LINE lSwitches; // Line # in <assign> of switches
extern int cRepl; // number of replaces
extern COL xMargin; // column of right margin
extern int backupType; // type of backup being done
extern int cUndelCount; // max num of undel backups of the same file
extern char *ronlypgm; // program to run on readonly files
extern buffer buf; // temp line buffer
extern buffer textbuf; // buffer for text arguments
extern int Zvideo; // Handle for Z video state
extern int DOSvideo; // Handle for DOS video state
extern flagType fAskExit; // TRUE => prompt at exit
extern flagType fAskRtn; // TRUE => prompt on return from PUSHED
extern flagType fAutoSave; // TRUE => always save files on switches
extern flagType fBreak; // TRUE => exit current TopLoop call
extern flagType fCgaSnow; // TRUE => CGA has snow, so fix it
extern flagType *fChange; // TRUE => line was changed
extern unsigned fInit; // Flags describing what has been initialized
extern flagType fCtrlc; // TRUE => control-c interrupt
extern flagType fDebugMode; // TRUE => compiles are debug
extern flagType fMetaRecord; // TRUE => Don't execute anything
extern flagType fDefaults; // TRUE => do not load users TOOLS.INI
extern flagType fDisplay; // TRUE => need to redisplay
extern flagType fDisplayCursorLoc; // TRUE => pos of cursor vs window displayed
extern flagType fEditRO; // TRUE => allow editting of DISKRO files
extern flagType fErrPrompt; // TRUE => prompt after errors
extern flagType fGlobalRO; // TRUE => no editing allowed
extern flagType fInsert; // TRUE => insertmode is on
extern flagType fMacroRecord; // TRUE => We're recording into <record>
extern flagType fMessUp; // TRUE => there is a message on dialog line
extern flagType fMeta; // TRUE => <meta> command pressed
extern flagType fMsgflush; // TRUE => flush previous compile messages
extern flagType fNewassign; // TRUE => <assign> needs refreshing
extern flagType fRealTabs; // TRUE => tabs are VI-like
extern flagType fRetVal; // return value of last editing function call
extern flagType fSaveScreen; // TRUE => Restore DOS screen
extern flagType fShortNames; // TRUE => do short-filename matching
extern flagType fSoftCR; // TRUE => use soft carriage returns
extern flagType fTabAlign; // TRUE => allign cursor to tab characters
extern flagType fTextarg; // TRUE => text was typed in
extern flagType fTrailSpace; // TRUE => allow trailing spaces in lines
extern flagType fWordWrap; // TRUE => space in col 72 goes to newline
// Search/Replace globals
extern flagType fUnixRE; // TRUE => Use UNIX RE's (unixre: switch)
extern flagType fSrchAllPrev; // TRUE => previously searched for all
extern flagType fSrchCaseSwit; // TRUE => case is significant (case: switch)
extern flagType fSrchCasePrev; // TRUE => case was significant
extern flagType fSrchDirPrev; // TRUE => previously searched forward
extern flagType fSrchRePrev; // TRUE => search previously used RE's
extern flagType fSrchWrapSwit; // TRUE => searches wrap (wrap: switch)
extern flagType fSrchWrapPrev; // TRUE => previously did wrap
extern flagType fRplRePrev; // TRUE => replace previously used RE's
extern buffer srchbuf; // search buffer
extern buffer srcbuf; // source string for replace
extern buffer rplbuf; // destination string for replace
extern flagType fUseMouse; // TRUE => Handle mouse events
#define SIGBREAK 21 // Taken from signal.h
extern flagType fReDraw; // TRUE => Screen is already locked
extern unsigned LVBlength; // Bytes in LVB (returned from VioGetBuf)
extern unsigned kbdHandle; // Handle of logical keyboard
extern HANDLE semIdle; // Idle thread semaphore
extern PCMD *rgMac; // set of macro definitions
extern int cMac; // number of macros
extern int ballevel; // current level in paren balance
extern char *balopen, *balclose; // balance open string, close string
extern unsigned kindpick; // what is in the pick buffer
extern char tabDisp; // character for tab expansion in display
extern char trailDisp; // Character for trailing spaces
extern char Name[]; // editor name
extern char Version[]; // editor version
extern char CopyRight[]; // editor copyright message
extern int EnTab; // 0 => no tab 1 => min 2 => max tabification
extern int tmpsav; // number of past files to remember
extern int hike; // value of HIKE: switch
extern int vscroll; // value of VSCROLL: switch
extern int hscroll; // value of HSCROLL: switch
extern int tabstops; // value of TABSTOPS: switch
extern int fileTab; // spacing of tab chars in file
extern int CursorSize; // cursor size
extern EDITOR_KEY keyCmd; // last commands keystroke
#define isaUserMin 21 // cw min isa, for consistancy in indecies
extern int ColorTab[]; // 16 available colors.
#define fgColor ColorTab[0] // foreground color
#define hgColor ColorTab[1] // highlight color
#define infColor ColorTab[2] // information color
#define selColor ColorTab[3] // selection color
#define wdColor ColorTab[4] // window border color
#define staColor ColorTab[5] // status color
#define errColor ColorTab[6] // error color
extern LINE cNoise; // number of lines between noise on status
extern int cUndo; // count of undo operations retained
extern int cArgs; // number of files on command line
extern char **pArgs; // pointer to files in command line
extern PFILE pFileIni; // pfile for tools.ini
extern char * pNameEditor; // Base name of editor as invoked
extern char * pNameTmp; // Pathname of .TMP file ( based on name )
extern char * pNameInit; // Pathname of tools.ini
extern char * pNameHome; // "INIT", or "HOME" if "INIT" not defined
extern char *pComSpec; // name of command processor
extern char *eolText; // eol characters for text files
extern struct cmdDesc cmdUnassigned; // unassigned function
extern struct cmdDesc cmdGraphic; // self editing function
extern char *getlbuf; // pointer to fast read-in buffer
extern unsigned getlsize; // length of buffer
extern int cMacUse; // number of macros in use
extern struct macroInstanceType mi[]; // state of macros
#define MAXEXT 50
extern int cCmdTab; // number of cmd tables
extern PCMD cmdSet[]; // set of cmd tables
extern PSWI swiSet[]; // set of swi tables
extern char *pExtName[]; // set of extension names
// CONSIDER: making pExtNames be or include
// CONSIDER: the handles, such that arg meta
// CONSIDER: load can discard an extension
extern PSCREEN OriginalScreen; // Original screen
extern PSCREEN MepScreen; // Out screen
extern KBDMODE OriginalScreenMode; // Original screen Mode
// **************************************************************
// Background threads
// **************************************************************
// A global critical section is used for synchronizing
// threads
extern CRITICAL_SECTION IOCriticalSection;
extern CRITICAL_SECTION UndoCriticalSection;
extern CRITICAL_SECTION ScreenCriticalSection;
#define MAXBTQ 32 // Maximum number of entries in
// background threads queues
// Background thread data structure
typedef struct BTD {
PFILE pBTFile; // Log file handle
LPBYTE pBTName; // Log file name
flagType flags; // Flags: BT_BUSY and BT_UPDATE
ULONG cBTQ; // # of entries in queue
ULONG iBTQPut; // Index at wich to put next
ULONG iBTQGet; // Index at wich to get next
CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection;// Protects critical info
PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; // Process information
HANDLE ThreadHandle; // Thread Handle
BOOL ProcAlive; // True if child process
struct {
PFUNCTION pBTJProc; // Procedure to call
LPBYTE pBTJStr; // Command to spawn or parameter
} BTQJob[MAXBTQ]; // Holds queued jobs
struct BTD *pBTNext; // Next BTD in list
} BTD;
// Background threads flags
#define BT_BUSY 1
#define BT_UPDATE 2
#define fBusy(pBTD) (pBTD->flags & BT_BUSY)
#define UpdLog(pBTD) (pBTD->flags |= BT_UPDATE)
#define NoUpdLog(pBTD) (pBTD->flags &= ~BT_UPDATE)
// Background compile and print threads
extern BTD *pBTDComp; // Compile thread
extern BTD *pBTDPrint; // Print thread
// For dual code
#define PFILECOMP pBTDComp->pBTFile
// **************************************************************
// Constant strings. Various strings that are used many times are
// defined here once to save space. The values are set in ZINIT.C
// Macro versions are also defined to cast to a non-const, for use where
// where only a non-const expression will do.
// **************************************************************
extern char rgchComp[]; // "<compile>"
extern char rgchPrint[]; // "<print>"
extern char rgchAssign[]; // "<assign>"
extern char rgchAutoLoad[]; // "m*.mxt" or equiv...
extern char rgchEmpty[]; // ""
extern char rgchInfFile[]; // "<information-file>"
extern char rgchWSpace[]; // our defintion of whitespace
extern char rgchUntitled[]; // "<untitled>"
#define RGCHASSIGN ((char *)rgchAssign)
#define RGCHEMPTY ((char *)rgchEmpty)
#define RGCHWSPACE ((char *)rgchWSpace)
#define RGCHUNTITLED ((char *)rgchUntitled)
typedef struct MSG_TXT{
WORD usMsgNo;
extern MSG_TXT MsgStr[]; // Message strings
extern flagType fInCleanExit;
extern flagType fSpawned;
#include "meptype.h"
#include "msg.h"
#ifdef FPO
#pragma optimize( "y", off )