Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Verdana;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset134 SimSun;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\tx576\tx1152\tx1728\expndtw-10\kerning22\b\f0\fs18 Microsoft Windows Support Tools\par\par\pard\nowidctlpar\tx240\expndtw-25\kerning42 END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT \par\par\expndtw-10\kerning22\b0 IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY\b : This End-User License Agreement (\ldblquote EULA\rdblquote ) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microsoft Corporation for the Microsoft software product identified above, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, \ldblquote online\rdblquote or electronic documentation, and Internet-based services (\ldblquote Product\rdblquote ). An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accompany the Product. \b0 YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT.\par\expndtw-5\kerning16\b\caps \par\pard\nowidctlpar\kerning0\b0\caps0 1. \b GRANT OF LICENSE.\b0 Microsoft grants you the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this EULA:\par\expndtw0\par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-720\li720\b Installation and use. \b0 You may install and use copies of the Product on computers, such as workstations, terminals or other devices (\ldblquote Workstation Computers\rdblquote ) that are running a validly licensed copy of Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition, or the pre-release version of any of the following Microsoft products known internally at Microsoft as: Microsoft Windows .Net Web Server, Microsoft Windows .Net Standard Server, Microsoft Windows .Net Enterprise Server, Microsoft Windows .Net Enterprise Server 64-bit Edition, Microsoft Windows .Net Datacenter Server, Microsoft Windows .Net Datacenter Server 64-bit Edition or Microsoft Windows Advanced Server Limited Edition (\ldblquote Microsoft Products\rdblquote ). Note: Use of any of the foregoing Microsoft Products is subject to the License Agreement that accompanies such Microsoft Product. \par\b{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}Reservation of Rights\b0 . Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this EULA.\par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlcont\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}2.\b UPGRADES\b0 . To use a Product identified as an upgrade, you must first be licensed for the product identified by Microsoft as eligible for the upgrade. After upgrading, you may no longer use the product that formed the basis for your upgrade eligibility.\par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlcont\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\tx720\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}3. \b ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE/SERVICES. \b0 This EULA applies to updates, supplements, add-on components, or Internet-based services components, of the Product that Microsoft may provide to you or make available to you after the date you obtain your initial copy of the Product, unless we provide other terms along with the update, supplement, add-on component, or Internet-based services component. Microsoft reserves the right to discontinue any Internet-based services provided to you or made available to you through the use of the Product. \par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlcont\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}4.\b TRANSFER-\i Internal\b0\i0 . You may move the Product to a different Workstation Computer. After the transfer, you must completely remove the Product from the former Workstation Computer. \b\i Transfer to Third Party\b0\i0 . The initial user of the Product may make a one-time transfer of the Product to another end user. The transfer has to include all component parts, media, printed materials, this EULA, and if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity. The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a consignment. Prior to the transfer, the end user receiving the transferred Product must agree to all the EULA terms\b\i . No Rental\b0\i0 . You may not rent, lease, lend or provide commercial hosting services to third parties with the Product. \par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}5.\b LIMITATION ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION, AND DISASSEMBLY\b0 . You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Product, except and only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. \par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}6. \b TERMINATION\b0 . Without prejudice to any other rights, Microsoft may cancel this EULA if you do not abide by the terms and conditions of this EULA, in which case you must destroy all copies of the Product and all of its component parts.\par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlcont\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\tx270\par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlcont\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}7. \b SUPPORT SERVICES\b0 . No technical support will be provided for the Product. \par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}8.\b DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. \par\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-720\li720 NetMeeting/Remote Assistance/Remote Desktop Features. \b0 The Product may contain NetMeeting, Remote Assistance, and Remote Desktop technologies that enable the Product or other applications installed on the Workstation Computer to be used remotely between two or more computers, even if the Product or application is installed on only one Workstation Computer. You may use NetMeeting, Remote Assistance, and Remote Desktop with all Microsoft products; provided however, use of these technologies with certain Microsoft products may require an additional license. For Microsoft and non-Microsoft products, you should consult the license agreement accompanying the applicable product or contact the applicable licensor to determine whether use of NetMeeting, Remote Assistance, or Remote Desktop is permitted without an additional license.\par\b{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}Consent to Use of Data. \b0 You agree that Microsoft and its affiliates may collect and use technical information gathered as part of the product support services provided to you, if any, related to the Product. Microsoft may use this information solely to improve our products or to provide customized services or technologies to you and will not disclose this information in a form that personally identifies you. \b\par{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}Internet-Based Services Components\b0 . The Product contains components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the Product and/or its components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or fixes to the Product that will be automatically downloaded to your Workstation Computer. \par\pard\par9. \b\caps Not for Resale Software\b0\caps0 . Product identified as \ldblquote Not for Resale\rdblquote or \ldblquote NFR,\rdblquote may not be resold, \b transferred or used for any purpose other than demonstration, test or evaluation.\par\b0\par10. \b\caps Academic Edition Software\b0\caps0 . To use Product identified as \ldblquote Academic Edition\rdblquote or \ldblquote AE,\rdblquote you must be a \ldblquote Qualified Educational User.\rdblquote For qualification-related questions, please contact the Microsoft Sales Information Center/One Microsoft Way/Redmond, WA 98052-6399 or the Microsoft subsidiary serving your country.\par\par11.\b EXPORT RESTRICTIONS\b0 . You acknowledge that the Product is of U.S. origin and subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the Product, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use, and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments. For additional information see \ul <http://www.microsoft.com/exporting/>\ulnone . \par\par12. \b DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. \caps To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Microsoft and its suppliers provide TO YOU the product AND SUPPORT SERVICES (IF ANY) \b0\i A\b S IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS;\i0 and Microsoft and its suppliers hereby disclaim with respect to THE product all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) warranties, DUTIES or conditions of OR RELATED TO: merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness of responses, results, WORKMANLIKE EFFORT and lack of negligence. \cf1 \cf0 also there is no warranty, duty or condition of title, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION or non-infringement.\cf1 \cf0 The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the product AND ANY SUPPORT SERVICES remains with you.\b0\caps0\par\par13. \b EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES. \caps To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Microsoft or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, punitive, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or confidential or other information\caps0 , \caps for business interruption, for personal injury, for loss of privacy, for failure to meet any duty including of good faith or of reasonable care, for negligence, and\caps0 \caps for any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the PRODUCT, the provision of or failure to provide Support OR OTHER Services, informaton, software, and related CONTENT through the product or otherwise arising out of the use of the product, or otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this EULA, even in the event of the fault, tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty of Microsoft or any supplier, and even if Microsoft or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages. \par\b0\caps0\par14. \b LINKS TO THIRD PARTY SITES. \b0 You may link to third party sites through the use of the Product. The third party sites are not under the control of Microsoft, and Microsoft is not responsible for the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to third party sites. Microsoft is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any third party sites. Microsoft is providing these links to third party sites to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement by Microsoft of the third party site. \b \b0\par\par15. \b LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. Notwithstanding any damages that you might incur for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, all damages referenced above and all direct or general damages), the entire liability of Microsoft and any of its suppliers under any provision of this EULA and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the Product\b0 \b or U.S.$5.00. The foregoing limitations, exclusions and disclaimers (including Sections 12 and 13 above) shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if any remedy fails its essential purpose.\par\b0\par16. \b U.S. GOVERNMENT LICENSE RIGHTS\b0 . All Product provided to the U.S. Government pursuant to solicitations issued on or after December 1, 1995 is provided with the commercial license rights and restrictions described elsewhere herein. All Product provided to the U.S. Government pursuant to solicitations issued prior to December 1, 1995 is provided with \ldblquote Restricted Rights\rdblquote as provided for in FAR, 48 CFR 52.227-14 (JUNE 1987) or DFAR, 48 CFR 252.227-7013 (OCT 1988), as applicable. \par\par17. \b APPLICABLE LAW. \b0 If you acquired this Product in the United States, this EULA is governed by the laws of the State of Washington. If you acquired this Product in Canada, unless expressly prohibited by local law, this EULA is governed by the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada; and, in respect of any dispute which may arise hereunder, you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal and provincial courts sitting in Toronto, Ontario. If this Product was acquired outside the United States, then local law may apply. \par\par18. \b ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This EULA (including any addendum or amendment to this EULA which is included with the Product) are the entire agreement between you and Microsoft relating to the Product and the support services (if any) and they supersede all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations with respect to the Product or any other subject matter covered by this EULA. To the extent the terms of any Microsoft policies or programs for support services conflict with the terms of this EULA, the terms of this EULA shall control.\par\b0\par19.\b \b0 The Product is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties. Microsoft or its suppliers own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the Product. \b The Product is licensed, not sold.\par\par\cf2 Si vous avez acquis votre produit Microsoft au CANADA, la garantie limit\'e9e suivante vous concerne:\cf0\lang3084\par\par\pard\nowidctlpar\tx0 D\'c9NI DE GARANTIE. DANS LA MESURE MAXIMALE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, MICROSOFT ET SES FOURNISSEURS VOUS FOURNISSENT LE PRODUIT ET LES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE POUR LE PRODUIT (LES \ldblquote SERVICES DE SOUTIEN\rdblquote ), LE CAS \'c9CH\'c9ANT\i , TEL QUEL ET AVEC TOUS LES D\'c9FAUTS\i0 ; MICROSOFT ET SES FOURNISSEURS, PAR LES PR\'c9SENTES, D\'c9NIENT TOUTES AUTRES GARANTIES ET CONDITIONS EXPRESSES, IMPLICITES OU EN VERTU DE LA LOI, RELATIVEMENT AU PRODUIT ET AUX SERVICES DE SOUTIEN, NOTAMMENT (LE CAS \'c9CH\'c9ANT) LES GARANTIES, DEVOIRS OU CONDITIONS DE, OU EN MATI\'c8RE DE, QUALIT\'c9 MARCHANDE, D\rquote ADAPTATION \'c0 UN USAGE PARTICULIER, D\rquote ABSENCE DE VIRUS, D\rquote EXACTITUDE OU D\rquote EXHAUSTIVIT\'c9 DES R\'c9PONSES, DES R\'c9SULTATS, DES EFFORTS D\'c9PLOY\'c9S SELON LES R\'c8GLES DE L\rquote ART ET D\rquote ABSENCE DE N\'c9GLIGENCE. PAR AILLEURS, IL N\rquote Y A AUCUNE GARANTIE, DEVOIR OU CONDITION QUANT AU TITRE DE PROPRI\'c9T\'c9, \'c0 LA JOUISSANCE OU \'c0 LA POSSESSION PAISIBLE, \'c0 LA CONCORDANCE \'c0 UNE DESCRIPTION NI QUANT \'c0 UNE ABSENCE DE CONTREFA\'c7ON CONCERNANT LE PRODUIT OU LES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN. VOUS ACCEPTEZ TOUS LES RISQUES RELATIVEMENT \'c0 L\rquote UTILISATION DU PRODUIT ET DES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN DE M\'caME QUE RELATIVEMENT \'c0 LA PERFORMANCE DU PRODUIT ET \'c0 LA PRESTATION DES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN.\par\pard\parEXCLUSION DES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES, INDIRECTS ET DE CERTAINS AUTRES DOMMAGES. DANS LA MESURE MAXIMALE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES, EN AUCUN CAS MICROSOFT OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SERONT RESPONSABLES DES DOMMAGES SP\'c9CIAUX, ACCESSOIRES, INDIRECTS OU CONS\'c9CUTIFS DE QUELQUE NATURE QUE CE SOIT (NOTAMMENT, LES DOMMAGES \'c0 L\rquote\'c9GARD DE LA PERTE DE PROFITS OU \'c0 LA PERTE DE RENSEIGNEMENTS CONFIDENTIELS OU AUTRES, DE L\rquote INTERRUPTION DES AFFAIRES, DE BLESSURES CORPORELLES, DE LA VIOLATION DE LA VIE PRIV\'c9E, DE L\rquote OMISSION DE REMPLIR TOUT DEVOIR, Y COMPRIS D\rquote AGIR DE BONNE FOI OU D\rquote EXERCER UN SOIN RAISONNABLE, DE LA N\'c9GLIGENCE ET DE TOUTE AUTRE PERTE P\'c9CUNIAIRE OU AUTRE PERTE DE QUELQUE NATURE QUE CE SOIT) SE RAPPORTANT DE QUELQUE MANI\'c8RE QUE CE SOIT \'c0 L\rquote UTILISATION DU PRODUIT OU \'c0 L\rquote INCAPACIT\'c9 DE S\rquote EN SERVIR, \'c0 LA PRESTATION OU \'c0 L\rquote OMISSION D\rquote UNE PRESTATION DES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN OU AUTREMENT AUX TERMES DE TOUTE DISPOSITION DE CE CLUF, OU RELATIVEMENT \'c0 UNE TELLE DISPOSITION, M\'caME EN CAS DE FAUTE, DE D\'c9LIT CIVIL (Y COMPRIS LA N\'c9GLIGENCE, DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9 STRICTE, DE VIOLATION DE CONTRAT OU DE VIOLATION DE GARANTIE DE MICROSOFT OU DE TOUT FOURNISSEUR, ET CE M\'caME SI MICROSOFT OU TOUT FOURNISSEUR A \'c9T\'c9 AVIS\'c9 DE LA POSSIBILIT\'c9 DE TELS DOMMAGES.\par\caps\par\lang1033\b0\caps0 LIMITATION DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9 ET RECOURS. MALGR\'e9 LES DOMMAGES QUE VOUS PUISSIEZ SUBIR POUR QUELQUE MOTIF QUE CE SOIT (NOTAMMENT, TOUS LES DOMMAGES SUS-MENTIONN\'c9S ET TOUS LES DOMMAGES DIRECTS OU G\'c9N\'c9RAUX), L\rquote OBLIGATION INT\'c9GRALE DE MICROSOFT ET DE L\rquote UN OU L\rquote AUTRE DE SES FOURNISSEURS AUX TERMES DE TOUTE DISPOSITION DE CE CLUF ET VOTRE RECOURS EXCLUSIF \'c0 L\rquote\'e9GARD DE TOUT DE QUI PR\'c9C\'c8DE SE LIMITENT AUX DOMMAGES R\'c9ELS QUE VOUS AVEZ SUBIS EN VOUS FONDANT SUR UNE EXPECTATIVE RAISONNABLE, JUSQU\rquote AU PLUS \'c9LEV\'e9 ENTRE LES MONTANTS SUIVANTS : LE MONTANT QUE VOUS AVEZ R\'c9ELLEMENT PAY\'e9 POUR LE PRODUIT OU $5.00 u.s. LES LIMITES, EXCLUSIONS ET D\'e9NIS QUI PR\'e9C\'c8DENT S\rquote APPLIQUENT DANS LA MESURE MAXIMALE PERMISE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES M\'caME SI TOUT RECOURS N\rquote ATTEINT PAS SON BUT ESSENTIEL.\lang3084\b\caps\par\lang1024\b0\caps0\par\lang1036\expndtw-5 La pr\'e9sente Convention est r\'e9gie par les lois de la province d\rquote Ontario, Canada. Chacune des parties \'e0 la pr\'e9sente reconna\'eet irr\'e9vocablement la comp\'e9tence des tribunaux de la province d\rquote Ontario et consent \'e0 instituer tout litige qui pourrait d\'e9couler de la pr\'e9sente aupr\'e8s des tribunaux situ\'e9s dans le district judiciaire de York, province d\rquote Ontario.\parcas o\'f9 vous auriez des questions concernant cette licence ou que vous d\'e9siriez vous mettre en rapport avec Microsoft pour quelque raison que ce soit, veuillez contacter la succursale Microsoft desservant votre pays, dont l\rquote adresse est fournie dans ce produit, ou \'e9crivez \'e0 : Microsoft Sales Information Center, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399.\par\expndtw0\f1\fs24\par\par}