Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

511 lines
10 KiB

/*** zaux.c - helper routines for Z
* Modifications
* 26-Nov-1991 mz Strip off near/far
#define INCL_SUB
#include "mep.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
/*** ParseCmd - Parse "command" line into two pieces
* Given a text string, returns a pointer to the first word (non-whitespace)
* in the text, which is null terminated by this routine, and a pointer to
* the second word.
* Input:
* pText = Pointer to text string
* ppCmd = Pointer to place to put pointer to first word
* ppArg = Pointer to place to put pointer to second word
* Output:
* Returns nothing. Pointers update, and string possible modified to include
* null terminator after first word.
ParseCmd (
char *pText,
char **ppCmd,
char **ppArg
REGISTER char *pCmd; /* working pointer */
REGISTER char *pArg; /* working pointer */
pArg = whitescan (pCmd = whiteskip (pText));
if (*pArg) {
*pArg++ = '\0';
pArg = whiteskip (pArg);
*ppCmd = pCmd;
*ppArg = pArg;
char *
whiteskip (
const char *p
return strbskip ((char *)p, (char *)rgchWSpace);
char *
whitescan (
const char *p
return strbscan ((char *)p, (char *)rgchWSpace);
/*** RemoveTrailSpace - remove trailing white space characters from line
* Input:
* p = pointer to line to be stripped.
* Output:
* Returns new length of line.
RemoveTrailSpace (
REGISTER char *p
REGISTER int len = strlen (p);
while (len && strchr(rgchWSpace,p[len-1])) {
p[len] = 0;
return len;
/*** DoubleSlashes - given a character string, double all backslashes
* Input:
* pbuf = pointer to character buffer
* Output:
* Returns pbuf
char *
DoubleSlashes (
char * pbuf
REGISTER char *p;
p = pbuf;
l = strlen (p);
while (l) {
if (*p == '\\') {
memmove ((char *) (p+1),(char *) p, l+1);
*p++ = '\\';
return pbuf;
/*** UnDoubleSlashes - given a character string, un-double all backslashes
* Input:
* pbuf = pointer to character buffer
* Output:
* Returns pbuf
char *
UnDoubleSlashes (
char * pbuf
REGISTER char *p1;
REGISTER char *p2;
p1 = p2 = pbuf;
while (*p1) {
if ((*p2++ = *p1++) == '\\') {
if (*p1 == '\\') {
return pbuf;
/*** fIsNum - see if a string is entirely digits
* Input:
* p = pointer to string
* Output:
* Returns TRUE if valid number.
fIsNum (
char *p
if (*p == '-') {
return (flagType)(*strbskip (p, "0123456789") == 0);
/*** OS2toErrTxt - Get Error Text for OS/2 error
* Get the error message text for an OS/2 returned error.
* Input:
* erc = OS/2 error number
* buf = location to place the error (BUFSIZE)
* Output:
* Returns buf
char *
OS2toErrText (
int erc,
char * buf
sprintf(buf, "Windows error No. %lu", GetLastError());
return buf;
/*** OS2toErrno - Convert OS/2 error code to C runtime error
* Purpose:
* Maps errors returned by some OS/2 calls to equivalent C runtime errors,
* such that routines which differ in OS/2 implementation can return equivalent
* errors as their DOS counterparts.
* Input:
* code = OS/2 returned error code
* Output:
* returns a C runtime error constant
* Exceptions:
* none
* Notes:
* CONSIDER: It's been suggested that this routine, and error message
* CONSIDER: presentation under OS/2 be changed to use DosGetMessage.
OS2toErrno (
int code
buffer L_buf;
printerror (OS2toErrText (code,L_buf));
return code;
union argPrintfType {
long *pLong;
int *pInt;
char **pStr;
char **fpStr;
/*** ZFormat - replace the C runtime formatting routines.
* Purpose:
* ZFormat is a near-replacement for the *printf routines in the C runtime.
* Input:
* pStr - destination string where formatted result is placed.
* fmt - formatting string. Formats currently understood are:
* %c single character
* %[n][l]d %[n][l]x
* %[m.n]s
* %[m.n]|{dpfe}F - print drive, path, file, extension
* of current file.
* * may be used to copy in values for m and n from arg
* list.
* %%
* arg - is a list of arguments
* Output:
* Returns 0 on success, MSGERR_* on failure. The MSGERR_* value may
* be passed to disperr, as in:
* if (err = ZFormat (pszUser))
* disperr (err, pszUser).
* Note that the error message wants to display the offending string.
* Currently, the only return value is:
* MSGERR_ZFORMAT 8020 Unrecognized %% command in '%s'
ZFormat (
REGISTER char *pStr,
const REGISTER char *fmt,
va_list vl
char c;
char * pchar;
int * pint;
*pStr = 0;
while (c = *fmt++) {
if (c != '%') {
*pStr++ = c;
} else {
flagType fFar = FALSE;
flagType fLong = FALSE;
flagType fW = FALSE;
flagType fP = FALSE;
flagType fdF = FALSE;
flagType fpF = FALSE;
flagType ffF = FALSE;
flagType feF = FALSE;
char fill = ' ';
int base = 10;
int w = 0;
int p = 0;
int s = 1;
int l;
c = *fmt;
if (c == '-') {
s = -1;
c = *++fmt;
if (isdigit (c) || c == '.' || c == '*') {
/* parse off w.p
fW = TRUE;
if (c == '*') {
pint = va_arg (vl, int *);
w = *pint;
} else {
if (c == '0') {
fill = '0';
w = s * atoi (fmt);
fmt = strbskip (fmt, "0123456789");
if (*fmt == '.') {
fP = TRUE;
if (fmt[1] == '*') {
p = va_arg (vl, int);
fmt += 2;
} else {
p = atoi (fmt+1);
fmt = strbskip (fmt+1, "0123456789");
if (*fmt == 'l') {
fLong = TRUE;
if (*fmt == 'F') {
fFar = TRUE;
if (*fmt == '|') {
while (*fmt != 'F') {
switch (*++fmt) {
case 'd': fdF = TRUE; break;
case 'p': fpF = TRUE; break;
case 'f': ffF = TRUE; break;
case 'e': feF = TRUE; break;
case 'F': if (fmt[-1] == '|') {
fdF = TRUE;
fpF = TRUE;
ffF = TRUE;
feF = TRUE;
default :
// va_end(vl);
switch (*fmt++) {
case 'c':
p = va_arg (vl, int);
*pStr++ = (char)p;
*pStr = 0;
case 'x':
base = 16;
case 'd':
if (fLong) {
_ltoa ( va_arg (vl, long), pStr, base);
} else {
_ltoa ( (long)va_arg (vl, int), pStr, base);
case 's':
pchar = va_arg (vl, char *);
if (fFar) {
if (!fP) {
p = strlen ( pchar );
memmove ((char *) pStr, pchar , p);
} else {
if (!fP) {
p = strlen ( pchar );
memmove ((char *) pStr, pchar , p);
fill = ' ';
pStr[p] = 0;
case 'F':
pStr[0] = 0;
if (fdF) {
drive (pFileHead->pName, pStr);
if (fpF) {
path (pFileHead->pName, strend(pStr));
if (ffF) {
filename (pFileHead->pName, strend(pStr));
if (feF) {
extention (pFileHead->pName, strend(pStr));
case '%':
*pStr++ = '%';
*pStr = 0;
// va_end(vl);
/* text is immediately at pStr. Check width to justification
l = strlen (pStr);
if (w < 0) {
/* left-justify
w = -w;
if (l < w) {
memset ((char *) &pStr[l], fill, w - l);
pStr[w] = 0;
} else if (l < w) {
/* right-justify
memmove ((char *) &pStr[w-l], (char *) &pStr[0], l);
memset ((char *) &pStr[0], fill, w - l);
pStr[w] = 0;
pStr += strlen (pStr);
*pStr = 0;
// va_end(vl);
return 0;
/* FmtAssign - formatted assign
* FmtAssign is used to both format and perform an assignment
* pFmt character pointer to sprintf-style formatting
* arg set of unformatted arguments
* returns result of DoAssign upon formatted result
FmtAssign (
char *pFmt,
char L_buf[ 512 ];
va_list L_pArgs;
va_start (L_pArgs, pFmt);
ZFormat (L_buf, pFmt, L_pArgs);
va_end (L_pArgs);
return DoAssign (L_buf);