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* Microsoft Disassembler
* Microsoft Confidential. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* File Comments:
* This file is a copy of the master version owned by richards.
* Contact richards for any changes.
#ifndef MSDIS_H
#define MSDIS_H
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#include <stddef.h> // For size_t
#include <strstream> // For std::ostream
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Start of internal vs external definitions
// ------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(DISDLL) // Building the MSDIS DLL
#undef DISDLL
#define DISDLL __declspec(dllexport)
#else // Building an MSDIS client
#define DISDLL __declspec(dllimport)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// End of internal vs external definitions
// ------------------------------------------------------------
class __declspec(novtable) DIS
enum DIST
distAM33, // Matsushita AM33
distArm, // ARM
distCee, // MSIL
distIa64, // IA-64
distM32R, // Mitsubishi M32R
distMips, // MIPS R-Series
distMips16, // MIPS16
distPowerPc, // Motorola PowerPC
distSh3, // Hitachi SuperH 3
distSHcompact, // Hitachi SuperH (Compact mode)
distSHmedia, // Hitachi SuperH (Media mode)
distThumb, // Thumb
distTriCore, // Infineon TriCore
distX86, // x86 (32 bit mode)
distX8616, // x86 (16 bit mode)
distX8664, // x86 (64 bit mode)
distArmConcan, // ARM Concan coprocessor
distArmXmac, // ARM XMAC coprocessor
// A branch is defined as a transfer of control that doesn't
// record the location of following block so that control may
// return. A call does record the location of the following
// block so that a subsequent indirect branch may return there.
// The first number in the comments below is the number of
// successors determinable by static analysis. There is a dependency
// in SEC::FDoDisassembly() that trmtBra and above represent branch
// or call types that are not valid in a delay slot of any of the
// Def variants of termination type.
enum TRMT // Architecture independent termination type
trmtUnknown, // Block hasn't been analyzed
trmtFallThrough, // 1 Fall into following block
trmtBra, // 1 Branch, Unconditional, Direct
trmtBraCase, // ? Conditional, Direct, Multiple targets
trmtBraCc, // 2 Branch, Conditional, Direct
trmtBraCcDef, // 2 Branch, Conditional, Direct, Deferred
trmtBraCcInd, // 1 Branch, Conditional, Indirect
trmtBraCcIndDef, // 1 Branch, Conditional, Indirect, Deferred
trmtBraDef, // 1 Branch, Unconditional, Direct, Deferred
trmtBraInd, // 0 Branch, Unconditional, Indirect
trmtBraIndDef, // 0 Branch, Unconditional, Indirect, Deferred
trmtCall, // 2 Call, Unconditional, Direct
trmtCallCc, // 2 Call, Conditional, Direct
trmtCallCcDef, // 2 Call, Conditional, Direct, Deferred
trmtCallCcInd, // 1 Call, Conditional, Indirect
trmtCallDef, // 2 Call, Unconditional, Direct, Deferred
trmtCallInd, // 1 Call, Unconditional, Indirect
trmtCallIndDef, // 1 Call, Unconditional, Indirect, Deferred
trmtTrap, // 1 Trap, Unconditional
trmtTrapCc, // 1 Trap, Conditional
enum TRMTA // Architecture dependent termination type
trmtaUnknown = trmtUnknown,
trmtaFallThrough = trmtFallThrough
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef unsigned __int64 DWORDLONG;
enum { addrNil = 0 };
// MEMREFT describes the types of memory references that an instruction
// can make. If the memory reference can't be described by the defined
// values, memreftOther is returned.
memreftNone, // Does not reference memory
memreftRead, // Reads from single address
memreftWrite, // Writes to single address
memreftRdWr, // Read/Modify/Write of single address
memreftOther, // None of the above
enum REGA // Architecture dependent register number
regaNil = -1,
enum OPA // Architecture dependent operation type
opaInvalid = -1,
enum OPCLS // Operand type
opclsNone = 0,
// OPERAND and INSTRUCTION are the structures used in
// the interface between the disassembler and the routines that convert
// native platform instructions into Vulcan IR.
struct OPERAND
OPCLS opcls; // operand type
REGA rega1; // arch dependent enum -- 1st register
REGA rega2; // arch dependent enum -- 2nd register
REGA rega3; // arch dependent enum -- 3rd register
DWORDLONG dwl; // const, addr, etc. based on OPCLS
size_t cb; // only valid for opclsMemory - some architectures add to this e.g. x86
bool fImmediate; // true if dwl is valid
WORD wScale; // any scaling factor to be applied to rega1
OPA opa; // arch dependent enum -- opcode
DWORD dwModifiers; // arch dependent bits modifying opa
size_t coperand; // count of operands
// PFNCCHADDR is the type of the callback function that can be set
// via PfncchaddrSet().
typedef size_t (__stdcall *PFNCCHADDR)(const DIS *, ADDR, char *, size_t, DWORDLONG *);
// PFNCCHCONST is the type of the callback function that can be set
// via PfncchconstSet().
typedef size_t (__stdcall *PFNCCHCONST)(const DIS *, DWORD, char *, size_t);
// PFNCCHFIXUP is the type of the callback function that can be set
// via PfncchfixupSet().
typedef size_t (__stdcall *PFNCCHFIXUP)(const DIS *, ADDR, size_t, char *, size_t, DWORDLONG *);
// PFNCCHREGREL is the type of the callback function that can be set
// via PfncchregrelSet().
typedef size_t (__stdcall *PFNCCHREGREL)(const DIS *, REGA, DWORD, char *, size_t, DWORD *);
// PFNCCHREG is the type of the callback function that can be set
// via PfncchregSet().
typedef size_t (__stdcall *PFNCCHREG)(const DIS *, REGA, char *, size_t);
// PFNDWGETREG is the type of the callback function that can be set
// via Pfndwgetreg().
typedef DWORDLONG (__stdcall *PFNDWGETREG)(const DIS *, REGA);
// Methods
// In these comments, please note that "current instruction" is defined
// by the results of the most recent call to CbDisassemble() and of any
// intervening call(s) to FSelectInstruction().
virtual ~DIS();
// UNDONE: Comment
static DISDLL DIS * __stdcall PdisNew(DIST);
// Addr() returns the address of the current instruction. This
// is the same value as the ADDR parameter passed to CbDisassemble.
// The return value of this method is not valid if the last call to
// CbDisassemble returned zero.
DISDLL ADDR Addr() const;
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual ADDR AddrAddress(size_t) const;
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual ADDR AddrInstruction() const;
// AddrJumpTable() returns the address of a potential jump table used by
// the current instruction. The return value of this method is not valid
// if the last call to CbDisassemble returned zero or if the termination
// type is an indirect branch variant. If the last instruction does not
// identify a potential jump table, this method returns addrNil.
virtual ADDR AddrJumpTable() const;
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual ADDR AddrOperand(size_t) const;
// AddrTarget() returns the address of the branch target of the specified
// operand (first operand by default) of the current instruction.
// The return value of this method is not valid if the last call to
// CbDisassemble returned zero or if the termination type is not
// one of the direct branch or call variants.
virtual ADDR AddrTarget(size_t = 1) const = 0;
// Cb() returns the size in bytes of the current instruction,
// or the size of a 'bundle' on those architectures that group multiple
// instructions together.
// The return value of this method is not valid if the last call to
// CbDisassemble returned zero.
virtual size_t Cb() const = 0;
// CbAssemble() will assemble a single instruction into the provided
// buffer assuming the provided address. On bundled architectures,
// this function is not yet implemented. If the resulting buffer contains
// a valid instruction, CbAssemble will return the number of bytes in
// the instruction, otherwise it returns zero.
virtual size_t CbAssemble(ADDR, void *, size_t);
// CbDisassemble() will disassemble a single instruction from the provided
// buffer assuming the provided address. On those architectures which
// 'bundle' multiple instructions together, CbDisassemble() will process
// the entire 'bundle' and the caller is responsible for calling both
// Cinstruction() and FSelectInstruction() as appropriate. If the buffer
// contains a valid instruction, CbDisassemble will return the number of
// bytes in the instruction (on bundled architectures, the number of bytes
// in the bundle *if* the buffer contained a valid bundle), otherwise it
// returns zero.
virtual size_t CbDisassemble(ADDR, const void *, size_t) = 0;
// CbGenerateLoadAddress generates one or more instructions to load
// the address of the memory operand from the current instruction into
// a register. UNDONE: This register is currently hard coded for each
// architecture. When pibAddress is non-NULL, this method will store
// the offset of a possible address immediate in this location. The
// value stored is only valid if the AddrAddress method returns a
// value other than addrNil. It is not valid to call this method after
// a call to CbDisassemble that returned 0 or when the return value of
// Memreft is memreftNone. It is architecture dependent whether this
// method will succeed when the return value of Memreft is memreftOther.
// UNDONE: Add reg parameter.
virtual size_t CbGenerateLoadAddress(size_t, void *, size_t, size_t * = NULL) const;
// CbJumpEntry() returns the size of the individual entries in the jump
// table identified by AddrJumpTable(). The return value of this method
// is not valid if either the return value of AddrJumpTable() is not valid
// or AddrJumpTable() returned addrNil.
virtual size_t CbJumpEntry() const;
// CbOperand() returns the size of the memory operand of the current
// instruction. The return value of this method is not valid if Memreft()
// returns memreftNone or memreftOther or if the last call to CbDisassemble
// returned zero.
virtual size_t CbOperand(size_t) const;
// CchFormatAddr() formats the provided address in the style used for the
// architecture. The return value is the size of the formatted address
// not including the terminating null. If the provided buffer is not
// large enough, this method returns 0.
DISDLL size_t CchFormatAddr(ADDR, char *, size_t) const;
// CchFormatBytes() formats the data bytes of the current instruction
// and returns the size of the formatted buffer not including the
// terminating null. If the provided buffer is not large enough, this
// method returns 0. It is not valid to call this method after a call to
// CbDisassemble that returned zero.
virtual size_t CchFormatBytes(char *, size_t) const = 0;
// CchFormatBytesMax() returns the maximum size possibly returned by
// CchFormatBytes().
virtual size_t CchFormatBytesMax() const = 0;
// CchFormatInstr() formats the current instruction and returns the
// size of the formatted instruction not including the terminating
// null. If the provided buffer is not large enough, this method returns
// 0. It is not valid to call this method after a call to CbDisassemble
// that returned zero.
DISDLL size_t CchFormatInstr(char *, size_t) const;
// Cinstruction() tells how many machine instructions resulted from the
// most recent call to CbDisassemble(). On most architectures this value
// will always be one (1); when it is not, the caller is responsible for
// using FSelectInstruction() as appropriate to access each instruction
// in turn.
virtual size_t Cinstruction() const;
// Coperand() returns the number of operands in the current instruction.
virtual size_t Coperand() const = 0;
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual size_t CregaRead(REGA *, size_t) const;
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual size_t CregaWritten(REGA *, size_t) const;
// Dist() returns the disassembler type of this instance.
DISDLL DIST Dist() const;
// FDecode converts the current machine instruction into a decoded opcode
// and operand set. The void * points to an array of decoded operands.
// The size_t argument is the size of the input array. The number of
// actual operands is returned in the INSTRUCTION.
virtual bool FDecode(INSTRUCTION *, OPERAND *, size_t) const;
// FEncode converts the INSTRUCTION and the array of decoded
// operands into a machine instruction.
virtual bool FEncode(const INSTRUCTION *, const OPERAND *, size_t);
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual void FormatAddr(std::ostream&, ADDR) const;
// UNDONE: Comment
virtual void FormatInstr(std::ostream&) const = 0;
// For those architectures in which calls to CbDisassemble() will generate
// more than one resulting instruction, FSelectInstruction() determines
// which instruction (0-based) all following calls will process.
virtual bool FSelectInstruction(size_t);
// Memreft() returns the memory reference type of the specified operand of
// the current instruction. It is not valid to call this method
// after a call to CbDisassemble that returned zero.
virtual MEMREFT Memreft(size_t) const = 0;
// PfncchaddrSet() sets the callback function for symbol lookup. This
// function returns the previous value of the callback function address.
// If the address is non-zero, the callback function is called during
// CchFormatInstr to query the symbol for the supplied address. If there
// is no symbol at this address, the callback should return 0.
// PfncchconstSet() sets the callback function for constant pool lookup.
// This function returns the previous value of the callback function address.
// If the address is non-zero, the callback function is called during
// CchFormatInstr to query the string for the supplied constant index.
// If there is no constant with this index, the callback should return 0.
// PfncchfixupSet() sets the callback function for symbol lookup. This
// function returns the previous value of the callback function address.
// If the address is non-zero, the callback function is called during
// CchFormatInstr to query the symbol and displacement referenced by
// operands of the current instruction. The callback should examine the
// contents of the memory identified by the supplied address and size and
// return the name of any symbol targeted by a fixup on this memory and the
// displacement from that symbol. If there is no fixup on the specified
// memory, the callback should return 0.
// UNDONE: Comment
// UNDONE: Comment
// UNDONE: Comment
// PvClient() returns the current value of the client pointer.
DISDLL void *PvClient() const;
// PvClientSet() sets the value of a void pointer that the client can
// later query with PvClient(). This funcion returns the previous value
// of the client pointer.
DISDLL void *PvClientSet(void *);
// SetAddr64() sets whether addresses are 32 bit or 64 bit. The default
// is 32 bit.
DISDLL void SetAddr64(bool);
// Trmt() returns the architecture independent termination type of the
// current instruction. The return value of this method is not
// valid if the last call to CbDisassemble returned zero.
virtual TRMT Trmt() const = 0;
// Trmta() returns the architecture dependent termination type of the
// current instruction. The return value of this method is not
// valid if the last call to CbDisassemble returned zero.
virtual TRMTA Trmta() const = 0;
// UNDONE : These functions have been placed at the end of the vtable
// to maintain compatibility for the time-being. These should be
// moved back into alphabetical order in the future.
// DwModifiers() returns the architecture dependent modifier flags
// of the current decoded instruction. The return value of this
// method is not valid if the last call to FDecode returned false.
virtual DWORD DwModifiers() const;
// Opa() returns the architecture dependent operation type of the
// current decoded instruction. The return value of this method is
// not valid if the last call to FDecode returned false.
virtual OPA Opa() const;
void FormatHex(std::ostream&, DWORDLONG) const;
void FormatSignedHex(std::ostream&, DWORDLONG) const;
DIST m_dist;
bool m_fAddr64;
PFNCCHADDR m_pfncchaddr;
PFNCCHCONST m_pfncchconst;
PFNCCHFIXUP m_pfncchfixup;
PFNCCHREGREL m_pfncchregrel;
PFNCCHREG m_pfncchreg;
PFNDWGETREG m_pfndwgetreg;
void *m_pvClient;
ADDR m_addr;
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // MSDIS_H