Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// System Trace Definitions
// Version 0004.0 18th December 2003
// The #typev statement and the #typev statement may be used to convert
// messages into user readable forms.
// With #typev all parameters are processed as strings and the default string
// processing of FormTMessage is used
// With #typev wherever possible parameters are processed as their native format
// and the %x!x! style of FormatMessage should be used.
// Note Parameter %1 through %9 are predefined
// Parameter is #typev
// %1 GUID Friendly Name string
// %2 GUID SubType Name string
// %3 Thread ID ULONG_PTR
// %4 System Time String
// %5 Kernel Time or User Time String
// %6 User Time or NULL String
// %7 Sequence Number LONG
// %8 Unused String
// %9 CPU Number LONG
// %10 and above are the user parameters
// %255 Is reserved
// Note these parameters are always present, but may not be valid
// depending on the source.
// User defined messages always start at message number 10
// Messages 0 through 9 are reserved for system use.
// Message number 255 is reserved.
// Available formats for user arguments are -
//Name Description #typev Format
//ItemChar CHAR
//ItemUChar UCHAR
//ItemCharShort USHORT
//ItemCharSign SHORT
//ItemShort Signed Short SHORT
//ItemUShort Unsigned Short USHORT
//ItemLong Signed Long, decoded as decimal LONG
//ItemULong Unsigned Long, decoded as decimal ULONG
//ItemULongX Unsigned Long, seen as hexadecimal ULONG
//ItemLongLong Signed 64 Bit value LONGLONG
//ItemULongLong Unsigned 64 Bit value ULONGLONG
//ItemRString Reduced Ascii String String
// (\t, \n, \r, \,, converted to space, trailing sp removed)
//ItemWString Unicode String, null terminated String
//ItemPString Counted Ascii String String
//ItemPWString Counted Unicode String String
//ItemMLString Multi-Line Ascii String String
//ItemSid Security identifier String
//ItemChar4 CHAR4
//ItemIPAddr IP Address String (If needed raw, use ItemUlong)
// (string of form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
//ItemPort String (If needed raw use ItemUshort)
//ItemNWString Non-null terminated Wide Char String String
//ItemListByte (element1,element2,....) String
// byte index into a list of strings
//ItemListShort(element1,element2,....) String
// short index into a list of strings
//ItemListLong (element1,element2,....) String
// Long index into a list of strings
//ItemGUID Normal GUID format String
//ItemNTerror Translates a ULONG error code to the String
// NT Error Text
//ItemNTSTATUS Converts NTSTATUS to symbolic name String
//ItemWINERROR Converts WINERROR to symbolic name String
//ItemNETEVENT Converts NETEVENT to symbolic name String
//ItemMerror module.ext String
// Translates a ULONG error code using the
// module specified.
//ItemTimeStamp Treats a LONGLONG as a timestamp String
//ItemUnknown String
ce5b1020-8ea9-11d0-a4ec-00a0c9062910 TraceDp
#typev Start 1 "TraceDp TID=0x%3 Start"
#typev End 2 "TraceDp TID=0x%3End"
68fdd900-4a3e-11d1-84f4-0000f80464e3 EventTrace
#typev Header 0 "%0EventTrace Header"
2cb15d1d-5fc1-11d2-abe1-00a0c911f518 Image
#typev Load 10 "%0ImageLoad of %13!s! (Process= %12!d!, Base=0x%10!X!,size=0x%11!X!)"
Base Address, ItemPtr
Module Size, ItemPtr
ProcessId, ItemUlong
Image Filename, ItemWString
3d6fa8d0-fe05-11d0-9dda-00c04fd7ba7c Process
#typev Start 1 "%0Started Process %11!04X!.%12!04X! %16!s! :: %15!s! (Session=%13!d!) "
#typev End 2 "%0Ended Process %11!04X!.%12!04X! %16!s! :: %15!s! (Session=%13!d!) Exit Status %14!X!"
#typev DCStart 3 "%0Data Collection Started of %11!04X!.%12!04X! %16!s! :: %15!s! (Session=%13!d!)"
#typev DCEnd 4 "%0Data Colection Ended for %11!04X!.%12!04X! %16!s! :: %15!s! (Session=%13!d!)"
#typev Load 5 "%0Load of %11!04X!.%12!04X! %16!s! :: %15!s! (Session=%13!d!)"
PageDirectoryBase, ItemPtr
Process Id, ItemULong
Parent Id, ItemULong
Session Id, ItemULong
Exit Status, ItemUlong
User SID, ItemSid
Image FileName, ItemString
3d6fa8d1-fe05-11d0-9dda-00c04fd7ba7c Thread
#typev Start 1 "%0Started Thread %10!04X!.%11!04X!"
#typev DCStart 3 "%0Data Collection Started for %10!04X!.%11!04X!"
Process Id, ItemULong
Thread Id, ItemULong
StackBase, ItemPtr
StackLimit, ItemPtr
UserStackBase, ItemPtr
UserStackLimit, ItemPtr
StartAddr, ItemPtr
Win32StartAddr, ItemPtr
WaitMode, ItemChar
#typev End 2 "%0Ended Thread %10!04X!.%11!04X!"
#typev DCEnd 4 "%0Data Collection Ended for %10!04X!.%11!04X!"
Process Id, ItemULong
Thread Id, ItemULong
3d6fa8d3-fe05-11d0-9dda-00c04fd7ba7c PageFault
#typev TransitionFault 10 "%0Pagefault Transition VA=0x%10!08X!, PC=0x%11!08X!"
#typev DemandZeroFault 11 "%0Pagefault DemandZero VA=0x%10!08X!, PC=0x%11!08X!"
#typev CopyOnWrite 12 "%0Pagefault CopyOnWrite VA=0x%10!08X!, PC=0x%11!08X!"
#typev GlobalPageFault 13 "%0Pagefault GuardPageFault VA=0x%10!08X!, PC=0x%11!08X!"
#typev Hard 14 "%0Pagefault Hard VA=0x%10!08X!, PC=0x%11!08X!, in %12!016X!"
#typev Notification 15 "%0Pagefault Notification VA=0x%10!08X!, PC=0x%11!08X!, in %12!016X!"
Virtual Address,ItemULongX
Program Counter,ItemUlongX
Byte Offset, ItemLongLong
File Object, ItemUlongX
Byte Count, ItemUlong
HotFile Name, ItemNWString
01853a65-418f-4f36-aefc-dc0f1d2fd235 Config
#typev CPU 10 "%0%15!s!(%16!s!) :: CPU # %11!d!, Speed %10!d!Mhz, Memory %12!d!K, PageSize %13!d!K, AllocationGranularity %14!d!"
MHz, ItemULong //10
NumberOfProcessors, ItemULong //11
MemSize, ItemULong //12
PageSize, ItemULong //13
AllocationGranularity, ItemULong //14
ComputerName, ItemWChar[256] //15
DomainName, ItemWChar[132] //16
#typev PhyDisk 11 "%0Phsical Disk %10!d!(%19!s!), SectorSize: %11!d!, SectorsperTrack: %12!d!, TracksPerCylinder %13!d! Cylinders %14!d!, SCSI (Port=%15!d!, Path %16!d!, Target=%17!d!, Lun=%18!d!)"
DiskNumber, ItemULong //10
BytesPerSector, ItemULong //11
SectorsPerTrack, ItemULong //12
TracksPerCylinder, ItemULong //13
Cylinders, ItemULongLong //14
SCSIPort, ItemULong //15
SCSIPath, ItemULong //16
SCSITarget, ItemULong //17
SCSILun, ItemULong //18
Manufacturer, ItemWChar[256] //19
PartitionCount, ItemULong //20
WriteCacheEnabled, ItemBool //21
BootDriveLetter, ItemWChar[3] //22
#typev LogDisk 12 "%0Logical Disk %12!d! %15!s! "
StartOffset, ItemULongLong //10
PartitionSize, ItemULongLong //11
DiskNumber, ItemULong //12
Size, ItemULong //13
DriveType, ItemULong //14
DriveLetterString, ItemWChar[4] //15
Pad, ItemULong //16
PartitionNumber, ItemULong //17
SectorsPerCluster, ItemULong //18
BytesPerSector, ItemULong //19
NumberOfFreeClusters, ItemLongLong //20
TotalNumberOfClusters, ItemLongLong //21
FileSystem, ItemWChar[16] //22
VolumeExt, ItemULong
#typev NIC 13 "%0NIC %12!d! Name = %10!s! "
NICName, ItemWChar[256] //10
Index, ItemULong //11
PhysicalAddrLen, ItemULong //12
PhysicalAddr, ItemWChar[8] //13
Size, ItemULong //14
IpAddress, ItemLong //15
SubnetMask, ItemLong //16
DhcpServer, ItemLong //17
Gateway, ItemLong //18
PrimaryWinsServer, ItemLong //19
SecondaryWinsServer, ItemLong //20
DnsServer1, ItemLong //21
DnsServer2, ItemLong //21
DnsServer3, ItemLong //23
DnsServer4, ItemLong //24
Data, ItemULong
#typev Video 14 "%0Video %17!s!"
MemorySize, ItemULong //10
XResolution, ItemULong //11
YResolution, ItemULong //12
BitsPerPixel, ItemULong //13
VRefresh, ItemULong //14
ChipType, ItemWCHAR[256] //15
DACType, ItemWCHAR[256] //16
AdapterString, ItemWCHAR[256] //17
BiosString, ItemWCHAR[256] //18
DeviceId, ItemWCHAR[256] //19
StateFlags, ItemULong
#typev Services 15 "%0Service (PID=%13!d!) %10!s! %11!s! %12!s!"
ServiceName, ItemWCHAR[34]
DisplayName, ItemWCHAR[256]
ProcessName, ItemWCHAR[34]
ProcessId, ItemULong
#typev Power 16 "%0Power Configuration"
S1, ItemBool
S2, ItemBool
S3, ItemBool
S4, ItemBool
S5, ItemBool
Pad1, ItemChar
Pad2, ItemChar
Pad3, ItemChar
3d6fa8d4-fe05-11d0-9dda-00c04fd7ba7c DiskIo
#typev Read 10 "%0Read of %12!5d! bytes (FileObj=0x%15!08X!)"
#typev Write 11 "%0Write of %12!5d! bytes (FileObj=0x%15!08X!)"
Disk Number, ItemULong
Irp Flags, ItemULongX
Transfer Size, ItemULong
QueueDepth, ItemULong
Byte Offset, ItemLongLong
File Object, ItemULongX
AE53722E-C863-11d2-8659-00C04FA321A1 Registry
#typev Create 10 "%0Create of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev Open 11 "%0Open of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev Delete 12 "%0Delete of Handle = 0x%11!08X!(%14!s!) Status = %10!0X!"
#typev Query 13 "%0Query of (%14!s!) Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev SetValue 14 "%0SetValue of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X!(%14!s!)8X! Status = %10!0X! (TID =%3!0X!)"
#typev QueryValue 16 "%0QueryValue of (%14!s!) Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev EnumerateKey 17 "%0EnumerateKey of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev EnumerateValueKey 18 "%0EnumerateValueKey of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev QueryMultipleValue 19 "%0QueryMultiple of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev SetInformation 20 "%0SetInformation of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev Flush 21 "%0Flush of %14!s! Handle = 0x%11!08X! Status = %10!0X!"
#typev RunDown 22 "%0Rundown"
Key Handle, ItemULongX
Elapsed Time, ItemLongLong
Index, ItemULong
KeyName, ItemWString
90cbdc39-4a3e-11d1-84f4-0000f80464e3 FileIo
#typev Name 0 "%0Filio for %11 (FileObj=0x%10!X!)"
#typev FileCreate 32 "%0File Create of %11 (FileObj=0x%10!X!)"
File Object, ItemPtr
File Name, ItemWString
9a280ac0-c8e0-11d1-84e2-00c04fb998a2 TcpIp
#typev Send 10 "%0TCPIP Send to %12!13s!:%14!05d! from %13!13s!:%15!05d! of %11!5d! bytes"
#typev Recv 11 "%0TCPIP Receive from %12!13s!:%14!05d! to %13!13s!:%15!05d! of %11!5d! bytes"
#typev Connect 12 "%0TCPIP Connect to %12:%14!05d! from %13:%15!05d!"
#typev Disconnect 13 "%0TCPIP Discon From %12:%14!05d! to %13:%15!05d!"
#typev Retransmit 14 "%0TCPIP Retransmit to %12:%14!05d!"
#typev Accept 15 "%0TCPIP Accept From %12:%14!05d!"
#typev Reconnect 16 "%0TCPIP Reconnect To %12:%14!05d!"
PID, ItemULong /10
size, ItemULong /11
daddr, ItemIPAddr /12
saddr, ItemIPAddr /13
dport, ItemUshort /14
sport, ItemUshort /15
bf3a50c5-a9c9-4988-a005-2df0b7c80f80 UdpIp
#typev Send 10 "%0UDP Send to %12!13s!:%14!05d! from %13!13s!:%15!05d! of %11!5d! bytes (Pid= %10!08X!)"
#typev Recv 11 "%0UDP Receive from %12!13s!:%14!05d! to %13!13s!:%15!05d! of %11!5d! bytes (Pid= %10!08X!)"
PID, ItemULong /10
size,ItemUlong /11
destaddr, ItemIPAddr /12
srcdaddr, ItemIPAddr /13
destport, ItemUshort /14
srcport, ItemUshort /15
// Test Events
// d58c126f-b309-11d1-969e-0000f875a5bc
ce5b1020-8ea9-11d0-a4ec-00a0c9062910 TraceDp
#typev Start 1
#typev End 2
UserData, ItemULong
f2e0e060-bf32-4b88-b8e4-5cad15af6ae9 ACPI
#typev One 1 "%0%10!s!"
#typev two 2 "%0%10!s!"