Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
The declaration of class CMuiResource, CMuiCmdInfo ..
Revision History:
2001-10-01 sunggch created.
template < class T >
class CVector {
CVector() : MAX_SIZE(1000),m_index(0),m_dwExpand(1) { base = offset = new T [MAX_SIZE]; };
CVector( UINT size ) : MAX_SIZE(size), m_index(0),m_dwExpand(1) { base = offset = new T [MAX_SIZE]; };
virtual ~ CVector () { delete [] base; };
void Push_back(T value ) { // *offset ++ = value; };
if (m_index < MAX_SIZE * m_dwExpand )
*offset ++ = value;
else {
m_dwExpand ++;
T * pbase = NULL;
T * poffset = NULL;
pbase = poffset = new T [MAX_SIZE * m_dwExpand ];
for (UINT i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE * ( m_dwExpand -1 ); i++ )
delete [] base;
DWORD dwCount = (DWORD) (poffset - pbase);
base = pbase;
offset = poffset;
*offset++ = value;
m_index ++;
BOOL Empty( );
BOOL Find(DWORD dwValue) { // this shouldn't be here, but there is vc++ bug regarding template.
for ( UINT i = 0; i < (UINT) (offset - base); i ++ ) {
if ( PtrToUlong( GetValue(i) ) & 0xFFFF0000) {
if ( !( _tcstoul( GetValue(i), NULL, 10 ) - dwValue ) )
return TRUE;
else {
if (! ( PtrToUlong(GetValue(i) ) - dwValue ) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void Clear() { offset = base; m_index = 0; };
T operator [] (UINT index ) { return base[index]; };
T GetValue ( UINT index ) { return base[index]; };
CVector ( const CVector<T> &cv );
CVector<T> & operator = (const CVector<T> & cv );
UINT Size() { assert (base); return (UINT)(offset - base ); };
T * base;
UINT m_index;
UINT m_dwExpand;
T * offset;
typedef CVector <LPTSTR> cvstring;
typedef CVector <LPCTSTR> cvcstring;
typedef CVector <WORD> cvword;
class CResource {
BOOL EndUpdateResource ( BOOL bDiscard );
HANDLE BeginUpdateResource (BOOL bDeleteExistingResources );
CResource ();
virtual ~ CResource ();
CResource (const CResource & cr );
CResource & operator = (const CResource & cr );
// enumerate resource
cvcstring * EnumResTypes (LONG_PTR lParam = NULL );
cvcstring * EnumResNames (LPCTSTR pszType,LONG_PTR lParam = NULL );
cvword * EnumResLangID ( LPCTSTR lpType,LPCTSTR lpName,LONG_PTR lParam = NULL );
BOOL UpdateResource (LPCTSTR lpType,LPCTSTR lpName,WORD wLanguage, LPVOID lpData, DWORD cbData);
// delete all resource, we can replace the value as well.
BOOL SetAllResource(LPVOID lpData, DWORD cbData );
HRSRC FindResourceEx (LPCTSTR lpType, LPCTSTR lpName,WORD wLanguage )
{ return ::FindResourceEx(m_hRes, lpType, lpName, wLanguage ); };
virtual void SetResType(LPCTSTR pszType) { m_vwResType -> Push_back((LPCTSTR)pszType); };
virtual void SetResName(LPCTSTR pszName) { m_vwResName -> Push_back((LPCTSTR)pszName); };
virtual void SetResLangID(WORD wLangID) {m_vwResLangID -> Push_back(wLangID); };
cvcstring * GetResType () {return m_vwResType; };
cvcstring * GetResName () {return m_vwResName; };
cvword * GetResLangID () {return m_vwResLangID; };
DWORD SizeofResource( HRSRC hResInfo ) { return ::SizeofResource(m_hRes,hResInfo); };
HGLOBAL LoadResource (HRSRC hResInfo ) { return ::LoadResource(m_hRes, hResInfo); };
LPVOID LockResource( HGLOBAL hResData ) { return :: LockResource(hResData); };
BOOL FreeLibrary(void) { return ::FreeLibrary(m_hRes); }
//LoadResource ( );
protected :
LPCTSTR m_pszFile; // why not using "string m_sFile "
private :
HANDLE m_hResUpdate;
cvcstring * m_vwResType;
cvcstring * m_vwResName;
cvword * m_vwResLangID;
//LPCTSTR ** m_pTmp;
class CMUIData {
class CMap {
friend CMUIData;
LPCTSTR m_lpType;
LPCTSTR m_lpName;
WORD m_wLangID;
CMap ();// : m_lpType(NULL),m_lpName(NULL),m_wLangID(0) { };
virtual ~ CMap() {};
static PVOID operator new ( size_t size );
static void operator delete ( void *p );
CMUIData() : m_iSize(0) { m_cmap = m_poffset = NULL ; };
virtual ~ CMUIData();
void SetAllData ( LPCTSTR lpType, LPCTSTR lpName, WORD wLang, UINT i );
LPCTSTR GetType ( UINT i ) const { assert ( i < m_iSize); return m_cmap[i].m_lpType; };
LPCTSTR GetName ( UINT i ) const { assert ( i < m_iSize); return m_cmap[i].m_lpName; };
WORD GetLangID ( UINT i) const { assert ( i < m_iSize); return m_cmap[i].m_wLangID; };
INT SizeofData ( ) const { return m_iSize ; };
void SetType( UINT index, LPCTSTR lpType );
private :
UINT m_iSize;
static CMap * m_cmap;
static CMap * m_poffset;
static UINT m_index;
// Place all data in public area for performance. we don't want to call Get... although calling Add..
class CMUITree
CMUITree * m_Next;
CMUITree * m_ChildFirst;
LPCTSTR m_lpTypeorName;
WORD m_wLangID;
CMUITree() : m_Next(NULL), m_ChildFirst(NULL), m_lpTypeorName(NULL), m_wLangID(0) {};
virtual ~ CMUITree() { };
void AddTypeorName( LPCTSTR lpType );
void AddLangID ( WORD wLangID );
// we keep path with AddTypeofName by controling Child pointer.
BOOL DeleteType ( LPCTSTR lpTypeorName );
// DeleteLangID ( CMUITree *pcmName, WORD wLangID ); // does not support in this time.
DWORD NumOfChild();
private :
CMUITree(CMUITree & cmuit) {}; // NOT_IMPLETMENT_YET
CMUITree & operator = (CMUITree & cmuit) {} ; // NOT_IMPLETMENT_YET
class CMUIResource : public CResource
public :
CMUIResource(LPCTSTR pszName);
virtual ~CMUIResource() ;
CMUIResource(const CMUIResource & cmui );
CMUIResource & operator = (const CMUIResource & cmui);
BOOL Create( LPCTSTR pszFile );
BOOL CreatePE( LPCTSTR pszNewResFile , LPCTSTR pszSrcResFile);
virtual BOOL WriteResFile(LPCTSTR pszSource, LPCTSTR pszMuiFile , LPCTSTR lpCommandLine, WORD wLanguageID = 0 );
virtual BOOL DeleteResource (WORD wLang = 0 );
virtual BOOL FillMuiData(cvcstring * vType, WORD wLanguageID, BOOL fForceLocalizedLangID );
virtual void PrtVerbose ( DWORD dwRate);
BOOL DeleteResItem(LPCTSTR lpType, LPCTSTR lpName=NULL,WORD wLanguageID = 0);
MD5_CTX * CreateChecksum (cvcstring * cvChecksumResourceTypes,WORD wChecksumLangId);
MD5_CTX * CreateChecksumWithAllRes(WORD wChecksumLangId);
BOOL AddChecksumToVersion(BYTE * pbMD5Digest);
BOOL UpdateNtHeader(LPCTSTR pszFileName, DWORD dwUpdatedField );
protected :
private :
BOOL WriteResource(HANDLE hFile, HMODULE hModule, WORD wLanguage, LPCSTR lpName, LPCSTR lpType, HRSRC hRsrc);
BOOL WriteResHeader(HANDLE hFile, LONG ResSize, LPCSTR lpType, LPCSTR lpName, WORD wLanguage, DWORD* pdwBytesWritten, DWORD* pdwHeaderSize);
BOOL bInsertHeader(HANDLE hFile);
void PutByte(HANDLE OutFile, TCHAR b, ULONG *plSize1, ULONG *plSize2);
void PutWord(HANDLE OutFile, WORD w, ULONG *plSize1, ULONG *plSize2);
void PutDWord(HANDLE OutFile, DWORD l, ULONG *plSize1, ULONG *plSize2);
void PutString(HANDLE OutFile, LPCSTR szStr , ULONG *plSize1, ULONG *plSize2);
void PutStringW(HANDLE OutFile, LPCWSTR szStr , ULONG *plSize1, ULONG *plSize2);
void PutPadding(HANDLE OutFile, int paddingCount, ULONG *plSize1, ULONG *plSize2);
void CheckTypeStability();
DWORD AlignDWORD ( DWORD dwValue) { return ( (dwValue+3) & ~3 ); };
HANDLE m_hFile;
CMUIData m_cMuiData;
CMUITree *m_pcmTreeRoot;
MD5_CTX * m_pMD5;
WORD m_wChecksumLangId; // we put this in public for perfomance.
enum {
IMAGE_SIZE = 0x00000001L,
HEADER_SIZE = 0x00000010L,
CHECKSUM = 0x00000100L,
class CArgVerify
class CCommandInfo {
public :
CCommandInfo() { };
virtual ~CCommandInfo() { };
virtual BOOL CreateArgList(INT argc, TCHAR * argv [] ) = 0;
private :
class CMuiCmdInfo : public CCommandInfo {
class CMap {
friend CMuiCmdInfo;
LPCTSTR m_first;
LPTSTR * m_second;
UINT m_count;
CMap () : m_first( NULL ),m_count(0){m_second = new LPTSTR[100]; }; // we have more than 16 resource type.need to generalize
~ CMap () { delete [] m_second; }
public :
virtual ~CMuiCmdInfo();
CMuiCmdInfo(CMuiCmdInfo& cav); // copy constructor
BOOL CreateArgList(INT argc, TCHAR * argv [] );
LPTSTR * GetValueLists ( LPCTSTR pszKey, DWORD& dwCount );
void SetArgLists(LPTSTR pszArgLists, LPTSTR m_pszArgNeedValueList, LPTSTR pszArgAllowFileValue,
LPTSTR pszArgAllowMultiValue );
private :
CMuiCmdInfo& operator=(CMuiCmdInfo& cav) ; // do not allow = operation
LPCTSTR getArgValue ( LPTSTR pszArg );
LPCTSTR getArgString ( LPTSTR pszArg);
BOOL isFile ( LPCTSTR pszArg );
BOOL isNumber ( LPCTSTR pszArg );
BOOL isNeedValue( LPCTSTR pszArg );
BOOL isAllowFileValue(LPCTSTR pszArg);
BOOL isAllowMultiFileValues( LPCTSTR pszArg );
private : // member data
CMap m_cmap[256];
UINT m_uiCount;
TCHAR *m_buf, *m_buf2; // just in case no new,resource name exist. we can delete this on the destructor.
LPTSTR m_pszArgLists;
LPTSTR m_pszArgNeedValueList; // arg., which is need values
LPTSTR m_pszArgAllowFileValue;
LPTSTR m_pszArgAllowMultiValue;